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Theme to A Sweet October Night
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This theme is a little bit more special than the other themes I've done. The story features a song in it, sung by one of the characters, and hence as part of the reading of it done for the podcast it was written for, that being 's "The Voice of Dog", the story's reader, and organizer of the "The Ghost of Dog" halloween story special, :iconrob-macwolf: sang the vocal lines like they were a song. To do that, I put together some chords and helped work on the melody with Rob, then the vocal parts were included in the finished production, that of which you can enjoy here!
This, of course, meant we had all the verses of the song created musically and vocally and... otherwise nothing much to do with it. Hence, with Rob's permission, I created a full arrangement of it, gave it some production niceties and you are hearing the result!
Vocals by :iconrob-macwolf:
Lyrics, music and arrangement by
This, of course, meant we had all the verses of the song created musically and vocally and... otherwise nothing much to do with it. Hence, with Rob's permission, I created a full arrangement of it, gave it some production niceties and you are hearing the result!
Vocals by :iconrob-macwolf:
Lyrics, music and arrangement by
3 years ago
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