Me and Luna still pushed on in the tunnel after we left the small cavern, by my count maybe twenty-five minutes ago. I was still feeling warm and proud that I did something special for me and her back there. I still can't get her happy compliment about my work of art on the wall out of my head. My first time doing something like that and someone gave me a good compliment. I'm not much of an artist...And I got that from her...What a good feeling.
While walking beside her, I was rubbing my arms, letting out a calm breath. Other than that, during the silence I was feeling a bit chilled from being nervous a little. Nervous that we won't be able to get out of this cave, that there won't be another way out of here, that we're both trapped here until we starve, or we kill each other, or just plain kill ourselves.
I even see an image of Luna lying dead after I stabbed her in the chest with my own dagger I have in my bag, while I was just staring at her in guilt for killing my best friend. Guilty I couldn't help her find a way out of here, that I just had to do that, that I wished I'd helped her out of this mess more. That was when...I stabbed myself in the stomach, eyes bulging out of my skull and my mouth open wide as I cried out in pain. Then I went down on my knees, pulling the bladed weapon out of me sharply with both hands, and ready to do it again until I was dead with Luna. I shook it out of my head and glanced at the dragoness I imagined killing, shortly forming a tiny smile on my face as her calming words from earlier and what I did for her back in that small cavern just pushed away the tiny, nervous, chilling feeling.
Don't think that way yet, Mike. Don't believe there isn't a way out of here. Not yet. There probably is. Don't think that way. Just keep calm until you reach the end. We will get out of here.
Then, after a few more minutes of pacing in the slightly dark tunnel, the area around us started to become more brighter with each step we took. That was when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel...And it brought me a whole lot of relief in my heart. I almost gasped in happiness when my eyes shined with that relief. Luna sighed pleasantly at the sight with a swish of her tail, "Finally...There is light."
I couldn't hold it in anymore, and let out a loud cheer with my hands raised high, "Woohoo!" It echoed up the tunnel as I slapped Luna's scales, having her looking down at me with a smile. I hollered in total happiness, "We made it big girl!"
Luna replied with a proud and smug grin, "I knew there was another way out of here."
"C'mon! Let's go!" I just rushed ahead by running as the dragon only walked.
Luna hollered for me, laughing in amusement also, "Mike! Slow down!"
But I didn't, I kept my pace, shifting the bag and quiver of arrows around on my back as I did so. I didn't exactly want to be in this place longer than I already have been. I was just acting like a child ready to get outside in the warm sun. I just wanted to get out of here.
With my arms pumping at my sides I quickly made my way to the end of the tunnel. Before I could reach it, however, I began to notice that there was no ground beyond the edge of that large entrance of the cave. I was wrinkling my brow in confusion as I was slowing down to jogs. What in the world? With my final jog and a few strides, I made it and was standing at the edge of the entrance and in the sun rays that go through it. It turned out I wasn't seeing things. I couldn't take another step past the mouth of the cave since there was no ground to stand. I did find the ground though, only it was far down below, far enough for me to get killed if I stepped outside and fell. My eyes went wide for a moment in surprise. Where I stood, I can see the view of a lot of trees down below that went on for so many acres.
I heard Luna who was still behind me throwing me a question, "Thanks for slowing down. What's going on?" I didn't respond, I just stood there looking confused at this. Why am I this high? I carefully leaned forward and poked my head outside, trying to find the answer. I gazed back and forth, then twisted my body a bit to gaze upward. That's when it became apparent that I was standing at the large opening that's actually in the middle of a high cliff. My body twitched from the realization, and I pulled my head back in the cave. Ohhh...That's why.
Luna with her claws clicking against the stone ground finally caught up and stood beside me. She gazed outside with her silver eyes wide, "Wow."
I giggled and shot my gaze at her, "I know. I certainly didn't expect this."
She giggled too with her wings fluttering on her back, then looked down at me, "No wonder you slowed down and stopped."
I shot my gaze at her, "Yeah, least I did before I blindly ran out and fell out of a cliff."
"A cliff huh?" Luna pushed her horned head outside to see if I was right. When she yanked it back in here, she casted her eyes down to me, "Goly, it's also no wonder we're almost about as high as a mountain."
"Yep." I glanced through that opening, "We are a bit high."
Luna joined my gaze and said with a bit of awe in her voice, "Good view up here though. You know what I think, Mike? I think whoever came to this cave before us probably enjoyed this view also."
I kneeled down towards the edge, looking down to the ground, "I think so too, it is a good view. And since we found that long-dead dragon back in that cavern, I wonder if he flew up to this opening to get in here or through the other entrance that doesn't come with a damn cliff?"
"Who knows which? We'll never know."
"Yeah." I stood upright and asked without putting my eyes on her, "Ok...So, where do we go from here?"
Then Luna looked down to me, a smirk on her snout, "Where do you think we go from here?"
I do know what she was getting at and no way THAT'S happening. I turned to her and answered her with a nervous look, "I'm not letting you carry me in your paws again. I already let you today and it was a long flight, remember?"
She whined, "Aw, come on! Carrying you twice in one day would be fun!"
I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms, "It won't be fun for ME. You keep your paws off me."
