Current Track: Blabb

Furry of
claws; Chapter two. Transcend of the mind.

Two days
passed since Dion gotten his illusion where the real world was mixed up in a
state of mind that was not his own. At first he wondered if the act of eating
an human would start the illusions. While he continued to eat human flesh the
illusions kept out. The only torment he still gotten where the nightmares.
Every night he returned to that fateful day on the train track.

step away from the tracks sir" The machinists tried to coax him away from the
tracks. Dion could see the machinists struggling to approach him. Dion turned
his head to the speeding train that entered the station. He turned to face the
machinists. He gave a faint “I am sorry." He let gravity take him to his fate.
He fell backwards on the track in front of the speeding train. He could hear
the sharp sound of metal grinding on metal. He could smell the scent of heated
metal and grease. Screams of the people on the station, everything happened in
slow motion. Until he was met by blackness.


Dion roared
out loudly. He shot upright in the bed. He could feel claws that where not his
own dragging over his body. Dion gasped for air, his head was in a state of
chaos once more. The claws on his stomach moved, dragging Dion against another
scally belly. He turned to see Rakshasi lying in bed, her eyes looking straight
at him. For the last two days he woken up to that worrying look. He was
withering the last few days. Rakshasi placed herself next to Dion every night.
How more Dion was drawing in to the nightmares and the illusions. How more
Rakshasi pulled on him, pulling him out from what depression was spiralled in.
Dion let himself fall back against Rakshasi, feeling her body against his back.
He could feel her clawed hand move to place itself on his forehead. The last
few days he had gotten used to this signature. In a quick haze Rakshasi taught
him that the gesture was common among dragons to comfort one another. It was
symbol to strengthen a mental link two dragons might develop. Soon enough he
could feel her mind enter his own. “Another
nightmare Dion?"
Dion took a deep breath, his voice came from a
distance, detached from his mind. “Yes."

placed her other clawed hand  on his
chest, pushing it strongly against his heart. He could feel energy flowing
through him. The energy collected in his heart before flushing trough his body
and exiting out of his forehead. First time he felt this flow he protested
against Rakshasi. She would have none of it. Telling him that she would share
in his depression, keeping him from winding himself up into self-loathing. Dion
wondered if was she was saying was true, would she really be able to feel how
he felt. “Again the same dream…" He
could hear her suiting voice. He could feel her mind trying to push the awful
memories away. Surrounding him in a cloud of warm feelings.

“Rakshasi?" Dion started unsure how to continue.
Wondering if he should ask what he was about to ask. “How deep you can see into my memories." Rakshasi's answer came
with doubt. “Well, I don't know for sure.
As deep as you let me go.
" Dion started to grow weary of the link. “Dion…" Rakshasi continued, apparently
sensing his fear. “I have seen your life.
I know how you feel.
" Dion protested with a snort, however he did not make
any motion to move her hands away from his body. “Memories are private you know" He growled agitated at Rakshasi's
knowledge of so many memories. He was not sure if he could blame her trough. He
was not sure of anything in at this moment. “You
are right. Trough, Dion I only see what you want me to see. So tell me why I am
seeing your life as human"
Dion's reactions grew more and more hostile to
Rakshasi. Turning the doubt he could not place into anger against her. “I do not know alright! So stop…"
Rakshasi interrupted Dion before he could make any accusation. “I do know why you are showing me this Dion.
I can feel why. Your fear, your doubt. Dion, please don't shove me away. I have
been in similar situations, I wished I had someone to help me with it.
Dion halted his protest, the fast growing anger ebbed away. “How can you feel what I feel Rakshasi. How
can you possibly been in this situation"
He could feel Rakshasi behind him
moving. Her warm snout pressing against his neck. “Let me show you."


