Current Track: Blabb

Daniel was lonely. He sat there at his breakfast bar, chewing on a nearly cold piece of toast as the radio talked about the morning news and weather. The voice was calming and informative but it made Daniel feel more anxious.  He swiveled slowly around on his stool to take a look at his surroundings.

His apartment was nothing to gawk at but he made it presentable for anyone walking in. A light reddish couch with a wooden coffee table sat in the middle of the living room with it facing a flatscreen TV that sat on a double-shelf glass stand. In the righthand corner was one of those big, comfy chairs that you could sleep in with a tall plastic lamp joining it. He usually sat there to get some reading time done whenever he took it.

And then there was the window on the far end of the apartment. He loved this window. It was huge! You could see so far into the city. The markets, the parks, even incoming traffic (which was pretty useful). He loved gazing out at this window, it gave him the chance to see that life was happening beyond his lowly apartment. 

As the radio continued to talk, Daniel decided to get up and walk towards the window, taking a glass of orange juice with him. He sipped quietly as he watched the city slowly wake up. It was 7:35 in the morning so, it wasn't too early. The park was empty despite some morning joggers doing their runs, jogging briskly through the paths. Daniel enjoyed listening to the kids laughing and playing, throwing a soccer ball around or trying to get as high as they could on the swing. He sighed a little, wondering how having kids would feel.

The alarm on his watch blared to life! He groaned as he realized the time. He swigged the last of his orange juice in one full gulp and raced to the sink to wash it out and place it in the dishwasher. 

“Never a dull moment," He cursed to himself as he rushed to his room to quickly lace up his shoes and grab his jacket and keys. Almost forgetting the radio, he gave it a quick shut-off then hurried over to the door. He opened it, took one more look over his apartment making sure he did not forget everything, gazed too long at his lovely window, then closed the door and with a loud CLICK, locked it securely. 

Now that he was in the throes of the public, he took the time to breathe slowly and walk briskly towards the entrance. As he closed the front door of the apartment building, he saw his landlady giving her small garden a nice watering. “Good morning, Dolores!" Daniel spoke as he hurriedly ran down to the bus stop. Hearing his voice, Dolores just shook her head as she watched him run to catch the morning bus.

Making it not a moment too soon, the bus pulls up to a full stop. Daniel smiled, enjoying he gets from arriving right at time. He pays his daily fare and finds a spot in the far end of the bus. He takes the moment to stretch out his legs as the bus lurches forward to the city, where life continues in a brisk pace.