I'm standing with Amanda, Neal, and Cody, as I beamed at Jessie and Frankie standing close together and gestured to them, "Well I think congratulations is in order, you two. I'm happy for you guys."
Jessie and Frankie both gave us a nod and Jessie said in gratitude, "Thank you, Wayne."
Frankie lowered his head to Jessie's level and nuzzled his snout into her arm, "It wasn't really easy trying to get together with this fine female, but at the end it was worth it."
Jessie curled up her arm around Frankie's neck, after he nuzzled it, "Totally worth it." Then she pointed at Amanda with her other hand, "And it was thanks to Amanda here, that she helped me get over what I was feeling before. Being with someone like him, really is worth it." Jessie removed her arm off Frankie's neck and both gazed lovingly into each others eyes.
It's about a couple hours before noon comes, and we were all at the big fountain that's in the dragon city, talking to Jessie and Frankie after they've both announced that they're officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I was happy for them. And now that I remember that Rain's in love with Brandon, I hope that those two get together. Rain did tell me that Brandon's probably thinking about Jessie in that way, I wonder if he knew about what Jessie was feeling about Frankie, before they got together? I can bet that she had told him about it, and she told Brandon she doesn't want to be with him, in that way. Only as friends. If Brandon had this revelation, then I sincerely hope that Rain and him get together. That he realizes what he's been missing. Those two are meant for each other. Just like...Me and Sierra.
My thoughts were cut off, when Amanda beamed at them, especially Jessie, "That's good. I told you that there's nothing to be ashamed about. Do you have any regrets?"
Jessie giggled and she and Frankie both looked all of us. Jessie playfully asked, "Does it look like I have regrets?"
Amanda laughed and shook her head, "Nope. You look like me, when I'm gazing into my lover."
Cody nodded and remarked, "I know you guys would get together."
Neal shot up his head in agreement, "Me too."
Frankie eye curiously at the two drakes, "And HOW did you figure?"
Neal answered, "The way you guys are so close to each other. How Jessie's barking orders at you."
Cody laughed, "Yeah, and how Jessie snaps at you when you piss her off. She's a strong little girl, like Amanda here!"
Amanda held up her head in a proud way, "I am one strong little bitch."
Neal rolled his eyes, "Especially, when you freakin kicked my stones."
Amanda giggled and teasingly looked up at him, "Aw, do my favorite drake's eggs still hurt? I thought they'd feel better by now."
Neal snorted down at Amanda, "I'm still thinking, I better not drink with you again. NOT EVER AGAIN." Then he formed a devious grin on his snout, "As a matter of FACT, they do still hurt. So yes, you can give them a massage when we get home."
Amanda's face turned bright red at that and we all laughed. I said to Amanda, as she stood frozen in embarrassment, "You DID kick him real hard, that night."
Amanda shot a glare right at me, "Shut up, Wayne. Don't encourage the big red scaly pervert."
Frankie rose his head above Jessie's level and asked her, "Jess, if you actually kicked me in the balls, would you massage them?" It was Jessie's turn to turn red and she shot a glare at him. Frankie gave her a toothy grin, "What? Don't they deserve a massage?"
Jessie rose her foot off the ground and threatened, "I'm going to kick them right now, for that crack of yours."
Frankie gave her a mock gasp and placed his paw to his chest, "You want to kick ME? You really want to kick your knight's stones?"
Jessie just gave him a nod, forming a bit of a grin with her narrowed look, "If he doesn't respect his queen, then I will." She winked at him, "I have slapped your nose before, don't think I won't kick your eggs."
Frankie's eyes went wide and he whimpered a the thought, curling his tail protectively around himself, "Can you just slap my haunches? I want to keep my eggs preserved."
She shook her head and giggled, "Nope, you piss off your queen again, you'll get a kick in the balls."
He glared down at her and shot up his head, "Seriously, I told you before that you're abusing your noble steed. And other than slapping my nose, here's another example." Then he flicked one of his ears, "You twisted my ear ONE time."
Then Jessie's face went wide at the idea, "Oh yeah, that's right!" She pointed up at one of his ears, "Piss me off again, and I'll either twist your ear, or kick you in the balls. Whichever one I'd do."
Frankie let out a amused sigh, "I guess, I better behave with my mate then."
Amanda said with a nod toward Neal, "Yeah, better behave with your mate, you big red scaly pervert."
Neal lowered his head to her level and licked across her face, "I do behave."
Amanda smiled at him and reached up to pet his nose, "Not always, big guy."
He chuckled and nudged his nose into the palm of her hand, "You don't either."
Amanda laughed and pulled her hand away from him, "Are you kidding me? I'm an angel."
He rolled his eyes in disbelief, "Don't give me THAT. You kicked my stones recently."
She narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips, "Will you get over it? I said to you that I was sorry, more than once."
Neal grinned, "Then give my eggs a good rubbing, so you'd REALLY make it up to me."
She shook her head, "Oh, your eggs are not hurt, now cut the bull crap." She giggled, "You big red scaly pervert."
He nuzzled his cheek with hers, "I'm YOUR big red scaly pervert."
Amanda reached with her hand to give his neck a few strokes, "I know, big guy." Then he pulled his face off of her and she gave his nose a tender kiss. They both giggled together.
Frankie asked Jessie, with a bit of a mock expression, "Don't I get a kiss from you?"
Jessie laughed and beckoned her hand to him, "Lower your head then, you big black dork."
He chuckled and lowered his head to where she was, "I'm YOUR big black dork." He winked. Jessie giggled and planted a kiss on his nose. He said to her with his gaze full of love, "I love you, your majesty."
Jessie smiled at him and said, "I love you too, my dear brave knight."
Frankie raised his head again and asked all of us, "So I wonder when my sister and Brandon gets back here? I want to share those two the big news about me and Jess."
Cody beamed, it looks like he sees something behind them, "Oh, speaking of your sister." He pointed with his paw, "There she is." I followed his gaze, and Frankie and Jessie did too when they turned around. All of us can see Rain gliding down to the ground for a landing on another street.
Frankie nodded at the sight of his sister, "Well talk about timing! She'll be so happy for this!"
Jessie frowned and asked, "Wait, hold on...Where's Brandon?"
I trotted forward until I was standing right beside her, my face wrinkled too, "Yeah...I don't see Brandon on Rain's back." We all see Rain land on the ground with her wings curled on her back. She saw all of us and padded towards us. She appeared to be worried. I asked the others, "I wonder what's up? Where's Brandon?"
Neal shook his head, "Don't know, but....I'm thinking something's wrong."
