Current Track: Blabb

\n This is just a short piece I did for a class a couple years ago.  I made a lot of changes to it, cutting out quite a few pages that were just crap.  Anyway, this was inspired a lot by the Mad Max movies, Fallout games and A Boy and his Dog.  I hope to expand on this.  As such this is a bit of a teaser, so enjoy!




\n This production is mostly going to be very limited on 'yiff'.


\n -----------------------------------------------------------------


\n Human Error
Down in a hole


\n  "Boff...Boff ya there?"


\n  Static shoutes back in my face, submerging the narrow hall in a sea of cacophony and me drowning in it. The silence after I fumbled with the radio is just as suffocating.   It was like being in the dark then gettin an eye-full a sun an seeing lights flash across your eyelids when theyr's closed, but with your ears. I took a mome to clear the head and bring out my night peeper before moving further down the hall.




\n This place I'm in, called Undergrounds, Graves, Holes and whatever.   Most are like this one in the sense of being empty, or tombs.  I once found a Hole that had corpses scattered all about, all bones though, but the blood painted across the walls in weir-


\n  A disturbance in the usual background hum, it was gone, but ears don't play tricks. I listened a moment. There was a split in the hall, a doorway, and I peeked in. Bunch of desks and more doors, some closed some open. There's dust in some places with rodent tracks, some bigger that could only be from...rats, but all old. I get the shotty out just in case; ye never take chances when there's rat sign...


\n  Back against the wall, I slide down into a sit, gun across my lap and break out the radio to try again...


\n  Nothing. The marble is cold at my back. There's a skylight on the ceiling, one of those fancy ones with the reflective tube that ducts light in. It's too small for me to climb out and the surface is probably a hundred feet up, there's a desiccated mouse in it too. I turn the peeper off...


\n  I wake with a start; there's a musky odor mixed with a slightly acidic bite that certainly wasn't there before. The back of my neck feels tingly. The moon musta come out while I nodded off and I can see abit without the peeper. A mouse creeps out the doorway, scurrying against the wall, I don't notice. The two shining ocher orbs have me speared.


\n  It's just beyond the light; the eyes are level with mine. I hear its heavy breath, imagine it whistling through bared fangs. I don't break contact, hands moving the shotty and shaking so hard it rattles.


\n  A hushed, almost delicate growl rumbles from somewhere within its chest, a snout breaks the surface tension of moonlight. It has scales, old pictures of huge lizards come to mind and I fuck them up with radiation. I just about piss myself.


\n  It moves with the sinuous grace of a wasteland stalker (mutated cat), coming to stand in front of me, bending its long neck, stares me straight in the eye. Its breath is hot on my neck, first one side then the other and it pauses...I can't bear to watch my own death.


\n  There's a rush of air and I'm sure I'm dead...but I feel warmth spreading from my croch....fuck.
\n  I open my eyes. The creatures gone, a figment of my imagination except for the receding click of claws on marble...




\n I hear squeaking in the distance.
