Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: An One Each


Time ticked by as we
waited in the room. Silence already filling our ears and the surroundings while
we stared at the wall, thoughts already filling our heads in ponderance of what
we were suppose to do or how to avoid being here inside the room. As Kyro
growled and turned himself around, he set his eyes upon where the door formerly
was. But the door was not there at all. It had never surprised him however,
since the signs beyond were only one way and of course. Pointing in one
direction. With Kyro raising his claws into the air and sighing in frustration,
Zander stepped from our line and walked around the dark room. Placing his claws
upon the walls while staring at it, sliding this way and that wondering where
that secret button was. I watched the two do their own thing, silently judging
them in whatever they were doing.


But my thoughts were
somehow filling my mind too as I wondered. The train of thoughts were cut into
two when me and Kyro heard a click and something started to hum forcing us to
return to reality. Shifting over to Zander who turned himself around with a big
grin upon his face, he nudged his head forth and we pointed our eyes towards
the center of the room. The floor splits into two and gave out suddenly; revealing
a dark abyss below us. The floor parted farther but stopped afterwards as the
low humming stopped and another click echoed through the silence. Kyro inched
forth and stopped when he reached the edge of the abyss before him. His head
cracked forth and he stared below. Yet his snout split into two as he spoke
towards the rest of us and his voice was carried through the silence.


“Guys." “Yeah?" I
questioned him, shifting my attention towards him as Zander saw the abyss safe
to maneuver. For while the dragon walked forward and mirrored Kyro; the red
dragon held a conversation with me. “Why are there sparkling things below us?"
“Sparkling things?" I tilted my head, pondering what he was talking about as I
came to his line. Thus, he pointed below and I followed his gaze. My eyes
instantly widened in surprise after seeing the sparkles below us as my wings
were spread, but Kyro stopped me suddenly before I could even make a move.
“Wait." “What?" “What if there is a trap down there?" “What if there is not?"
Our conversation continued, but it had deluged into an argument afterwards as
we found ourselves growling to one another before Zander stopped the fighting


“Quiet you two." He said,
with his claws held up with eyes narrowing upon the two of us. “It should be
one of us three. Yet not Ling since he cannot control his obsessions at all."
“Hey! I take offensive to that!" I objected, but silence followed afterwards.
With Kyro suddenly smirking, I held my claws up and stepped back from the abyss
which allowed the red dragon to descend into the darkness below us.
Disappearing from our sights as me and Zander watched in total silence.


The time ticked by. We
waited patiently. But it soon grew to impatience. As my wings shuffled inching
to ponder about the red dragon, I stared down onto Zander who said nothing in
response to me but a worried look upon his face. A sigh escaped from me as I
flapped my wings, preparing myself to head down into the abyss for two
objectives. But something had stopped me. A series of rapid flaps came in
response while both me and Zander blinked and leaned forth while looking upon
the abyss. Wondering about Kyro as it became louder. Till he submerged from the
shadows below us. A smile was place upon his face, but his red scales no longer
glimmer upon the shadows of the room surrounding us. For as he landed and
folded his wings, he turned to us and muttered


“Never go down there."
“Disregard that, Kyro." I said “What is in your claws." “Oh this?" He said, and
unfolded his claws as something heavy hit the grounds seconds after. “They are
pipes and rods. I wonder what these are used for however." 'Pipes and Rods.' I
pondered to myself, gazing down onto them in silence as I studied them
carefully. Indeed they are what Kyro had said. A silvery shade upon its
circumference. These things were thin and small; their circumferences are
smaller than those two combine too. “Whatever these things go into, it should
be the same size." “Yeah. Into a wall or some object however that would allow
access-" But an immediate radio call had cut off my sentence. Blinking in
surprise yet angry at whoever was calling at the time, I raised the walkie and
pressed the black button in a sequence as Kyro and Zander turned their
attention towards me with their heads tilted to the side.


We waited. At least a few
seconds before something popped up again in the radio, a familiar voice whose
high pitch. 'Natty.' I thought with surprise as I pressed the button again and
spoke through the speaker, “What did you guys find?" “There is a box here full
of holes. Smaller ones apparently. We are already at the police station. I am
sure you can find yourselves here however." “Yang already there?" I added
“Yeah," Natty nodded her head confirming, “She is currently figuring out the box
as we speak." “Alright hold on, we will be there." I called back before
releasing the button again and lowered my walkie. Zader and Kyro nodded their
heads in silence before turning themselves towards the door behind the red
dragon. Yet I halted them with a growl as they stopped in their tracks. Turning
back to me, I asked Kyro.


