Silence filled the room. The looks on all the Beta’s faces were shocked. I have just shouted out something I didn't mean to. Something I have learned earlier today and swore to keep secret. Well, Fuck.
The Alpha made a sound that was a mix of laughing and crying. All eyes turned to her, her face in her hands and shaking. “I can’t believe it,” the Alpha said wiping a tear from her eye, “Oh Hector, you definitely raised Chester. Only you can raise someone this destructively stupid like you!”
“What do you mean, Alpha?!” Claude yelled, “What did Chester mean about a way to reverse the werewolf process?”
The Alpha calmed down, “it’s as Chester said. We may have developed a way to reverse the process.”
“Reverse the process?”
“Well, why not tell you all right now since Chester fucked it up! We accidentally made a drug that makes it difficult for magically changed werewolves to change forms. With some more time, it might be possible to reverse the process and turn them back to human.”
“But what does this have to do with Elliot?”
“Simple, once Hector blabbed about the drug almost no time after I told him, Elliot overheard and offered to join the Pack under the condition he be a test subject for it.”
“And you are fine with that?”
Doc clapped his hands. “Now then how do you respond Claude?”
Doc crossed his arms and scowled. “Despite how disastrous Chester’s answer was he did answer your question.”
“That's right,” I said turning to Claude. “You said if I can give an answer you will drop the issue.”
Claude slammed his fist on the table. “My issue still stands.”
“But you said--”
“That I'll consider it. Just because you answered my question, it doesn't mean I'll just drop the whole thing. Elliot is not joining us. I don’t care if he crawled and bowed in front of us pleading to join with tears in his eyes, I’ll still look him straight in the face and say no.”
I got up from my chair. Anger moving my body as I went around the table to sock Claude right in his fucking mouth.
Hector tackled me from behind and pinned me to the floor.
I struggled to get him off, “Hector, what the fuck?”
“Chester, you need to calm down!”
“Didn’t you hear him?”
“But that is no reason to attack him. The second you throw that punch, you are forfeiting the debate.”
That might be true but I didn't care. I was blinded by rage and a desire to sock Claude in his mouth. I struggled and trashed to get Hector off, but he won’t budge.
“Well if we can continue then,” Claude said above me, sounding like an arrogant prick. “Serge, I believe the floor was yours.”
“Serge, you are on my side right? There is no way you aren’t turning down Elliot.”
Serge was silent. I couldn’t see his face from the floor; the table blocked it. “I have a question first.”
“Go on,” Claude said.
“This is more for the Alpha. Say we kick Elliot out of the Pack, what happens to him or the drug?”
“I had thought about that,” the Alpha said in a chilling tone, “I had planned to send the drug to another pack for more testing and development, specifically one with a higher count of magically turned werewolves then ours. Elliot can give us missing data that we did not have in the first test. If you all agree to kick Elliot out, he will be sent to one of the Packs I consider giving the drug to.”
“So you are making Elliot and the drug a package deal then?”
“While not completely true, I can’t disagree. For now, I want you all to think the drug and Elliot have the same fate. Whether they both stay or go is your decision.”
“I see.” I saw Serge’s foot tap beneath the table. “If that is the case, I will vote for Claude”
“What the fuck, Serge?!” I thrashed under Hector. “How the fuck can you say that?”
“My opinion hasn't changed. He does need help and I really doubt we can give it to him. Now that a drug that can reverse the process is on the table, it might be better to send them both off to where they are much more beneficial.”
“But we test drugs here all the time. Why is now any different?”
“Didn’t you hear the Alpha’s words, Chester?” Claude answered. “She said that the drug only affects the magically changed ones. Our Pack doesn't have that many, so doing the drug tests here would be pointless since the sample size is too small. If we do want the drug to work, sending it off to where it can be tested properly would be the right call.”
“You can take that arrogant attitude and stuff it up your ass, Claude!” I tried again to shake Hector off but he refused to budge.
“The vote is now five to four in Claude’s favor,” Doc said, “It is obvious that the next votes decide it. Ash, you may vote when you are ready.”