Cody said as Rain got closer, "Me too."
I looked at Rain and when she got right in front of all of us, I asked, "Hey there...Where's Brandon?"
Jessie asked too, "Yeah, we all thought he was with you."
Frankie grew a concerned face and asked his sister, "What's going on? Where's our friend?"
Judging by the look in her eyes, she's real worried. Like something happened. Rain said, "Guys, Brandon's gone."
All of us gasped, and then I asked, "Gone? What do you mean gone?"
She shouted with a flare of her wings, "I mean, HE'S GONE!" She waved her paw at us, "I was sleeping in my cave with him and this morning when I woke up, he was gone! He's gone! Brandon disappeared!"
Neal drew a narrowed face on her, "Whoa, slow down! Did you look for him?"
Rain nodded profusely, "I've searched for him in that area over the woods, I even roared for him, but he still never came back." She was starting to freak out and her breathing started to tremble, "I can't find him! He's gone! He-"
I held out my hands to her, "Calm down, you did the right thing coming back here. Don't worry, we'll all look for him."
Rain shook her head at all of us, there were a few tears about to form in her eyes, "I can't help it. I...I don't want to lose him. I don't want to lose him, like Tommy. I love him."
I knew she was going to say that, and everyone else didn't appeared to be surprised at what she said. They all knew that she cared about him deeply. Frankie walked up and nuzzled her comfortingly, "Sister, calm down. We'll find him."
Cody nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we'll go ahead and help you look."
Rain nuzzled back into Frankie, a few tears fell down her face, her voice trembling a bit, "T- Thank you."
Frankie backed away from her and looked back at us over his shoulder, "C'mon guys. We have to find him."
Jessie nodded at that, "Right, lets go."
Rain wiped her eyes with her paw and lowered her body toward the ground. She said to me, "Wayne, you hop on my back."
I nodded and ran up to the side of her body, grabbing her wing joint, "I'm on it." I hurled myself onto her back and she stood up over the stone ground. I saw Jessie climbing on Frankie, and Amanda climbing on Neal. Then Rain, Cody, Neal, and Frankie all spread out their wings to get ready for flight.
I suggested to everybody on Rain's back, "Alright, all of us split up over the woods and search as much as we can, until one of us finds him. Got that?"
They all said in unison, "Got it."
Rain looked over her shoulder at me with a very determined look, "Hang on, my friend." I nodded and wrapped my arms around her neck, as she turned and made a running start, leaping up to the skies with a flap of her wings. I looked back a bit and saw the others, already taking flight as well. I turned to look ahead, all of us flying high over the dragon city's buildings. A thought crossed my mind, about Brandon.
Brandon disappeared while Rain was sleeping? I hope that doesn't mean that he disappeared like...Sierra....
I hope one of us finds him. We don't want to lose him too.
What happened to him? I don't like this. I don't like this one bit.
I'm sitting on the corner of the small enclosed room. Sitting with my legs held to my chest. I had a worried, depressed look on my face. I was just sitting right there, since I've tried to search for a way out of this place. But I haven't. There's no windows or anything like that. There's no nothing small and sharp that'll help me pick the lock to the door. There's not a way out of here. So I was just sitting here, for god knows how long. I don't even know if it's night yet, but a part of me is getting a feeling that it is. I was feeling hungry, so I do know I was sitting here for hours. I was feeling a bit depressed since I'm going to die here, because of Marcus, or Sierra, or whichever one will kill me. I wasn't mostly worried about myself, I was just mostly worried for Rain.
I took a deep breath and let it out. Rain...
I know, she won't find me in this place. But...God how can she take this? How can she take my disappearance? She's lost Tommy, I don't know how she can take this. I don't even think that Rain can recover from my disappearance and of course, my death if she found that out. I wouldn't blame her...I wouldn't either, if she suffered a horrible fate. I wouldn't forgive myself if she died, and I'm sure she wouldn't forgive herself for not protecting me. We both love each other, so much. I was breathing in with a tremble, with a feeling that I'm about to break down in tears. I can't even say goodbye to her, and I can't even say goodbye to mom.
Mom...I wish I've found you the other night in Leon. And told you in person that...I was sorry for leaving and I love you. Mom would still think that I'm alive, because of that letter. But....God, if she finds out that I'm dead somehow...She'll be devastated. She can't take anymore of that kind of pain. She can't. She's lost dad, she can't bear to hear and see that I'm dead. I buried my face into my knees, my whole body shuddered at my own fate that's coming to me soon. I'm going to die here.
Then a thought came to me, about Sierra. Sierra's not evil, she's being forced to become that way. Marcus is controlling her, and making her do all those things. She can't remember her friends, even her love for Wayne. Marcus really ruined her life. Hell, it's not like her life wasn't in turmoil before, but Marcus is bringing her more turmoil. She doesn't deserve this. She deserves to have a normal life with Wayne. She has before, and Marcus took it away from her. I really feel sympathy for her. But I'm kinda afraid of her too. She really doesn't remember what her life was like, and she won't listen to me. And to my horror, she can't even remember that Amanda's like a daughter to her. She flat out said, 'I never had a daughter.' This is your fault Marcus! You were the one who made humanity forget about dragons as their friends, brainwashed Sierra, and worse you've hurt Rain. He couldn't accept that humanity has changed and he did all those things, sixty six years ago. This wasn't fair. None of this, including what's happening to me is fair. He really is a monster. I won't let him get away with this. If I ever get my hands on him...I'll kill him.
I sighed. But how can I fight HIM? He might kill me with his magic. I could try, but would I win? I don't think, I could do this on my own, I need Sierra's help. I have to help her remember her past. There has to be a way, but....How? I'm still trying to figure it out, before my time for my death comes. I won't work for a bastard like him. He's freakin worse than Gerry. I won't be his tool.
Sierra...How can I help you?
If you were the one who has to kill me, then how can I convince you to not kill me? You have to remember. Remember everything.
What can I do? How can I break hold of Marcus's spell? How?
I let out another drawn out sigh. I still don't know what to do, and I'll die here.
Then Marcus's plan to control every dragon with his spell he's been building up for years came to mind. To use every one of them for war against humanity. For his own satisfaction. This is...Horrible. Dragons aren't monsters, but Marcus is going to make them act like they are. This is wrong.
I trembled at my own thought. Seeing all of my dragon friends, including Rain, being brainwashed and turned into killers by Marcus. I can see all of them flying in the air over a town and blowing fire at every house they fly over. Slaughtering every person who lives in that town. Jesus, I can see them murdering Wayne, Jessie, and Amanda by blowing fire at them. Without any hesitation or regrets at all. Rain...
