Current Track: Blabb

Note: This chapter is in ELECTRA'S POV.


As I sat up, I opened my eyes, yawning. I knew it was the middle of the night again, because everyone was sleeping still... I could hear Cammy sleeping next to me. All I wanted to do was cuddle with her, but I didn't want to wake her up either. I sighed as my belly growled, and I stood up, my cheeks sparking in order to see where I was going. I took a step forward and fell off the cushion, tumbling down and rolling out into the doorway. Sighing, I stood up, looking around to see if anyone saw that. I didn't hear anyone around, so I figured they were all sleeping, as they usually were when I got up at this time. Normally, I got up at this time to pee, but this time, that wasn't the case... I was hungry...

Dropping down onto all fours, I began walking toward the main room, standing up once I entered. Looking around, I spotted the tunnel that lead to the storage room, and I dashed inside, grabbing the first thing I saw and shoving it in my mouth. I made a face as I sucked on it, then spit it out into my paw.

It was a long piece of metal...

I looked it over, bringing it to my nose and sniffing it. Frowning, I wondered why it was here with all the food... If it was just sitting here ontop of all the Pokemart stuff, then it must be food, right? And besides, every time I come in here I always eat the first thing I touch. That's not changing just because I picked up something metal...

Not caring if it was food or not, I tossed it back into my mouth, not bothering to chew it because I didn't feel like it, and because it was metal. Swallowing it down, I looked around the rest of the room, smiling when I saw all the fruit. I walked over, taking two apples and smiling to myself as I turned around, getting ready to leave. I knew two apples wouldn't fill me, nor come even close to filling me, but it was fine for now. After all it was still night time, and all I needed was a snack. Which to me was a full three course meal, but there wasn't anything I was really in the mood for, so I decided on a really light snack, and took the apples. Biting into one, I began walking towards the entrance, when I heard footsteps in the main room. Panicking, I quickly shoved the rest of the apple, and the other one into my mouth, swallowing them down as fast as I could and standing flat against the wall, next to the hole I entered through, stopping the flow of sparks on my cheeks, watching as everything went dark. It felt really weird to have a whole apple and a half sliding down my throat, but then again it also felt weird having a whole Charmander and a Pikachu in my belly fighting with eachother, so I ignored it. I just had to get used to eating the way I ate when I had a trainer. Not chewing anything at all.

“Hello?” He asked as he approached the tunnel. It sounded like Rice kind of... But at the same time it didn't... I didn't want to move, because if it WERE Rice, I'd be in trouble... On the other paw, if it wasn't Rice... I'd still be in trouble I guess, because it could be another Raichu...

I decided to stay put, and wait. As they entered, I pushed them over and ran out, but tripped on their tail, flailing as I fell over. I could feel my foot claws dig into their body, and I knew I'd get into serious trouble if I were caught now.

“EEE!” I squealed as I scrambled to my feet. The tail wrapped around my foot and prevented me from getting away. Panicking, I grabbed it and dug my claws into it, my heart pounding as I heard the voice of a Raichu yelling, the tail letting go of my leg. Scrambling to my feet, I darted out of the room, automatically knowing where the exit was, because I'd been through so many times, so I didn't have to make any sparks to show me where I was going. I darted through the main room and out of the exit tunnel, dashing through the bush and taking a left, running into the tall grass. I didn't stop running until I was sure they wouldn't catch me. And even if they did, I'd deny it. I'd probably tell them I was just out for a midnight walk...

Looking up, I sighed as I saw the dimly lit purple and red sky... It was sunrise... I sighed, sitting down and wagging my tail as best as I could, with the grass in the way and all. It tickled my belly when I breathed, so I stood up, perking up my ears in case whoever that was back there were to come out and try and catch me or something. I waited about ten minutes. Everything was silent, except for the occasional noise of the grass blowing in the breeze... I lay down on my back and looked up at the sky, watching the sun rise for about an hour, before I figured it was time to go back inside and go to my room. Cammy would probably be waking up any minute now, and would wonder where I was. I knew I couldn't go back in the main entrance, so I decided to go in the other way, standing up and looking around to see where I was. As soon as I saw where I was, I started walking in the direction of the second entrance. I knew there were a lot more than two entrances and exits in the colony, but for now, I only knew of two. I sighed as I approached the second entrance, ducking down onto all fours as I crawled inside. As I approached the turn to get into the tunnel with the rooms in it, someone tackled me and bit my arm.

