“Wow...” I said as I hugged Rice against me, my tail flopping every now and then, splashing water up onto us. “That was amazing... I didn't know Raichu were so much... Bigger...” I said, blushing as I kissed his cheek. It didn't matter if I wasn't used to kissing him anymore, didn't matter if I wasn't used to being female. We'd just mated, and there was only one thing left to do. Suck it up and act like I was female. There was nothing else I could do. I had to fight it, prove to myself that I was ready to accept my feminine form. It took a long time, but I've accepted my Pikachu form, and I have no problem with it. At first, I fought it of course, and wanted to change back. Now however, I've been hearing that I can't change back, and I don't really think I want to anyway. I mean, what is there to go back to as a human? As a Pikachu, I can live longer, and be much freer. When I fight it, it just holds me back from doing the things I'd truly love if I'd just let go and accept it... I found that out after me and Electra mated for the first time. Then I came here, to this colony, and tried to hold back my human knowledge. I mean sure it'd helped out a bit, but I'm just going to have to face reality – I have to let it go. There's no use for it anymore, it's been months since I became a Pikachu, and for the most part, my human knowledge has done nothing to help me. All it does is fill my mind with pointless crap that I have to sort through, because I don't even remember half of it. Then I start forgetting human words, and I sit there for hours trying to remember what they are, sit there trying to remember what I'm missing, when really there's no point in remembering, because I don't need to in the first place. What possible use is human knowledge going to help me with out here? I mean, I'm never going to need to read something out here in the woods, not to mention I lost that ability almost instantly. I'm not going to need to know how to drive a car, or fix a broken light, I don't need any of that out here. So why do I try so hard to hold onto it? I don't need to know how to act properly in public areas, I can act however I want, I'm an animal. I don't need to know how to use a toilet, as far as I'm concerned, I can go where I want while I'm outside. So again, why do I try so hard to hold onto these memories... They only wind up consuming large amounts of time that could be spent doing something productive. I don't have any use for them, so I might as well forget them... Just like my memories of being and acting male... I no longer have any use for them, so I'd might as well just let them go. Forget I was ever a male human. Now I'm a female Pikachu, and THAT'S what I should focus on. Only when I've mastered being a female Pikachu, should I then focus on the other irrelevant memories, ones I shouldn't even have. So it's settled... If I have no use for those memories, I should get rid of them...
“DALLAS!” Rice yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“That's not my name...” I corrected him, smiling.
“Ah, sorry Breezy... You seemed to be daydreaming or something...” He said as he licked my cheek. “And yes... Every single part of us is bigger, keep that in mind.”
I nodded, smirking. “Of course you'd say that.... Well I'll try to, but I can't guarantee anything.”
Rice laughed and got off of me. “Well you'd better, because this isn't the last time we're going to-”
“Yes yes I know.” I interrupted, smiling.
He stood up and grabbed my right paw, lifting me to my feet. As I stood up, black water poured off of me, drenched in the dirt that we'd stirred up while we were mating.
“Errr... We'd better wash off” Rice said as he took my paw and began walking into deeper water. “I've always wanted to mate in the water...” He said as he picked me up, carrying me as we went into even deeper water. “Well not to mention this was my first time doing it... So don't mind it if I was... Bad at it or anything...” He said as he looked ahead, frowning.
“Rice... There's no way someone can be “Bad” at it...” I said, smiling up at him.
He put me down and smiled. “Good then... We should get cleaned up now...” He said as he reached down and began rubbing my sides. I smiled up at him, purring as I lifted my arms, looking up at him as he rubbed the dirt out of my fur. It wasn't in deep, only on the surface, so no real grooming was needed to take it out. He gently rubbed over my belly, scratching it gently with his claws as he leaned his head down ontop of mine, hugging me from behind.
“Ooooh...” I smiled, lowering my ears and licking my nose. It felt so nice, so comforting... It felt even better when he moved his paw downward, and brushed it over my vagina.
“Eee! Rice no!” I said as I wriggled out of his grip. “None of that yet. I don't care if it felt good or not, it's not what I want.”
He sighed, nodding. ”Well it was worth a try, right?”