If she was about to be controlled by Marcus, can she fight it? I don't know if she can. I don't want her to be a monster, this isn't who she is. She's a good decent person. Neal...Frankie....Cody....Joanna....Eleanor....Sebastian....I don't want all that to happen to you. All of you, along with every other dragon, are not monsters. I can't let this happen, but how can I stop it?
I rose my head from my knees. Dad...If you're watching me...Help me. Help your son. Don't let me die. Help me get out of this.
That's when I felt some kind of breeze washed up on my arms. I was frowning when I felt it, "Huh?" Is that a...Draft? I didn't feel it before. Where's it coming from? I got onto my feet and tried to remember the direction of it. It felt like it was coming from.... I looked at the far right corner of the room. Right there. I walked to it and crouched down to that spot. I didn't see it before up close, but now I can. There's a bit of a crack in the wall, so I got my head close to peek through it. It's sorta dark, but I can see a bit of a drop, leading me to a tunnel. So that's where the draft's coming from! Another way out! Marcus never noticed this spot, but I have. I can get the hell out of here!
I sat down on my butt, planted both hands firmly on the ground, rose one foot and began kicking at the crack in the wall. After maybe about thirty hard kicks, the spot crumbled and now there's a hole large enough for me to escape. I let out a breath of relief. Perfect, it worked! I got back up on my feet and shot a glance at the door to this room. I'm sure no one has heard me. I looked back at the hole, with a smile. I'm getting out of here. I placed my hand on the edge of the hole, looking down at the drop down to that tunnel. I can do this.
Then Sierra's face came to mind and I let out a breath. I'm sorry, Sierra. I wish there was something I could do for you now. But I can't help you, if I'm dead. I don't have a choice, I need to go now! I nodded to myself, poked my whole body through the opening and dropped down without hesitation. I landed with a grunt, now inside the barely dark tunnel. I sighed and tried to get my eyes to adjust more to the darkness. Okay...Here I go. I began to walk down the dark tunnel, feeling more of the draft.
Marcus and Sierra are strolling through the big chamber, heading to the stone hallway to get Brandon. His time to think of the choice he's willing to make, is up. The night has arrived. Marcus's robe rustled on the ground with each step he was making, and Sierra's tail was swinging back and forth as she's padding behind him. They both went in the hallway and both saw the door that holds the room Brandon's in. Marcus dug his hand in the purple robe and found what he was looking for. The key to that room. The key jangled when he gripped it, and when he was right in front of the door, he stuck it through the keyhole, unlocking it. Marcus peeked through the narrow hole into the room, smugly saying this, "Brando. Time's up." But when his eyes looked through it, he saw Brandon's not in there. He let out a gasp.
Sierra cocked her head, "Master, what's wrong?"
But Marcus didn't say a word to his apprentice, he only jerked the door wide open, almost hitting Sierra with it. She backed up from it, and Marcus bolted in there. Brandon's definitely not in there, and he can see why. He sees a hole that was made in the wall of the room. He walked up to look through it, and saw a tunnel in it. Marcus growled in anger, "Ancestors, he's escaped!"
Sierra's frills and wings flared when she poked her head into the room behind Marcus, "Escaped? How?"
Marcus whirled around with his back to the wall and he shouted when he thumbed at the hole behind him, "He made this hole and escaped!"
Sierra looked behind him and saw it. She put on an angry face and hissed, "That son of a bitch!"
The man in the robe forced Sierra to back her head out of the doorway, so he can get out of there. When he emerged back in the hallway with the blue dragoness, he looked up at her and said in a sneering tone, "If he finds his friends, then he'll tell everyone where we're at. We'll be screwed."
She nodded in agreement, "We have to stop that boy." She lowered her body to the ground, letting her master ride her, "Get on, master."
Marcus strode up beside her and began to climb onto her back, while he still held onto his staff. As soon as he sat down on his blue apprentice, Sierra rose her whole frame off the ground, standing tall with Marcus on her back. Marcus held onto his staff with one hand, while he used his other one to point straight ahead, total anger flashed in his eyes along with the green stone on the staff, "FIND HIM!!!" Sierra nodded and was padding in fast strides out of the hallway, back into the big chamber, all the way to the entrance of that cave. Heading outside.
I traced my hand on the wall, seeing the tunnel getting a bit more darker. I can barely see anything. There's no light source in this place. I wish I had a flashlight with me. Too bad, I didn't carry one with me. Well hey, I didn't know that I was going to get kidnapped against my own will.
I accidentally bumped into a wall, started feeling it, and walked into another direction, feeling the smooth tunnel wall with my hand running on it. I can't turn back and give up, I need to keep moving. I can still feel the draft, it's gotta lead me somewhere.
Back behind me, I thought I heard an echo. Like somebody screamed in an angry tone. I turned my head back and listened. I couldn't make out the words, but I'm sure it sounds like someone's angry. Now I'm having a gut feeling that Marcus knows that I've escaped. Is he after me in the tunnel, right now? I'm thinking since he used to be a dragon, then his eyes would work better in the darkness. I better not find out, if he's after me in here or not. I better keep moving. I turned my head to look ahead and kept moving, not going to back off from this.
I squinted still through the darkness, still trying to see where I'm going. I think, I can see a bit better now. So I've let my hand fall off the wall and down to my side, taking fast strides now, since I can see a bit better. With several more steps on the floor, I can hear something else now. I can hear...Crickets. I sucked in a breath with a smile on my face. I can hear outside! I'm almost there! I started to jog, trying to follow the direction of that noise. About a minute later, I can hear the crickets more clearly now, and the entrance to this tunnel's straight ahead. I beamed at the opening and began to bolt towards it.
I burst myself outside, taking in a deep breath of fresh cool air. From what it appears outside in the sky, it's night. So it's no wonder that there were crickets chirping. I looked up at the stars, some of them are blinking. I took my eyes off of them and saw a lot of trees ahead of me. Alright....Which way do I need to go? I never been in this area of the woods before, so I need to figure out where I'm at, so I can find Rain. Then again, I can search for the dragon city, but it could be very far away from here. Plus it's up the mountains, and there's probably no way I could get up there on foot. I need Rain's help. I've got to find her.
Don't worry, big girl. I'll find you. You got to be searching for me now.
I can see a dirt trail and shrugged my arms. I guess, I can start with that. It'll probably lead me somewhere far away from here. And with that, I started jogging on it. Jogging past several trees and bushes filled with thorns. I kept glancing at the sky, thinking that if Marcus and Sierra know if I've escaped, Marcus could probably ride on her back and search for me from high in the air.