Then Luna frowned quizzically, "Alright. What are you gonna do then? Climb down from here?" Her eyes rolled to outside this place, her voice sounding worried, "Um, Mike, are you sure you want to try that, since you're afraid of heights and all?" Her eyes traced back to me, "I do think it'd be a good way for you to overcome that fear, don't get me wrong. But, I'm afraid while you're climbing down...You'll fail, get scared, and then accidentally fall and die. Not to mention one of those rocks you'll step and grab onto could break while you're still in a good height and then you'd fall."
I looked down from here, images of what she said went around in my head. But I fought them off with a determined glare, "I'll take that chance. I'll just not look down while I'm doing it. Pure and simple."
Luna asked me in a warning tone when she lowered her head down to my level, "Okaaay….But what if one rock breaks?"
I softly pushed her nose away from me, "I'm still taking the chance." After Luna rose her head back up, I took the quiver, bow, and bag off my back and laid them down between me and her, "Here. You carry them down for me."
The dragoness said when she eyed at my stuff, her tail moved a bit behind her, "If that's what you want."
I rubbed my hands together and let out a breath with my eyes right towards the rocky edge, "Alright...Here I go." Then I went down to the floor, grabbed the edge of the opening with both hands, and had lowered myself out of here. While I held on outside, both my feet found some footing on the cliff and I let out a breath. So far...So good. Then, before I could actually grab onto a spot on the cliff, I accidentally looked down...And very quickly my fear of heights started getting to me. My eyes widened with fear. Oh god. Can't do it! Can't do it! With a defeated groan, I pulled myself back in the cave, only sitting at the edge now with a sigh.
Luna just watched me where she stood when I looked at her. She responded with the worry in her eyes vanishing to be replaced with amusement, "That didn't take you long."
I dipped my chin and admitted, "I...Can't do it."
"Knew you couldn't." She playfully chuckled, "Want to do the alternative with me now, hmm?"
I nodded and got myself up from the edge and started gathering my things from the ground, "Might as well. It's quicker than doing that."
Luna said as I swung my bag onto my shoulder, "Plus it's safer. I'm glad you didn't go further than that. A cliff would always let somebody who climbs on it go...I don't."
When I got my quiver and bow on my back, I uttered, "Me too." Yeah, might as well be carried in her paws than climbing down. She does make a good point. Cliffs don't have paws...But dragons do. After getting all my stuff off the floor, I gazed up at her silver eyes, "Luna...Just promise me you won't make this one another long flight. If you see a spot to land, carry us straight down to the ground. Ok?"
Luna giggled at that, sitting down on her haunches, ready to do what I know she's about to do, "Well...I think you've had enough of long flights in one day...So I promise."
I pointed down past the edge of the opening and gave her a demanding, questionable tone, "Straight down?"
"Straight down." Then in a flash her forepaws scooped me off the ground and I yelped since I didn't feel TOO prepared for it. Luna spread her wings out and flapped them once, "Here we go. I'm tired of being in this cave." Then with her hinds, she launched us out of there and in a quick flash her wings began to flap. My legs dangled beneath me as I was still held by her, looking down at the trees below us as we've flown away from the cliff. My phobia was getting to me once more, having me breathing trembly, but I also felt trust toward Luna, the trust that she wouldn't drop me. About a minute later, Luna stayed true to her word when we both saw a small clearing in the woods and she went down toward it. Luna glided down before she was close enough to backwing a few times and land softly on her hind feet.
After landing, she lowered me down to the grass. I let out a breath of relief, feeling calm in a instant now we're back on the ground. I walked forward a few steps, dusted myself, and turned to face her, seeing her smiling down at me with folded wings on her back and standing on her fours, "Was that straight down enough for ya?"
I replied, a appreciative smile on me, "Not a long flight at all. Thanks."
"You're welcome. Besides, other than having enough of long flights, I think you've had enough of feeling fear in one day."
"Well thanks for thinking so, because I didn't want to feel any more of it today!" I laughed.
Luna chuckled deeply, and turned her eyes to where we flew from, "Well...We're finally out of there."
I nodded in agreement, "We are." I whirled around on her, looking over my shoulder, "Alright....Let's get moving before something else happens to us. I think we both had enough trouble in one day."
Luna padded up till she was beside me, "Good idea, Mike. Let's go." Then we both began our pace together, heading towards a dirt trail that we saw at the edge of the clearing.
"Gah...There." Suzue while she was knelt down held an herb out behind her, "Here's another."
Rick grabbed it and stuffed it into the bag he's holding, "Got it."
"Thanks." She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him, "You know something, Rick? Any cheetah and any gryphon that goes out here with me for this don't do what you are doing. You know, carrying a bag for me while I'm pulling herbs off the ground and handing them to you and all that."
Rick replied with a shrug, "Probably cause each person you bring out here think they cannot protect you from any danger if they're just holding a bag full of plants, other than wanting to focus on looking out for it."
The beautiful white cheetah giggled, "You're probably right." She eyed at another herb that's still sticking from the ground, "And who am I to complain about it? I need protection after all."
"That's right." Rick then glanced at the lime green female gryphon with yellow eyes and a black beak named Owlide standing guard nearby, "Speaking of which, you see anything strange yet, Owlide?"
