Current Track: Blabb



\n [Just a bit of practice, I havent posted anything in a huge long while so I thought I will.  Enjoy the short read and feel free to cretique as you feel.]




\n On the dark suburban street, there was a house.  This house looked almost the same to any other house, it had earthy red bricks, cream siding and roof shingles a little over due for a replacement. 


\n It was night so most of the house was dark.  The room in the back of house still had a soft glow, and inside the window of said room was a young salamander.  The glow of the screen made his smiling face glimmer and twinkle as his nimble fingers worked the mouse with ease.


\n You couldn’t tell in the light but the salamander had on a handsome coating of black and red glossy skin, the glow from the computer reached his rather thin arms and his trim belly.  Below that was  poured into darkness and sitting above those smiling lips were two, large, deep, and so very happy crimson eyes.  The flickered with the inner joy of on gazing upon love and were lit with the glow of late night on the computer.


\n Sitting on his glossy head were a pair of head phones, and inside those headphones was lively, energetic, dance music.  The salamander loved that music.  The way it moved crowds, make people bounce with life.  It was like listening to happiness, and for the young salamander.  It never failed to bring a smile upon his cheeks and a gentle bob to his head.


\n But tonight it wasn’t the music that kept his smile widened (though the music was keeping his foot tapping).  It was what was on the screen.  His Master.




\n While he sat there, pouring over ever word the other typed, he didn’t need to be strong.  He didn’t need to make sure that he was in control.  He didn’t need to be the bright young, handsome, smart, and clever Salamander he was for the rest of the world.   He only needed to be these for one person and while he talked with that one person.  He didn’t have to do anything else.


\n Ever word made his smile grow again, his cheeks burn, his loins ache, or his tail curl.  He didn’t have a camera on the computer but even still, his cheeks would flush and he would look away.  Shy to no one, but his master. 




\n “Do you think I can see you tonight Master?” He asked, careful to re-read his message, checking the spelling of ever word, the phrasing of it.  He even read it out-loud to make sure that it was good, he did his best for his master.


\n “No” Was all he got in return.  His tail curled slightly and he chewed his lower lip.  He didn’t dare protest, master’s decision was always final.  He still smiled, the soft glow of the computer coated his front like the warm, protective embrace he always imagined his master would have.  He started typing all the things he wanted to say, how thankful he was, how much he loved his master, how safe he felt, how hard his heart beat for him.  But he stopped, looking at all the things he had written and with a shake of his head he held down the backspace key.  Erasing it all.  Every word.




\n He waited and nothing came, still smiling focusing more on the music then the message box.  The salamander’s tail was alive with ever beat of the music, like listening to another creature, one with the power to move oceans of people.  It made him a little breathless just thinking of it.


\n But suddenly his eyes shifted back towards the message box, master was typing.  “Have a goodnight”


\n “Yes Sir.  I love you” He typed out before quickly catching his mistake “Yes Sir.” He smiled softly and sent the message back.  Following his master’s wishes and turning off the computer before getting up and going to the foot of his bed.  His smooth tail swayed, as he crawled over to the sheets, pulling them down and crawling into his black bed.


\n He closed his eyes and rolled onto his side, his smile slowly fading before he reached up and grabbed the pillow tightly.  His arms clenching tight as his tough hide rubbed against the bedding and his meaty tail wrapped around his legs. 


\n “If only you knew Sir.” He whispered in his deep voice.   He curled his lean body up, grasping on the pillow like a scared hatchling with his arm and he closed his eyes.


\n Inside the red bricked house with tan siding and shingles perhaps too old, every light was out.  Every one was asleep and in the back room of the house, there was a salamander laying in bed.  His snout reflecting the moon’s rays through the window and inside his chest beat his heart.  Like the beat of slow dance, it had the power to move one.   It’s steady rhythm set the ocean of black and red, smooth skin that was the young salamander alive with happiness or with fear of being without it.