“OW!” I yelled as I dug my claws into them, viciously scratching every place on their body I could reach. They quickly let go, and I scrambled to my feet, dashing through the tunnel and quickly turning when I got to where my room was. I quickly brought my arm to my face when I realized I forgot to spark my cheeks when I went through the tunnel... Probably why they attacked me like that...

Sighing, I growled under my breath as I shot off a few sparks, bringing my arm up to the light and sighing in relief as there was no cut on my arm. Their teeth hadn't done any damage at all.

Sighing again, I plopped down onto the cushion, smiling as Cammy turned around and giggled, kissing me on my cheek. “Hehe, good morning Electra.” She giggled as she sat up and yawned, looking around.

“Hehe, good morning Cammy!” I said cheerfully, sitting up and pretending to stretch too.

“Giggling, she hugged me.”Hehe, let's go get something to eat.” She said as she stood up and walked toward the doorway.

Smiling, I nodded, following her out and into the tunnel. My claws gripped the dirt as I walked, and my sparks were a bit jumpy. I was so nervous.

“Hehe... Did you sleep okay?” I asked her, smiling.

She nodded. “I slept great thanks to you! That was amazing!”

I smiled, grabbing her tail and hugging it. “Hehe, you're welcome Cammy!”

As we entered the main room, there were other Pikachu in it, not only us, and as we entered the food storage room, there were even more in there.

“Hmm... What do ya want?” Cammy asked as she picked up an apple and smiled at me.

“Eh... Doesn't matter.” I giggled as I picked up an apple too, taking a bite out of it and swallowing the chunk without chewing it.

“Hehe, you're so awesome...” She said as she exited into the main room. I giggled and followed her out, wagging my tail.

“Thanks!” I exclaimed.

She smiled, turning around and kissing my cheek. “No problem, it's the truth.”

“Hey you two!” Someone said in a voice that sounded just like the one I'd heard earlier, except this time it sounded a bit deeper.

“Huh?” Cammy said as she turned around, scratching the back of her head as she stared up at Rice, who had his right paw over his right eye, his ears folded back, and his tail raised straight up, the lightning bolt tip resting on the top of his head.

“Oh, hey Rice, what's up?” Cammy asked as she took a bite out of her apple.

“Well for one thing, someone came in here and stole the key to the Pokemart...” He said as he clenched his other paw into a fist. “And I got attacked... Twice... They clawed up my right eye and my tail...” He said, frowning. “I swear if only I could've seen them... They wouldn't have gotten away with it...” he growled.

Cammy sighed, her ears falling to the sides. “We need to get that key back... I mean, I think we do, right?”

Rice nodded. “Yeah, we do... It's really important that you find that key... All of us need to chip in and look for it...” He said as he lowered his right paw, his eye and right cheek all mangled up. “I'll make the announcement when everyone wakes up... Until then, stay on standby...”

I nodded, and so did Cammy.

“Oh, and why'd you go back to your room?” He asked Cammy as he frowned, patting the top of my head and smiling at me. “I drank something weird yesterday and it made me all tipsy... And then I forgot what you said...” He frowned.

“Err... I thought I told you already... Me and Electra spent some time together yesterday, and I realized that I truly wasn't ready to be with a male yet... To tell you the truth, I don't look at males as attractive at all... I'm attracted to Electra... And she's the only one that can truly be my mate...” Cammy said as she turned around and hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek.

“That's hot...” Someone said as they passed me, winking at us and smiling.

“Yeah... Cammy isn't ready to be with you. In fact, she doesn't like you as a mate at all, she thinks you're kind of annoying when you try to force her to mate with you all the time. I mean give her a break! She's not ready to mate yet, so leave her alone!” I said as I hugged Cammy tighter. “She never liked you as a mate, she just didn't want to hurt your feelings... But now I'M telling you, she's not your mate, and she'll never be. She is MY mate, and I'M her mate.” I said as I released the hug. “So we're sleeping in our own room from now on.” I said as I stuffed the apple into my mouth, quickly swallowing it and folding my arms, a serious look on my muzzle.

