I snored a bit while I was laying on my back on the furs in my motel room. Then I moaned when the sunlight has hit my face through the balcony window. I rose my head up and I let out a yawn. A long, loud one. God, what a nap!
I shook my head and I looked out the balcony from where I was at. I could see the birds chirping as they were on the balcony banister, then they flew away. I smiled at the sun. It must be morning.
I looked to my left and saw that Jessie's not here. Where did she go?
I guess she just went to take a morning bath, after all there are baths in this motel.
I raised my bandaged hand to look at it. I sighed. Boy, talk about a night.
I escaped the city with Jessie, then I get attacked by wolves, then I get saved by a bunch of dragons, then they take us home and confront us about it. Jessie has basically admitted that she was wrong about them to begin with and she has forgiven Rain for kidnapping her.
I flexed my bandaged hand and then I put my other hand on it and pinched the wound. I...It just feels sore a little. I frowned at my hand. Wow...Did the dragon's blood make it feel a little better?
I started to unwrap the bandage on my hand, until it all came off. As it turned out, it's partially healed, but it's just sore. I could see some parts of the wound that's not fully healed, but it looks like it's halfway there.
My eyes went wide at the realization. Holy moly, that blood is really powerful stuff!
Honestly, the doctors back at home would find this stuff pretty fascinating. I wonder why dragon blood has excellent healing properties? I guess even dragons don't know the answer to that!
I giggled to myself, then I had a guilty look on my face. I hung my head as I looked down at my lap and sighed.
I'm sorry.
This is all my fault. I didn't try hard enough.
I didn't try hard enough to convince Jessie that everything she thought about dragons was wrong, before me and Jessie escaped the city, but we did, and it's my fault.
Rain is so angry at us and now...She has lost ALL of her trust in us.
Of course, she didn't trust us when she first met us, but...This is different.
She REALLY doesn't trust us now. And me and Jessie have paid the price for it.
I'm glad that everyone, except her brother are not mad at us for what happened. Everyone, especially Wayne were really kind and understanding.
But....The only ones who don't trust us, are Rain and her brother.
Of course...I'm more worried about Rain. I...I really hurt her.
She doesn't want to feel that pain she's suffered before and....She felt it again and it's because of me. She feels betrayed by me.
She thought I was a nice human to her, but now...She's not so sure about me.
This is my fault and I'm paying the price for it.
I want to help her, but what can I do? What if she won't listen to me? What if she really hates me? What if she really hates Jessie? What if she won't speak to either one of us again?
I want to help her, and I want to be her friend. I want to make EVERYTHING up to her.
I know that I can't be the friend that she has lost, but...I'll try to be.
I feel responsible for her pain and it's my fault.
I sighed again, and then I heard a few footsteps coming toward me. I raised my head and saw that Jessie came back with her hair wet, but almost dry. She already put on a fresh pair clothes. She smiled when she saw me looking at her, "Morning."
I smiled at her, "Morning, did you have a nice bath? I don't think you've took one ever since we came to the city."
Jessie strode to where I am and replied, "Well, I'll tell you this much, I haven't took one because I was so scared and angry at everything here, but." She gave out a pleasant sigh, "But at least I don't have to feel those things anymore. I feel really comfortable here. Better than the first night we came here and yesterday. I...I really feel okay with this now."
I nodded, "That's good." Then I gave her a devious grin, "By the way, did the dragons see you naked when you were taking a bath? I could just imagine their faces."
Jessie narrowed her gaze and sat down beside me on the furs, "You think what you want, dirty boy. But to answer your question, no one was taking a bath this morning. I think either they already took a bath real early in the morning, or they take baths during the night."
I giggled, "Well I'm the kind of person who takes baths during the night, so I know how the dragons feel if that's true."
Jessie laughed and nodded, "Well I'm probably right about that." She raised a finger, "And just for the record, if any guy dragon see me naked and starts giving me the 'googily eyes', I'm gonna slap his nose for it."
I laughed, "Well remind me not to piss you off."
Jessie gave me a big grin, "Oh, well you already saw how pissed off I can be. So yep." She thrusted a finger toward me, "Don't piss me off."
I nodded and giggled a bit, "I'll keep that in mind. I don't want you to slap MY nose."