Owlide snapped her golden eyes at him, responding with a grin on her beak and a flutter of her feathered wings, "Nothing yet, stranger from another world. We're good." Then her eyes snapped back to keep an eye for danger.
Rick, Suzue and the gryphoness they had brought along with are still outside the cheetah-gryphon village doing the healers duty of gathering herbs out in the forest. Suzue had led them far away from her home deep in the woods, where birds were talking cheerfully in several different spots and the canopy of thick trees was blocking the blue sky above them. So far Rick's carrying one bag that was full of herbs on his shoulder and he was standing around near the white cheetah holding the second bag for her, helping her filling it up with many herbs it could carry.
To Rick it felt like they were away from the village for a long time. Maybe due to Suzue just wanting to have a nice, charming walk with him longer than they'd planned before she got to doing what a healer's supposed to be doing. Rick didn't mind it, and neither did Owlide who only walked behind them and did her duty to keep an eye on things without complaint.
It was a peaceful stroll to him. Even though Rick had walked through Avarilan for days now, that stroll was different. That stroll wasn't about going home, no serious thoughts of wondering when he'd get to Wingspan wandering in his mind. It was just a non-serious, relaxing stroll. Rick and Suzue chatted as they did. They were getting to know each other, talking about their pasts, what they liked and all that.
Rick honestly had to admit, he liked chatting with her, other than strolling with her. She may be a cheetah, but to him she's like some kind, charming human woman about the same age as him, not to mention very beautiful. Which kinda did made him wonder, judging by how things looked in his point of view, why she wasn't with anybody and why she doesn't have cheetah kids living with her. Rick sorta figured why, but he wasn't too sure of the answer in his head. He still hasn't asked her those questions yet, but he probably will soon.
Finally Suzue decided to get to work gathering herbs, and now here he was, helping the kind female cheetah out.
Suzue threw a playful crack behind her when she glanced over her shoulder, "What's the matter, Rick? Afraid another wolfir is stalking around here to get you?"
Rick's smile grew on his face, remembering he and his friends told her about his encounter with one earlier today, "Maybe."
Suzue laughed, "Hey, you can tell me if you are! There's no shame in admitting you're afraid of something."
He admitted and shrugged his shoulders, "Well I admit I'm still a little freaked out because of that thing. Believe me, it's like what Emily said, it was the most scariest thing we encountered. Scarier than Dark Dragons and their short little companions who used to be lively, friendly cheetahs like you. And heck if I encountered you as one of their little companions, you probably wouldn't scare me as easily as the wolfir."
Her eyes squinted a bit like she was reading him, "...I can tell you're not lying and different than me. You're like one of those tough cheetah warriors who aren't very afraid to fight the ones who used to be one of us cheetahs. I know I would be if I met one....I always been afraid of them."
Rick shook his head softly, "Wouldn't blame you. Not everyone can be brave to do that."
Suzue said without apparent shame, "True. And I don't see any shame to be afraid of them and not fight. I'm a healer, one who helps the wounded, not a fighter. And since you're one of those brave types, you'd be happy to have me around fixing you up with a wound you got from a battle."
Rick said in a appreciative tone, "I certainly would."
Owlide spoke up nearby, "And as would I." Then when Rick twisted his neck a bit, he managed to catch Owlide showing off the side of her body, like she was showing off wounds that aren't there anymore, "And I know it from experience. Did a nice job on me."
Rick's eyes casted back at Suzue when she waved her hand past the human towards Owlide, "You see there? She wouldn't be standing right now if it weren't for me and my fellow healer. And that's why there isn't any shame for me not to fight and just heal others in dire need."
The human replied without doubt, "You're pretty much right. A fighter can't fight if he was very hurt and dying, and I know that's why you guys are around...So he can keep on living and fighting."
"Precisely. And I know you'll be thanking me afterward if I did that to you, and then I'll be saying to you that there's no need to thank me and I'm just doing my duty."
Rick giggled at that, "I'm sure you would."
Suzue then grabbed another herb and tried to pull it out of the ground, "And Rick, about what you said about the wolfir, I believe you. I know I haven't met one and wouldn't know, but I believe you. But if I were you I wouldn't say that thing is the scariest creature you've met in Avarilan yet. There are other dangers living in Avarilan you haven't seen before I'm sure." The herb finally got pulled off the earth and she held it out for him, "Another one for ya."
Rick yanked it out of her palm and stuffed it in the bag, "Thank you."
Owlide chimed in, swishing her lion tail around, "She has a point, human. You probably haven't seen EVERYTHING quite yet."
Rick looked to her, "You're right. I haven't."
She mentioned as she held up her beak and appeared to have thought something, "I know I haven't met a wolfir before, but I think the scariest thing I've met before in my life was probably the-"
Rick cut her off with a nervous frown, "Yeah, best you don't mention what, lady."
Owlide's beak shot down and formed a smirk, "Are you sure? I can tell you what it was, just to educate you and all."
He adamantly waved her off and shook his head, "Nope, nope, there's no need. I don't want to think about what you describe. Trust me, it's best I do NOT know what's scarier than a wolfir."