“Well... Um...” Rice said, not knowing what to say obviously. “On second thought, how about we just... Try searching for it right away... Cammy, you go look in that secret place I showed you. You know, the one-”

“Yes I know.” She said as she smiled.

“And Electra, you don't have to look... Just... Hang out around the colony... Do whatever you do when you have nothing to do...” He said as he turned around and darted off into a random tunnel.

Grabbing Cammy's paw, I tugged her out into the exit tunnel, practically dragging her out and through the bush, stopping when we were in the tall grass.

“Electra what the heck!” She said as she stood up, brushing off her fur and taking another bite of her apple. “You know, I can walk fine.” She giggled, licking my cheek.

“Listen... Last night, I was up early, like I usually am...” I said as I nervously dragged my right foot through the grass. “And I was in the food room...”

“Of course you were.” She giggled, hugging me tightly.

Pulling her off of me, I placed my paws on her shoulders and looked her in the eye. “And I always eat the very first thing I place my paws on when I get in there... And I happened to grab something long and metal...” I said, staring at her.

Finishing the rest of her apple, she threw the core behind her and licked her paws a couple times, smiling at me. “So? You ate the metal thing right? Well what am I supposed to do about th- Ohhh...” She said as she looked me in the eye. “You... Ate the key Rice is looking for...” She said as she looked down at my feet, then poked my belly. “Hehe, well did it at least taste good? I mean, I don't want to go off searching for something that doesn't even taste good.” She giggled.

“What do you mean?” I asked as I tilted my head, confused.

“Well you ate the key, right?” She asked.

“Yes, I think so...” I said as I looked around, nervous that someone was listening to our conversation.

“Well DID you eat it? I mean the metal thing...” She asked me, frowning.

“Yeah, I did... I didn't know what it was...” I said, sighing. “It was dark...”

“Lovely... Well at least I know where it is!” She laughed as she poked my belly. “Somewhere in THERE... So I guess we just have to wait for it, right? Or I could... Go in and get it...”

“I don't KNOW...” I said, making a face. “I think I pee it out in a couple days or something, how am I supposed to know? And no, you're not going inside me because I'll never get you back.” I smirked.

“Or it could melt and we could never see it again. Either way, I don't think we need it anyway, because I'm convinced that Rice is a DICK, and Strongclaw told me he was, and so did Thunderpaw, and um, Stryder, so... I'm not going to go out of my way to get back a key for a jerk, when I know perfectly well where the key is in the first place, and I'm not going to go out of my way to get it out of you either. I'm going to PRETEND I'm looking for it so he doesn't suspect me of anything.” She giggled, hugging me again. “Except Rice is going to be worried sick about where the key is... We should probably tell him...”

I made a face at her, then frowned. “No way! If he knew I'd eaten it he'd kill me and rip it out of me! Not to mention he tried to attack me when I forgot to make sparks, and he tripped me and grabbed me while I was getting food, so I had to dig my claws into his tail for him to let me go... And then when I came back in to get to our room, he tackled me and tried attacking me again... So I clawed at whatever part of him I could reach... Which apparently was his eye... I mean, I didn't mean to dig him up like that, but let's face it, he attacked first...” I said as I sighed, my ears falling to the sides. “I think he's just out to get me because I separated you and him... Well he just has to deal with it, because you and him weren't meant to be.” I said, stomping my right foot. “He just wants to be with you because he knows you're more powerful than he is, and he doesn't want his position as leader compromised by you, so he's trying to ally with you.” I growled.

“Err... I don't know what to say. So that means that the intruder... And the key going missing... And the attack... It was all you...” She frowned, looking down. “Well in that case, I have nothing to worry about... If you're not fond of Rice at all, then neither am I. Your friends are my friends, and your enemies are my enemies. And in that case, Rice had better not be out to get you, or I'LL be out to get HIM...” Cammy said as she took my paw in hers, then suddenly giggled. “Anyhow, if we're not going to tell him where the key is, then we might as well pretend we don't know where it is and do what he said. I'll go look in that human nest, even though I know it's not there... I won't be long, just enough time to walk there, look around, maybe wander a bit, and come back... I'm not going to do any real searching.” she smiled.