Jessie gave me a rub on my shoulder and laughed again. Then she sighed and we both just sat there. Just looking out at the morning sun.
I had a glum look on my face and then Jessie turned her head at me and noticed it. She gave me a concerned look, "Are you okay? You're still not hurt from last night, are you?"
I knew what she was getting at and I shook my head, "No, I'm fine. Actually." I lifted my partially healed hand and showed her, "My hand is almost better, but it's still sore."
She eyed it and her face went wide, "Wow, they really weren't kidding. My arm is already starting to feel better too. I think the human doctors could use their help, dragon blood can really make wonders on everyone!"
I nodded and said as I turned my head to look outside, "Yep."
Jessie titled her head, "So...What's wrong?"
I sighed and answered without looking at her, "I...I was thinking about Rain."
Jessie then held a guilty look on her face and she sighed too, "Yeah...I'll admit...So was I. I don't think she has forgiven us, not to mention doesn't totally trust us."
I muttered, "She doesn't."
Jessie looked ahead to see the sun and said, "Brandon...I'm still sorry for last night. I...I should have listened to you before. I...I shouldn't have judged the dragons too harshly, and I should've treated Rain more better. I...I thought she was a bully, kidnapper and a bitch. I...I really screwed up big time."
I said, "Well I screwed up too. I didn't try hard enough to stop you from doing that. I...I guess Rain's brother is right, I didn't have a big dragonhood."
Jessie turned her head and frowned at me, "Dragonhood? You know I still don't understand what the hell you two were talking about."
Despite my guilt, I giggled and said to her, "You don't want to know."
Her eyes went and then she narrowed them, "I think I have every right to know it, Brandon."
I waved her off, "Perhaps not now, but...Maybe later."
Jessie still had her narrowed gaze, until she let out a sigh, "Fine, but I'm not going to let you off the hook next time."
I nodded, "I'll remember that." Then I thought about Rain again. I shut my eyes tight, "She doesn't trust us, she...She hates us, and it's my fault."
Jessie shook her head in pity for me and said, "No, it's MY fault. I should have tried to get to know the dragons a little bit better, instead of just judging them. I'm the one to blame."
I sighed, opened my eyes and looked at Jessie, "Yeah, well it doesn't help any if this certain black dragon doesn't want to speak to you. She just....Took off."
Jessie nodded and hung her head, "Yeah, I heard from where me and everyone were at last night, that Rain just screamed at you. She...Really did have another human friend and he just...Turned his back on her."
I muttered in guilt, "I really hurt her. I...She feels betrayed by me." I slammed my hand into the furs and let out a frustrated grrr, "Crap."
Jessie looked at me and she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Look Brandon...I know that I wasn't a good example when it comes to being the voice of reason, but...Maybe she'll come around. I mean, she's a girl and I know how that gets. She just needs to cool down a bit."
I shrugged my arms, "But what if she doesn't want to speak to us again? What if she doesn't want to speak to ME again? I...I want to help her, but she won't let me."
Jessie tightened her grip on my shoulder and said, "Well...I just have to think that she'll come around. I can just...Feel it a bit."
I looked at her and she smiled at me. I threw a smile back at her, "I hope you're right."
Jessie removed her hand off of me and said, "Hey, if she won't forgive you, then at least I'd let her take her anger out on me. I'm pretty much the blame for all of this."
I shook my head, "You don't have to do that."
Jessie placed a hand to her chest, "I was the one who gave dragons a bad name, I was the one calling them monsters, and kidnappers. I thought they were treating kidnapped humans as slaves, but they weren't. I would take any punishment everyone could give me. Just because of my stubborn behavior."
I gave her a comforting smile, "Everyone has forgiven you."
She shook her head, "Not everyone."
My smile melted away and then Jessie added, "But I'm sure if we give her enough time to cool down, she'll want to talk. Lets just give her some time to cool off." Then she shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe Wayne could convince her to talk to us, or...Just you. I'm sure she wouldn't want to talk to me. Not after calling her black bitch."
I nodded and then I saw a few figures coming through the opening of our room. Jessie followed my gaze and turned her head to look at them.
Amanda, and Cody have showed up in our room, taking slow strides. When they got close Cody sat down on his haunches and curled his tail around his body. Amanda just stood beside him. She smiled and said, "Morning guys."