“Ash. Ash come on you have to agree with me here,” I pleaded with her. “I know we never seen eye to eye on a lot of issues but please just this once agree with me, Ash.”
I heard nothing.
Claude walked over to me, “Do you think Ash will agree with you now, Chester? As I recall, there is no issue you two ever agreed on.”
“But that doesn’t mean you automatically win, asshole!”
“I’m the asshole? You're the one who tried to deck me!”
“Fuck you,Claude!”
“Fuck you, Chester!”
“Will you both shut up,” Ash yelled, “I can't think with you two arguing .” The room went quiet. “I am voting for Chester.”
“Really?” I asked, a stupid grin on my face.
Claude returned to his seat, “Can I ask why, Ash?”
“It's really more for that drug really. The Alpha said they are a package deal now, so if Elliot goes, the drug goes.”
“So you have no strong feeling for Elliot?”
“Nope, all I care about is the drug.”
“Ash,” Milla shouted.
I heard clapping. “Alright then,” I heard Doc’s voice, “All the votes have been counted. Hector, can you release Chester?”
I felt Hector’s weight shift, “You promise to be under control and not hit Claude?”
“Yeah, I promise,” I grumbled. We have a tie now, so I really don’t need to hit him now.
Hector got off from me and pulled me up. We went back to our seats. Since the Alpha wants Elliot to join it is obvious who her vote is for.
I turned to Claude, but his face wasn't what I expected. His face was in a small smile. What's that smile for? As far as I know he is about to lose the debate.
“Now then,” the Alpha cleared her voice, “Since this debate ended in a tie, I shall use my authority to--”
“Hold it!”
My heart stopped. All heads turned to Claude.
“Is something the matter?”
“Yes, there is.” Claude rose up from his seat, “I wish to deny the Alpha the role of the tiebreaker for this debate.”
I raised from my chair. “What? On what grounds?”
“Did you really forget what you just said? The drug, Chester. The one you just blurted out.”
“But what does that--”
“The rule of allowing the Alpha to be the tiebreaker stands as long as the Alpha is neutral in the debate itself.”
“It's true Ches.” I turned to Hector who looked tired, “Now that the drug is known, you just proved the Alpha had motives for wanting Elliot around.”
It then just sank in what I just did. My outburst caused this. Elliot might not be allowed to join because I was too hasty to prove Claude wrong. “But that’s--Fuck!”
“However,” Hector leaned onto the table. “Unless Claude can provide a reasonable solution to the tiebreaker, the Alpha will have to vote. So, Claude, do you have an idea on how to break this tie?”
“It's simple really.” Claude stook a hand in his pocket. “We can’t call another member of the Pack to vote and we don’t have all the time in the world to settle this with a game or anything. So why not something quick and short.” Claude pulled his hand out of his pocket and pulled out a quarter. “So why not a coin flip?”
“You can’t be serious!” I yelled, “You want to decide Elliot’s fate to a coin flip?”
“You don’t have to accept it if you don’t want to. We just both have to agree on an idea and we can end this whole thing. But then how would you break the tie then? We have lives outside of the Pack so we really shouldn’t do anything that will take so long.”
“Just give me a moment.” I don’t care about time, I need certainty. I just need to suggest something I can beat Claude at. Cards? Sports? Video games? What can I use?
Hector tapped my arm, “Chester, I want you to accept.”
“Look, Claude has a point. We can’t exactly stay here forever. Take me for example, I still have reports I need to grade.”
“Yeah,” Ash said, “I have a night shift I need to prepare for.”
“Also,” Kamile interjected, “I need to prepare the kitchen for tomorrow's meals.”
“And don’t forget our Alpha either. All this stress can’t be good for her.”
“So,” Claude said, “Do you have a decision?”
Shit, I really can’t think of anything good. If only I had more time.
“We are waiting, Chester.”
FUCK, “Fine, you win. We’ll do a coin flip.”