I nodded, smiling. “And I'll just hang out here for a bit I guess... I wonder why he didn't have me search for it with you, that's a bit odd, you know?” I said as I frowned. Then smiled again. “Anyhow, we should probably get to it now... I mean, there's no point in just standing here, right?” she smiled.

Cammy nodded. “Well we could go to the training area for a bit, train a little before I go searching...”

I nodded. “Or you could maybe pull the key out of me...” I giggled as I opened my mouth.

Frowning, Cammy nodded as she reached into my mouth. “You sure about this?”

Pulling her paw out of my mouth, I shook my head. “No, I was joking... But now I'm wondering if that would work or not... And your paw tastes like... Well... Apple...” I giggled.

“Well I was just eating one, so what do you expect?” She asked as she took my left paw in her right paw, and we began walking. After about a minute or two, Cammy stopped me and looked behind us, frowning.

“Electra... Turn around...” She frowned, letting go of my paw. Turning around, I made a face as I saw Rice crouched down low in the grass.

“Rice? What the fuck are you doing?” I asked as I squinted at him. He didn't move or respond, so I sighed, and begun walking towards him. “Hey... I asked you a questio- AH!” I yelled as he pushed me over, growling as he took off running.

What the hell....” Cammy said as she ran over and helped me up.

“Yeah, what the hell...” I said back, shaking myself off. “That was SO uncalled for!”

Cammy nodded, frowning. “Well we'd better get moving... I'll tell you what, you stay here for a bit and I'll go check out the human nest. So at least I can tell him I did something...” She sighed.

I frowned, sighing and nodding as I sat down. “Yeah, you go do that... I'll be at the stream probably...” I said as I smiled, wagging my tail as I stood up, hugging Cammy before taking off on all fours.

“See you later!” She shouted as she too ran off, and I got down low, trying to run as fast as I could through the grass, the warm humid air making me feel all icky and sweaty, even though I could only sweat on my pawpads, and not in my fur. In about five minutes, I made it to the lake, immediately running into it, not even hesitating to check the temperature as I ran in on all fours, giggling to myself as I leaped off of the ground, landing in the deeper part of the water and swimming out a bit farther. I chuckled to myself as I dunked my head under, giggling and twirling around, feeling so much better as the cool water got dirt and grime out of my fur, including Rice's blood that was under my claws...

Tilting my head as I looked at my right paw, I realized that there was noticeable blood under my claws. Maybe Rice had seen it and knew I was the one that attacked him from before? So in retaliation, he tried to get me back by pushing me into the grass? Well if that were true, then that means Rice has something more than that planned for me, because I know a simple push isn't going to make up for a clawed out eye and a slashed up tail... But... Cammy didn't seem to see the blood in my claws... Or maybe she did, but didn't want to say anything, as it would probably attract attention... But, she acted surprised when I told her it was me... Maybe she knew Rice was following us, and if she said anything, Rice would know where the blood had come from and would yell at me or something... But then, there's also the theory that Cammy just didn't see the blood there in the first place... I mean, it's not like she was looking at my paws or anything, and it's not like the blood was all over and wet... It was just a bit underneath my claws, so if Cammy didn't notice it, I doubt Rice did... But then there's the slim chance that he DID see it, and also the chance that he was LOOKING for it in the first place... But then again, I'm a hunter. I'm one of the few Pikachu in the colony that craves meat. So the blood under my claws could belong to a Ratatta or something. Maybe he was looking closely at everyone's paws because he wasn't sure if it was truly an intruder that attacked him or not... And that's what led him to me... But again, I'm a hunter, and it could've come from another Pokemon...

But wait... Didn't he say he was going to make an announcement about how someone got into the colony and stole the key to the Pokemart, attacked him, and left? He said he'd make the announcement after everyone woke up... And when I dragged Cammy out of the main room, everyone was getting up, because there were a lot of Pikachu in there that weren't in there before, and some were still entering... They were all talking at once, pushing and shoving eachother so they could get into the food storage room so they could get some breakfast, but they were there, regardless of what they were doing... There's no way he made the announcement or we would've been called over. So... He lied?

