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Aren't you a Vampire?
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Looks like I forgot to get this one up on art sites just before the computer blew up. Oh yeah for those who didn't know my computer blew up. It's better now. I think... >.>
Anyway yeah silly little fanart idea I wanted to do. It's not often a ytp inspires me, but when it does it's glorious, and I've been following all the beautiful arzette stuff post the games launch gleefully. Well I saw this one: and between that being the running joke and that one series being back on my mind, I thought it was fair to have arzette meet a REAL vampire. Hopefully that sword upgrade doesn't bode as badly as it did for its previous owner. ^^
(I am so glad that I have an entire folder of school era art I did for legacy of kain. I might never show it but least I know in my heart this isn't the first time I've drawn him. Thank god. ^^
Anyway yeah silly little fanart idea I wanted to do. It's not often a ytp inspires me, but when it does it's glorious, and I've been following all the beautiful arzette stuff post the games launch gleefully. Well I saw this one: and between that being the running joke and that one series being back on my mind, I thought it was fair to have arzette meet a REAL vampire. Hopefully that sword upgrade doesn't bode as badly as it did for its previous owner. ^^
(I am so glad that I have an entire folder of school era art I did for legacy of kain. I might never show it but least I know in my heart this isn't the first time I've drawn him. Thank god. ^^
8 months ago
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