I didn't know how to answer that, so I ignored it, sighing. “I'm not ready for that yet... I mean, sure we mated and all, but I kind of forced myself into that... It felt... Amazing... But I'm not ready for that sort of thing yet. I wasn't even ready to mate with you to tell you the truth, I had to force myself to do it, because I NEED to get used to being a female, like you said. And trust me, you'll know when I'm ready to do other stuff with you, because... Well you'll know.” I said, sighing. “I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but... Well I'm not going to lie, mating with you actually made me feel a lot more comfortable with myself... But I'm still very sensitive and stuff... You can't rush me into other things yet... I just need time.”
Rice nodded. “I completely understand...” He smiled, reaching out and poking my nose. “You're still cute either way.”
“Heyyyy...” I laughed, swatting at his paw. “That tickles!”
Just then, Electra showed up seemingly out of nowhere, and yelled at us.
“HEY! I'm back, what are you two doing?” She asked as she stepped into the water, then frowned, stepping out of the water and back into the grass. “Mind coming over here more? I don't feel like getting wet...” She frowned, her ears falling to the sides.
“Not at all...” I smiled as I began walking towards her. Rice grabbed my tail and lifted it up, then let it go. I whipped around and faced him, making a face at him.
“What the heck was that?”
He laughed. “Oh, nothing... Nevermind it.”
Sighing, I turned around and got down on all fours, shaking myself off. Rice shielded his face as I sent water splashing everywhere, eventually stepping to the side and laughing.
“Hey!” He shouted, reaching down and poking my back.
Standing up, I laughed, scratching the back of my head nervously. “Err, sorry about that.” I said, giggling as I continued walking. As soon as I got to Electra, she grabbed my arm and tugged me out of the water, hugging me tightly and kissing me right on the mouth, her right paw rubbing over my back. Not knowing what to do, I just let her do it, wagging my tail as I kissed her back.
“Oh yeah, you won't do any of that with me, but the second Electra shows up it's a free for all, and it's fine for her to do anything she wants with you? What the heck?” Rice said as he shook himself off, then walked out of the water.
“Well, Electra is my mate... And I love her... So it's only natural that I'd be a lot more comfortable around her than I would around anyone else.” I said as I hugged her tightly. “Not to mention we've been around eachother for so long... If anyone's going to be the one to get me comfortable with my female body, it's Electra. I'm not comfortable enough around anyone else. She's really the only one that can get me into being a female, teach me how to do stuff, teach me all about how to act and stuff, you know...
Rice grinned. “In that case, continue. If you're going to get used to yourself quicker this way, then it's fine with me.”
“OF COURSE it is...” Electra grinned. “You just want to see us kiss and mate...”
Rice took a step back, nodding. “Well yes, but that's not what I meant... I meant the faster he, errr, SHE gets used to herself, the faster WE get to do things that I'd do with a normal female...”
“Like mate.” Electra grinned, her tail wagging.
“Well, we already did that, but yes.” Rice grinned.
“Oh... Well... How was it?” Electra asked me, smiling as she licked my cheek.
“A LOT better than it ever was when I was male, that's for sure.” I said as I licked her cheek back, giggling as I whispered into her ear. “But I bet you can do a whole lot better...”
“I bet I could... See? Didn't I tell you it was amazing?” She smiled, hugging me tighter.
“Yes, you did... But when I was male, I also thought it was amazing... But apparently it was nothing compared to how it feels on the other side...”
She tilted her head, frowning. “The other side?”
I nodded. “Yeah, meaning on the female side. I've always done it as a male, and now I'm on the other side, meaning I'm female.”
She nodded. “I thought you meant... The other... Nevermind...” She laughed, resting her head on my shoulder and hugging me a bit looser. “My little... Um... Breezy!” She giggled as she tightened the grip of her hug.
“Ah, yes... About that name...” I said as I released the hug, but Electra didn't still holding onto me, so I just continued hugging her again. “I don't want that name...”
Rice's ears perked up. “Huh? Why not?”
I sighed. ”I just don't really like it is all...”
“Well what can we call you then?” Electra asked as she let go of her hug, giggling. “Feisty?”
I laughed, shaking my head. “NOOO!!! I'm not feisty!” I laughed, giving her a playful shove.
“You will be when I'm done with you!” She laughed, pushing me back.
“Well, I'm looking forward to that.” I chuckled. “But I want my name to be... Well... Cammy...”
Rice's ears perked up. “Cammy?”
I nodded. “Yeah, Cammy.”
