Current Track: Blabb

Dreaming II


Cederwyn Whitefurr

April 2023

Rights Reserved.

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slept most of the afternoon, Fawnie beside her, before urges deep and
primal surfaced in her mind, compelling her to get up.

I don't want too - “ Kelsie mumbled, more asleep than awake.

those urges grew, intensified within her, the desperate need
becoming unbearable.

Kelsie stood, then as the pain from her bladder reached an intensity
of pain, she trotted as quickly as she could to the edge of the wood.
One eye kept on the sleeping Fawnie, Kelsie squatted and sighed,
inhaling the scent of her beloved wood...

the urge up and vanished like she had clutched at a dream come

Kelsie moaned, tilting her head back. “Really?

hind legs splayed out and trembling, Kelsie held the awkward pose for
several minutes, before at last, she urinated and shuddered in
relief. It felt like it'd go on forever, Kelsie's tail upright, legs
quivering and that endless stream – some of which splashed up and
soaked into her hocks.

damn it!” Kelsie moaned.

she stood up and shook herself, glancing again at Fawnie, who yawned,
blinked her dark brown eyes, then almost instantly went straight back
to sleep.

got to go wash myself now, wonderful - “ Kelsie grumbled, shaking
her head and slipping into the cool shadows of the forest.

nose led her to the creek, where she dipped her head down and drew
deeply of the ice cold water. Drinking her fill, Kelsie gingerly
stepped off the bank and into the water.

– cold!” Kelsie squeaked, feeling her ankles and shins quickly
chilled. “Yet I can't go back smelling how I do and...and...”

nostrils flared, as she blinked and turned her head almost like a
radar dish,

Pete explained it to me, that's his car, he's home, HE'S HOME

flooded Kelsie's body, as she bounded through the stream recklessly,
then bolted from the forest like a pack of wolves were snapping at
her tail. Pete looked out through the windscreen at her as he pulled
up, then rolled his eyes and laughed at her – watching her at full
stretch, tail streaming behind her as she ran.

hey, slow down!” Pete yelped, as he held his palms up.

locked her cloven hooves, skidding to a stop, her rump almost
touching the ground before she panted and gasped, head down and
tongue lolling.

girl,” Pete admonished her gently. “You're all hot and sweaty
now! I told you, I wouldn't be long and...”

a loyal dog, Kelsie began sniffing at him, before she frowned and
backed away, eyes going wide.

of that!” Pete told her, quietly, but sternly. “Yes, I went and
saw him, he's coming out in about half an hour...”

took another backwards step, then a look
from Pete froze her mid-step, one foreleg off the ground.

please – we've been over this! He's nice, he really is – I want
him to check on you and Fawnie, make sure you're both... Stand!”

trembled, the leg slowly coming down, as she quivered and hung her

he scares me... Fawnie will be terrified and - “ Kelsie sniffled.

been over this too
Kelsie - “ Pete sighed, then knelt down on the ground and gently
cupped her chin, looking into her eyes. “He's never hurt you, now,
be a good girl and be brave for me alright? If we act normal and
natural – Fawnie won't get scared, will she?”

lips quivered, then she sniffled and nodded weakly. “I still don't
like it...”

nodded and gently stroked her ears, soothing her. “He won't be
here long, just a quick examination of both of you and that's all –
I promise...”

a twitch, Kelsie's head snapped up and around, a half-second before
Pete heard Fawnie's frightened cries. Kelsie trembled, torn between
Pete's command and her daughters anguished, fearful bleats.

Kelsie,” Pete told her, then as she turned, he lightly slapped her
on the rump. “Our daughter's well being overrules anything, you

seconds, Kelsie was around the corner and gone, even before he'd
finished what he was saying.


twitched, as the Veterinarian knelt down, placing his ice cold
stethoscope on her ribs, listening to her heart for a few moments and
her breathing – which she struggled to keep as normal as she could.
Pete held Fawnie, who gazed with wide eyed innocence at the
stranger, snuggled in her fathers arms.

- “ Spoke the Vet, as he gently stroked Kelsie's ears. “Now,
alright, easy little one...”

latex gloved hand slid along her flank, then ever so gently touched
her foremost right teat. Kelsie squealed and kicked upwards, more out
of fright than pain and he just looked at her, before giving another
gentle squeeze.

excellent sweet one!” He told her. “I'm amazed, I truly am –
she's producing milk for her fawn, yet her...”

a hand on the ground, he gently felt her other teats and udder –
noticing how it'd quadrupled in size, yet there was no longer any
painful heat – even if Kelsie flicked a glance at Pete, her eyes
narrowing in anger.

strong my love –
Pete thought,
hoping his thoughts would somehow reach her, or even his expression
would convey them.

mastitis... its just gone...
I imagine she's still a little sore, as to be expected – so – has
she been nursing her fawn?”

as she's been quite sore - “ Pete said, then pondered. “Kelsie –
can I – try something?”

the Vet looked from Pete, to Kelsie, then back to Pete.

really don't think she understands, do you? I know some humans –
well, then anthropomorphise their beloved companions...”

stared a few moments, before the vet chuckled and smiled.