It was a sunny day. Dion opened his eyes. He rubbed
his purple clawed hands in his eyes. Rubbing the sleep away. Dion thoughts
stranded, purple? What was going on? He tried to look down his body but was
unable to. He could not control his body, or was it his body after all. He
could feel another mind entering his. “Dion."
It was the voice of Rakshasi. “Don't
fret. This is me. You are me
" it did not help to make Dion any less
confused. “I seen your memories. Now it
is time to return the favour. This is mine, some time ago."
Doin could see
how Rakshasi was walking around trying to find something. No seeing was the
wrong word. He was himself walking around the cave. Everything felt like he was
doing it himself, even when he had no control over what he was doing. “I was not always alone." In the corner
of Dion's, no Rakshasi's eyes Dion could see another dragon. The dragon was a
deep green, almost to the point of being black. Rakshasi did not respond with
anger to the dragon. She walked up to the dragon. The Dragon was standing with
its back to Rakshasi. Dion wondered what she would do. His question was
answered quickly. He could feel the scales of the dragon on Rakshasi's body. He
embraced the head shorter dark green dragon from behind. There was an odd sense
of familiarity with in the memory. Something he could not place. He could feel
waves of love and attachment rushing through Rakshasi in the embrace.

“This must be her
" he thought, the only logical conclusion he could
came up with. “Yes" he could feel the
mind of Rakshasi join his mind again. “That
was my mate. The last day we shared together.
" He could feel pain coming
from the Rakshasi he was linked to. The memory skipped ahead. The two were
flying through the air. Hunting for food far outside the forest of the village.
He could feel the wind rushing over Rakshasi's body. He was oddly conflicted by
the memories. Was he jealous on the dragon Rakshasi was fling with? He could
not place the feelings that he was feeling caused by Rakshasi's feelings. The
two started to get distracted from the flight and the hunt. He could feel a
playful feeling overcome her. It started with pulling on the dragon's tail and
ended with the two felling to the ground in a controlled tumble. Both landed
softly, two skilled creatures of flight. They had only eyes for each other.
Dion started to become detached to the memory. In a conflict of minds he felt
himself floating between the two bodies. His mind started to hurt, he could see
both the dark green dragon and Rakshasi in the same time. It lasted only a
moment, a moment that was interrupted by a sharp pain in Dion's neck. He roared
out, trying to grab his neck. But he could not, he was still in the memory.
Nothing had happed to him.

Suddenly he saw what happened. The dark green dragon
had collapsed on the floor. A puddle of red hot blood collecting under the
dragon. An large steel arrow had pierced the dragon's neck. Sticking out of the
dragon. He could hear shouts in the distance. Terror struck Dion, dragon
hunters. He could see Rakshasi feeling away from them, they were with too many.

The memory
faded. Dion found himself shaking and cold. Rakshasi's clawed hands clanged to
his body. It took him moments to realise where he was, safe in the cabin. Next
to him he could hear soft sobbing. He turned around to see Rakshasi in awful
shape. Water had formed a puddle on her pillow, soaking it trough and trough.
Her scales where a mess, the gaze in her eyes was without hope. Dion never seen
Rakshasi like this. He brought his clawed hand to her forehead. He could feel
the warm scales against his own cold scales. Her empty gaze turned to him,
directly into his eyes. It made him feel, strange. He wished he never protested
against her, he wished she never showed what happened to her. He tried to do
the same she did to him. He placed his other hand against her purple chest,
making connection with her mind. With all the might he tried to remember the
bright moments he had with her. Every moment that they laughed together and
flushed her mind with those memories. “Let
it out, Rakshasi. Let it out and fill your empty space"
his words cooed to
him. For the moment he no longer thought about what was happening to him. He no
longer thought about his nightmares, no longer about the pain he felt of
leaving his human life alone. Just the focus to drag Rakshasi from her pain and
into his warmth. “Find the words, let it
out. Rakshasi. Do not let it stare down at you. You are strong. Find the place,
turn the water into wine."
Dion tried his best to comfort Rakshasi.

However he
was not prepared for the cost the mental link gave. While he was flooding
Rakshasi's mind with pleasant memories. The mental pain of Rakshasi was flowing
freely into his own. He could feel her pain, her anger and her frustration of
the death of her mate. The love she felt towards him, the emptiness that she
felt without him. “Do not wither, do not
break down. Rakshasi. Be strong, be the dragoness I met.
" He tried to pull
Rakshasi out of the pain. He was no longer sure how long he could withstand the
pain that she was flowing into his mind. His words started to crash down, his
creations started to burn down. He tried to tear the pain out of her. “You are not alone. Don't give in. You will
have revenge. You will feel love again and you will become a beacon of hope for
the dragons"
He tried not to think about the pain he was feeling, tried to
ignore his own memories of lost loves and death. One memory particular became
more and more present in his mind. The son he had just for moments, the pain of
seeing his son die. A son he never gotten the moment to properly meet. He had
not even gotten a hold of his son. Only the looks through the glass at the
weakening body. Dion hissed. No not now!