I began talking to myself, walking just enough towards the shore so that I could stand up.

“If that were true, then Rice would have been making the announcement as soon as we'd left the main room... But he didn't... Maybe he wanted everyone to eat first? No, that wouldn't make sense... If he allowed that, no one would listen because they'd all want to get out of there... He would have had to make the announcement as soon as we left, but he didn't... He chose to follow me and push me over in the grass... And why did he change his mind like that all of a sudden? He said that me and Cammy should go look for the key, then he... Stared at me... As I told him off... And he told Cammy to go off alone... And me not to look for it... Maybe because he DID see the blood on my claws, and knew I'd taken the key in the first place... Or maybe the truth I told him had hurt his feelings... Or maybe he wants Cammy to stay away from me for some odd reason... Either way, something's up, and he knows I attacked him... There's no way he made that speech. Probably because he's not worried, because he knows who did it already, and he knows there's no real intruder, it was only me...” I said to myself as I began fiddling with my paws. “And if that's the case... Then he probably wants me to be alone so that he can... Attack me or something, get me back without Cammy being there to defend me... It all makes sense now... The reason he sent Cammy off is so that he could freely attack me without and interference, because he knew that if he did it with Cammy around, he'd get his ass kicked...” I said as I slapped the water with my left paw, growling.

“And... If he sent Cammy off for that reason, then I'm glad I told her I ate the key... Because she's not going to be there for long now...” I said, sighing. “And if that's really what Rice is up to... Then he's just... Ugh...” I said, not knowing what to say. “If he sent Cammy away for that reason, then he really means business... I said as I tensed up, sighing again. “And... And... I told Cammy I'd be at the freaking stream, not the lake... She's going to be looking for me at the stream.. Lovely...” I said, mentally slapping myself in the face. Just as I did so, something nailed me in the back of my paw, the paw I had over my face... It stung a bit, and I quickly removed my paw from my face, squeaking as I shook it, pain shooting through my fingers as I caught a glimpse of the rock that was thrown, just as it fell into the water. Looking ahead of me, I squinted, seeing no one there.

“Who threw that?” I said, my cheeks sparking as I growled. Standing up tall, I began walking toward the shore. When I was about waist deep in the water, another rock flew from straight ahead, and I ducked underneath it, keeping an eye on where it came from. I saw Rice's head poke out, probably checking to see if it'd hit me or not, and I shot a bolt of electricity as him, nailing him right in his cut up eye. He yelled and quickly ducked back into the bushes, and I sighed, knowing that he truly did want a fight... And even if he didn't, it was too late... He'd started the war as soon as he tried to steal my mate, throwing the rocks and tackling me only started the battle... The fight was on.

Getting down onto all fours, I began running at him, lowering my head as I closed my eyes halfway, electricity beginning to swirl around me as I concentrated on the bush, knowing I had to make this powerful if I were going to hit him. I concentrated harder, trying not to make any noise as I ran faster and faster, water splashing up everywhere as I ran, the sphere of electricity thickening around me as I ran into shallower water. If I was going to try and volt tackle through that bush, I had to do it right.

As I approached the bush, Rice jumped out and tried to tackle me, but quickly stopped and stood on one foot for a while, trying to change directions as he realized I was volt tackling. Since he was so big, it was hard for him to alter his course so quickly, but it wasn't for me. I quickly turned slightly to the left and jumped, pushing off the ground with all the force I had, slamming into his belly with the volt tackle, sending him flying off of his feet and smacking into a tree. He got up quickly, obviously hurt because he was holding his stomach, and ran at me. I leaped to the left and laughed as he tried to tackle me and missed, only to have his tail wrap around me and pull hard, obviously trying to lift me up, but being unable to.

“Damn you're heavy!” He said as he rolled onto his back, tripping me with his feet, causing me to land right on my belly next to him. I quickly closed my eyes as I realized what he was about to do, tensing up as I felt his fist smack into my forehead.

