\n\n Chapter two
\n\n I have successfully taken out the leadership of the terrorist group in the region and left them with a power vacuum. I am sent home and placed in secured housing in a secret location. I am allowed to go nowhere without an escort. I finally ask to see the General.
\n\n "This has got to stop."
\n\n "What has to stop, Alex."
\n\n "These escorts, I'm tired of having help to wipe my ass."
\n\n "Okay, I'll loosen the escorts around you but the guard is there for your protection."
\n\n "Do I have to demonstrate it to you, too."
\n\n "Demonstrate what?"
\n\n I cast a spell.
\n\n "Punch me in the stomach."
\n\n He does.
\n\n "Damn, that is hard."
\n\n "Now you understand why I don't need protection. I can protect myself."
\n\n "Okay, Okay, no bodyguards, But we keep the driver, just in case we need to find you."
\n\n "Agreed."
\n\n The General starts to shake his hand.
\n\n "Let me take a look at that."
\n\n I pour a healing spell into the hand and the General says, "It is feeling better, thank you."
\n\n "No problem."
\n\n I train by morning, take the afternoon off and sleep by night.
\n\n Then one afternoon Mopsy comes to me and says, "Alex, I have taught you everything I can teach you. You must go and find two more spirits to learn all the magic in the world. One spirit is in the high mountains of Japan. The other is in the arid region of New Mexico. Use the crystal to find them."
\n\n I go to the General and tell him that I need to search for a new teacher. He asks me where I am going. I tell him that I am going to New Mexico first, then I am off to the mountains of Japan. I am authorized to go to New Mexico first.
\n\n The trip to New Mexico is without problem and I arrive at a Native American reservation. I speak to the elders of the tribe and I am told that I seek Coyote the trickster spirit. I am told to go into the wilderness and seek him. I take a prepared backpack with a tent, sleeping bag, GPS and food for a week and I walk out into the wilderness.
\n\n Two days later I get the feeling I am being watched. I continue walking until I stop for lunch. I pull out the MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) and start to dig in. At least this one is edible. I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head and don't see anything. Then there is movement out of the other corner of my eye. I turn my head and still see nothing. I return to eating but I come face to face with a wild coyote. It startles me and as I move to back away it transforms into a human like form. Half coyote/half human.
\n\n "Who taught you the ways of magic?"
\n\n "A rescued spirit called a Pooka taught me magic and sent me on a quest to find you."
\n\n "Pooka, I know you are here, come out."
\n\n Mopsy appears.
\n\n "Why have you taught this human magic?"
\n\n "I taught him magic to repay him for releasing me from my prison where I have been stuck for about 400 years."
\n\n "That is no excuse. His kind could destroy the world and where would that leave us spirits."
\n\n "I never thought of that."
\n\n I tell them, "I have no need to destroy, I will use my powers for good."
\n\n I feel the tingle of a spell that has been cast and the Coyote says, "Really, Human, have you been forced to kill using magic."
\n\n "Yes, I have. And I don't like to do it."
\n\n "You speak the truth, Human."
\n\n "Will you teach me the ways of magic?"
\n\n "I don't know. You could still turn to the dark side."
\n\n "I promise on my honor that I will only use my powers for good. And I always try to keep my word."
\n\n "I believe you, human."
\n\n He continues, "I am going to teach you control over the elements. The first spell is call lightning. Concentrate and destroy that cactus."
\n\n I focus on the task at hand and within moments on a clear day a lightning bolt strikes the cactus splitting it in two.
\n\n "You are a fast learner, good. I shall teach you what you need to know."
\n\n And for the next three days I learn a lot. When I tell Coyote that I need supplies, he decides to come with me. He takes up his Coyote form and follows me though the desert. I call my driver and have him meet me at the reservation in two days.
\n\n Two days later I arrive at the checkpoint. I climb in the back and Coyote jumps in behind me. My driver is surprised by the presence of a wild animal but I reassure him that he won't bite.
\n\n We drive to town and to a general store. I pick up supplies and when we get back I find out that I bought too much stuff for my little backpack. Coyote contacts me telepathically.
\n\n "Alex, I have two spells that might help. The first is a spell that transforms your backpack to allow you to carry more stuff. And the second is a spell that allow permanency of magic allowing it to last forever.
\n\n I cast the spells and find out I can carry up to 200 pounds of weight and it only weighs 15 pounds. (And as a nice side effect, I can just reach into it and pick anything out at will with out digging for it.
\n\n I return to the desert and train for ten hours a day, seven days a week for over three months, going into town to get supplies every month. My favorite spell that Coyote taught me is transformation. It allows me to transform into any animal form and I change into several animal forms right away. (And the good thing is that I can still use spells in the animal form.) Finally, my time is up, I have learned everything that I need to know and head for Japan. Coyote send me off with a gift. A medallion, one one side is a Coyote and on the other is a script in no language I have read.
\n\n Over the next two weeks I get a passport and a student visa from the Japanese government with little argument from the governments. I land in Tokyo and spend two days getting over jet lag then I take the high speed train out of Tokyo to the valley where they held the Olympics that one year. I get out and start walking. As I pass temples, I stop and pray, leaving a donation. I get the feeling I am being watched. I continue traveling down the road.
\n\n Then one night I am ambushed as I am setting up camp. The next morning I awaken deep in the woods and bound by my hands and feet by a rope that I was carrying. I look around and see a beautiful woman come towards me. She speaks Japanese but I cast understand languages and she starts again.