Claude got a smug look on his face. “Good. Now for the rules. I am going to flip the coin and have it land on my hand. I will then cover it up with my other hand. You would then have to guess whether it is heads or tails. If you’re right, you get the vote. But if you're wrong, the vote is mine. There will be no second chances, no best out of three. One flip, one chance.”
My body tensed up. My heart raced. I really only have one shot at this, if I mess up then Elliot finished. The pressure it’s--No. Claude is just trying to psych me out.
“So do you understand the rules?”
I nodded slowly.
“Good,” Claude outstretched his arm and flicked the quarter into the air without a word.
I watched the coin flip and turn in the air. I need to keep track. I need to keep track of the head. Need to keep track of the head.
The coin fell onto the back of Claude’s hand. His hand covered the coin. “So then Chester, Heads or Tails?”
The adrenaline in my body caused my body to shake. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My breathing became short and jagged. “I...I...I...” Words kept getting caught in my throat. I have to pick. I have to pick. I have to pick. “Heads.”
“Alright then,” Claude removed his hand
No results found.
Guess that wasn't the right spelling either. I plopped back onto my mattress. Camp Loupabri, why can’t I find anything?
I have been trying to find any info about the camp but so far I came up blank. Google was no help. I suspected it was just bad spelling and was just going to leave it at that but now I was getting concerned.
“I really hope I didn't join something shady. They said it was a camp so why can’t I find it online? If the camp was supposed to be a secret I can see why it won’t be found on Google. But nothing Isaw there really gave me the impression that the camp was supposed to be a secret.”
I pulled out my phone again and looked at my messages. Still doesn't look like Chester saw my texts yet. I wish I asked him how to spell the place before he left. Hold on.
I grab the pocketbook and flipped to the address. If the name is not getting any hits, what would happen if I put in the address?
I put in the address and immediately got a hit. So I was just spelling it wrong.
I clicked on the link and I get taken to what could be considered the camp’s page. “So where to start?”
On the front page was a short description of the camp. It said it was a summer camp for kids from elementary to high school age. Campers would be spending two whole weeks of sun, fun, and making summer memories. There were plenty of professional photos on the page as well, showing everyone smiling and all that.
I clicked on the about tab. Camp Loupabri started in the 80’s, first owned by John Daniel. While the original purpose of the land was to be used as a wolf sanctuary, various complex issues made it impossible to set up so it was changed to a summer camp instead. The name ‘loup’ and ‘abri’, which means wolf and sanctuary in french, was left as a reminder of the founder’s original idea.
I took a mental step back. Uuh, I may not know enough french to actually correct it, but I don’t think smashing the words “loup” and “abri” just magically makes the word ‘wolf sanctuary’.
Some time later in the early 2000s, ownership of the land and camp was passed to his daughter, Hellina Lewis and have been running it since then. Next to the paragraph there was a picture of a woman who I assumed was the “Hellina” person.
The woman in the photo is definitely that Alpha person I met earlier today. If I am understanding this right, the camp itself has been around for a while. If John is really the father of the alpha I met today, it wouldn’t be a stretch that he was a werewolf too. But what is this about making a sanctuary?
I hovered over the tabs again and clicked on the ones mark activity. Lists of what goes on the camp appeared. Let's see here. Rafting, archery, hiking trails, climbing walls. They even have what are basically summer school lesson plans with computer programing as well as driving classes for those of age. “Yep, this must be one of those high-end camps. Having every luxury known to man. And in a few days, I'll be working there.”
I then noticed something at the bottom of the page. It looked like a logo for some company or whatever. “So a company sponsors the campground, huh? I wonder if they know werewolves use it for the rest of the year besides summer?” I mean, I don't see why they wouldn’t know werewolves, or at the very least, be aware that the camp is used during the off seasons. I enlarged the logo. It was actually kind of boring. It only had the words Lewis medical group on it with a metallic look on it.