I took slow deep breaths and my heart was pounding with each jog of my feet. I was looking to my left and looking to my right, as I was running slowly. I didn't know how long I was jogging in this place. I didn't keep track of all the minutes. My mind was on Rain, the whole time I was out here. I'm wondering if she's close by, or far away from me. I don't have any sort of idea, how far her cave really is. As of right now, I'm just a lost young boy, jogging through the woods with no direction of where I'm going.
Up in the sky, I thought I heard flapping. The wings of a dragon flying. I froze myself, to listen to it. Feeling a bit of dread forming in me. I looked up at the sky, but I don't see anything. But then, I heard something crash behind me through the tree line of the woods, several tree branches came down along with something big and tall. I whirled around and I sucked in a sharp breath of horror.
As it turns out, it was Sierra with Marcus on her back. Her blue scaly form towered over mine, with a death glare on her face. Marcus waved from up where he's at, "Hi there! Having a nice stroll in the night?"
I screamed and whirled back around on them, sprinting really fast on the dirt trail. I heard Marcus shouting at Sierra, "GET HIM!" I looked back and saw Sierra's running with all fours paws after me, while Marcus was just hanging onto her with the staff that's with him. I looked ahead and decided to run off the trail and into the woods, hoping that I can outrun them in there. I jumped over a bush, landing on the other side of it and kept running. I heard a roar behind me, as Sierra crashed her whole body through a bush and what appeared to be a very strong tree branch. It crashed down as her big giant frame broke it.
I had fear in my eyes, knowing that I'm being chased by a dragon, a second time in my life. Only this dragon's not Rain, this is Sierra. I ran past another tree, dodging it after I almost ran into the big thing. My foot caught on something and I tripped and landed with a thud on my stomach. I recovered back on my feet and ran, since I can hear that Sierra's still after me. I hear Marcus shouting at me, "You can't run forever, kid!" I looked back again and saw Sierra still has her sights set on me. Then I can see that she's about to blow a burst of orange flame at me. I cried out, as she blew fire out of her mouth and at me.
I jumped to my right and landed onto a thick bush, dodging the flames. I can actually feel the heat coming from them. I looked and saw some trees were on fire, but I didn't care about that. I was caring more about my life. I got myself off the bush immediately and kept sprinting. My heart was pounding with adrenaline and my pulse quickened. I heard another earth shaking roar behind me and my eyes went wide, "Ahhhh!!!!"
I was pumping my arms with each running step, wheezing since I was running out of breath. My heart was beating in my chest so fast, it hurt. I ran and ran, until I saw the edge of the woods. I emerged myself out of them and before I could run anymore, I stopped myself before I did. Cause there's a rocky cliff right ahead of me. About a few feet. I can't go that way, I need to get moving! Before I can turn around and run in another direction, Sierra with Marcus on her back emerged out onto the same spot with me. I gasped and my whole body tensed. My blood turned cold with fear.
Marcus was giggling on her back, "Well, well, well. Looks like we have you pretty cornered." He patted on Sierra's back, "Let me down girl, I have an idea now." Sierra nodded and lowered herself down, so Marcus can get off of her. After he jumped off with his staff still held firmly in his hand, he looked at me and said with a devious smile, "I have to admit....You amazed me. I haven't had this much excitement in years."
I narrowed at him and said sarcastically, "Well, I'm glad you're freakin amazed."
Marcus chuckled under his throat, "But I think playtime is over. Time to get down to business." He waved a hand at Sierra, "I'm sorry, that she was trying to blow fire at your ass. But we both thought you wouldn't stop and you'd escape. But apparently, there's nowhere else to run now. You're just a cornered animal."
I snidely remarked, "You're the one who's an animal."
He shrugged with both his shoulders, "You could be right." He raised one finger, "Buuut, I'm going to give you ONE last chance to work for me. Cause, I do need you because of your gift. And since, me and Sierra were going to see you in your room anyways about your choice. Well that offer's still up." He gestured toward me with his brows raised, "So, which will it be? Do you want to live and work for me? Or die?"
I only said two heated words to him, "Fuck you."
His face went wide and he laughed, "Ancestors! You really have balls! Balls like a drake!"
Sierra nodded in agreement, "He certainly does."
Then Marcus thumbed himself in the chest and proudly remarked, "Sorry to say this, Brando. But I'M the one with the biggest balls, than you. And what I'm VERY sorry about, is that you have to drop dead now." Then he pointed at the cliff behind me, "Get it? DROP DEAD?" He laughed again at his own twisted joke, "Ah, alright I'm done with jokes."
I shook my head, "You won't get away with this. I won't let you start your war."
The evil man in the robe taunted, "And how are YOU going to stop us? You're just a stinking human, with no magic and no teeth and claws. You can't beat both me and my apprentice." He turned his head to her, "Speaking of apprentices." He pointed a finger at me, instructing her, "Sierra, kill the human for me. He's not willing to work for me."
Sierra snorted and took a step toward me, "I never liked him, anyways." Her hatred filled eyes were locked right on me, and I gasped. I tried to run past them, but Sierra took a fast step forward to block my way, "I don't think so." I stopped and she was advancing toward me in very slow strides. Her eyes never left me.
I started to back away from her, and pleaded, "Sierra, please...Don't do this." She growled at me and I tried again, "Please, Sierra, I'm begging you, DON'T DO THIS!"
She sneered, "You don't tell me what to do. I obey only my master."
I backed another step and shouted, "But he's not your master! He's using you! He's a monster!"
Marcus shook his head and countered what I said to Sierra, "Don't listen to him. I was always your friend."
I argued by shouting this, "No, he's not! He never was! Sierra, you know that you're not a monster! You never were! I know you aren't! You're better than this!" Sierra still didn't stop and I backed away from her a few more steps, "Sierra, do you remember how you first met Eric? Do you remember how you met him? Did you remember how close you two were, before he died?"
She answered with a growl, with another threatening step towards me, "I don't know of this Eric."
I shook my head, "He wouldn't want you to do this! Eric loved you, because he saw you as not a monster, but as someone with a soul. You have that soul, Sierra and it's in there." She didn't appeared to be fazed and I went on, "Wayne saw you the same way, and he still does! Do you think he'd want you to do this?! C'mon, do you think Amanda would want you to do this too?! They love you! They both love you and miss you so much! Everyone else does! What about Rain, the black dragoness who finds you as her best friend?! What about Neal, your best friend from hatchling days?! What about Cody, the little green runt you loved the most?! What about Joanna, the mother figure who calls you sweetheart and treats you as her daughter?! And what would your uncle think?! What would your parents think?! No one would want you to do this! I don't want you to do this! Please, Sierra, remember! Remember all the good, remember all of it!"