The female gryphon shrugged her shoulders, "Have it your way then." Then she twisted her neck, her head gazing towards a different direction.
Rick turned to Suzue again, seeing she had stood up straight and faced him. Rick said to her, "And Suzue, I know that you're lucky you haven't met a wolfir before in your life, but can I give you some advice because of my experience with one?"
Suzue said, "Sure. Knowing I'm a healer and not a fighter, believe me I'll take whatever advice you give me."
That's when Rick advised, "If you're wanting to go out of the village during the night, please don't do that. There might be a chance that one could be wandering outside your home in the night and hiding in the shadows. I know they're rare, but you never know. So seriously, don't ever do that."
She replied, grinning, "I'd be a fool to not take that. And besides, I wouldn't go out of my home during nightfall anyway. I never tried that, and I'd never plan to."
Rick smiled and commented, "Good girl."
Then the white cheetah went and peeked in to the bag he's holding and hummed, "Looks like there's still a lot of room left in there." She glanced at him, then to the spot behind her, noticing there are no more herbs to pluck there. Then her head gazed towards a different spot about a few feet away from them, where there are more herbs ready to be picked. Her eyes went back on Rick, "Let's get more." Rick nodded once more and they both went to that spot. As he stood behind her, Suzue crouched down.
Her hand was pulling another herb with a grunt. Then Suzue let out a slight chuckle, "Heh...I wonder if Scott would be as helpful as you are and not get so worried about protecting me and himself? Maybe this would have gone by faster if I had managed to bring both of you out here together. He could have grabbed ahold the other bag and pulled herbs and stuffed them in it till it was full while me and you was doing the same with the first one. But you Rick, were the only one who volunteered to go, so-"
Rick cut her off with a grin and a tease, "There you go complaining again."
Suzue stopped what she was doing to shoot him a playful glare, "I WAS NOT. And what do you mean by 'again'?"
He put on a pretend thoughtful look, "Well, several minutes ago you did complain about going out here when you want to go picking at herbs with anyone who's supposed to protect you and that person doesn't hold a bag for you like me."
Suzue playfully yapped, "For the record I never was complaining about that. And I didn't complain now. I was just saying-"
He was waving her off with his hand, giggling, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I was messing with you."
Suzue's muzzle made a small smile, "I thought you were."
Rick continued about Scott while Owlide came up a bit closer to where they are behind him, "And about Scott...I think he'd be able to help you out with the whole gathering herb thing. Despite what he been through, I don't think he'd get paranoid out here and not help and just watch like Owlide here."
The middle aged female cheetah agreed with that, "I think you're right. And if he wanted to leave, what would stop Scott from coming out here with you and also help me out?"
Rick only came up with one reason why with a playful smile and a shrug of his shoulders, "I'd say because I hate him and don't want him around me."
Suzue let out a small laugh, "Oh and I doubt that! I can tell you like him."
"You're right. I do."
She then went back to work on the herb she was pulling, "I bet you always have liked him ever since you two met. Heck, I'm certain you could never hate him. I mean, why would you hate him? I know I wouldn't, judging by how he is with everyone, and I just met him today." She finally pulled it out of the earth with a tiny grunt, and held the herb behind her for him.
Rick only stared at the herb in her hand with the smile melting off his face, his mind thinking about the animosity he had towards Scott before. She had no idea. What Suzue did not know was he didn't exactly always like Scott, and he didn't tell her about that yet. He thinks he might as well...He has been opening up to her about his past after all. She probably won't think differently of him if he told her that. He's sure of it anyway. Then he finally grabbed it and shoved the plant in the bag, "To tell you the truth...I wasn't always nice to Scott. I did hate him before."
Suzue was about to grab ahold the next herb in her sight when her ears perked up and she twisted her neck to stare at him quizzically, "Wait. Really?"
Rick slowly nodded and acknowledged, "Yep."
The female cheetah stood upright and spun herself to him, "I don't get it...Why? Why did you not like him before? I honestly don't see why you could hate him."
Rick's breath came off his chest, "Um, well, thing was...It was because he's with my daughter. You know, as in they're...'Together'."
Suzue practically knew what he meant as her eyes brightened up, "Awww...Scott and your daughter are mates. That's cute. I knew there was something between them. I-"
He giggled a bit and held up a finger, "Actually they're not mates...Well...They're together, but they never mated."
Suzue's eyes went wide right in front of him. Owlide nearby squawked in surprise, gazing at the human now, "Really?! Wow, that's shocking! What pair wouldn't do that?"
Rick mumbled, finding that question a bit amusing, "Yeah....What pair wouldn't do that."
Suzue said with a slight tilt of her head, "So they're together...But they never mated...That is pretty odd." Then she shrugged her arms, "But then again I know from Jill that human females don't have to be in heat to get pregnant, they can get pregnant any time they wish. So I guess I see why they haven't yet."
Owlide cocked her head, "Hold on. That's true? I didn't know that. Jill never told me that before."
Rick hollered over his shoulder, "Well you do now!"
Owlide responded shortly with her eyes making a frown, one of her feathered wings twitched on her back, "Huh." She went back to her duty with her eyes off them.
