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The Flame - Pt1
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This was absolutely unexpected, but a wonderful surprise. While scrawling some Arvian lore, I wrote a short piece about the SunTouched, and sent it to gryph000 , only to wake up the next day with this in my inbox from her! The excerpt for this panel is below! This is page 1 of 2.
The warmth of the sunlight was pleasant on the priest’s shoulders as he strode through the stone-walled courtyard of the temple, following the marble path towards the main shrine. Along the path, groups of initiates of varying ages went about their learning, working in groups to solve puzzles, tending to maintenance of the keep, or honing their combat skills. Though among them, his fellow Arvians stood out the most, towering above the unchanged. Their forms greater in size and strength than even the burliest of the initiates who came to their temple. Their forms were resplendent, changed by the spirits and sun to be more in all regards than they once were.
Around him, the nearly white walls of stone stretched up to parapets above, motifs of the stars gilded in gold upon the walls by artisans, symbols of faith and devotion, as well as artistic retellings of their most significant tales, particularly those of their split with their erstwhile moon-touched kin. Perhaps one day, there would be reconciliation between their kinds, but for now, such a dream was well beyond reach.
But ahead of him in the grass, a small child sat, sobbing. One of the initiates by his reckoning. Sensing something greater to be done with his time, the hulking Arvian wandered from the path, across to the shade of the mighty oak the fledgling was curled beneath. Slowly, he knelt, shifting his white robes as he came down to the child’s level. Looking up through swollen, tear-streaked eyes of blue, the wolf-kin quickly tried to compose himself.
A polite, dismissive wave of his talons calmed the cub, ashamed to be seen by an elder in such a state.
[b]“Tell me child, what has upset you?”[/b]
The warmth of the sunlight was pleasant on the priest’s shoulders as he strode through the stone-walled courtyard of the temple, following the marble path towards the main shrine. Along the path, groups of initiates of varying ages went about their learning, working in groups to solve puzzles, tending to maintenance of the keep, or honing their combat skills. Though among them, his fellow Arvians stood out the most, towering above the unchanged. Their forms greater in size and strength than even the burliest of the initiates who came to their temple. Their forms were resplendent, changed by the spirits and sun to be more in all regards than they once were.
Around him, the nearly white walls of stone stretched up to parapets above, motifs of the stars gilded in gold upon the walls by artisans, symbols of faith and devotion, as well as artistic retellings of their most significant tales, particularly those of their split with their erstwhile moon-touched kin. Perhaps one day, there would be reconciliation between their kinds, but for now, such a dream was well beyond reach.
But ahead of him in the grass, a small child sat, sobbing. One of the initiates by his reckoning. Sensing something greater to be done with his time, the hulking Arvian wandered from the path, across to the shade of the mighty oak the fledgling was curled beneath. Slowly, he knelt, shifting his white robes as he came down to the child’s level. Looking up through swollen, tear-streaked eyes of blue, the wolf-kin quickly tried to compose himself.
A polite, dismissive wave of his talons calmed the cub, ashamed to be seen by an elder in such a state.
[b]“Tell me child, what has upset you?”[/b]
1 year ago
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