“What did you find upon
the abyss? Besides these rods and pipes of course." A few seconds of silence
while Kyro raised his head to the ceiling above and frowned. His wings flapped before
lowering his head and spoke towards me, “A low growl came from the abyss." “A
low pitch growl or a low high pitch growl?" “Neither." Kyro shook his head,
before darting for the door. Zander followed him. The door shut in response
which left me alone and isolated upon the room. As my attention was hang
towards the abyss before turning around and walked back through the door.


A cold chill shuffled my
scales as I regroup with my fellow officers. They were waiting for me in the
cold nighty silence, their heads hang and eyes to the skies where the moon was
suddenly watching them. Stars faded upon the skies additionally. With a sigh, I
spread my wings. Kyro and Zander flinched, turned their attention towards me as
I faintly smiled upon them. For we raised ourselves into the night skies and
away from the cabin that was behind us. Heeding Eastward, back towards Vaster
town. We had arrived towards the heart of the town where the police station was
right in front of us. A silver door stood before our wake as we walked right
onto in. Allowing the door to automatically opened for us as we head in, with
the cold winds blowing onto our heads from the ceiling above us as we walked
through another door.


Ozkun, Natty and Alvania
were gathered around the single brown table with Yang at the head. All four
raised their heads and turned towards us as I waved towards them in response. A
smile came upon Yang and Natty. Alvania and Ozkun just continued to silence
with their heads looking away for some questionable reason. Disregarding the
thought, we gathered with the remaining members of our unit as Kyro settled the
rods and spears upon the surface of the brown table. Natty and Yang looked
surprise; Albania flinched upon hearing the sudden clattered of sounds but
nevertheless kept quiet. Ozkun looked surprise yet it had seem he figured
something out already. With his claws grabbing upon one of the rods; he rose it
high and stabbed the box before them with it. Surprise that it went in
smoothly. He had done the same with the rest of the box holes. Thus setting in
the last one, the box glowed brightly white blinding us all temporarily.


The light faded and we
looked upon our surroundings as we wondered where we were. The room was a bit
bigger than the building that me and the boys had seen inside the forest. Yet
it was not empty either. For a huge row of desks and chairs were settled upon
our wake, stretched far towards the other end of the room where three posters
were hanged upon the wall. Two brown doors were towards our left. Both of them
leads towards the outskirts of the hallways. As Yang shift her attention to the
doors, she walked towards them and gripped the edges before opening the door.
It opened which allowed us outside. We take it suddenly and silent as curiosity
hits us. Entering into the halls, we turned our attention towards the halls
before us. Quickly noticing that the darkness interfered with our visions from
being able to see far into the horizon. Zander and Kyro hit the lockers on our
right side, adjacent to the pair of brown doors leading into the classroom.


“Where are we?" “Some
kind of school, I take it." I spoke while my voice carried through the halls.
“What kind of school?" “I never knew." The conversation continued for a short
while before we heard something faint in the distance. Slow paced music or
something along those lines. As we stared off into the darken horizon with
curiosity upon our faces, we could feel our hearts pounding loudly in our ears.
Wondering what that music was and who owned it, Yang motioned us forward with a
confident smile upon her face. With the others nodded acknowledging her, we
gathered into a group and move forward through the halls. Inching ourselves
towards the impeding darkness as the music slowly gets louder in our ears. But,
surprisingly, it was not unbearable. Shortly, we had reached the crossroads.
Two paths stands in our wake. One path leads straight, continuing our direction
forth and the other leads to an alterative road. Towards the left.


“We go this." I chined
in, with a whisper while the others turned towards me and nodded. “I am coming
with him." “Then we will go here." Yang responded to me, motioning her group. I
nodded after her and motioned mine. Thus in a few seconds, our group was split
into three. Me, Kyro and Zander heads westward as the remaining continues their
way forward. Zander and Kyro followed me through while I lead them down the
length of the new halls. Towards a direction where a pair of brown doors stand
before us. I stopped almost immediately as I looked towards the doors in
silence; before turning towards Kyro and Zander. Both of which said nothing as
they stepped forth to the doors; raised their claws high and pushed which the
doors flapped about and allowed us inside. We entered, taking the opportunity.