But all of that didn't stop her, I can still see the hatred in her eyes, "Don't try to stall me, human. You're about to DIE."
I was feeling a giant pit in my stomach at her words. None of that worked. She's not back to normal. What else can I do? I was backing away, until I was at the edge of the cliff. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that it's a long way down. About forty feet high. That's high enough to kill me. I looked back at the threatening blue dragoness, she was taking one slow step with each paw. Her teeth bared.
I was feeling tensed up at this. I was trapped here and about to die. What am I gonna do? Sierra can't do this, she can't. I have to think of something. ANYTHING. To stop her from killing me.
That's when a idea popped up in my head. Maybe she might remember everything from something VERY familiar. But what? She saw Wayne, and that hasn't snapped her out of this. What would be so familiar, that'll help break the spell she's under?
That's it! I know what to do! I'll sing a song to her! Wayne said that he sings this certain song to her, that she really likes. But what was it....What was it....? I've got to remember, or I'm dead!
Marcus waved his hand and asked, "Any final words, Brando?" Sierra was getting more closer to me, I saw that her snout had some smoke coming out of it, getting ready to blow fire at me.
I held out both hands and pleaded, "Wait!"
Sierra stopped herself and Marcus laughed, "I knew it! Did you change your mind about my offer? Might as well live and join me."
That's when the title of Wayne's song to Sierra came to me. It's Open Arms! Yes, that's the one! I said to Marcus and Sierra, "I actually have one thing to say."
Marcus gestured to me, when he stood beside Sierra, "I hope it's about my offer. Is that a yes, or a no?"
Now's my chance! Sing now, Brandon! I sucked in a lot of air and then pushed away all of my dread and began to sing this song, "Lying beside you! Here in the dark! Feeling your heartbeat with mine!"
Marcus and Sierra frowned and Marcus asked in a very suspicious tone, "What the hell are you doing?"
I ignored him and sang on, "Softly you whisper! You're so sincere! How could our love be so blind?"
Marcus tilted his head, "Are you singing? Stop that. You're really are acting like a moron."
I sang right at Sierra, "We sailed on together! We drifted apart! And here you are by my side!!"
The evil man in the robe snarled, while the staff's green stone glowed, "Stop doing that!" Sierra was just watching me, didn't complain at all. She had a blank expression on her face.
I sang a high note, "So now I come to you! With open arms! Nothing to hide! Believe what I say!"
"Stop singing!!!"
"So here I am! With open arms! Hoping you'll see, what your love means to me open arm- Arrrg!" My singing was cut off, when Marcus actually shot his green magic right out of his hand that didn't held onto the staff! It went right at my chest, and it felt a little bit like electricity coursing through me. I was lying on my back, coughing in pain. My chest was feeling a bit hurt by that. I looked up at Sierra, who was staring blankly down at me.
Marcus let out a sigh as he lowered his hand to the side, "About fucking time." He looked up at Sierra, "Alright, finish him already." Sierra didn't do anything for a moment, she only stared down at me. Marcus pressed her, "What's the matter with you? Do it." But Sierra didn't follow his order, she was still staring at me. I concentrated my gaze on her eyes. Did it work? I...I don't think, I see any anger now.
Marcus shouted loudly, "Kill him!" Sierra suddenly turned her body onto her master and his eyes went wide, "What are you doing?!" He pointed at me, "Attack him!" But then Sierra growled and Marcus gasped, "Sierra, what are you doing?!"
But Sierra didn't answer, all she did was swipe him with the back of her paw, knocking him about a couple feet away. He screamed in shock and pain, as he landed on the ground hard. His hand was still holding onto his staff. I gasped at what she did. It did work!
Marcus groaned as Sierra was advancing towards him with a fiery gaze. He sneered at his former apprentice, "YOU FOOL!!" Then he shot his hand that didn't hold onto the staff toward her, and shot a burst of magic at her out of his fingers. It hit Sierra squarely in the chest and she cried out, as the force of the blast knocked her over and landed on her back with a loud crash. I groaned and got up, eyes locking on Marcus. Marcus already got up too. He glared at me and threatened, "This isn't over yet, kid!" Then with his magic, the green stone was glowing and his form began to disappear in front of me.
I snarled in anger and tried to run and lunge myself at him, but he was gone. There was no more Marcus. I caught myself before I could jump, and was now staring at the spot where he was at. I was breathing deeply. Damn it, he's gone! My whole body began to relax now. Well...At least he's gone now. I heard a moan behind me and whirled around to see Sierra has rolled onto her stomach, moaning in pain. She held her paw to her forehead, apparently her head hurts. I jogged up to her and asked with concern shone in my face and voice, "Are you ok?"
Sierra moaned again and was blinking her eyes repeatedly, as she was lowering her paw back down to the ground. She said, "W...Wayne?"
I shook my head, "No, wrong human."
She finally stopped blinking and actually looked right at me. She had a confused look on her face, "Are you....Brandon?" I nodded and she looked around the area around her, "What...What happened?"
I asked with a frown, "You don't remember?"
She shut her eyes and shook her head twice, "Ancestors, my head's killing me. I...I kinda remember, but I thought I was mostly dreaming. I can remember leaving...Wayne alone and-"
I shook my head and confirmed what she thought, "That wasn't a dream, it was real. How you've met me, was real. Everything that you did was real."
Sierra opened her eyes, as things slowly started to come back to her. She now has a guilty look on her face, "So...I was working for a drake turned human named Marcus. I was gone for...Years. I've watched over you and Wayne and...Everyone and...." She trailed off and shook her head. Her breathing began to tremble with so much guilt now coursing through her, "What have I done? I...I almost killed you."
I was shaking my head, "No, it wasn't your fault. You were being forced to do this."
She argued, "But I could've killed you an innocent human, and I almost did. I...Almost did a horrible thing. I...I wouldn't forgive myself for that."
I gave her a comforting smile, "But you didn't, Sierra. I'm still alive." She looked right at me and I said, "You stopped yourself before it happened, and you should be proud that you did. You came back girl, for me. And for Wayne."
She turned her head to the cliff, looking out at the night sky, "Wayne....He's....Home." And with that, Sierra groaned and got up on all fours, shaking herself along with her wings and tail. When she was done, she looked down at me, "Where's Marcus? Where did that little creature go?"