He was
stirred, he could feel Rakshasi's scaled hands on both his forehead and chest.
They created a circle. He was flowing energy trough her body. She was flowing
energy trough his body. He started to lose grip of the idea of a mind, starting
to lose grip of his personality. He collided with Rakshasi's mind, instead of a
clash like he expected. They started to flow into each other. He could see it
as two flows of energy. One emerald green, one deep purple. The two flows of
energy swirled around each other mixing in. getting entangled more and more.
Dion lost his name. he no longer could self-identify. He could no longer
identify the dragon opposite of him as Rakshasi. It was all one, one mind two

He, no she,
no they became filled with fear. Fearing the loss of their identity. Memories
collided into each other. Memories of dragons flowed against memories of
humans. Pain faded, a numb state of mind overflowed the two. Together they
smashed through the prison wall. Fire filled their minds, fire of life, fire of
hate and fire of revenge. a fire that fuelled the energy flows to move apart.
They started to have an own mind again. Having an identity. He was Dion, she
was Rakshasi. It was no longer just one big blur. Dion could see again, could
see the purple dragons. Shivering he moved her hangs away from Rakshasi.
Breaking the flow of energy. His mind was in chaos, in fear and in doubt. No
longer knowing what happened to him. What did they share, was this some sort of
ancient rite? Was this a way to join souls for dragons. Dion could see the same
doubt, the same fear and the same chaos in the look of Rakshasi. This was new
for her as well. Dion feared that if he spoke to her mind again he would start
the process all over again. he withdrawn from her, but just as he tried to get
out of the bed. Rakshasi grabbed his wrists, her eyes looked deep into his own.
“Thank you. Whatever you did. Thank you."
Dion was to dazed and confused to answer. He pulled himself away from her grip.
He rushed outside, he rushed away from the cabin. He needed time alone, time to
figure out what happened to him. It seemed forever since he last noticed
normality. A normal life a normal job. He was secure what he knew he was secure
what he believed in. But now? He had no longer a security. Every experience
seemed to make less and less sense to the scientific mind he once trusted to
judge. He feared it would drag him deeper and deeper into a shadow he was
unable to climb out. He stopped near a tree, resting his head against the cold
bark. Catching his breath. He knew he could no stay long outside. His body
temperature already dropping in the cold air. Dion Took a deep breath of cold
air, trying to calm his senses. What was important for him? Was it his sanity?
Was it Rakshasi or was it a security of reality. He could no longer demand all
three to happen at once. Every time he became closer to Rakshasi he could feel
himself drift off into an world of insecurity. Every time he was secure he
could feel Rakshasi drifting away from him.

collapsed in the snow, his clawed hands against his head, this could not be
happening. Again for the second time he was sliding away from the world. Or was
he? Rakshasi did not seem scared for him, rather only what happened. Could he
be trusted to be around her? Could he trust himself around her. A shiver ran
over his spine, his body protesting against the cold climate. He could not help
but to think about the memory Rakshasi shared with him. Why did he feel the
pain, the physical pain in his neck. Was she linked to her old mate? Could she
feel his pain? It must be. Dion's head started to spin. He could feel his hands
starting to cramp up. Slowly he stood on his legs, walking back inside the

found Rakshasi holding a bowl of the stew, warming her hands on the hot bowl.
She only sipped occasionally. Dion approached her from behind, his clawed hand
laying on her shoulder. Words got lost within the chaos of his mind. What he
did want to ask, what questions where there to be answered. He lost track of
his own stream of consciousness. Rakshasi turned her head, looking with her
intelligent eyes at her. She did not seem to be empty and depressed like when
he left. Instead she had a spark of hope. A park of light in her eyes. She was
the first to open the mental link to Dion. “Dion,
I hoped you would come back.
" Dion answered with little reluctance. He did
not want to commence a mental link on his own but it seemed rude not to return
the compensation. “I would not leave you.
Not even for what happened."
Rakshasi seemed to look surprised. “Did you do not commence the Vs'shtak-ricin-ganim"