\n\n "Who are you and why do you have magic?"
\n\n "I am a simple traveler seeking a magical spirit to teach me more magic."
\n\n "Why do you seek this spirit?"
\n\n "I seek her to learn as much as I can about magic. Please untie me."
\n\n She turns around and I see her backside. I notice a tail hidden in her clothing. She mutters something to herself.
\n\n She then turns around and says, "I will untie your feet and take you to the Council of the Nine Tails."
\n\n She unties my feet and I stand up. She then casts a spell and I leave Earth.
\n\n "Where am I?"
\n\n "You are in the land of the Kitsune, human. No mortal has been brought her in over a thousand years. Now we walk."
\n\n We walk for hours and the Kitsune lets me stop a few times.
\n\n I get up the courage and ask to see my captor in her true form. She agrees and she transforms into a fox woman with multiple tails. I count six tails altogether. We travel for several more hours and reach a city. I am lead to a great hall. I am placed in the center of a room and above me on a higher level are nine Kitsune Each one waving nine tails.
\n\n "Great Nine Tail council, I have brought you a human that wants to learn magic."
\n\n "What is your name, Human."
\n\n "Alex Brown."
\n\n "Tell us, Alex. Why are you here now?"
\n\n "I am here to find a spirit to teach me everything about magic."
\n\n A voice from the side calls out, "Does he have honorable intentions?"
\n\n "You have my word that my honor is good."
\n\n "Your word is not good enough. If we were to teach you, we would not have any means to stop you without sending out an army of kitsunes. We need to test you. You shall become a slave to one of us. If in one years time you are still alive, we shall teach you this magic. Take Alex away and give him his collar."
\n\n I am lead out of the chamber before I can protest and into a side chamber. There a runner brings a collar and further instructions. The collar is placed on my neck and a leash is fastened. I am lead to a chamber with a bed and told to wait for my master. I sit down on the edge of the bed and wait. Two hours later the door opens and a kitsune enters. It is a female and she comes towards me. I stand up.
\n\n "Good slave, I won't have to beat you for that."
\n\n "Yes, ma'am."
\n\n "My name is not important, You will address me as mistress and if anyone asks who you belong to, tell them you belong to the head teaching wizard of young kitsunes. You will follow me around and carry thing for me. If you are good, you will get a treat. If you fail, you will be punished. Now strip and put on this loincloth. That will be your uniform while you are here. Your clothing will be safe."
\n\n I disrobe and place the loincloth on me. I get a look in the mirror and see it looks good on me.
\n\n "What can I do to treat you? I know, you humans are obsessed with sex. You may mate with me if you wish."
\n\n "Mistress, may I speak freely?"
\n\n "Yes you may, slave"
\n\n "I am personally not ready to mate with your kind."
\n\n "You aren't. We can fix that. I can order you to have sex with me. Would you disobey me."
\n\n "If I had no choice in the matter, I would. But I would not like it."
\n\n "Come with me."
\n\n I follow my mistress out into the hall and out to the outside. We wander the streets and come to a door. She opens the door and I follow her inside.
\n\n "Now the rules. You will follow me everywhere and carry all my stuff that I give you. You will attempt to follow any order I give you. You are not allowed to use magic except to defend yourself or me. If you disobey these rules you will be punished. Do you understand me?"
\n\n "Yes, mistress."
\n\n "Now, come with me, I need to gather food supplies."
\n\n I am given several empty cloth bags to carry and I follow my mistress out to the market. We stop at one vendor and purchase rice and I place it in one of the bags. At another vendor we purchase fish and meat and I place it in another bag and we go from vendor to vendor picking up vegetables. We return to the house and I help put stuff away. Then mistress makes dinner. I can hear my stomach rumbling. I am allowed to eat after mistress starts.
\n\n The next day I am awakened by a kick to the stomach and a "Wake up." I notice it is just before dawn. I get to my feet and I am allowed to go to the bathroom.
\n\n "You are lucky you woke up or I would have made you skip breakfast. Now eat while I prepare for the day."
\n\n An hour later, we leave the house and head down the street. We come to a large building in which I learn is the magic training center. I am told this is where one and two tailed kitsune are trained in magic. Mistress has a class for one tailed students that she wants me to participate in. I am told to stand in the center of the room and not protect myself.
\n\n I ask, "Why am I standing in the center of the room?"
\n\n "Your the target. Now stand still. This is a control exercise for young students, they will use stun blasts against you. Now ready, aim, FIRE!!!"
\n\n I lost count of the number of blasts that hit me as I pass out.
\n\n My mistress come over to me and checks me out.
\n\n "Still alive after thirty blasts. Take note class, a good stun blast can get you out of about anything."
\n\n I come to an hour later on the side of the room. The class has been dismissed. My mistress says that I did good. Now she tells me that she has individual training. My mistress tells me that I am going to be a moving target on this one and she hands me a wooden sword. I am allowed to use protection spells as her student will be using everything in his arsenal to stop me from taking her out using the sword. With a word barriers pop up and I am told to stand at one end of the room and her student takes her position on the other side. When mistress shouts go, I run for the first barrier and cast my protection spell. I barely make it when a fireball passes my former location. Moments later I tumble for the next barrier and get barely past a lightning strike. Now there is only two barriers between me and the student. I make a burst run for the next barrier only to be clipped by a force bolt to the ankle. I feel the magic barrier pulse in the area and I surrender. I get up and humble myself in front of her student. The student is praised on her quick thinking.
\n\n This continues for four weeks, until...
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