Me and Jessie smiled at them, "Hey there." I gestured to Amanda, "I thought you'd be working at the Braveheart since you're the co owner of that place."
Amanda waved me off, "Oh I'm sure Neal can handle things without me for a while. Besides, there aren't a lot of customers during the morning." She raised a finger, "Usually the afternoon."
Cody nodded in agreement to Amanda's statement, "Sounds about right. I know that from experience."
Amanda got closer to us and crouched down near us, "So...How are you two doing?"
Cody lowered his head to our levels, "Yeah, how are your wounds? Feeling better?"
Jessie giggled and showed off her partially healed arm, "Your blood is amazing! Better than taking pain pills and crap like that. They'd always make anyone feel sleepy."
Cody grinned at her, "My pleasure. I didn't want a girl like you to just pass out and die." He winked at her, "I am a hero after all."
Jessie looked at me and gestured Cody with her thumb, "Okay, I like him already."
I laughed at that and then I said to her, "I figure you would, he's..." I looked at Cody, "He's a good guy."
Cody looked at me and said, "Thanks Brandon."
I nodded, "You're welcome."
Amanda laughed, "Well at least my scaly friends have rescued you from the clutches of the wolves. You two are real lucky to be alive."
I looked at her and nodded, "Really lucky."
Amanda brushed her long brunette hair off her shoulders and said, "Well I hope you guys learned your lesson about wondering out to that forest outside the dragon city."
Jessie let out a grr, "Well I hope all those freakin wolves are all dead. They just bit my arm."
Cody giggled at her, "Well don't wonder in someone else's territory next time."
Jessie shot a glare at him and crossed her arms, "I was already starting to like you, so don't make me regret it."
Amanda whispered to Jessie, "Take my advice, since you're new here, if he gives you any trouble, kick him in the eggs." Amanda giggled after that.
Cody raised his head above our levels and glared down at Amanda, "I heard that!"
Amanda stood up straight and turned to him, "That's right, and remember, don't piss off the new girl. Or she'll kick your eggs."
His eyes went wide and he coiled his tail tighter around him, "I don't want my eggs kicked."
I laughed and got up off the furs, standing on my feet, "Oh trust me big green dude, you don't want to piss off Jessie. She...Really has a mean streak."
Jessie laughed and then she added, "And I'll do more than just kick your balls, since that's what Amanda means by eggs." She raised her hand to make a point, "I can slap your nose too, so don't start with me."
Cody gulped and nodded profusely, "Oh, I won't piss you off, I swear!" Then he smirked at her, "I'm the nicest drake as they come. I'm lovable!"
Jessie laughed again and got up from the furs too. Then she went to him, until she was in front of him. She looked up at Cody, "Good, then we're on the same page."
Cody laughed and then he got off his haunches and said, "Well since I'm kinda hungry right now, you two want to go eat at the Braveheart? I'm sure you Jessie haven't eat there yet."
Jessie beamed at him, "Sure! I could use something to eat." Then she shrugged, "At least, let me get to know the community of dragons. After all, I want to make it up to everyone for all my crap yesterday and last night."
Amanda came to her and clasped a hand on her shoulder, "Oh, you're already forgiven. So don't worry, we hardly hold any grudges."
Cody whirled around on us, "Lets go!" As he turned around on us, his tail almost hit Amanda and Jessie and they ducked to the floor.
Amanda got off the floor and had a glare on her face, "Cody, mind your damn tail!"
Cody twisted his head to look back at us, he has an apologetic look, "Oops, sorry about that."
Amanda sighed, "Seriously, I don't know who's worse, you or Neal. He still doesn't mind his tail." She gestured to his big long tail, "I wish you were still little like you were back then. Ever since you became big, you don't pay attention to your tail at all!"
Cody chuckled, "Sorry about that. I sometimes forget about it."
Amanda raised an eyebrow, "I wonder if that's always the excuse, or dragons always forget about their tails."
Cody laughed hard and looked at Amanda, "Well I certainly just forgot about it." Then he had a serious look, "Alright, enough talk. Time to EAT!" And with that, he began to trot out of the room, with Jessie jogging behind him.
Before Amanda could walk after them, I stopped her with my voice, "Amanda?"
She turned to face me with a curious look, "Yeah?"
I had a guilty look and I asked, "Have...Have you seen Rain today? I...I kinda want to talk to her."
