Current Track: Blabb

Wherever I go
A cupboard full of memories
Items of past long gone
Someones glasses are standing there
As a monument to what moved on

Wherever I stay
Remembering to forget
While thoughts return, return
Items on display, they're taunting
Longing back to that, yearn, yearn

Wherever I look
These thoughts they aren't mine
A past full of hurt
Hidden in the glasses
Where heart breaks, to ashes it returned

Wherever I lay
Stuffed animal no comfort
Pillow recalls a cold hug
Different darkness hidden within the night
Oh how life once felt so smug

Wherever I try
Soul feeling crushed asunder
under the weight of thoughts from yore
From before when we were different
So different than what was to adore

Wherever I feel
Changing in life's only constant
But when do you stop changing together
Calling in quits forevermore
Where does love go when it's over
Do you pretend that it's gone
Where does love go when it's over
Do you pretend to stay strong

Wherever I know
In my heart that I gave all away
Love does not stay
It moves in a fay way
To a different place, astray

But this cupboard full of memories
Still haunts me of you

Oh, Wherever I go
I wish I could go without you too