“The what?" Dion was perplexed by the term of Rakashasi. “Vs'shtak-ricin-ganim, Is the act of giving
up your own identity to combine with another dragon."
Dion sat down besides
Rakshasi in front of the slow burning fire. The heat was welcoming to his cold
body. “Where was it used for?" Rakshasi
turned her look away, away from the fire and away from Dion's questioning look.
“It is a traditional method of healing
Dion sighed relieved, he expected something much worse. A declaration
of mate-ship. Rakshasi continued. “The
link can only be established between close blood or those who are soul linked."

Dion turned his gaze baffled at Rakshasi. he could not believe what he was just
being told. Nor what the most likely possibility is of what he was to her. A
family member, how would that be possible if they did not seen each other
before. If he was a brother to her she must be able to remember him. The linked
soul option made him feel uncomfortable on a whole different level. Rakshasi
however, came with some relieve. “It
might be because our souls are entangled. If what the elder dragon said is
true. The Vs'shtak-ricin-ganim is only an side effect of a deeper link
Dion did not knew if that was an better option. He could feel Rakshasi lean
against him, laying her scaled head against his shoulder. “But you helped me finding rest once more. I wish I met you before."
Dion wanted to tell Rakshasi about the pain he felt once he was linked to her
memories. He silenced himself when she talked about the rest she found. It
feels unjust to bring the memories up again. so instead he returned with a
rather anticlimactic “You helped me. If
we are entangled then this is the least I can do.

The day
itself passed uneventful, the two dragons ate the last of the stew. They
prepared leftover human meat for transport. Cooking and salting it. Dion often
looked at the eggs if they were warm enough. he wondered why they were not
hatched did they wait for something? With great care he lowered them in the backpack.
Wrapping them up in wool. When the sun reached its highest point of the day
they were ready to leave the cabin behind. Dion 
was happy to move on from the cabin. He had seen enough of the small
wooden cabin. Trough when he stepped into a cold outer air, he longed for the
warmth of the fireplace. Rakshasi ensured him that they would find a place to
sleep once more. A few hours flight away from the cabin the forest stopped and
the first farms started. Rakshasi told him of a small village. She remembered
the villagers not being hostile against the dragons. She could not tell if they
would welcome the two dragons. After all the king was hunting them down like
they were mass murders.

With the
wind under the wings and the sun behind them they soured trough the cold sky.
Dion's eyes were struggling with the cold sharp wind. Even the second
see-trough eyelids where not enough to keep his eyes from irritating in the
cold wind. He flew close by Rakshasi, she was flying a little bit in front and
above of him. The forest stretched out under them, the white snow laid as a
blanket over the forest. He could see wild gain fleeing from the two dragons in
fear of the life. The scent of burning wood started to become more and more
heavy in the air. Eventually Dion his head into the distance. Dion could see
the farms coming in the distance and the village laying in a valley beyond.
Rakshasi land on the edge of the forest. The field was barren of any plants. A
small barn with a wooden farm laid in the middle of the large field.

“Let's test how the villages are" Rakshasi walked to the building.
Oddly enough no smoke was rising out of the building. Dion looked around, he
was rather creped out by the silence. The farmers should be outside and seen
them at least. Even if they are not home, there should at least be some smoke
or some sort of fire. Rakshasi was the first to arrive. She knocked on the
door, no reply. With some effort she pushed over the door open. The farm was empty,
it showed no signs of any life with in a long time. Dion was not far behind
Rakshasi. he looked around the cabin to the spider webs and the broken jars. He
and Rakshasi looked at each other. This would be an ideal place to stay for a
while. On the other hand if they started to make a fire in the fireplace now
they might draw in suspicion. The cold eventually made the decision. “can you find some wood?" Rakshasi, was
cleaning out the fireplace. Dion could easily find an old stash of still dry
firewood. With his claws full of wood he walked back to Rakshasi. She had
cleaned out the fireplace enough for the fire to start. With the fire going
they relaxed in the old chairs. Letting their bodies heat up by the fire. Dion
gave a soft smile, again they had a place to stay. Dion looked out of one of
the dirty windows, he could not see the fields trough the oilcloth that
protected the opening against the wind.