Electra giggled, hugging me again. “Dallas... That name is beautiful!” She said as she kissed my cheek, sucking hard on my red electric pouch.
“T-thanks...” I said, nervously scratching the back of my head again.
“To tell the truth, I like it.” Rice said as he poked my back. ”Keep it.”
Frowning, I nodded, not even looking back at him.
“Well I have to go now, and do some leader things... So I'll see you two later!” He said as he took off running toward the colony.
“Phew... He's gone...” Electra said as her ears flattened to the back of her head. “I can't stand him sometimes... He's getting in the way of the two of us, you know?” she growled.
I frowned at her, nodding. “Well he can overdo it sometimes, but he's not exactly annoying...”
Electra nodded. “I'm not saying he is either, I'm just saying that I don't like hanging out with him ALL the time... I mean, it was nice for the first hour or two, and when he fed me, but face it, you weren't meant to be together... WE were... I know he loves you and stuff, but I can tell that you don't like him back, at least not the way he likes you...”
I nodded, sighing as my ears fell to the sides. “Well yes... But I don't want to tell him I don't like him that way... It'd crush him...”
Electra smiled, placing her paws on my shoulders. “You don't have to, I'll tell him that you're just not ready to be with a male yet, and that you'd like to stay in your own room until you get comfortable enough to get back with him. Besides, I don't think he really likes you for some reason...” she said as she looked me in the eye.
I sighed, nodding. “Well... It's not that I don't like him... Because I do-”
“No you don't.” She interrupted as she looked me in the eye, smiling. “Come on Cammy, I can TELL that you don't!”
I sighed, smiling. There was truly no hiding ANYTHING from Electra. She could read me like a book, IF she could read. She knew everything about me, knew how I felt just by studying my tone of voice and looking into my eyes... Knew how to cheer me up... In my eyes, SHE was my true mate, and no one could replace her.
“B-but I do...” I said as I looked down a little, trying to avoid looking her in the eyes.
“Cammy...” She said as she placed her paws on my cheeks, lifting my head so I was looking her in the eyes again. “No, you don't. You're not even looking into my eyes anymore. Just tell the truth. I know you don't like him that way, there's no need to hide it. He always tries to rush you into mating, tries to touch your vagina, tries to get you to do things you're not ready for. He doesn't really care about you, he just cares about mating with you. I mean, I'm sure he CARES about you, but he cares more about mating with you. That's not a mate you'd want to be with at all. You have to actually CARE about your mate, and not about-”
“Yes fine, it's true...” I interrupted, sighing as my ears fell to the sides. “I don't like him like that... Mainly because yes, he's always rushing into mating with me ALL the time, but also because I'm not ready... And not only that, but I don't find him attractive at all... He just looks... Like a normal male Raichu to me, nothing special. Now with you on the other paw, YOU look...” I said as I looked down at Electra's body. “You look sexy...” I mumbled. “You're attractive, nice to me, know everything about me, how to cheer me up, what I like and dislike, even remember my new name... You're always here for me, you never have to leave, we can work together, you never run off randomly because you have better things to do, you're always trying your best to protect me, you have a beautiful voice, a beautiful body, an adorable smile, gorgeous bright blue eyes, a nice lemony scent, the list is endless. And if you ask me, YOU are the one for me, YOU are my true mate, not Rice. You've been my mate from the start, and there's nothing anyone can say or do to change that... Nothing or no one can replace you... YOU are the one, the ONLY one for me... Even if I'm female, my view of you isn't going to change... I still think of you as that adorable, perfect female that I get to hang out with, sleep with, cuddle with, play with, eat with, you name it. WE were meant to be, you're absolutely right. I'd do everything in my power to protect you, I can NOT say I'd do the same for Rice, ever. I mean, he CAN get annoying sometimes, but... Ugh, when I first saw Rice, I didn't think of him as a mate at ALL. I thought of him as just a normal Raichu, but when I saw YOU for the first time... I immediately knew you were the one for me... And before you ask why I didn't say so immediately, it was because I was so nervous... So shy, and I thought I'd be taking advantage of you if we mated... That's why I held back for so long... It wasn't you, it was me. It was because I wasn't ready... But you knew... You knew how to get to me, and you kept trying and trying... Now the difference between the way you kept trying and the way Rice keeps trying, is that I loved you... Deep down inside, I knew I loved you... And you