I let out a breath, "He's gone. He just...Disappeared."
Sierra puffed out her chest and sighed, "I had a feeling he was gone." Then she lowered her head to my level and said with that guilty look still on her face, especially shone in her eyes, "I'm very sorry for everything. I never wanted this. I just...Couldn't fight it."
I reached out to touch her nose and then I kissed it, "You don't have to be sorry, I helped you fight it and you've won."
Sierra and I stared at each other for several moments, and then she finally began to smile, "I really thought it was Wayne who was singing to me. Singing that human song. But it turns out, it was you. You sang that song and you've brought me back." She was shaking her head, "I can never repay you, for that. You...Saved my life."
I waved a hand out behind me, "Hey, I didn't enjoy you being brainwashed by that asshole. I don't tolerate it. You never deserved this. Plus...You're like Rain. She has feelings too, just like you."
She hummed at the name, "Rain...I...I really missed her. I've missed everyone."
I gave her a nod and said in a soft voice, "Then lets go back home, big girl. It's over now. You're free."
She rose her head above my level, agreeing with what I said, "I am free."
I asked her with a bit of concern, "Are you gonna be ok?"
Sierra took a deep breath and let it out, "I...I think so. I'm just glad, I didn't kill you. You really can sing, like Wayne does."
I let out a laugh, "I'll take that as a compliment." I shrugged my arms, "And since we're talking about him, lets go find him."
She just nodded, "Right." And with that she lowered her body to the ground, wanting me to ride on her back, "So want to ride me? Or do you want me to carry you in my paws? Or if you prefer, I could let you walk back to the dragon city."
I laughed again, "Are you kidding me? You want me to walk back home?" I waved her off with a giggle, "No thanks, I rather ride back home."
She giggled back, "Then quit gawking and get on...Brandon."
I nodded and walked up alongside her body, grabbing her wing joint in the process. I managed to climb on her back and she rose up off the ground. She let out a breath and looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes showing gratitude, "Thank you, Brandon. For rescuing me."
I patted her neck and responded, "I know we never met before. But after Wayne and everyone else told me about you, I really consider you as my friend. And I had a feeling that you were still alive, and I was right. Now it's time for you to go home."
She grinned, "And I'm taking you home with me, new guy."
I laughed, "I'm not much of a new guy anymore."
Sierra shot up her head and turned it straight ahead, "You keep telling yourself that." She started to spread out her wings and asked, "Ready for this?"
I shrugged with both hands and started to wrap them around her neck, "Hey, not the first time I rode on a dragon." Then I said in a voice that came out as a whisper, "Lets go home." And with that, Sierra ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped off of it with a flap of her wings, taking the two of us into the sky. We were flying beneath the beautiful stars, and I screamed in victory and celebration for Sierra, "WOOOO!!!!" Sierra let out a loud roar over the lands, a roar showing her freedom.
You're free, Sierra.
After all these years....You're finally free.
I was just laying on my stomach in my motel room on the furs, using my claw to play with one of them. I blinked at it and sighed. I had a very depressed look on my face. I still haven't found him. I haven't found my mate. I haven't found Brandon.
How could this have happened? Things were so good, and now this happened. Why does these things keep happening to me? Why can't I just be happy? I've lost Tommy, and now I'm getting a feeling that I've lost Brandon too. But this time it's different. Brandon didn't forget about me, he just disappeared. I shut my eyes tight at the thought of him never being found. Afraid that I'm about to break down in sobs. Brandon...What happened to you?
Me and all your friends have searched for you all day long, and we never found you. I flew all over the forest with Wayne riding on my back, hollering for you, sweeping over one particular area, and we still never found you. I came back to the dragon city a little bit after sunset came, and found Neal, Amanda, Frankie, Jessie and Cody all were waiting for me and Wayne on the wall. They gave us the bad news, saying that they never found Brandon either. So now after we've searched for him all day, we all decided to just take a break from it. We all need some rest. So after that meeting, I was just laying in the motel until night has came. Still thinking about him.
This is just...Bizarre. Humans don't just disappear. There has to be a reason why. But...We can't find the reason. We can't even find him.
This is starting to feel like...Sierra. She disappeared without any trace at all, and now it's Brandon's turn who disappears. Now I feel like I'm in Wayne's place. I'm wondering, if I can ever find him. I know that I've told him, that I would search for him throughout the end of every land, until I grow old and die. But now when I think about it....What if I can't find him?
What if he won't come back, just like Sierra? What if he's...Dead? I honestly don't want to think that Sierra's dead too, but isn't that why she hasn't come back? Brandon doesn't think that's the case, he thinks she's alive. But what if they're not alive? What if for some reason, they're both dead? What if I'll never see them again? What if I'll never see Brandon again? Maybe we won't find him, like we won't find Sierra. I...I can't live without him.
I love him....I love you, Brandon.
A tear fell down my face and I wiped it off. Then I opened my eyes and sighed. I saw Wayne, Cody, Eleanor, Amanda, Jessie, Frankie, Sebastian, and Neal all entered my room. All of them came up to me and I said in a very glum voice, "Hello. What are you doing here?"
Jessie walked up more closer to me and said, "We came to see if you were ok."
I looked at both Cody and Eleanor, "Aren't you supposed to be with your son?"
Eleanor answered, "Well he's with Joanna for the night. So that's why he's not with us."
Then I looked at Sebastian and asked him this, "And what are you doing here?"
Sebastian let out a sigh, and had a worried look, "Neal here, came to my house and told me what happened. I...I'm just sorry that-" Then he waved a paw and shook his head, "Anyways he told me, and now we're all worried about you. Are you okay?"
I slowly glanced away from them, looking out at the balcony window, "I'm fine."
But they didn't buy it, and Frankie shook his head, "You're not fine, sister. You haven't came and ate with us at the restaurant, after we all came back."
I didn't even look at him, and said more sternly, "I said, I'm fine."
Frankie sat down on his hind end and had a glum look for me, "I know that you're not ok. I'm worried about the little guy, too." Then he gestured his paw down to Jessie, "If she has disappeared, I would NEVER be ok. Until one of us finds her."
Wayne walked up to plant a hand on my neck. I could feel him rubbing comfortingly on it, "I know how you feel. You know how I've felt with Sierra."
Sebastian came up too and appeared in my line of sight, "We're all sorry, especially me, for what you're going through. I know how you feel, I want to see my son again too." Then he showed a small smile and nodded, "I'm sure one of us will find him."
Neal tried to lift my spirits saying this with a big smile, "Look all of us can't sleep, so tell you what. How about come hang out with all of us, and we'll try to cheer you up."