With a name like that there is no doubt that the sponsor is pharmaceutical. So a pharmaceutical group is sponsoring a werewolf run camp. I’m sure if you make a couple of tweaks you can make it into a horror story or something. But ‘Lewis’? Isn’t that the last name of the Alpha or something? So not only does the company know about werewolves, the leader of the wolves has a connection to someone in the company possibly the head of the group if ‘Lewis’ is their legal last name. so many conspiracies forming in my head right now.
As I minimize the image, something caught my eye. I missed it the first time. Meeting with the Wolves (Date TBD): a yearly event highlight of camp where real wolves are brought to the camp and interacts with the campers. These wolves are fully trained and are safe to be around. Those who don’t want to participate please let us know while signing up for a slot.
Wait, they bring in real wolves? That is uhh. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. I took a deep breath. There is no reason they will bring real wolves to kids. They might be using werewolves instead, which is more concerning actually. What if they attack someone? Hold on, surely they can control wolves or something, right?
I thought back to something that guy Hector asked me. He asked if I was in control of the wolf. Does that mean it is possible to control that thing? I fell silent. The idea of actually getting in control of it is not something I actually considered.
The timer I set beforehand went off. “Oh, my pizza.”
I stared at the coin in disbelief. The same coin I wagered Elliot’s fate on was uncovered. My brain struggled to process the sight I was seeing. “Heads.”
On the back of Claude’s hand, the coin was facing heads up.
“It heads. It’s heads!” I grabbed Hector, “Do you see? do you see!? Guys, guys its heads!”
“Yeah, yeah we all see its heads, Chester,” Ash said dismissively. “So since Chester called it, Elliot is now free to join then?”
“As they both agreed to,” The Alpha said, “Unless someone has any other objection they would like to voice.”
I turned to Claude, “Got nothing to say?”
Claude only puts the coin back into the pocket. His Face wasn't angry or sad, it was sort of just a quiet defeat. “Nope.” He Went to leave but stopped on the threshold. “Just be prepared for whatever happens. What Elliot does, is on your head, Chester.”
Gee what does that mean? Was that just a parting shot or something?
“Now then for the results of the vote.” All eyes turned to Doc. “The pack has voted in favor of letting Elliot join the pack.”
No one spoke up.
“So the matter is now settled. Elliot will join our Pack.”
My adrenaline started to settle down as a wave of exhaustion came over me. I did it. Now Elliot can join us.
“You are all dismissed,” the Alpha said, “Except for you Chester. I need a word with you.”
Hector whispered in my ear, “Good luck,” and walked out with the other Betas.
Once all the Betas were out, the Alpha glared at me, “Chester do you remember what I told you earlier about the drug?”
“Well,” I stammered, “You said to um--”
“Louder, Chester!”
My body tensed when she shouted.
“You said not to tell anyone.”
“And what the fuck did you just do ten minutes ago?”
I tried to avoid the Alpha gaze, “I told the others.”
“Yes, you fucking did, Chester!”
“Chester, I want you to look at me.” I kept my face turned. “I said look at me!” I looked her in the face, she was giving me the same look she gave Hector when he did something she disapproved of. “Do you have any idea about what you just did, Chester?”
“I'm sorry.”
The Alpha slammed her fist into the table, “Your sorry is not good enough! Can you think about what this means?”
My body was shaking. I wanted to run and hide but I was too scared to move. “No.”
The Alpha let out a loud growl, “I was going to tell them about the medicine another time and have them vote then. Because of you, we can’t do that now.”
“But nothing, Chester! Hector would have kept the secret better than you.”
I wanted to cry. Sure I had gotten yelled at before, but this was different. It was like some sort of power was emitting from the Alpha and that terrified me.
“Your actions have severe consequences, Chester. ”
“I--I didn’t know,” I started to shake. I was so terrified of the Alpha right now.
“I want you out of this camp and to not come back till my thoughts of killing you have fucking passed! Do I make myself clear this time?”
“Good, you can leave now.”
I left the room, trying to keep myself together.
I got outside and see Hector. “Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” I responded, still shaking from my meeting with the Alpha.