Pete gasped, as she suddenly kicked him hard and began to quiver, her
eyes doubling, then tripling in size as she started showing
increasing signs of distress. “What's gotten into you? Easy!
Settle honey...”

bleated in fright, then grew even more so, as the Vet reached out
towards her. Pete set her down on the ground, then when the Vet's
fingers brushed over her head, Fawnie not just screamed – but
really screamed...
Before Pete could grab her, Fawnie dashed between the Vet's legs,
then under Kelsie and stumbled, before getting up and fleeing as fast
as her legs would carry her, her terrified bleats making Kelsie tense
up, her head turning to watch her fleeing fawn.

for the...Kelsie? Find her, go!”
Pete snapped, then smacked her on the rump.

bleated herself, before she took off like a furred missile, after
their fawn.

never – what - “ Stammered the vet. “I'm so sorry, I didn't
mean to startle the little one...”

looked confused, internally, he was downright terrified, but fought
to suppress it. What had so scared Fawnie? He didn't know...

she...I mean - “ Sighed the Vet, as he peeled off his gloves and
shoved them into his pockets. “Will Kelsie find her and - “

will, I don't doubt it, its not the first time - “ Pete sighed,
then walked with the vet back to his van. “Thank you, you'll email
me the consultation bill and - “

in a day or two. Be proud of yourself, Kelsie's doing well, she does
seem a bit – malnourished, a nursing fawn takes a lot out of a doe,
so I'll attach a list of high protein and carbohydrate foods you can
feed her, help her put on some weight and...”

listened, but not really
listened, nodding appropriately, as his thoughts and heart turned to
whatever had scared his daughter so badly – he'd never seen Fawnie
so frightened – so deeply traumatised – yet by what? He did not


her leathery nose to the ground, used her sense of smell and keen
eyes to track Fawnie down. At last, she found her scared, hysterical
fawn curled up under a thick shrub – her eyes wide in terror and
her body shaking so hard, Kelsie thought Fawnie would suffer a heart

around, Kelsie knelt, then lay down, gazing at Fawnie.

alright my daughter,” Kelsie murmured quietly. “Please come out?
No one will hurt you, I promise... Your father will be worried sick
about you...”

didn't make a sound, her vocal cords locked tight by fear, all she
could do was stare and convulse in pure adrenaline surging fear.

out, please?” Kelsie begged. “I'll protect you, I promise –
and -”

stared into Kelsie's eyes, then Kelsie blinked twice, Before she lay
down, cocking one hind leg up awkwardly, exposing her swollen udder
and teats.

you must be hungry, its been hours since you were fed – you want –
if you like... you want to try nursing? Please honey?”

continued trembling, before she timidly twitched then crawled
fearfully towards Kelsie.

good girl,” Kelsie whispered, nodding encouragingly to her fawn.
“That's it, its alright, I swear to you and...”

watched, torn between fear and surprise – as Fawnie crept closer,
her leathery nose timidly brushing the front left teat with a bare
hint of a touch.

girl, its alright, I...I want you...”

froze, then glanced up at her mother, her eyes shimmering with tears.

its alright, go on...” Kelsie sniffled, her fawns emotions filling
her nostrils and triggering her own. “Go on little one...”

Fawnie lipped at the leathery teat, a tiny dribble of milk touching
her small tongue. Kelsie quivered, lifting her leg higher and
nodding encouragingly to Fawnie. Again, the scared fawn lipped at
it, before she nervously trembled – then lay down and took Kelsie's
teat into her small mouth. Her tongue pressed underneath the teat,
it instantly relaxing and squirting the hot, rich milk into Fawnie's
mouth and throat.

Kelsie gurgled, her head tilting back, as she felt her fawn finally,
truly, nursing from her – that elusive bond between doe and fawn
finally solidifying in her mind.

quivering slowly eased, as her hungry suckling grew stronger and more
intense. Fawnie's little tail began flagging, and Kelsie squirmed
and shivered, never imagining how good
it felt to truly nurse her fawn. Sure, Pete enjoyed suckling
Kelsie's teats – even drinking her milk – but his tongue was
nothing compared to
the sensation of Fawnie nursing from her.

girl,” Kelsie murmured. “Drink up little one, its very good for
you and...”

ears rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, hearing the quiet
footsteps. Her nostrils flared in fright, before she caught the
scent of Pete coming towards them.

He began, then seen doe and fawn, his voice dropping to a whisper.
“Kelsie – is...”

flagged her tail, gazing over her back at Pete, before she turned her
head back and licked Fawnie's shoulder, whilst Fawnie kept nursing –
seemingly oblivious to anything but the hot, delicious milk her
mother fed her.

really... “ Kelsie found her words failed her, she could only look
down and lick Fawnie's shoulder again.

sat down, slowly pulling his knees in and watching as doe and fawn
finally, irrevocably, bonded as they should have, when Fawnie was
born. He felt the tears start down his cheeks – he didn't care –
so filled with warmth and love for his beloved family – at last –
truly bonding...