I dipped my snout toward the ground, trying not to look at anyone including Sebastian, "I'm not going."
Eleanor padded one step with a concerned look, "Look don't do this to yourself again. Don't go through this alone, like with Tommy."
That's when I immediately got on all fours, Wayne pulled himself fast away from me, and I snapped at the purple dragoness, "THIS IS DIFFERENT!" She gasped and reared back her head, taking a few steps away from me.
Cody got right in front of Eleanor protectively and said in a calm tone, with a bit of a narrowed look, "Rain, calm down."
I shouted at all of them, "Calm down?! How can I calm down?! Are all of you blind?! Brandon's gone! He's vanished!!"
Wayne replied when he held out his hand to calm me down, "Rain, we know he's gone."
I shot a narrowed look down at Wayne, "Then how come we're not searching for him?!"
Amanda shook her head, "Rain, we can't search for him all night until morning comes. We all need to rest. We've searched for him all day long, and we never found him."
I thrashed my tail behind me and sneered, "Then why hasn't one of us found him?!!!"
Cody let out a pained sigh, "We all tried out best, we-"
I waved a dismissive paw at the green drake, "Don't give me the we tried our best crap! Because none of you have found Sierra for years, and...And-"
Wayne knew what I was getting at and he shook his head, "He's not going to be gone for years."
I looked down at him with a fierce gaze, "How would you know that?"
Wayne answered, "I just have to believe. I'm sure we'll find him. Just like I'll believe that Sierra will come back."
I changed my expression to sorrow now, all of my anger has went away. I looked up at the ceiling, "But what if we can't find him? What if he's gone, just like Sierra?"
Sebastian shook his head with a face of determination, "I'm not going to stop, until I find my son. I've lost one son, I'm not losing another."
I took my gaze off the ceiling and turned to him, "You probably lost another son too, old one." His face went wide at my attitude and he was shaking his head at me again, not believing it.
Jessie gestured her hand to me, "Don't say that. I refuse to believe that."
Frankie shot up his head, "Yeah, me too. It's not fair to just give up, just like that. Besides, we only looked for him just one day, we'll try again tomorrow."
My whole body shuddered, "And what if we can't find him, Frankie? What then?"
He waved me off with a paw, totally not accepting it, "Cut the shit, sister."
Neal agreed with Frankie, "Yeah, quit talking like that. That's ridiculous."
Amanda joined in, "I know that mom's been gone for a long time. But I'm not believing that Brandon's gone forever."
Wayne said, "Look, we're trying to help you. But you're brushing us off."
I let out a breath and admitted, "I'm trying to stay positive in all this. But this is really hard. I'm also thinking, that maybe he won't come back to me. I'm just....Trying not to not let all of you, including me, get our hopes up. Because look what happened with Sierra." I trailed my eyes to Wayne, Cody, Neal, Amanda and Eleanor, saying this to them, "All of you have searched for her for days, and you never found her. You see the point?"
Jessie held a pity look for me and said, "Rain, we do understand the point. But we're not going to stop now." She got close to put a hand to my chest, "C'mon, big girl. Just walk with us. Please. You need us."
Frankie nodded, "You have been alone for years, because of Tommy. We're not leaving you alone again. Not this time. We're all going to stand by with you."
Cody held up his head and remarked, "You're not getting rid of us that easily."
Sebastian joined in too, when he used his snout to nudge my side, "Come, young lady. Come with us. We don't like to see you that way. Especially me."
I slowly moved my head to gaze at each one of them, the last one being Wayne. They all had cheerful smiles on their faces. They said that one of us might find him. I seriously hope that's the case. I'm really trying to stay positive in all this. Maybe sharing a walk with them will help me. I slowly nodded at all of them, "Ok."
Frankie nodded and got off his haunches, "Alright, lets go."
I muttered quietly, "Lead the way." Soon they all lead the way and I followed up behind them, still trying to keep my faith in finding Brandon, alive and well. My heart is refusing to give up, but the other part inside me is telling me otherwise. That he's gone forever, just like Sierra. I followed all of my friends outside the motel out on the streets. I hung my head a bit and let out a sigh.
Neal nuzzled into my shoulder, his voice full of optimism, "Don't worry, we'll keep searching. He might turn up somewhere."
I said when I glanced at him, with a face showed a bit of doubt, "I know that we'll keep searching. But I'm still warning you guys not to get your hopes up. This is happening again, and this time it's Brandon we're talking about."
Neal pulled back his head and backed away. All of my friends looked at me in the middle of the street. Wayne walked up to me and said with a confident look, "Rain." I looked down at him, "I know that this is hard. We can understand why you're thinking that way. We all get it. I know we've tried to search for Sierra, trying to find an answer for a long time. And...We still never found it. But we're not giving up. Brandon believes that Sierra's still alive. And we believe that. And if we believe that, then we'll believe that he's alive too. We all think they're alive. It's like he said, anything's possible. And I know it's possible we'll find him, like it's possible that Sierra will come back."
I stared at Wayne for a long time and let out another sigh, "I'm still trying to believe that. I'm...Afraid, I may never see him again." My heart inside me, was telling me not to give up on him. But the other part inside me, was telling me to face reality.
Wayne let out a sigh and nodded, "I know, but lets keep the faith in. We'll look for him in the morning. Lets just take a walk, maybe it'll help you out."
I nodded in agreement, "I hope it does. I don't want to give up on him. I love him."
Jessie said this, as she walked past me, "Lets go." I nodded at her. And everyone else was walking past me to do their walk.
Except Wayne who was still standing in front of me. He asked me this, "Are you coming?"
I replied in a low voice, "Give me a minute, ok? I'll catch up." He nodded at that and he started to jog after them, leaving me alone in the middle of the street. I didn't even move, after they left.
I looked over my shoulder and saw that they're about twelve feet away from me. I hung my head after that and sighed. With that same thought whirling around in my brain over and over again. Stay positive, stay positive. I nodded to myself. I better go with them. When I rose my head and before I could whirl around to catch up to them, something up ahead of me caught my eye. I cocked my head as I saw two figures walking alongside each other on the street. They looked like a human and a dragon. Wait...Who's that?
What my vision showed ahead of me, they were...Brandon and Sierra!
My face slowly began to lit up, "Brandon....Sierra?" Wait, am I dreaming? Am I dreaming of this in my room? Is this real? Or am I just wake and I'm seeing things that want to happen?
And that's then I began to realize I wasn't seeing things at all, when I heard Brandon hollering for me, "Rain!"