Amanda knew why I wanted to talk to her and she shook her head, "No, I haven't seen her this morning."
I let out a sigh of disappointment, "Great."
Amanda nodded and said, "I know you want to make it up to her, you made that pretty clear last night." Then she smiled at me, "I'm sure she'll let you talk to her. Just give her some time and she'll come around."
I let out a breath and I said, "I hope she does. She's...Really was mad at me."
Amanda nodded again, "I know. But trust me, don't push it, just give her some time. Ok?" Then she beckoned me with her hand, "Come on. You need to eat, keep up your strength." Amanda turned around and jogged out of the room, leaving me alone for a moment to myself. My mind's still on Rain.
Poor Rain.
I hope you'll come and talk to me.
I really want to help you.
When my moment of being alone was over, I ran after my friends to go eat at the Braveheart.
I was just sitting on top of the wall, looking out at the outskirts of the city. Trying to contemplate what I want to do now. Most of all I feel like...I want to leave this city and never come back, after what happened last night.
I had a angry look on my face. I can't believe it.
I scratched my claw against the stone, making deep cuts. I'm so angry at those humans for causing a lot of trouble last night. How can they be so stubborn?!
I don't trust them one bit now, they were probably just putting on an act last night so they could escape the city again!
They were probably just looking for more humans to kill my kind. At least that's what I believe.
Then I started to soften my look. But I don't get it.
If both those humans wanted my kind dead, then...Why did Brandon wanted to...Help me?
Was he putting on an act when I walked away from everyone last night? Or...Was he really trying to help me?
Did he wanted to be my friend? Did he want me to replace...Tommy?
I sighed. He...Seemed to be telling the truth, I can just see it in his eyes.
But what if he's good at acting? I know what acting is, years ago I've seen humans using their drive thru theatres and I see what humans do in movies, they act.
And a lot of those humans are very good at acting.
But...Brandon seemed...Sincere too. He really wanted to help me.
Even Jessie looked like she meant every word to me last night. She actually apologized to me.
I hung my head, tried to not let the tears form. What am I doing? What do I really want?
Those two escaped, but now they want to stay in the city. Do they really mean it? Or do they realize that their plan to find human reinforcements is ruined, because we would find them or another wolf pack would kill them?
I raised my head and looked out at the horizon. I'm so confused.
Do they care about me, just like Amanda and Wayne? Do they care just like...Tommy?
I shut my eyes tight. Tommy...
I know that I hardly ever trusted other humans because of what you did to me, because what humanity did years ago, but...I still care about you despite that.
I wanted to forget about you, but I can't.
Maybe...Maybe...There's a way to fix that.
I know that I shouldn't stop believing that one day me and Tommy will be friends again, but when will that come?
Maybe it won't come and I should just accept that. I need to stop being so harsh to humans that I don't know. I need to not judge them too harshly.
Maybe...Maybe I should care about Brandon and Jessie too. Just like I care about Wayne and Amanda.
I wasn't being the good dragon to them myself and I was about to apologize to them last night.
Maybe...I should give them one more chance.
I know that I'm afraid if I befriend them, that I would get hurt in the end again. But...What if I'm wrong?
I sighed again. I don't know what to do anymore.
I heard a voice next to me, "Rain?"
I moved my head to see that Wayne is standing beside me. I sighed and looked away from him, "What do you want?"
Wayne said, "Well I'm pretty worried about you and so is everyone else. Even Brandon is as well. I saw him and Jessie eating at the Braveheart and chatted with them."
I only muttered while staring at the outskirts, my tail and wings moved a bit, "That's nice."
Wayne came closer and placed a comforting hand on my body, my wing flinched a bit when he touched me, "You okay?"
I hung my head and only muttered one word to him in sadness and pain, "No."
Wayne smiled at me, "Rain, don't be sad. I'm here and you know I'm good at fixing you."
I sighed and held up my head to look up at the sky, "I know that, but...I'm still very sad and angry right now. And...I don't know what to do now. I'm...Just confused."
Wayne had a concerned look on his face, "So what do you really want?"
I said to him, still not looking at my friend, "Honestly, since I've been standing up here all morning..." I sighed, "I either want to face them, or...Most of all, I just want to fly away and leave this city. I don't know which I want."
