Current Track: Blabb

Fire and Ice III
III - A Bond Is Forged
© Cederwyn Whitefurr
July 2003.
Rights Reserved.

Sir Kathis blinked and
sat up, rubbing his bleary eyes as he spotted Jessica tending the
cauldron and brushing a mixture of vegetables and herbs into the
steaming pot.

"Good morning,"
She spoke, one long ear flicking backwards towards him.

"Morning? I.I did
not realise that I was so tired." Sir Kathis admitted, as he
rose and stretched.

Jessica smiled weakly to
herself, then turned and picked up a carved wooden bowl and dumped
some dark coloured meat into the cauldron and stirred it slowly.

"There's a fresh pot
of chamomile tea here if you wish of some." She spoke quietly.

Sir Kathis nodded and as
he took the stone mug from Jessica, her hoof-paw touched his hand
and he gasped as a short, sudden spark of electricity leapt from her
claw-tip to his outstretched hand. Even Jessica yelped, the stone mug
falling from her suddenly nerveless hoof-paw and exploding against
the floor with a soft cough. Shaking herself, she hurriedly knelt and
began gingerly picking up the pieces, the front of her loose smock
parting at the neck and revealing the finely furred creamy curves of
her ample bosom. Sir Kathis gasped again and hurriedly averted his
eyes, but Jessica's ears flattened and she rose, then turned away and
clasped her hoof-paws to her mouth, tears welling in her eyes.

"Milady, please - I
did not mean to offend you." Sir Kathis spoke as he moved up
behind her and gently laid his hand on her quaking shoulder.
Sniffling, Jessica suddenly whirled about and pulled him tight,
burying her muzzle against his chest as she sobbed heartbrokenly.
Surprised and a little overcome, Sir Kathis didn't know what to make
of this, but he instinctively embraced her and began stroking her
neck and back soothingly.

"I'm a freak - "
Jessica wailed, her claws digging into his back. "A freak of
nature, neither human nor animal, unwelcome by humans who feared me,
and only finding a vague solace in the wild animals of my wood."

"No milady,"
Sir Kathis sighed as he ran a hand tenderly across her
ears, smoothing them down. "You're not. You are.beautiful."

Jessica blinked and
pushed herself away from him her deep, misty eyes staring into his
sea green ones. He gazed back at her with a mixture of respect and
true concern.

"How... how can you
say such a thing?" Jessica whimpered as she pulled away and
turned her back on him. "How can you look upon my form, and say
that I am beautiful? I am no fair maiden, awaiting some Knight in
shining armour to come carry her away for a fairytale wedding. I'm
not even a maiden Doe.."

please.speak not so." Sir Kathis whispered, as he gently turned
her around and stroked her wet cheek with his fingertips. "You
are not a maiden, by your own admission, but you are no less fair.
Truly, I have ridden the length and breadth of the kingdom, met
thousands of young ladies, both fair and not, but you are by far and
away, the most.lovely.I have ever met. The dewy look in your eyes,
the beautiful markings of your fur, that lovely black

As his fingers trailed
down her muzzle-stripe, Jessica whimpered and shivered, but did
not try to pull away.

"You're lying,"
Jessica spoke, hanging her head.

"Milady, you and I
both know your sense of smell is more sensitive than my own can
ever be, you have the ability to discern truth from lie by my scent
alone. Look into my eyes, and tell me honestly, if I am lying."
Sir Kathis whispered, as he gently cupped her chin in his and made
her look into his eyes.

"'re speaking
the truth," Jessica tearfully admitted. "Yet how can you
look on me with such love and trust, and."

Her nose wrinkled as her
soft, fawn-like expression slowly widened, her senses registering
his heightened interest in her. Sir Kathis blinked and gasped, then
twisted away from her and stormed out of the cottage, his face
flushed with blood, shame washing from him in waves. Jessica turned
away and clasped her paws against the mantle, leaning her head
against the stone and breathing deeply.


Outside, Sir Kathis
stood, watching the thick fog swirl to and fro, and he put his
fingers to his lips and whistled long and loud. Fully expecting to
hear the whinny of his mount, Sir Kathis paused and waited.and
waited.and waited, finally, he blinked and yelled out into the fog,
which seemed to echo his words back to him with a low, inaudible

Feeling the icy tendrils
of the chilling fog grasping at his ankles, Sir Kathis spent a few
more moments out in the cold, bringing his emotions back under
iron-like control, ashamed he had allowed his desires to become so
evident. He jumped as seemingly from the fog itself, a furred
hoof-paw landed on his shoulder.

"Sir Knight - please,
come in out of the fog," Jessica whispered into his ear. "You'll
catch the death of cold out here."

Hesitating, Sir Kathis
turned and took Jessica's hoof-paw in his own, and allowed her to
lead him back inside the cottage.


Inside the cottage,
Jessica turned and slipped in tight against him, then pushed
herself up on her hoof-tips, and lightly ran her furred cheek
against his.

"Sir Knight,"
Jessica breathed into his ear. "I know this may seem impudent of
me, but I know your desire, and I.what I mean is I would.with your

"Milady, please, you
know not of what you ask of me!" Sir Kathis gasped. "I,
I could would not be right."

