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i am not an easy person to get along with, past trauma and issues aside, i have had several people call themselves a friend and turn out to be backstabbing jerks who caused me no small amount of distress, anxiety and grief. i have often given and sacrificed multiple chances to these people, despite better judgement and as a result, their repeated betrayals have made it impossible to not be closeted and introverted when it comes to public interaction. i am wholly dedicated to my real-life partner, those whom i interact with regularly online and off know my partner takes precedence in every aspect of things, and while i am open in my relationship, advising them of my habits of seeking comfort and cuddles with those few listed here that are my most trusted, this is not an invitation to overstep my boundaries and try your luck with me. i am not looking to date anybody, my promiscuity is fictional, and set for my in-character interactions only. if you are incapable of differentiating ic from ooc and irl, it is suggested that you do not interact with me. in-character interactions stay in character, out of character interactions at best are joking and designated as comforts with a very select group of individuals, there are few people who know my real life persona and background, and those people are the only ones that I entrust any of my private life to. trying to barge your way or worm your way into that small group of trusted individuals for the sole sake of trying to get into my good graces will earn you a one-way ticket to my block box, and i stand by the 'don't be a jerk' rule, you have 3 strikes before i never want to see you again. consider this your one and only warning. Japanese American. If I use Japanese with my friends, it's for my friends only. you can fuck off with your wannabeweeaboo bullshit. I do not interact with metagamers and godmoders. If you declare your character untouchable, or take context from a scene you're not part of to use against my characters, you will not be acknowledged and will be outright ignored or blocked. Metagaming is a strict no no in all roleplay etiquette and 'ultimate infinite godmoders' are boring as fuck.