\n\n Chapter four
\n\n Five days later the three of us, Me, Alice, and General White are flying in to D.C. and get first class treatment all the way. We are driven to Capital hill and shown to a closed room and several members of Congress await us.
\n\n "Please be seated. This is a closed session of the armed services subcommittee. Now, Alex is it, Tell us why you pulled this stunt and created that thing."
\n\n "I ask that you refrain from calling Alice a thing or the very least call her a hybrid. Now which stunt are you referencing to."
\n\n "The creation of this hybrid."
\n\n "To tell you the truth, I didn't create her. She was created by my teacher."
\n\n "Can you give us your teachers name?"
\n\n "No."
\n\n "Why not?"
\n\n "One she has no name, So I called her Mopsy."
\n\n "What was she?"
\n\n "She was a spirit. A magical being. I had released her from her prison an in exchange for her freedom she gave me a power."
\n\n "Can you demonstrate this power?"
\n\n "I can," and I levitate the table in front of us and put it back down.
\n\n "Impressive. Does he have any military applications."
\n\n "You should see him, congressmen. He can take out any unit within a two mile radius with the accuracy of a half an inch and do it consistently over an hour without tiring. You should see him in sniper training, he claims to have been within 200 meters from the target without being seen"
\n\n "This I have to see. Anything else?"
\n\n "Alice can do the same thing but she is learning everything I know."
\n\n "Is that true? The little hybrid can do it too."
\n\n "Yes, she can."
\n\n "How old is she, she looks to be only five years old."
\n\n "She is three months old. And she looks like a five year old."
\n\n "How intelligent is she?"
\n\n "Probably smarter than you."
\n\n "May we test her?"
\n\n "Go right ahead."
\n\n "Alice."
\n\n "Yes, ma'am."
\n\n "A polite child. Do you know how the sun works?"
\n\n "It is a gravity powered fusion reactor fusing hydrogen to helium."
\n\n "What is the value of pi to 8 decimal places.
\n\n "3.14159265."
\n\n "Are there other planets in this universe and is there life on them."
\n\n "Yes to the planets and there could be life on other planets."
\n\n "She only knows what humans know already."
\n\n "What was the name of the first lunar lander site?"
\n\n "Tranquility base."
\n\n "That is enough questions for now. You have one smart child. We believe that Alice should be protected."
\n\n "I can protect her."
\n\n "How?"
\n\n "I create a field that protects anything in it. I have stopped three thousand bullets a minute for as long as the ammunition lasts."
\n\n "It's true, we have fired everything in our arsenal at him from fragmentation grenades to small missiles. And we could not stop him."
\n\n "Can you teach anyone to do this?"
\n\n "I never tried to. We'll have to try it."
\n\n "Please do. We do have one thing to say. Are you going to create more hybrids."
\n\n "No."
\n\n "Why not."
\n\n "She is a one of a kind gift from my teacher. And she is special. I hate to see it diluted with more of them."
\n\n "What if we ordered you to make more of them?"
\n\n "Then you would make me unhappy and you would not like me unhappy." and with that I shove the table with magic and it moves a foot.
\n\n I get up to leave and I am ordered to sit back down. I cast a spell that paralyzes the subject for a short time and I do it to the speaker.
\n\n "Hear this, I am my own man and I will do as I please within the law."
\n\n And with that I leave the chamber with Alice.
\n\n General White comes after me and tries to calm me down.
\n\n "Calm down, they are thinking for the future of the armed forces."
\n\n "I know, but I don't want Alice to be exploited. She has the intelligence of a person five times her age in the body of a five year old. They wouldn't send a five year old to war would they."
\n\n "No, but they might separate you two after you are finished training her."
\n\n "I will not allow that to happen. She is my little girl."
\n\n "Okay, we will try to prevent it. Now who wants to go to the zoo."
\n\n "I do, uncle Mike."
\n\n We get into a vehicle and head for the National Zoo. That is where I buy Alice the biggest stuffed animal I can carry on the plane.
\n\n When we get home, I begin to test volunteers to see if magic can be infused into adult males. After two weeks of attempts, I fail to infuse magic into anyone. I keep asking for younger volunteers and I get refused.
\n\n Then I get an offer to make more hybrids like Alice. One million per head. I flat out refuse. Then I am offered five million per head. I counter with him keeping his head. That got the attention of the higher ups. I even got a call from the President politely asking me to make them. I politely said to kiss me where the sun don't shine. Then they got mean. First they blocked all my bank accounts. No problem, I don't need money. I can magically create food anytime. Then I am forced to stay in my house for days, being asked daily if I will create hybrids. After a week of this, I say enough. I cast teleport and arrive in Las Vegas with Alice. I use the last hundred dollars I have in my wallet and rig the machines. By the time I finish, I am up ten thousand. I cash out my winnings, get it all in cash and teleport to the nearest theme park for the next three days. We get room service, ride the rides and had a merry old time. After checking out I teleport home to no guards. I make one phone call to General White.