Wayne had a sad look, "You want to leave without saying goodbye to me?"
I sighed again and finally I turned my whole body to face him, "Wayne, I hate them, but I also feel guilty about them. Not to mention, I don't know if I should trust them now after what happened last night. I'm just confused about them and...." I let out a trembling sigh, "I'm so frustrated about it and, I don't want to have the pain again."
He frowned, "What pain?"
"The pain, of feeling betrayed by the one human that I trusted the most. I don't want to feel betrayed and sad, just like...Tommy did to me. I'm just afraid they would just forget about me and then betray me. Call me a monster. I...I..."
Wayne's head shook as I trailed off and he said, "I doubt, that's the case. They're not acting like the rest of humanity when they've forgot about your kind. Brandon and Jessie in a way, are just like me and Amanda. They're both just confused about your race, but...I don't think they are anymore."
I lowered my head to his level and gave him a pleading look, "So what am I supposed to do now? Just forget about last night and pretend that nothing happened? And just forgive them? What if I'm wrong about them, Wayne? What if they're not like you?" I shut my eyes tight and a tear fell down my face, "I don't want to get hurt again. I don't want the pain."
I sighed and raised my head above his level, "But Brandon's right about one thing....I do want another friend, to replace Tommy. If he's not coming back into my life, then...I need to stop going back to him. I need to face reality." I shook my head, "The human that I've cared about the most before will never come back."
I looked down at Wayne, "But what if Brandon suddenly forgets about me, just like Tommy? What if he forgets and calls me a monster? What if they both forget me? What if they start to act like Tommy? What....What if...?"
Wayne didn't turn his gaze away from me, not once since this conversation started. Wayne finally smiled and said only three words to me, "Don't Stop Belieivn'."
I cocked my head down at him, and he said, "You heard me." He placed a hand on my chest and said, "Look girl. I know you have been through a lot of pain before. But you cannot let that fear stop you from what you want. If you want another friend, then don't judge it, try to embrace it. Because for...Sixty six years since Tommy turned his back on you, you have been so distant from all of us. And...honestly, I'm afraid I'll lose you, just like I've lost Sierra." He shook his head, "I lost my mate, Rain. I don't want to lose you too."
I had a sad look for him. I did tell him always that I would come back to him and his friends. Back to my only brother, the only family that I have left.
But...I never knew Wayne had this fear of losing me. I never knew he'd feel that way. I thought that he'd figure that I'd take care of myself and come back always.
I never knew that he'd thought he would lose me just like he lost Sierra.
I let out a guilty sigh and Wayne went on, "You need to talk to them. Or just talk to either Jessie or Brandon alone. You can't think all the time that Tommy would come back to you, what if he won't? Did you ever think about that?"
I admitted, "Yes."
"Then you need to believe that they won't change. You need to don't stop believing that. You need to stop being so afraid of that pain and just face it. Don't be afraid of it anymore." He sighed and said it again, "Don't Stop Believin', Rain." Then he removed his hand off my chest and put the same hand on his chest, "Because I believe it, and I know you can too." He gave me a pleading look, "Please Rain, don't go again. I don't want to lose another friend who's close to me."
I stared down at him for another moment. Then I slowly lowered my head to his level and said to him, "I won't."
Wayne knew what I was saying. Then he reached out and placed a hand on my nose. He asked, "Don't Stop Believin'?"
I smiled at him, "Don't Stop Believin'." Then I gave his hand a lick.
Wayne smiled at me and said, "Just remember what I told you. Just believe that they won't change. Because I doubt that's the case."
I nodded, "I will."
Wayne nodded, "Good, that's all I needed to hear." He sighed and asked, "Want to go walking with me again? Since we're alone together anyways?"
I nodded, "Of course my friend." And with that me and him started walking on the wall together. Brandon and Jessie on my mind as we strode together.
I'll admit, I'm nervous just thinking about it, but I hope I can do this.
I'll give myself some more alone time to myself, and then when it's dark...I'll talk to them.
I hope it'll work out in a heartbeat.
Well Wayne said that Brandon's worried about me and also Jessie.
Maybe it can work.
I need to talk to them or one of them.
This time...I have it make it right.
I have to make it up to them, for treating them badly at the start.
I'll do it, tonight.