“Rakshasi?" Dion started, the fire softly cracking. “How you will take on the king? After all we
can't really walk in the city like this"
Rakshasi cracked a small laugher. “Of course we cannot walk in the city like
She paused her words. She had a devious look in her eyes. Dion did
not know what it might mean, rather it gave him the creeps. “But if it is known that two dragons life
near the city he is forced to come out and slay the dragons himself."
surprised by the danger Rakshasi wanted to take to kill the king. “ You really thing that it is a good idea?
Besides if you kill the king you only give the humans more reason to hunt down
Rakshasi raised her shoulder. “For
slaying the king, I am prepared to go great lengths"
Dion gazed into the
fire. The dance of the fire was hypnotising to his mind. “But what about the other dragons, aren't you better of helping them?"
Rakshasi took a deep breath. “I don't
know if there are any other dragons still alive within the kingdom.
"  Dion looked from the corner of his eyes to
Rakshasi. “How would you know that
Rakshasi. we did not seem to meet a lot of dragons."
Rakshasi turned
sharply at Dion. “We have passed at least
four or five dragon territories"

“Still you think that slaying the king would
solve it Rakshasi. I mean, I want just as well rip the head off that worthless
piece of meat. But I don't want to lose my own head for it."
Rakshasi seemed to soften for him.
maybe she expected one of his none killing dialogs. “Maybe…we can do something else with him." It was dion's time to
give a smirk “Like what? Change his
Rakshasi placed her hand on his shoulder. Her lips moved to
give him a warm smile. “If you could do
that I would do more to you then just kiss you"

“Oh Dion did your scales just turned a darker
shade of green?

Dion gave a small his at Rakshasi “Oh
don't get me started."
He hoped to counter her quick flirty argument. Rakshasi
leaned back with her particular devious smile. “Ohh…well abou…" she could not finish her sentences. “Don't tell me you seen, ~those~ memories!"
Rakshasi seemed highly amused with his reactions. “Oh Dion my sweet summer child. I told you I saw what you wanted me to
see. So if I saw those things that makes you…
" Dion gave a small,
non-threatening hiss at her. “Oh can you
please stop it. It is already strange enough that I have changed body and
locked minds with you.
" Rakshasi continued with a teasingly “It is only natural" but it was the
dismissive words, she did not continue on making Dion feel uncomfortable. She
had gotten her amusement from him.

“Quiet!" Dion suddenly hissed, he was sure he could
hear some people walking outside. Rakshasi stiffened up. Trying to focus on the
sounds that came from outside. They could hear two people walking and talking.
Two adult males by the sound of it. Rakshasi leaned closer to the ground,
signing Dion to do the same. Like a predator on the prowl they sneaked around
towards the door. Just outside the door the two humans stopped. Still speaking
in a heavy low voice. Rakshasi's muscles tensed up. The door smashed open, Rakshasi
jumped on one of the humans followed by Dion.

The human jumped on by Dion shouted. Draconic, how would the humans know of
draconic. Both Dion and Rakshasi were flabbergasted by the humans. Even with
the distraction the humans made no attempt to actually throw the dragons from
them. “We will not harm you." Rakshasi was the first release the humans, soon
followed by Dion. Her look turned from the surprised state into an more
demanding state. “svanoa shilta wux vucot Vs'shtak?" the second human answered
the question for Rakshasi. “Well, it is best to be told inside the town
milady." Dion turned his head towards Rakshasi. “Is it wise? To follow them" Rakshasi inspected the humans closely.
“They smell…strange. They have a
non-human scent that I can't quite place."
Dion took a deep breath, trying
to smell what she smelled. It was true that they had an odd scent but he could
not place it. He had not smelled enough strange scents to get a good grip of
the scents.

the they followed the humans. They came to a horse drawn carriage. “our jarl has
seen you land. He has requested to see you." The humans guided the two dragons
to the carriage. “However the roads are patrolled by knights of the kings
watch. So please" they signed over to the back of the carriage where a large
black cloth blanket was laying. Reluctantly Rakshasi and Dion stepped into the
carriage. The blanket provided good cover against the cold air. With a few
commands they were on the road. Dion felt like he was some sort of criminal,
being smuggled like this towards the town. He wondered what the jarl would want
if he did not mind dragons. He could not let go that it might be a trap that
they were guided directly into.