Rick focused back on Suzue, "Anyways. At first, I didn't like Scott for days because he was with her. Only reason why I didn't was I thought he was some sort of a...Punk and he was no good to her."
Suzue smirked and bobbed her head up and down slowly, "Ah I see now. Been overprotective of your own cub, huh?"
"More or less, yeah. I didn't trust him at all, and I kept making things hard for him because he was with her." The cheetah's smirk went away as she listened, "I wanted them to not be together. Emily kept telling me differently about him, but for days I did not listen. I thought she was blind and I was right...But I wasn't."
Suzue asked, "What made you think of him differently now than before?"
"Well..." He let out a sigh as memories of the night when Scott and him had the biggest fight they had flowed through his head, "...Me and Scott got in the very worst fight we both had one night....And it left with him getting hurt and my daughter completely upset." Suzue's eyes widened up for a second before she softened them up, "And Damon...Damon was more upset than she was. I'll tell ya, he was more protective of her than me and did a better job at it."
She said softly, "Damon protective of her huh?"
"Yeah. And he confronted me the next night about how I treated Scott for days, and hurting him and Emily because of that horrid fight. Treating me like I was a bad father and a bad friend. At first I kinda argued with him, but then...I saw that what he was saying to me was right. I made things right after that confrontation. It's thanks to Damon I gave Scott a chance, and I see him as a good kid now. I completely changed my attitude, to stop judging him too harshly. Not only stopped being judgmental, but I stopped being stuffy as well. And it wasn't just to him, I was like that to everybody I travelled with."
Suzue replied with a blank look, "Wow...You were that kind of human."
He smiled a bit, giggled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Heh heh...Kinda was…But I'm not anymore...As you can tell." His smile was wiped off when he gave her a curious question, "I think differently about Scott now, but what about you? Do you think of me differently now after I told you all that?"
The white cheetah shook her head softly, smiling fondly at him, "No...Not at all...I still think the same about you."
The happy expression came back when he gave her a word of gratitude, "Thanks." Suzue stared at him with that fond look for a long moment, before she went back to work with the herbs on the ground.
Then minutes later after Suzue stashed the last herb in the bag, she eyed at the medium-size clay pot she left sitting close to a nearby bush. While Rick swung the bag onto his shoulder to carry it that way, Suzue strode to it, saying while she did, "Alright, now that I took this thing with us, let's go find the river and get water." She picked it up and turned to walk back, "It shouldn't be far from here."
Before they left the village, Suzue did bring that pot along other than the two bags for the herbs. She said she wanted to get some water as well while they were away from home. Rick didn't care, knowing it might as well be now or later. Rick replied, "Lead the way." Then while her form went past him, he eyed at Owlide, "And you keep your eyes peeled, big feathered girl."
Owlide rolled up her eyes as she was shooting her head side to side, "I know, I will. Keep doing what you're doing." Rick playfully rolled his and went with Suzue while the green gryphoness trekked behind them, her head darting back and forth as she kept them eyes scanning for danger. Since he and Suzue were both quiet as they walked, Rick was doing the same as Owlide. Thinking about helping her out with that. After all, he'll make sure there isn't any danger to protect the lovely, white furred lady from.
Very soon, they came across a small river. When the human and the cheetah went closer to it, Suzue dipped the pot in the water while Rick stood beside her and kept an eye on things, other than Owlide who only stood several feet away from them and the riverbank. When the pot was filled with water, Suzue placed it on the bank. That was when she sat down with it. Rick asked her, "What are you doing?"
Suzue let out a whoosh of air, sitting with her feet crossed, "My feet are tired. So I'm just resting a bit." She looked up at the human and patted a spot beside her, "Wanna sit with me?"
Rick smiled and nodded after staring at her for a second, "Yeah sure. Why not?" Then he lowered himself till his bottom planted on the ground. Owlide only sat on her haunches and then started to preen at her feathers. Rick's eyes were trailing the area that surrounds the river, admiring the spot they're at. He said when a couple minutes of silence went by, "Hmm...This is a nice spot."
Suzue giggled from his statement, "I picked a good one to sit, didn't I?"
The middle aged human turned his head and replied, "Sure did." He gazed directly at the water, his face looking solemn, "But, too bad Emily's not out here to see it, not to mention sit and enjoy it. If me and her were alone out here, at this spot, this would have been a great father and daughter moment...Hardly had a moment like that with her since we came to Avarilan...Which you know why."
Suzue said in assurance, putting her hand on his shoulder, "Oh, but things have changed now, and I think there'll be time for you both to find and have one....Actually have a lot of them in the future."
Rick let out a breath, "Yeah, if one of us doesn't die first."
Her hand rubbed his shoulder now, "I doubt that. I know this world's at war and things can happen, but you and her are alive so far so I doubt it."
Shortly after her statement, he gazed at her purple eyes with a smile, "I think you're right. We have been alive for days, so I guess I shouldn't doubt it. And who knows, we may find that moment soon."
"Maybe." Suzue giggled deeply, finally pulling her hand off his shoulder, "By the way I actually have an idea when we get back to home. Want to hear it?"
"When we get home, you find your daughter..." Suzue rose her hand and moved it behind her and then flew it over till it laid on her leg, "And then drag her out of there to all the way here. That way you both can have your lovely moment. And don't worry, I promise I won't send somebody after you and ruin it." She winked.