The nighttime came and now I'm back in the motel heading back to my room, ready to go to bed. I let out a yawn as I strode in the big hallway. Rain, still on my mind.
I haven't seen her all day. I've been out an about in the city most of the day and I still haven't seen her.
I..I hope she's okay.
Because I want to make it up to her, but where is she?
Please Rain...Let me help.
Let me help you.
If you want, you can let both me and Jessie help you.
We'll be you friends. I know that for a fact.
I walked through the opening of my room and I stopped in my tracks when I saw someone laying in the middle of my room.
Rain's laying on her stomach on the furs, apparently she has been waiting for me and Jessie to come back in here.
I had a sad and guilty look on my face. Rain....
I took several steps toward her after I entered my room. Not taking my gaze off of her at all. Rain is doing the same thing.
I stopped in front of her and looked up at her face. I said shyly to Rain, "Hi."
Rain had some kind of sad look on her face and only moved her eyes to the left, taking her gaze off of me, "Hey."
Now it feels awkward here, but I have to do this. I gestured to her and broke the ice, "How are you doing?"
Rain moved her eyes back at me and answered, "I've been better."
I sighed and asked her another question, "How long have you been waiting for me and Jessie?"
She said, "Long enough, since the sun went down. Since night came. I've been wondering in the city all day, trying to give myself the courage to come here. I...I was pretty apprehensive about you and her."
I nodded, "I know."
Rain shook her head and said, "No, you don't know."
I stared at her for a second and nodded again, "You're right."
Rain turned her head away from me, she still has that look. Poor girl.
I sighed and I said to her, "Look Rain...I'm very sorry for what happened last night. I really am. I...I didn't mean to hurt you and feel betrayed. I understand your pain completely."
Rain looked at me and I went on, "I really wanted to help you. I really did. When I saw how sad you were, I couldn't help but want to help you. I...I couldn't stop thinking about you, knowing that I've made a big mistake last night."
I shook my head and waved my hand, "But that'll never happen again. And...I promise you, I'll never forget you and I'll never call you a monster. EVER. Not once in my life, I'll never call you that."
She shut her eyes tight. I had a pity look for her, "I know that I can't replace your friend. But...At least, let me help you. I want to help. If you'd let me."
Rain didn't open her eyes after that and I sighed, "Look, if you don't want to talk to me anymore, and if you don't want to see me, then I understand. But just know that I won't get you out of my head and you feel important to me. I...I won't let this go. Not by a long shot."
She was still in her quiet state. She still didn't open her eyes. I nodded only three times slowly and said to her, "I'll leave you, Rain. I'll leave you alone, until you leave my room. But just so you'll know, that I'm here in the city if you want to talk, ok? Bye." I whirled around on her and started to take very slow steps away from Rain. Walking back to the opening of my room.
Rain's voice stopped me from walking any further, "Tommy Ross."
I turned slowly around to face her. Rain's eyes have opened and she's looking at me. I raised an eyebrow at her, "What?"
Rain said, "Tommy Ross. That was my friend's name. The one I haven't talked to for sixty six years."
I trotted slowly back to her, until I was standing right in front of her, "Who's Tommy Ross?"
Rain answered, "He's a young human, just like you. Only he's a little different, but nevertheless he's young like you. Or...Was young like you." She had a sad look on her face.
I had a pity look for her and she sighed. Rain went on, "I really liked being with him. He made me feel so alive. Makes me happy. Actually understands me. Ever since the day we've first met, we've been...Close."
Rain lowered her head to my level and continued her tale, "We always talked to each other, about everything. In fact...He was so nice, I could feel my heart beat with happiness when I'm near him. He made me feel more happy than the friends that I've made. He was...Different."
I asked, "So what happened? On that day, what happened between you two?"
She asked me, "Do you really want to know?" I nodded and she sighed, "Fine." She took a deep breath and finally after a moment has passed, she said it, "You thought he only called me a monster, but no...That wasn't the only thing he did."
I frowned at her and she said it, "He tried to...Kill me."
I let out a small gasp and she nodded, "That's right, human. That's what he also did. He tried to kill me."
I held a sad look and she went on, her voice trembling as she spoke, "I...I couldn't believe it. That my best friend would do that to me." She raised her head above my level and said, "It was just one summer day, it felt like any normal day to begin with. I...I flew to his house, which it was sorta far from the cave that I was sleeping in. The one where we first met. How all this trouble began."