always did the right things to get me in the mood to mate, but I always tried to hide my true feelings... I was afraid... Now the way Rice does it, is a lot more forceful. He tries to force me into it, and ontop of that, I have no emotional attraction to him... The first time we slept together, well, the second time, and you peed on me... I yelled at you... But I wasn't mad... I was actually happy, deep down inside... I just wanted to seem normal, so I yelled and acted like I was mad... To tell you the truth, I kind of... Liked it...” I said as I looked down, scratching the ground with my footclaws. “And when you peed on my human clothes that other day, and I picked them up... I acted mad then too, but when you weren't looking, I hugged it... Even though it was soaked... Because I secretly loved you, and everything about you, and I didn't want to tell you... So I hid my true feelings... I was never mad at you... Ever... Never got angry, even when you attacked Ben because he took away the can... But now that I know you better, I know that taking food away from you is a terrible idea, and Ben kind of deserved it... But the point is, I was never angry with you, and when I first saw you, I knew you were the one for me... I just had a lot of other things on my mind, and I couldn't accept that you were going to be my mate for life... I had to get used to some things, and you helped me with that... You helped me out a lot... When you coaxed me into mating with you, and we got caught, you kept trying... That's when I realized that I was truly the one you wanted, no doubt... If you were willing to go through a punishment like THAT for me, and still try to do what got you in trouble in the first place, then you really wanted me... It was then that I decided to just let go of my other feelings and just try again when we were alone... And the very first time we mated... It made me realize that you were truly my mate, and there was no turning back after that. I felt so much more open around you, willing to protect you at all costs, be with you at all times, cuddle whenever it was possible... Even just stand there, as long as I was with you... If I hadn't met you, I don't know where I'd be right now... My point is... YOU are my only true mate... And there's nothing that can change that... What we have together is true love... And nothing's going to separate us...” I said as I looked back up at her, staring into her eyes as I smiled.
She didn't say anything for the next couple of seconds. I could see tears forming in her eyes as she put her arms around me, hugging me tightly and kissing my cheek.
“C-Cammy...” She said as she wiped a tear from her cheek. “All this time... I thought you were falling for Rice, and we were going to be separated... I couldn't stand to think of that happening... I couldn't live with myself if we somehow ended up apart...”
I hugged her tightly, my ears perking up. “I would never fall for Rice Electra... You are the only one I truly fell for... Not even Starlight...”
She sniffled, hugging me super tightly. “When you got caught, I tried my best to get to the Pokemon Center, where Rice said you would be... And I was surprised when I ran into you and you were female...”
I nodded. “Yeah, me too...” I said as I let her go, smiling.
“I'm just... Flattered that you think so highly of me...” She smiled as she gently kissed my nose. I smiled and returned the kiss, nodding.
“It's the truth... It's how I truly feel...” I smiled.
She smiled, licking my cheek. “So... You were never... Mad when I peed on you? I thought I had made you angry and you wouldn't mate with me because of that...”
I giggled. “Nonono, I wasn't mad at all. I just didn't want you to think was weird for liking it...” I said, blushing slightly. “But now I'm not afraid to admit it... I'm perfectly comfortable around you.” I smiled, my tail beginning to wag behind me.
“Whoa wait, you LIKED it?” She asked as she tilted her head to the right, frowning.
“Err... Well y-yeah...” I said, scratching the back of my head. “To be honest, I d-d-did...”
She smiled, grabbing my sides and hugging me tightly against her. “All this time I've been trying to hide it, trying hard not to accidentally go while I'm sleeping.... Getting up and going in the middle of the night to keep you happy, because I didn't want you to get mad at me again... Running off when you were busy to go in private... When all this time, you actually never minded it...”
I sighed, nodding. “Well I didn't know you... Wet the bed...” I frowned, wiggling a bit in her grip.
“Well... I do... That's why I keep disappearing at night... Because I can't hold it and I have to get up and go...” She said, her ears falling to the sides as she said it. “And I tried my best to keep you happy...”
“Well stop doing that and you'll make me happy.” I grinned, pulling her back over to me and hugging her tightly.
“Well... Okay!” She giggled, her tail wagging now. “But if I stop... That means...”
I nodded. “You'll start wetting the bed again...”