Owlide, who was already done preening a green feather on her neck, joined in nearby with a chuckle escaping her beak, "And you certainly won't catch me watching you guys nearby. I wouldn't be in the mood to leave home after this."
Rick let out a tiny laugh and then glanced at Owlide behind him, "I appreciate you staying at the village if we did." He stared at the cheetah beside him, "And thanks for the idea, Suzue...But I don't think Emily would like that I'm dragging her out of there. She probably wouldn't want to leave. And another thing, I'll probably be having the same thought as Owlide." He waved a hand, "After heading back, I think I'll be done having walks outside the village...Least until I leave tomorrow."
Suzue chuckled a bit and shrugged her shoulders, "Least I shared it." Then she went silent as she looked out towards across the river, a pleasant breath leaving her mouth. Rick did too, still enjoying the scene he's sitting at. Owlide was just watching for danger while still on her haunches. Then after a few minutes had passed, Suzue turned her head to him and spoke, "Rick." Rick looked back, seeing her smiling, "I honestly am glad you've made things right with Scott...For your daughter's sake. He does seem to be a good human."
Rick sweetly responded, "Yeah, he is."
"And I'm betting that he was real happy when you gave him a chance."
Rick made a smirk, "Then you've won the bet."
Suzue rose a playful brow, "I did huh?"
"Sure! Believe me, he was very happy because he was getting tired of me getting at him for being with Em."
Suzue giggled and said back, "And I'm sure Emily was too. I wouldn't want my father being judgmental to whoever I'm with almost every day and not listen to me when I tell him otherwise."
He raised his brows, "I kinda have to ask. Was your dad like me?"
Her head adamantly and proudly shook, "No."
He playfully shot back, "Well then you're lucky you don't have a father who was like me."
Suzue exclaimed loudly, "Oh by the gods I sure am!" Then they shared a chuckle together.
Then Rick stated shortly after they chuckled, "I'll tell ya, I'm happy you didn't have a...Cub and hadn't been in a situation like mine."
Suzue snickered, "Well, if I had a daughter, and if she was with a strong, strapping male, I'd give him a chance right away and not judge him. Things would be totally different with us. I wouldn't be in a situation like yours if I had one."
Owlide's voice playfully chimed in from nearby, "Me neither, you judger!"
Rick's brow wrinkled up, "Um, well, that's because dads usually do that. Not mothers."
Suzue slapped his back playfully, "Hey, I can be judgmental myself. Don't think I can't."
Owlide dipped her beak and admitted, "I'll admit, I can be a so called judger as well. No need to leave myself out of that title."
He smirked and playfully shot back over his shoulder at the green gryphoness, "Good to know, Owlide." Then he glanced at the white cheetah beside him, "And honestly...I didn't see you as the judgmental type."
Suzue poked his arm playfully, "I'd judge, just not much as you would. That's why you don't see me as the type."
Rick let out a laugh, "Right." Then he wrinkled his brow again, as a question came in his brain, "You know...Since I brought up that you didn't have a cub...How come you don't?" When he asked her that, Suzue's smile was immediately wiped off her face. He continued, "You do seem to be the motherly type to Kevin and Jill. But...Why do you not have cubs of your own living with you?"
Suzue's eyes seemed to hold nervousness. Then she basically looked away from him, also twisted her body a bit so her back barely faced him. Rick pressed, curious what's going on with her, "You ok?"
She was speaking in a low tone while raising a hand to brush the fur on her cheek, "Sorry...It's just...It's kind of embarrassing."
The human wrinkled his brow, confused by her words, "What's embarrassing?"
Then Suzue looked at him as she was getting up on her two feet, "Never mind. Let's head back to the village. I'm ready to go now." She swiftly picked up the pot full of water, whirled and trotted away in a rush. Rick shot off the ground while Owlide got up to her fours as they watched her wander back in the woods.
Rick paced several steps to Owlide while shifting two bags full of herbs around on his back, and asked her, "Hey...Do you know what's up with her?"
Owlide looked down at him, and answered while shrugging her shoulders and curling up her wings, "You got me. I don't know." Then she gestured her beak to the wandering female cheetah, "But let's get after her before she disappears completely." Rick nodded and he and Owlide padded fast to try to catch up to the white cheetah that's still up ahead. The human still had a quizzical thought about her rumbling about in his head.
Suzue mentioned that it was 'embarrassing'...What was she talking about? What was she hiding?
Kevin made tracks across the grass in the middle of the village, now wanting to talk to this certain person who lived in the cheetah-gryphon village with him. The person who had been trapped in Avarilan with him for three years. The person he's hoping won't leave the village to go back to their home.
His chest heaved out a sigh as his foot placed another step and walked past two cheetahs. After the talk he had with Pax about what he should do, about the proposal Rick gave him and Jill earlier, he waited for Jill to cool off since he figured she was still VERY angry at the blue gryphon for making that lewd comment. Now it's been after a while since Jill got mad, and he's now searching across the village for her.