I titled my head at her, "His house wasn't far from where you lived?"
She nodded, "One day, years ago, I flew to his house. My heart and wings beating happily as I was flying closer to his house. I always wanted to be with him. No matter how many years have went by."
Then she looked up at the ceiling and went on, "I landed near his house and searched for him. Until I found him at his barn and when he saw me...He just...He just...Screamed at me. I was confused as to why he would scream. I didn't do anything wrong."
Rain looked down at me, "He screamed at me to get away from him. He screamed at me again, calling me a monster. He...He didn't stop. And then he went into his house, and I was just standing in his yard in shock. Wondering what has gotten into him. Then....It happened."
She let out a trembling sigh and let it out,"'He had a hunting rifle in his hands and tried to kill me with it."
I shook my head in disbelief, "Oh...God...."
She let out a trembling breath and said to me, "He tried to kill me. And after I escaped from him, I felt...Very sad and betrayed. I...I didn't understand it. The way he looked at me before he tried to kill me, it....It's like he didn't even know me at all. Like we never met. He really changed. He's forgotten me."
Rain nodded to herself and said, "And after that day, after the whole humanity has changed, I began to question my trust in the humans. The only humans I've trusted were Wayne and Amanda. No one else at all."
I asked, "So why were you in the cave not far away from Tommy's house? Why were you living in it?"
She stared at me and said, "Because...Despite what he did to me....I still cared for him. I still thought of him as my best friend." She shut her eyes and I could see she wanted to sob, "The truth is...I want him back. I couldn't let him go, even when my friends tell me otherwise, I can never let him go. I just couldn't."
Rain said with her eyes welled with tears, "I just...I couldn't give up on him. I know he almost killed me, but I....Didn't give up. I didn't want to. I...I've been staying in that cave for months at a time, hoping that he'd change. On a lot of those days...I've been watching him. Growing old, by the looks of it. Day after day, I've been watching over him."
I shrugged my arms, "Why?"
"Because....I was hoping that he would be his normal self. That he'd be the Tommy that I've met. The Tommy that I know. I...I was always hoping that he'd call out to me. Call out by my human name. And then I would see him and we'd embrace. I would nuzzle him and say....I've missed you so much. I didn't care how old he'd be. Young or old, I wanted to be with him."
I had a sad look for her and she said with a few tears going down her face, "Sixty six years have passed and I was still waiting. Waiting for him to come back! But...He won't and I have to accept that...But...I don't know if I can, Brandon."
I got closer to her, until was close to her chest. I said, "Rain."
She lowered her head to my level, a few more tears have fallen down her cheeks and then she asked with a curious look, "Brandon....Why did your kind change? Why did Tommy change?"
I shook my head, don't know how to answer that, "I don't know. But...I wish I knew, that way I would help you. I'd help you be with your best friend again."
Rain said while her lip quivered, "I'll be truthful with you...Other than waiting for Tommy to come back....I wanted another friend. I wanted someone to comfort me in my cave, while I was waiting for him. All my friends were waiting for me here in the city. Including my brother. They hardly ever left the city after everything had happened."
I reached my hand up to her cheek and just stroked it. I realized that her scales didn't feel rough at all. They actually....Feel soft and warm. She leaned into my touch, closing her eyes.
I never had a chance to touch any dragon like this and the first one is her.
I said to her with a very sad, honest voice, feeling so sorry for her, "I'm sorry...Rain." I honestly felt like I wanted to cry, after hearing her sad, lonely tale, "I'm so sorry."
Rain asked while I was still stroking her cheek, "Brandon....Would...Would you....Would you be my friend?"
I smiled at her, she didn't have to ask me that question, "Yes."
Then without warning, she wrapped her paw around me and pulled me close to her chest. My eyes bugged out of my skull in shock.
Rain wrapped her head around me and started sobbing real loud.
Out of my good nature, I wrapped my arms around her neck, returning the hug. I buried my head into her chest and I could hear her heart beating. I smiled at it.
She really does have a heart beating in her chest.
Her heartbeat felt soothing to me.
Rain continued to cry for a long time and I never let her go. I shushed her quietly and said to her in a comforting voice. Telling her that I'm here and everything's going to be okay.