Without another word, Hector hugged me. “There, there. it's okay. You're going to be just fine.” Hector started to rub my back affectionately.
“How can you handle the Alpha doing that to you?”
“I’m just too used to it. Still, it was possibly your first time having that happen to you.”
“Hector, I was so scared. My body wouldn’t move and--”
“Shh, shh, shh. Its okay Chester. You’re going to be okay Chester.`` We stood there for a whi, Hector holding me as I tried to calm down. I’m so lucky that I have Hector in my life.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I ignored it and just focused on Hector holding me. I can’t remember the last time we hugged last. It always feels so nice.
Hector let go of me. “Come on,” he said gesturing towards the parking lot, “We had an exhausting day today. Let's head home.”
“Yeah,” I nodded as we headed to the parking lot. “So what do you want for dinner?”
“I don’t know. Not really in the mood for anything special. Might just pick up a pizza on the way back and cook it.”
“Yeah, pizza sounds--” I stopped myself. “Pizza?” I felt something move in my head. Pizza. Pizza. What is this feeling? Something. Something. I’m trying to--
“Uh, Ches, you okay there? If you want to head straight home and I can call in a pizza or something.
Pizza? Call? Calling for pizza? No no. I was expecting--”Elliot!”
“Huh, Elliot?”
I pulled my phone out, “I gave Elliot my number and was expecting to receive a text or something.”
“Wow, number exchange on the first date. I’m impressed.”
I opened my messages and I see I receive texts from an unsaved number. Hey, this is me Elliot. Just testing that I have the right number.
Sorry but remember to tell that person from earlier that I’ll move in that cabin in a few days.
Hector peered over my shoulder, “Not much of a texter, is he?”
“Maybe. I just gave him my number an hour ago.”
“So what are you going to say?”
“Don’t ‘huh’ me. You do plan on answering his texts, right?”
“I do but what do I respond with?”
“Are you really asking me that? Did you forget how texting works?”
“Ah no. but what do you respond with?”
“Well with the obvious stuff: hello. How are you? Do you want any pics of my dick and ass? Those kinds of things.”
I rolled my eyes. “Should have known that was a potential answer. Hmm,” Maybe I should at least confirm that he has the right number. I started typing. Hey, Elliot, it’s Chester yes you have the right number. Send.
“Playing it safe I see.”
“Please get your mind out of the gutter.”
My phone buzzed. I’m glad. I was worried I got the wrong number.
Do you think I would give you the wrong number?
No, just a thought really.
“Okay then,” Iturned to Hector. “What do i do now?”
Hector just shook his head. “God, this is like you on your first date all over again.”
“Well, what do you expect me to talk about? I barely know the guy.”
“You sure didn’t act like you didn’t know him in the meeting. From what I can tell you can leave the conversation here unless you want to talk to him more.”
“But he should be expecting a response though, right?”
Hector threw his hands in the air. “Maybe, maybe not. If his texts are any indication, he’s probably doing something else while he texts you. He didn’t respond in a way that you can actually reply back with, so he has no interest in continuing the conversation unless you do it.”
“How can you get all that from a few texts?”
“I get a lot of texts, Chester. After a while you kind of pick up on small subtle things in them.”
“Like you did just now?”
“Yep, so he should be fine if you just leave it there.”
“So you still up for pizza or--”
“No, pizza is fine.”
“Great, I’ll swing by the store and get those giant pizzas you like, you just head on home.” I watched Hector walk off into the parking lot. I didn’t even realize that we arrived till now.
I looked back at the messages. Elliot didn’t send me another text so Hector might have been right, but I don’t want to end it here. But what can I respond with? I scratched the side of my head. Maybe just what I am feeling now. Elliot, I am happy you get to join the Pack. I pressed send.
Yeah. Elliot is joining us. That dark time of his life is finally going to end. He’s going to get help. Counselling. Medication. A job. It's just the first step but Elliot is getting help.
My phone buzzed. I smiled at the message Elliot sent me. I’m happy to join the Pack too, Chester.
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