After what
seemed to be an eternity the carriage stopped. The blanket was thrown from the
two dragons. “milord, milady. We have arrived." Dion looked around to see a
dark dungeon. He feared the worse. Two large oak wooden doors closed of the
exit. He could see an array of old cuffs and chains. This was it. Dion jumped
out the carriage, ready to fight for freedom when he wanted. “Si charis wer
iwodoi jahus vi petranaswin" A third voice came from the other side of the
dungeon. It was a women who was dressed in vibrant red and yellow cloths. She
wore an golden tiara on her head, marking her as the jarl. “hefoc vi chojiqagro"
Dion replied in his mediocre draconic. “Dion!"
Rakshasi gasped surprised by his 'outburst'. Not that Dion seemed to feel any
ill feelings towards the comment he made.

The Jarl
turned to English as soon she heard the poor dialect of Dion. “I am sorry for
you, milady, milord." Rakshasi laid her claws on Dion's shoulder, she looked
straight at the Jarl. “She seemed to be
Dion gave a small relieved nod. “We can go for it. I mean if they wanted us to turn to the king they
would have done it by now."
With the minds set up, they walked to the Jarl
and slightly bowed for him in the human way they knew of. The jarl in the other
hand gave the traditional dragon gesture of showing the neck. A gesture when
you wanted to greed a more dominant and powerful dragon. “Dion…" Rakshasi started unsure. “I don't know about this." Dion looked up the stairs to an open
door at the end of it. A warm candle light flooded from the open door. “They know the draconic traditions so why is
it such a big problem. Maybe this is just another town like…
" Rakshasi
paused him “That is why. That means we
might be in the territory of another dragon. I do not like this.
" Dion's
gaze turned to the Jarl. “It is too late
for it now. Let's just go with it.
" Dion nodded to the Jarl to force
Rakshasi in the position to follow them. He could clearly feel that she did not
like the way this was setup nor the fact that Dion was pushing her. She did not
commented on his actions. The jarl lead them up the stairs to a brightly light
room. The room was build high with candlesticks and decorations of dragon
heads. In the centre there was a long table with at least twenty seats. The
walls of the room where hanged with wall carpets. Telling all kinds of stories,
some seemed to be religious. Some seemed to be tales that happened to the town
long ago. At the end of the table Dion could see two thrones. One large, laid
in with golden and jewels. The other smaller, a single large ruby on the very
tip of the throne. Strangely enough the jarl they spoke took place in the
smaller throne. “One moment please. The true Jarl will come here any time

A door
swung open behind the thrones. At first they could not seem who entered, not
until the person appeared from behind the thrones. What Dion saw shocked him. A
black dragon walked to the throne. His scaled hide was decorated with golden
jewellery and fine cloths. The red of the cloth jumped up from the black hide.
Dion estimated that the height of the dragon around a head and a half smaller
then Dion. He was build more bulkier. His wings seemed a bit small for his
size. “fekiikiri! siausjalil, siaith." The dragon's voice was happy and
explosive.  He took position next to the
women. “This is the jarl!" Dion
proclaimed awestruck to Rakshasi. she did not immediately reply to Dion. “siaith,
coi ui bvecko ekess ocuir voga darastrix" “Just
what I feared. Males…"
the last word seemed to lay heavy on her voice. Dion
never guessed that Rakshasi had any problem with a specific gender. She seemed
to be kind to the dragon, using the milord term. Dion was drawn into doubt by
Rakshasi's reaction. He tried to get an idea of her mental state of mind. He
was relieved to feel that Rakshasi did not shield herself of from him. quite
the opposite, her mind was drawn closer to him. The dragon seemed not hostile
to the two, trough he did not look at Dion. He was rather rudely pushed away
from the conversation. The dragon spoke with a rather high pitched growl in his
voice. “svabol dronilnric vi nhee darastrix hefoc doutan ekess nomenoi luhi? Mrith
wer daar xoalir ekess svent hesi cirau" He could feel a disgust flushing over
Rakshasi's mind. “How does he dare! To
call me 'nhee'"
Dion felt himself pushed in a more and more awkward
position. He still did not know enough words to tell what was insulting. Nhee,
nice? Could I have another meaning in combination with the word for dragon?
Rakshasi's rather angry mental voice gave the solution to his doubt. “You just don't call a random dragon nice!"
Dion turned to the dragon and Rakshasi, switching looks between them.