She wanted a friend to comfort her.
Well I'll be the one to comfort her.
Rain finally stopped crying and she raised her head above me. I backed away from her and asked, "Do you feel better?"
Rain nodded and sniffed her nose, "I think so."
I smiled at her, "You know...Your scales don't feel rough, they really do feel soft and warm."
She smiled at me for the first time since we talked to each other, "I'll take that as a compliment then." Then she cocked her head and asked, "Brandon, do you promise me that you won't leave me...That you won't forget me and you won't...Kill me? Do you promise me that?"
I nodded and she asked another question, "And you promise that you'll be my friend? No matter what?"
I nodded again and placed my hand to her chest, "Of course. No matter how long I'll stay here, I'll always be your friend. And I'll never forget you. Day or night, I never will." I pulled my hand off her chest and giggled after that, "I'm sure that Jessie will be your friend too. If you'd let her."
Rain giggled too, "Oh, I'll be making it all up to her. I did kidnap her after all." She winked at me and chuckled a bit.
I did too and then she cocked her head, "Speaking of which, where is that girl who screams real loud?"
I frowned at her and jokingly asked, "You really don't like her screaming, do you?"
Rain groaned and rolled her eyes, "I can never stand that high pitch scream of hers. I wouldn't be surprised that her screaming would scare away any potential mates that want her."
I laughed hard at that and I answered her question, "Well...She's going to be staying with Wayne at his house, at least she'll get to know him. At least that's what she wants. As for me, I want to stay here in the motel."
Rain shrugged her shoulders and got up on all fours, "I guess it doesn't matter where she stays, as long as she's happy, I'm happy." Then she said while looking down at me, "And uh...Brandon?"
I nodded, "Yeah?"
Rain giggled a bit and said, "I...I'm sorry for how I treated you two before. I...I did feel guilty for doing that and that'll never happen again."
I waved her off, "Don't worry about it. You're already forgiven."
Rain smiled and nodded, "Good." She let out a yawn, her tongue curling. She finished her yawn and said, "Well...I'm going to my room now. So I could sleep. Goodnight."
She started to walk off the furs and then I called out to her, "Rain."
She stopped and looked at me, with curiosity in her eyes, "Yeah?"
I smiled at her, "Do...Do you want to sleep by me?"
Rain cocked her head at me, "Wouldn't I be an inconvenience to you while you're sleeping?"
I shook my head at her, a smile still on my face, "I don't care."
Rain smirked at me and turned around to waltz back on the furs. She laid down on her stomach and turned her head to look at me. She asked, "How do you want to do this?"
I gestured to her, "I can just sleep close to you, or I'll sleep near you on the furs. I don't care which."
Rain then lifted one of her wings, inviting me to sleep very close to her, "Come here, human."
I nodded and then I took my shirt off, getting ready to lay down by her. I tossed my shirt aside and then I crawled on my hands and knees to her body. When I got real close, I laid myself down beside her.
Rain lowered her wing onto me, to cover me up like a blanket, even her wing feels warm just like her scales. I touched her wing membrane and it feels...Like it's made of leather. It even feels softer than the scales. After I touched her wing membrane, I heard her giggle. I shifted under her wing and looked at her.
Rain was looking at me while I was close to her body and said, "Your hands tickle my wing."
I giggled and said, "Sorry."
She lowered and stretched her neck to the side of her body and got her head closer to me, she said, "Don't worry about it. I liked the feeling." Then she narrowed her eyes at me, "Just don't get any funny ideas under my wing, you little bastard."
I gave her a mock expression and asked, "What am I going to do?"
She gave me a grin, "Tickle my wing until I die from laughter."
I laughed and said, "Well maybe I'll do THAT another time then."
Rain then nuzzled my face and said, "You know...You're the first human in a long time to sleep by me. Since...Tommy."
I reached up to her nose and petted it, "I'll be glad to have that honor."
She licked my fingers and I pulled my hand back. She nuzzled me again and started to curl around me.
I said to her, while trying to get comfortable under her wing, "Goodnight."
Rain said to me, while her head is lying on the furs, "Goodnight...My friend."
I smiled when she called me that and I laid down on my back on the furs, pulling her wing onto me. Then I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
I know you've lost Tommy, Rain.
But I'll be you're friend.
I always will be, no matter what.
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