But as we entered inside,
we were surprise about where we were however. A huge room stands in our wake.
Long brown tables were settled upon our eyes as we take in the surrounding.
White walls stands over to our left. Behind the counter that was towards our
right. The cafe behind the counter was empty and dark; seeing there were some
lights flickering about and another brown door revealing itself in the
flickering of lights. “Should we split up, Ling?" I heard Kyro questioned me,
his attention was turned towards the surrounding. I kept my silence, for I
never knew what to think however. But something caught my eye which cause
interest to spark. As I spoke and pointed towards whatever it was, Kyro and
Zander shifted their attention over and spotted whatever it was. For in the
response to the silence, they walked towards it.


It was a food tray.
Settled upon the corner of the brown table, never touched as green mole had
already occupied it instead. We stared at it. Then raised our heads towards the
ceiling. I never knew why however, I just thought that something interesting
would be up there however. True enough; we had saw brown thing above us. It
never dripped. But the smell of it was horrible that causes each of us to
wrinkle our face and looked with disgust. Yet Kyro pointed out something in
interest, “Why is it that the tray is left alone here? When all others are
gone, perhaps place at the kitchen counter at the cafe?" “Good question," I
responded to him, “Lets see behind the counter?" “Upon the flickering of
lights?" Zander questioned me, I nodded.


Thus we turned our heads
towards the counter before us. Kyro and Zander followed one another first
before I heed after them. The white floor underneath had changed suddenly to
brown and the lights above us faded. Only allowing the darkness to come invade
us. We walked further behind the counter, towards where the flickering light
had submerged upon our eyesight. There was when we pause our steps and stared
upon our surroundings. Two different path ways were revealed to us. Heading up
them now would perhaps lead to a deadend and a white wall for some reason.
Disregarding the white walls however, I settled my eyes upon the kitchen
appliances around me. Noticing the ovens, sinks, dishes and trays. There is even
a refrigerator before me too; settled only at my right side. Every kitchen
appliance was black, sometimes brown or something along those colors however.


I raised my voice,
speaking towards Kyro and Zander who was behind me as their attention was turned
towards me. “Ever noticed that everything was black?" They nodded in agreement
as I issued an order towards them, “Go and check each and every one. We need to
see what kind of food they are giving." “What does this have anything to do
with our-" Kyro started, but Zander scowled at him forcing him to shut up. With
silence and us splitting apart, we quickly checked every appliance as per my
order. First, the refrigerator. I opened it up to check what was inside. But I
was surprise to see it empty and clean as if whoever was behind the counter had
clean and dump it altogether. I frowned and slowly closed the door before
inching myself towards the next few ones. Each one was the same result as the
refrigerator. Nothing about. Thus when I reached the end, I huffed and returned
back towards the breaking point where me, Kyro and Zander had branched off and
heeded towards our own ways.


Raising my eyes and
turning towards the left where I spotted Kyro and Zander already coming forth
towards me, I had saw worried and confuse looks upon their faces as if they had
saw something awkward and weird. I tilted my head to one side, raising my voice
upon them as they turned to meet my eyes. I questioned them, yet Kyro was the
one to speak for the two of them. “We found this." He showed it to me. I
stepped towards them and lowered my eyes. A brown knife was settled upon Kyro's
claws, the tip was bloodied it seems. Specks of green circles and something
else was at the edge of the knife. I grabbed it by the handle, raise towards my
eyes as I inspected it in silence. Spotted something on the other side of the
knife however, a white piece of paper that was tapped upon the surface of the
handle. Turning it over was nothing but a drawing of a tray. Three wiggly lines
appeared above it as if indicating something.