“OW!” I squealed, clenching my head with both paws as I squirmed around on the ground.

“Cammy... Is MY mate! You can NOT take her away from me!” He said as he stood up, kicking me in the side. “I will fight to the END for her!”

Ignoring the pain, I quickly lashed out with my paws, digging my claws deep into his leg. He yelled out and grabbed my paw with both of his, squeezing it as hard as he could. I screamed, letting go quickly as he tried to crush my paw, closing my eyes tight and pushing against his belly with my feet. He just laughed and jumped on me, knocking the wind right out of me. I lay there, my eyes closed tightly as I coughed, trying to regain my breath. While I was, he had let go of my paw. I didn't notice his cheeks sparking, and before I could do anything, he'd hit me with a static attack. I tried to push him off of me, wondering why he'd hit me with such a puny move, but I couldn't move... I was paralyzed...

I couldn't talk, scream, nor move a muscle...

“She... is MINE...” he said as he stood up, twirling around as he nailed me in the side with iron tail, sending me tumbling into the water. As the static discharged into the water, I regained the strength to move, and just in time too, as Rice tried to nail me with a thunderpunch. Grunting, I quickly rolled to the side, watching as he punched into the water, growling. That's when I realized he wanted to kill me...

“WHAT THE HELL!” I yelped, rolling over and quickly standing up. As soon as I got up on all fours, Rice flipped me onto my back and sat on me, pinning me down. My head was underwater, and all I could see was his mouth open, a blurry orange ball charging in his open mouth. I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't see well. He was using his paws to choke me, and I couldn't move underneath his weight. I wanted to cough, but I knew if I did, I'd start inhaling water, and that'd be the end of me for sure. I had a flashback, a flashback to the time when me and Dallas had first mated, how good it felt, mating for the first time... The time we cuddled in the soft bed after that, the way he hugged me when we slept... I thought of the time he'd fed me Stryder the other day, and last night, when we mated for the first time while he was female... A bunch of happy thoughts flashed in my head, and I began to cry. You couldn't tell I was crying, because I couldn't breathe, and I was underwater, but if you really knew me, you'd know my crying face, however to Rice, it looked like I was just struggling. I watched the blurry ball get bigger and bigger, tensing up as I prepared to take the full hit of his hyper beam. I knew that it was over, after this hit, I was done... There was nothing I could do but lay here and accept it now... I knew it was ready to fire, because I could hear it crackling and pulsing, even through the water. Rice opened his mouth wider, and there was a flash as he fired...

Except he missed...

From under the water I saw a yellow blur whip by, nailing him in the back of the head with something shiny and silver, causing Rice to miss me with the hyper beam, firing it somewhere into the sky instead of in my face... I watched as Rice fell ontop of me, still choking me, and not wanting to let go. I watched as the yellow blur hit him again, not with the white object, but with a yellow sparkly one... It wasn't long before I felt the grip around my neck loosen, followed by the pressure on my body being relieved as Rice was knocked off of me by the silver thing again, except this time, Rice went flying, landing in the deep part of the lake. Sitting up immediately, I gasped for air, shaking my head to get the water off. I quickly turned my head just in time to see Cammy nail Rice right inbetween the eyes with... A ball of electricity? Indeed it was a ball of electricity, and it exploded as soon as it hit Rice, sending him soaring right to the bottom of the lake. Was she using Electroball? Where'd she learn THAT? Snarling, she dove in after him, and I just sat there, wondering what was going on. A split second later, I saw a bright yellow flash underneath the water, followed by a huge shock wave that nailed me, the wave so large that it carried me all the way onto the shore before it died out, the tint of red in the water as blood began to spill... I feared the worst, until I lifted my head and saw Cammy resurface, swimming over to the shore and running to me.

“ELECTRA! You said you'd be at the stream, and I went there and didn't see you... I heard you yell... I followed it and came here, a... son... kay? …Ra! … Elec...

All I heard was the fuzzy voice of her yelling at me. I couldn't make out the words she was saying anymore, but I assumed she was asking me if I was okay... I wanted to answer, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't... Just as I was about to answer her, I saw her turn and dash back into the water, just as I fainted...

--END Chapter Seventeen.--