Current Track: Blabb

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Caution, here be dragons.

I doubt that will deter most of you. In fact, I imagine it'll only make you want to stay. This is only natural. Dragons are amazing and wonderful creatures, just be warned that they can be quick to anger, and that you are flammable.

But it can't just be the dragons that brought you here. After all, it is only through my scribblings that my dragons can come to life. Here you will find writing of both the fantasy and science-fiction persuasion. As with most writers, I have far too many ideas and far too little time to write them all down in. My fantasy stories will mostly all take place in Farenar, which is the world I am slowly creating and filling. My first released novel, Axinstone, takes place in this world and is told from the perspective of dragons.

But who am I?

I'm a stoat who thinks she's a dragon, how adorable.

While I reside in Brisbane, Australia, I moved out here from England a few years ago. I am painfully British, and can be placated with a good cup of tea, no matter the circumstances.

Do enjoy your stay.

I encourage constructive feedback on all my written submissions.

Axinstone, The Destiny of Dragons Book 1 available from Amazon or my website.