“Check this out." I
spoke, showing them the drawing as I flipped the knife to face the paper
towards them. Kyro's and Zander's faces lit up suddenly and warm smiles set
upon their faces as Kyro spoke towards me in a whisper, “That is it. This is
why that food had turned to green. They were trying to poison him somehow."
“But that does not explain why we were transported here." “No it does not."
Kyro argued as I blinked at him. “This just explains why the pup had gone mad."
“Because his food is yucky?" I questioned, “No. Because of what was inside of
it." He motioned Zander who raised his claws and revealed the object that was
in his claws. A green needle with a small jar attached to it. Inside the jar
was a colorless ooze. It never smelled which was surprising. As I stared onto
it, I rose my eyes towards Kyro and tilted my head, “I do not follow. Were they
trying to transform him into something?" “Into an adult." Kyro added, “ 'Into
an adult?' What is this? Some kind of cartoon show or something-" “No silly. I
think this room is not an actual innocent cafeteria room. But rather some kind
of experient for something."


“Do you think that the
'scientists' went along with it?" “I think so. Considering how the other trays
were gone from the brown table and how clean the place was. ALthough I do think
that the 'experient' had gone wrong somehow too." “Do tell." “Well…" Kyro
trailed, fixing his eyes upon the needle before shaking his head, “Nevermind."
A small smile was the response, I tapped his chest a few times before shaking
my head. Pulled myself back from him as we walked retreating from the kitchen,
back towards the counter and out towards the room where the isolated single
tray was still there. 'It did make sense does it not?' I thought to myself with
a warm smile, fixing my attention towards the tray before shaking my head and
spoke towards Zander and Kyro. However, before a single word could be fling out
of my snout. A click echoed from the walkie as each of us stared down onto it
in silence before I grabbed it.


I responded with a click
of my own; acknowledging whomever was pressing it. A familiar voice came
afterwards however, “Return to the starting point." “10-4" I responded before
releasing the button, nodding towards the other two dragons as we retreated
from the room. Retracing our steps towards the crossroads where we turned
right, heeding down the length back towards the classroom at the very end.
Where Yang's group awaited for us as we gathered with them, Yang and me smiled
upon recognizing one another. Zander, Kyro, Natty and Ozkun all gathered
together with both me and Yang on the outside of their circle. “What do you
guys need?" I questioned her, initializing the conversation as she spoke
towards me, “We found piles of dead bodies. All in the second floor. They were
not mulled to death by something. Natty and Ozkun had found out that green
substance were found in their bloodstream. We figured it might trace to you,
since the room on the hallway heads that way." “You are correct however." I
piped up in response before nudging my head towards Kyro “He and Zander have
the information that you may need." “him and Zander?" I nodded my head.


Three blinds followed by
an responding nod had set the dragoness forth towards the two questionable
dragons that I had recommended, as the conversation between them had been
initiated, I turned my attention towards Ozkun and Natty. I approached them and
cough; gaining their attention as they turned to face me and I spoke. “What
have you guys found with Yang? Something about a green substance?" “Yeah."
Ozkun said, first to speak than the pink dragoness who scowled at him, almost
growling as her arms crossed her chest and looked at him. “Green substance were
found in their bodies. Seeped upon the bloodstreams. The bodies in question
were not dead or alive, rather their hearts are still beating just faintly


“Faintly? And not dead or
alive, so zombie?" “Worst than that." I kept silent, raising an eye at him in
curiosity as Ozkun brightly smile at me before responding in a few seconds into
the silence that now surrounded us, “It had seem that the pup was looking into
this substance as well. But his goal? I guess we can say that he wants the
shark to be underneath his control; this green substance is the way to do it."
“If that be the case, why did he not return here to collect samples?" A pause
of silence before Natty interrupted our conversation, shoved away at the blue
dragon in front of me and answered, “Cause, he never wanted to experience this
place ever again." “But this is not ' prison'!" Ozkun argued grabbing onto a
nearby desk as his eyes widened at Natty who growled at him in response, “Yes,
it is not prison nor is it the school anymore. Since we are talking about the
pup who is perhaps around five years old or something. I think, we can guess he
is one when this even had happened." Then the conversation derail from there as
I had no idea what they were talking about anymore.


Suddenly, a ring echoed
through the room. The light loomed over us. In a few moments, we realized we
were back upon our station with the holed box and the rods and pipes
surrounding the box. Our eyes lowered collectively upon the objects before us
and Yang shook her head, “Lets just continue this tomorrow. I got a headache."
A collective murmur was the response as we walked our together before splitting
up to heed home instead. But our minds were to the box and the new information
that we had acquired. Along with the information, questions now filled our mind
as we pondered about the connect between the box, rods, the pup and now the
green substance.