She nodded. “But... Then that also means...”
I smiled, licking her cheek. ”That means you're marking me as yours, which I am.” I smiled, letting go of her and giggling. “Everyone will know who I belong to, and that's exactly what I want. So no one tries to steal me. And besides, it smells lemony, so I actually like it even more...” I said, blushing again.
“Err... Well yeah... If you want me to mark you, you can just ask...” She grinned, poking my belly.
“Yeah... But asking you to pee on me would be a little... Odd...” I said, frowning.
She laughed and pushed me playfully. “Hehe, it would... Well anyway, what now?” She asked as she looked around.
I smiled, shrugging. ”Maybe we should go tell Rice how I truly feel...”
She giggled, nodding. “That sounds like a perfect idea. Go ahead and do that, I'll be right there with you.” She said as she took my paw in hers and began walking toward the colony with me...
As we approached Rice's room, I looked back at Electra, smiling. “Well... here I go I guess...” I said as I entered, Electra pushing past me and entering before I got a chance to.
“Um... Okay then...” I said as I stood up, scratching the back of my head.
“Rice...” Electra said, frowning as she poked his side. He was sleeping in the middle of the floor, not doing any “Leader stuff” at all. When he didn't get up, she sighed. “This is what I'm talking about... He's so... Ugh... Sometimes...”
I frowned. “So ugh?”
Electra nodded. “Yeah, like... Ugh... Like... Um, annoying...”
I nodded, smiling. “Well let's just wake him up then...”
Electra nodded. “Oh, and before he wakes up, I just wanted to let you know that I NEVER agreed to being his mate... He kind of assumed I was, and came up with this whole crazy idea about how no one else could take me, not even you anymore, and said a bunch of things about how we'd all be together all the time... And I was all confused... So I NEVER agreed to be his mate, he lied about that part...”
I nodded, sighing. “Well that's good...”
She nodded. ”It's great... More like a relief...”
I laughed, poking Rice's side. “Hey, get up bud.” I said as I pushed my right foot into his side. It sunk in, and I made a face.
“Eww he's fat...” Electra giggled, pushing on his side.
“I am not...” Rice mumbled as he rolled over. ”What do you want? Go away...”
Electra made a face at him. “Well Cammy doesn't like you, so we ARE going away.” She grinned, folding her arms.
He made a face, turning his head and looking at me. “Oh, I didn't even see you there...” He said as he sat up, yawning. “AAAAaaaahhhhhh... So, what now?” He asked, frowning at me. “You don't like me?”
I sighed, shaking my head. “I'm not ready yet... I'm sorry, but I can't stay with you right now... It's way too hard on me...”
“And she doesn't like you.” Electra said as she unfolded her arms, grabbing me and walking out. “So we're staying in our own room, and I'm going to mark her so you can't steal her from me.” She said as she dragged me out.
I stumbled, scrambling to my feet and following Electra into the room we were given earlier, the one that was for a Raichu, but never got used...
“Well, that went well I guess...” I said as I hugged Electra from behind, giggling. “Thanks... Hehe, now we get to be alone again... At last...”
Electra chuckled, squirming in my grip and turning around. “Hehe, don't mention it. Anything for you Cammy...” She smiled, kissing my cheek.
“I would so mate with you if I could right now...” I chuckled as I rubbed her back, wagging my tail.
“Well we COULD... But it'd have to be with... Our fingers and stuff...” She frowned. “And other things we find that'd be good to mate with, like berries and things...”
I made a face. “Mating with a berry...?”
She nodded. “Yeah, you know... You take the berry, and stick it in y-”
“Okay okay I get it.” I laughed, poking her nose. “You're a naughty girl Electra... Hehe, I never knew that...”
She laughed, poking my nose back. “There's a LOT you don't know then...” She smirked, folding her arms. “How about we try mating now... I mean, I want to, and you want to, so let's give it a go.”
I giggled, nodding as I kissed her cheek. “Y-yeah... I don't see why not... After all, there's a first for everything, and you don't know how it's going to turn out until you try it, right?”
She nodded. “Right! Hehe, so let's get to it!” She said as she tackled me down onto the cushion in the middle of the room, aggressively kissing me, her tongue sliding into my mouth...
---END Chapter Sixteen---
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Chapter Sixteen - The Truth Comes Out
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12 years ago
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