\n\n "Hello."
\n "Miss me."
\n\n "Where the hell have you been."
\n\n "At a lovely theme park. I'm just telling you these restrictions don't work. Next time I might pop to another country."
\n\n "Where are you?"
\n\n "Home, the theme park is nice but there is no place like home."
\n\n "Don't move, I'll be there in a minute."
\n\n I hang up and wait for General White.
\n\n "The government wants you to be shot for that stunt."
\n\n "Tell them I can not be bought. I will not make any hybrids for the government. Unless it is necessary to make one."
\n\n "What would it take to make it necessary?"
\n\n "If the US is invaded. Then all I need is a day and a animal supply and I can get you two ten hybrid squads of magic users."
\n\n "What if they don't take no for an answer?"
\n\n "Tell them that I will affect every telecommunication system in the United states. Crash the Internet, block telephones and cell phones, Get the picture. And I will continue this until my demands are met."
\n\n "Let me communicate that to them first." And the General pulls out his cell phone and makes a call.
\n\n "It's Mike. Yes, he's here. He says back off or he will crash the telecommunications system and Internet for the US. Put him on, sure. It's for you."
\n\n "What can I do for you?"
\n\n "You wouldn't dare."
\n\n "Yes, I would in a heart beat. Do you want to try me."
\n\n A moment of silence is heard, then.
\n\n "You win. We'll back off."
\n\n "Thank you, I just want to teach my student and relax."
\n\n I hang up.
\n\n "So what did they say?"
\n\n "They said they would stop hounding me. But to prove a point, I will block telecommunications systems for a minute starting now." and I cast the spell over the cell phone network through to the telephone lines around the continental United States which hangs up calls and prevents dialing. With the exception of Emergency calls to 911.
\n\n The evening I see on the news all the information of the one minute system wide blackout of the phone system with no explanation.
\n\n Over the next few weeks, I train Alice in spells at the army base and every couple of days we head out for ice cream.
\n\n One night after we finish our ice cream we are found out by several animal right organizations. The next morning we are picketed outside my residence. I cast a protection spell and step out and talk to the protesters.
\n\n "What is going on here?"
\n\n "We don't like what you have done to little Alice."
\n\n "What do you think I have done to Alice?"
\n\n They give a list of demands and I review it. I tell them I will have my commanders review them and give them their answer. Then they ask for a tour of the living facilities. I flat out refuse. They refuse to leave and I head for the front door, turn around, and cast several shocking missiles which act like a stun gun. They disperse and later I get a call from the Military police saying I attacked civilians. I deny touching them. Which is true. They claim I used four stun guns on them. I claim that I could not hold four stun guns and I was alone with them. Then I allow them to search the house for said stun guns. After going over the house with a fine tooth comb, they apologize and leave us be.
\n\n Six months later and I have finished Alice's training. Then I get a surprise.
\n "Daddy, can I have a baby sister."
\n\n "Why a sister? Why not a little brother?"
\n\n "I want to share the experience."
\n\n "I'll have to check it with General White first."
\n\n "Okay, Daddy."
\n\n I make a call to General White and tell him Alice's request and what I am going to do about it. They tell me they want in controlled laboratory conditions. So they send me to another secret location. This location is a warehouse sized building. In one corner is a pen designed to hold a pet rabbit and a human with video cameras covering every inch. Then Alice picks her bunny sibling, a small two month old french lop.
\n\n "Are you sure that this is going to be your sibling?"
\n\n "Yes, Daddy. I'm sure."
\n\n I have the scientists check the rabbit and we begin the transformation.
\n\n I cast the beginnings of the spell and it takes a lot of concentration to perfect this spell. For over thirty minutes I transform the rabbit, infuse magic into her and transfer knowledge of spells and information that Alice knows. And when I finish, I have a two and a half year old bunny child lying on the floor face down. The little one gets up to its feet and I notice a little thing.
\n\n "Alice, come meet your little brother."
\n\n "Brother, I wanted a little sister."
\n\n "Don't be sad, Alice. Having a little brother can be fun and next time I will try to get you a sister."
\n\n "Okay, Daddy. Hello, what is your name."
\n\n "Honey, he doesn't have a name, so how about we name him Michael."
\n\n "Is that my name, sir."
\n\n "My name is Alex or to make it easier, you may call me Daddy."
\n\n "Daddy, Michael is naked."
\n\n I cast the clothing creation spell and create underwear, shorts and a t-shirt and attempt to clothe the child. Until I catch Michael thirty minutes later. We clothe the child and the scientists check Michael and they give him a clean bill of health.
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