I chuckled a bit and my heart was pounding. It is real! It is him! And he brought Sierra back! I looked over my shoulder and hollered for my friends, "Guys, come back!" Then I looked straight ahead and ran up to Brandon and Sierra. Brandon saw me coming and ran up to me as well. I hollered happily for my mate, "Brandon!"
Brandon spread out his arms getting ready to embrace me, "Rain!" Then when we finally got closer, I lowered my head to where he was and he embraced my neck tightly with his arms, "Oh Rain."
My eyes were about to be welled up with tears of joy, as I was wrapping my limb around him pulling him close to my heart pounding chest, "Oh...Brandon. I...I thought I was never going to see you again."
Brandon giggled and we held each other for a couple of moments. Then he removed himself off of me and I removed my self off of him. Me and him were gazing lovingly at each other and he said, "Back in a flash. After all, anything's possible."
I nodded profusely at him, as a few tears fell down my cheek, "You're right." Then I brought my snout to his little mouth and kissed him passionately. I didn't care if there were other dragons around, I was kissing my mate for returning to me. Brandon was surprised by the kiss, but he didn't object to it. He tilted his head and kissed me back. Then we both heard Sierra laughing and we pulled each other away, both of us looking at the blue dragoness. I was staring at her all wide eyed and such. Very surprised that she really has returned. I was wiping off my tears also and rose my head above Brandon's level.
Sierra giggled when she took a couple steps toward us, her gaze right on me, "What's the matter? You're acting like you've seen a ghost."
I softened my look to beam at her, "You really have no idea, how much we all missed you."
Sierra sat down on her haunches and said, "I've missed you too, my friend." Then I padded up to my old friend, and wrapped my forelimbs around her. Sierra giggled again and returned the gesture with a small nuzzle to my face. She feels real! It really is her! I can even smell the familiar scent on her too! Brandon has brought her back.
That's when we all heard Amanda, "Mom!" Sierra gasped and we both pulled away from each other. She gazed behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Amanda actually came back and she's now running to Sierra with open arms, "Mom!"
Sierra beamed at her own adoptive daughter, "Amanda!" She ran to her, and Amanda threw herself into Sierra's chest, hugging her tight.
Amanda was sobbing happily when she hugged her neck, burying her face into her scales, "Mom..."
Sierra was gently rubbing her back with her paw, tears falling down her face too, "I'm here, daughter. I'm here."
Me and Brandon both smiled at the sight. Mother and daughter have reunited. That's when I saw the others coming back too, they probably heard me call out to them before, or they've noticed that I wasn't following them. I can see that they were shocked by the appearance of Brandon and Sierra, and they were all bounding up to us. I saw Jessie sprinting fast ahead of them, "Brandon!"
Brandon held out his arms, ready to hug her, "Jessie!" Then she ran into him, wrapping her arms around her friend.
Jessie kissed his cheek and said with a smile on her face, "I knew you'd come back."
Frankie came up to them in their embrace, "Well, well. Look who's back."
Brandon laughed and let go of Jessie, to see Frankie, "That's right, big guy. I'm back."
He shot up his head, "I had a feeling you would." Then he saw Sierra, surprised to see her and he said with a giggle, "And I see you're here too!"
Sierra moved her eyes, while she was hugging Amanda still. She smiled at him, "Nice to see you again." Then she let go of Amanda, while she was wiping her eyes. Sierra beamed when she saw Neal and Cody coming up to her next, "Boys!" Then they both began to nuzzle her lovingly on each side of her, "Aw, I really missed you."
Neal happily said while he was nuzzling her neck, "My best friend, you're back!" Then Amanda ran into his chest, still shedding her tears of joy and she wants to share them with him. Neal chuckled and wrapped a paw around Amanda's little body, as he was still nuzzling his best friend from hatchling days, "I was wondering if I'd see you again." He pulled back and was focusing on Amanda, still crying into him.
Sierra replied to him, "Me too." Then she turned her head a bit to Cody still nuzzling her with a chuckle, "And I see you're not the little green runt anymore."
Cody laughed and backed away from her, his eyes watered from his own tears, "I really missed you, girl. Things haven't really been the same without you."
Sebastian came up to Brandon and he lowered his head to his level, beaming at his son figure, "Son!"
Brandon wrapped his arms around Sebastian's head, pressing his forehead on his nose, "Dad."
Eleanor came up next and beamed at both Sierra and Brandon, "You came back! I'm happy you came!"
Brandon was giving her a thumbs up still holding onto Sebastian, while Jessie was hugging him from behind. Sierra beamed at Eleanor, "And I see you're not little also. Both you and Cody have grown."
Cody went to Eleanor and nuzzled into her, "We all have to grow up sooner or later." She nipped at him and he giggled.
Sierra saw behind them, that Wayne hasn't came up to her yet. He was just frozen and speechless. He had a smile on his face. Sierra grinned at her mate and said, "Wayne." Wayne then let out a cheer and ran past Cody and Eleanor, to get to her. Sierra lowered her head to where he was at, both of them gazing into each other's eyes. Sierra only said this, "You haven't changed much, handsome." She gave him a wink.
Wayne chuckled, with tears welled up in his eyes too. He said this through a sob, "You haven't either...Old lady." Sierra laughed and without any sort of hesitation, he put both hands to her face and smashed his lips against her snout. After years of not being together, they've both finally shared a kiss.
I was smiling at this. I'm glad things are going to be normal now. I felt someone poking my leg and I looked down to see Brandon giggling, apparently he was done with Jessie and Sebastian and he's now near me, "Did you forget about me?"
I was laughing and I was lowering my head to where he is, "Nope. I was just enjoying the show." I grew a curious frown, "What happened to you? How did you find her?"
Brandon changed his expression and sighed, "It's a long story. But right now...I'm just happy to be here with you."
I brought back my smile and said, "I was afraid...You were gone forever. We were searching for you all day, and...And-"
He put a finger to my snout, cutting me off, "I would never be gone forever. I would always come back. I would always come back to you." Then he cradled my chin and kissed my nose, and then my mouth. He pulled his face back and said this, "I love you, big girl."
And those were the words, I thought I wouldn't hear from him again either. I said those words right back, "I love you too, Brandon." Then we both shared another passionate kiss, while everyone else was talking to Sierra. They were all still overjoyed to finally be with her.
You were right before, Brandon. Anything's possible.
I thought I'd never see you again. But you came back, and you've brought Sierra back too. Now, she's back in our lives. Back in Wayne's life.
I'll never forget this night, Brandon. I won't.
I love you.
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