Jessica blinked, then
turned away, hanging her head and crying bitterly. "It's because
I'm an animal.isn't it?"

Fighting his churning
emotions, Sir Kathis embraced her and turned her back around, once
again raising her muzzle to gaze into her eyes.

"No milady,
would not be right, for me, a mere Knight, to bed a woman of
high-born status." He spoke, tenderly stroking her cheek.

"What is status here
Sir Knight? I am a female you are a male.and quite a handsome
male. Who need know of our joining? I would not breath a word of it,
as you have seen, I am a loner.who preferred her solitude. However,
since you have own, long suppressed longings for a male's
caress, even for a single night has returned to haunt me. I have not
lain with a male since my beloved was murdered."

"I...milady, please,
you do not know what you ask of me! I...I will not deny that I find
you attractive, and." Sir Kathis stammered.

Jessica smiled shyly, and
then her hoof-paw stroked his rough stubbled cheek, sending ripples
of pleasure surging through his body.

"Sir Kathis, please -
" Jessica breathed, sliding a hoof-paw suggestively across his
armoured chest. "Milady, I...I can not do as you ask of me! Please, you must understand, I am honor bound by my oath of chastity and obligations!"

Jessica sighed, her ears
folding down as she nodded and turned away, retrieving two wooden
bowls into which she ladled some of the delicious smelling stew.
Placing one before him, she smiled shyly and broke a loaf of fresh,
coarse bread and handed half of it to him. He gratefully accepted the
bread and trying to remain dignified and self-controlled, he smelt
the aroma from the stew and fell too with a voraciousness that made
Jessica's eyes widen in surprise. With a shy, nervous giggle, she
began scooping her own stew out with her fingers, licking each wet,
sticky finger clean with slow, sensuous movements of her surprisingly
long tongue. This fact was not lost on Sir Kathis, who coughed and
flushed crimson, the high colour crawling into his cheeks.

After their breakfast,
during which Sir Kathis had three helpings of the stew, Jessica rose
and turned away, as she picked up a small corked clay jug and poured
its contents into two shallow wooden bowls. Whilst Sir Kathis was
distracted, Jessica smiled to herself and retrieved a small pinch of
a fine, snow-white powder, which she sprinkled into his bowl before
turning back around and placing them both on the table. Sir Kathis
leant back in his chair and belched loudly, and Jessica stared at him
in surprise, before he blinked and coughed, once again the colour
rising in his cheeks as he mumbled an apology. Jessica shook her long
eared head slowly, her ears flopping from side to side as she raised
her bowl in her hoof-paws and carefully sipped the honey-mead. Trying
to remember his manners and decorum, Sir Kathis did the same, but he
spilt some of his onto his vest and Jessica giggled.

"Sorry," Sir
Kathis mumbled. "I'm not.used to drinking such beautiful
mead from a bowl. Tell me, did you make this yourself?"

"So tell me, my
brave, honour-bound knight." Jessica responded,
smoothly changing the subject, as she sipped her honey-mead. "What
is this grand and noble quest that you are on?"

Sir Kathis blinked, then
the room swirled and spun around him, as he staggered to his feet and
stumbled back against the wall.

"What's happening to
me?'s got to be the mead, it's stronger than I'm used too.."

Jessica's eyes widened in
surprise and pleasure, as she smoothly rose and slowly ran her
paws down her smock, intentionally rubbing her hoof-paws over her
breasts suggestively, and down her tight stomach and slender thighs,
her hoof-paws rubbing slightly inwards and up. Sir Kathis' eyes were
like a pair of boiled turnips, as they watched her hoof-paws, his
scent changing as the endorphins began surging through his blood.
Sensuously, Jessica sidled up close to him and pressed her warm,
furred body against his, and nuzzled his neck, murring deep in the
back of her throat, her teardrop shaped tail flicking swiftly to and

His resolve melted like a
spring-thawed icicle, and he grabbed her roughly around the
shoulders and pressed his body against hers, his lips forcing
themselves against her furred ones, as he groaned in almost
bestial-like lust, then began clawing at her stained smock. Jessica
gasped and pushed herself out of his grasp, then giggled like a
maiden doe on her wedding night and almost as if she were an ethereal
ghost, she slipped through his clumsy grasp he made for her, and
moved gracefully behind him, her sharp claw tips caressing his
throat, raising red welts. He spun about, just as
she giggled
again and her slender, teardrop shaped tail flicked at him and she
disappeared into the bedchambers. He stumbled like a man drunk on
honey-mead, his mind and body inflamed with the thoughts and
sensations that flooded in on him, his body electrified with the
burning lust that fuelled him.

As he stumbled after her,
he tripped and fell over his sword-belt, partially dislodging his
sword from its scabbard. Angrily kicking it away, he nearly broke
down the bedroom door in his lustful advance.


Lying discarded, his
sword partly unsheathed, it cast its brilliant blue glow, and the
arctic-cold flames rippled and ran along the exposed blade. If Sir
Kathis had been more conscious of his surroundings, he would have
realised what this cerulean flame meant.for he'd seen it a dozen
times before, for there was only one time that his sword burned with
such fire...and that was when it was within close proximity to its
sworn enemy..

To Be