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Strike of Clarity
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My fingers found themselves too numb to take up a firm grasp on the blade I had been offered, how long had I been hacking away at the target and venting my frustrations where none could see the harm? It clattered from my grip and I sank to the ground along with it, my sobs heaving painfully in my chest and all I could think of was what stretch of Fate I had tripped over to deserve the agony of my heart torn in two, the secrecy of my state kept only by one whom had proven his worth to me ages ago, whom I blindly ignored in the hopes beyond all hope that what was being filtered to me through the veil of lies held some truth in its wake, that what I desired most was true, and whom I had given everything in sacrifice was the one I had been destined to behold.
Where once I had only wished for my heart to stop beating, it was in his arms that I was struck with a moment of clarity, my arms grasping desperately to his own, and my face burying into his chest, I cried the tears of my heartbreak, loss, and sorrow, into the warm comfort of his soft clothing. Whispers of apology from a voice that held no blame echoed through my ears and I found myself gathered like a child into his hold, and sheltered from the world by his embrace, his face burying onto the top of my head, the mutter of 'I'm still here', emphasizing on his oath to forever be my protector, I surrendered.
My hopes before so easily destroyed by one whom I thought more than what they were, it was in the arms of one whom had been at my side, watching, hoping, and protecting that I found my greatest solace. Even in the darkest of my nights, it was in his hold I found joy... I didn't even know I wanted.
~Yuuhi Enma
Where once I had only wished for my heart to stop beating, it was in his arms that I was struck with a moment of clarity, my arms grasping desperately to his own, and my face burying into his chest, I cried the tears of my heartbreak, loss, and sorrow, into the warm comfort of his soft clothing. Whispers of apology from a voice that held no blame echoed through my ears and I found myself gathered like a child into his hold, and sheltered from the world by his embrace, his face burying onto the top of my head, the mutter of 'I'm still here', emphasizing on his oath to forever be my protector, I surrendered.
My hopes before so easily destroyed by one whom I thought more than what they were, it was in the arms of one whom had been at my side, watching, hoping, and protecting that I found my greatest solace. Even in the darkest of my nights, it was in his hold I found joy... I didn't even know I wanted.
~Yuuhi Enma
11 years ago
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