“ve vur sia
rumag re tenpiswo ekess itrewic ekess wer vrantvrak sventar" Dion tried his
bests not to gasp at Rakshasi's words. “Rumag?"
His voice all to present in Rakshasi's mind. Making sure she would answer this
time. “Why did you just call me your
" He could feel a warm feeling flushing over his body. “I do not want this dragon to know I am not
her voice was filled with distrust and even some level of disgust. “Because it is strange for two dragons to
travel together?
" He could feel Rakshasi's mind relaxing at his question.
He could feel her clawed hand move to his wrists and close around his wrist. A
short spark of energy flowed from her body into his. “No, because this dragon obviously has been alone for a long time and I
do not want him to make advances on me"
Dion looked inspecting at the
dragon's face. Indeed he could see some level of jealousy on the dragon's face.
He hoped that it would not result in any problems later on. God knows what kind
of problems would arise if a dragon would fight for a dragoness.

The look on
the black dragon's face sharpened. “Sventir wer daar? batobot ui japachi tonn."
He paused his words. The pause was long enough for Rakshasi to comment even
with more displeasure from the dragon. “Of
course is killing the king is hard!
" Dion had to supress a small laugh. The
situation was rather amusing to him. seeing Rakshasi trying to keep her
politeness. The black dragon continued his words again. unsure of what the two
shared in mind. “Ilrigan origato ve majak wux vi cuaili. sia ominak ui
Ophiuchus ini wer idol." The name vaguely sounded familiar to Dion. Something
in him recognised the name of the dragon. Rakshasi bowed slightly to the
dragon, just out of politeness. She did not show any neck to the dragon, only
the horns on her head. The dragon seemed to turn even more annoyed by the
signals. He whispered something to the women's ears. She jumped on her feet to
bow for the dragons. “Please follow me" her voice was rather, what was the
word, insecure. Dion could see some tension between the dragon and the women.
Was there a reason they were together? Rakshasi nodded, she and Dion followed
the women. “No only milady. I will come back for you milord"

“Just stay here Dion, give me a shout if that
dragon does anything to you and I will tear the walls down."
Dion felt relieved to hear that
Rakshasi did not let this slip so easily. She and the women slide through a
door in the side of the building. He turned his gaze at the dragon again.
Ophiuchus was his name. A dead silence fell between them, a silence broken by
the dragon.

“Zyak wux
tepoha jacioniv lae rumag." His words seemed accusing, serious and trying to
scare Dion. “Wux jalla majak svern. wux shilta ti tangis bensvelk renthisj
Vs'shtak" Dion laughed loudly, he could not believe his ears. That dragon was
trying to get him to let go of Rakshasi. “You
do not want to know what he is saying to me"
he forwarded the words to
Rakshasi trough the mental link. He could feel the same amusement from
Rakshasi. “Guess what the women I am with
believes she is his wife. She says they are mated.
" Dion snorted a bit,
letting Rakshasi talk on the background while conveying to the dragon. His poor
draconic was good enough to get an idea of what the dragon tried to force him
to. “Even his wife is trying to get me to
mate with him."
Dion snorted again. the dragon seemed to grow more and more
frustrated with Dion snorts and laughs. Dion spoke to the dragon, the words
copied from a crude translation made by Rakshasi. “Sjaadur ve siaith. shar
svabol wux re xoalir ekess ve vur rakshasi ekess tir ui filki zyak diwhafup"
The dragon's eyes widened. “ricin ganim?" he simply added. To what Dion nodded.
The dragon finally realised the two shared a mental link. The dragon's look
turned from annoyance to anger to utter disbelieve. he gave a soft growl “Filki
clax svabol cuaili wux tuor." Dion smilled and bowed to the dragon, keeping in
mind not to show any of his neck. He was above the dragon. Rakshasi soon enough
appeared in the door opening with a smirk on her face. “well thanks for covering up" she said, taking Dion to guide him to
the room for the night.