Kevin giggled to himself from the thought of that lewd comment, thankfully easing the tension of the oncoming conversation he's gonna have with Jill a little bit. He does know that it isn't the first lewd comment Paxadorf gave that woman and made her mad. Pax, thanks in part to his dirty mind, gave Jill plenty of those before. Honestly it does amuse Kevin to see Jill get worked up every time that sort of comment is thrown at her by that gryphon, and he does snicker about it. And he was lucky Kevin himself wouldn't say anything like that towards her. Because she knows how to kick butt. And she did that to Pax sometimes...Specifically with a well placed kick to his balls.
Right now after giving her some time alone, he's really hoping that she had calmed down. Sometimes it takes a long time for Jill to chill after hearing that kind of comment. Heck, he doesn't want her snapping at him. He really needs to talk to her. Kevin's face turned glum, his mind worried for what her decision is. He's really hoping Jill doesn't leave their new home. He doesn't want to leave, but if she does...He'd probably feel lonely without her around. Sure he likes being with Pax and his fellow gryphons, and Suzue and her fellow cheetahs, but he's known Jill for years, and honestly a part of him feels that when she stays here, he really feels like he's back at home. Not to mention Kevin doesn't want her to get hurt or killed when she's travelling with Scott and the others, that is IF she's gonna go with them.
Kevin would probably forgive himself if she had got hurt, but killed...That's different. He doesn't want to lose her.
As Kevin thought about the black haired woman, he sees Jill from a distance shooting a arrow from her bow at one of the three large round targets made by the cheetahs standing on the ground, the projectile actually hitting dead center. He smirked a little and sighed. Perhaps she was still steamed from before, and she's shooting arrows to take out her anger. He was building the guts to talk to her as he went closer to her. Well, he waited to talk to her long enough, and he's not waiting anymore. He HAS to talk to her about his...THEIR dilemma. Besides...She's probably ready to talk to him about it too.
Guess he'll find out.
Kevin walked till he stopped beside her. Jill was drawing back her arrow, her eyes concentrating on her target as she aimed, and asked him in a serious tone, "What do you want, Kevin?"
Kevin still smirked when he responded, "Wondering if you are still pissed." Her arrow flew off the string, and struck the target close beside the other arrow that's already stuck to it. After he turned his gaze sharply to the round target, Kevin shrugged his shoulders, "Guess that answers it."
Jill actually showed a smirk on her own face, "Well I'm not as angry as I was before." She lowered her weapon and turned to him, "I feel a bit better."
He replied with a tiny nod as he pictured her shooting an arrow at him in anger, "Good. Cause I don't want you to shoot an arrow at me."
She swung the bow upon her shoulder and put her hands to her hips, "I wouldn't. I want to put one on Pax honestly."
Kevin laughed a little, "Aw come on, you know he was joking. He always jokes like that."
Her eyes narrowed, "Not ALWAYS."
"Hey, other than that, you know you like him and you know he's your buddy just as much as he is mine."
Jill smiled, and admitted when she slowly rolled her eyes, "Yeah...He is." She put on a glare for a moment, "But he still deserves it."
Kevin playfully said, "For your case he does."
The woman brushed some strands of her hair away from her face, going on with a smile and raised brows, "And to tell you something, I AM gonna let what he said go as usual, and not go find him and shoot one at him right now. BUT next time he talks to me like that, I'll shoot one at his ass."
"Then I guess I better warn him about your planned intent before he does say anything stupid to you."
"Probably a good idea." She deviously giggled.
He took a deep breath, and decided to get serious and do what he's wanting to do with her. Kevin put on a serious look and said, "Hey Jill...I didn't come here because I wondered if you were still mad...I REALLY need to talk to you about something."
Jill seemed to have known what he wanted to talk to her about, and nodded as the smile left her face, "Yeah...We both need to talk about something."
"We do." Kevin scratched the back of his head, sighing, "Jill...I've thought about what Rick said. What about you?"
She crossed her arms underneath her breasts, "I have."
He gestured to her with a hand, "So...What do you want to do really? Do you want to go with them, or stay here?"
Jill turned her head away from his and let out a breath, "Honestly, Kevin...I have made my decision....And I'm not turning my back on it."
Kevin knew where she was going with it. He pressed her, "You're going with them...Aren't you?"
She turned it back on him, "Isn't it obvious?"
He knew it. Kevin smiled a bit, "Kind of." Then he went serious again, "Jill...Are you sure you want to go? I mean, it's not like we haven't already accepted this place as home."
Jill held in a breath and let it out, "I see what your decision is on it."
Kevin nodded, "You figured me out right off the bat...I don't want to go...I don't want to leave the village, and I don't want to leave Avarilan."
Jill formed a worried look as she uncrossed her arms, "Are you that serious? This world is not exactly ALL safe. There's still a war going on here."
"I know that...But I still want to stay here."
"Kevin, you outa feel happy that we're actually having someone who's gonna take us to The Great One, the one who probably knows how to get us home. We've known about that guy for a long time. And no one here had wanted to take us to Wingspan to him. Why, because everyone living here thought making that kind of journey was just too dangerous. That's why we were stuck here Kev, and you know it."
