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Broken Again
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Starats from my novel Reborn get a poor deal of things. Effectively enslaved by humans, they're forced to work hard without rest or pay. Even those that are badly injured are expected to return to work quickly. If they're lucky, they might get some cybernetics to help repair the terrible injuries they've suffered, but rarely if ever are these new.
This starat has damaged his replacement arm yet again. With no hope of getting a new one, he's forced to run some repairs on it to get it working again. Of course, it's never easy doing all that maintenance one handed...
Original art by ArmedDillo
I'm looking at rebooting Reborn before long, so hopefully there will be some updates in that regard soon.
This starat has damaged his replacement arm yet again. With no hope of getting a new one, he's forced to run some repairs on it to get it working again. Of course, it's never easy doing all that maintenance one handed...
Original art by ArmedDillo
I'm looking at rebooting Reborn before long, so hopefully there will be some updates in that regard soon.
8 years ago
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