Kevin tried to speak, "I know that too, but-"
She cut him off with a wave, "But nothing. That green dragon is brave enough to lead Scott and the others to Wingspan. And I bet we'll make it there and not die. Going with them is probably our ONLY chance to get back home...To our REAL home. And you want to squander that chance?"
He glared, "Are you that relentless on getting home? Are you that stubborn to not notice you have friends here that'll miss you when you leave? And you may never see them again after you go home? That's probably what'll happen after you're home. You may never come back here. Are you really? Do you not care?"
She glared right back, "Of course I do care. I care about everybody here. And I'm not stubborn to never notice I have friends here. I know that for certain." Jill softened up her eyes, "Other than that...I miss our home. I love everyone here, even Pax and Suzue, without a doubt...But I've also always missed our home. I miss watching TV. I miss getting my nails done in a salon. I know I take baths in this world, but I miss taking a actual shower in a actual bathroom, which cheetahs and gryphons don't exactly have in their houses. And...I miss my family. I miss our home and talk about it, and you know that. Don't you?"
Kevin lowered his head in sadness, "Yeah."
"I do want to go back. And maybe I won't ever see any of my friends here again after I get back home, I get that...But I still want to take that chance, and I think they'd want me to take that chance because Avarilan's dangerous....And probably forever will be." Jill reached and took his hand, "Kevin...I don't want to leave you in this world."
He shot his gaze back up, his eyes filled with plea, "If you don't want to leave me then stay with me."
Jill shook her head softly, "I can't....I don't belong here. WE don't belong here. And I do want you to come with me." Kevin moaned and turned his head away, "Look, you say you want to stay here and you probably will but what would happen to this new home you love so much one day? We've been lucky for three years, but you probably won't be lucky for another. I sometimes get a feeling that this village won't stand tall forever, and it'll fall from one certain battle. And sadly, while I'm gone, everyone might die...Including Pax...Suzue...And you." She let go his hand, and slowly rose both hers to grab Kevin's cheeks and made him look at her, "Kevin...I am BEGGING you to come on this chance."
Kevin only stared at her eyes for a long time before he spoke, "Jill...I have nothing left in home. There's no point."
Jill shook her head a few times, denying that, "No. You're wrong. You do...You still have your mother."
He narrowed his eyes, "It's been three years...She's probably not around still. You know what her condition was like before we left home."
Her hands had let go of his head and dropped down to her sides, "But maybe she's better now."
He argued, "But she probably isn't. For all we know she's probably gone by now."
Jill glared once more, "Don't say that. You don't even know if that's true." She sighed and went on, "She's probably still alive now and she's probably sitting in her house, missing her husband and child, sad that she can't see them again. The coast guard probably searched for us and already came to their conclusion and told her, but we both know what they say and believe is wrong. Her husband's dead, but not her son. He's alive...In another world. Do you want her to live with that thought, Kevin? Do you still want her feeling so sad and hurt? You're still alive. You're the only family she has."
Kevin looked down at his feet, "But we don't know THAT."
Jill finally formed a pity look, "...I know I feel I don't wanna leave you here, other than leave my friends living here." Her eyes changed to determination, "But I'm still going. With, or without you. I have family living at home, and I know they're sad because they think I'm dead, and I don't want them to believe that anymore. And I bet you still do too." Kevin sighed, knowing now there's no point in convincing her to stay. Jill continued, "Kevin...I know you didn't like your father before he died."
When Kevin thought about why he hated him, he felt some anger boiling in his veins, "And I had a good reason why."
Jill talked back, "But I didn't. I defended him on what he was doing, and I know we fought about it more than once." She shook her head dismissively, "But never mind about that...Imagine what he'd want for you right now."
His anger quickly subsided as Kevin slowly rose his eyes back on her, "But...Jill-"
She planted her hand on his shoulder, letting out a breath, "Look...Your mom's probably not dead, and your father would want you to leave tomorrow and go back to her, not to mention not want you to die in this world one day like me. And I can't stay here and you know it...I'm done with this, and I'm going to tell everyone of my decision." She let him go and trotted her way to the round target she shot at, while Kevin was dipping his chin in sadness. Jill made it to the target and yanked those two arrows off it.
After that, she made her way back, and only stopped and turned her head to him, eyes giving him fondness, "I won't force you to go. I will stop trying to change your mind about going with me. But you really need to think about this. Something bad could happen here while I'm gone, and you will probably end up dead. And I don't want that. Think about what I said, including about your father...And think about what your mother wants also. Think hard...Before tomorrow comes. Okay?" She went up to give his cheek a sweet peck, and then sauntered off.
Kevin slowly looked at the targets a minute later after she left him. All the words she gave him started making him rethink what he already decided...And had him feeling conflicted. Jill did have a point, and so did Pax...One day, something very horrible could happen to the village...And everybody, especially him, could die from what may happen. Maybe he wouldn't be so lucky living in Avarilan for another year. And he could be wrong about his mother...Maybe she is alive...And she misses him, not to mention also misses his father.
Maybe he should go home...
But he also still didn't want to go home. Maybe the village would still stand battle after battle, and he'd still be alive after another year or more in Avarilan. Maybe his mother is dead back in his home. Maybe he thought right about that. Maybe there was nothing left in his home now.
Oh...What's he going to do?
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