Current Track: Blabb

Answer Everything: Dozing Dark


Suncea heard the news. But she could not believe it. She paced around her dimmed lit room; her eyes directly to the floor. Her wings spread out and folded at times while her tail whipped about like a whip attacking an animal. It was clear to her that she was worried about her partner, Fennack who left her in charge of the library while he went away. It had been a few days now since his disappearance that she had wondered if she should go to the police.


However, that also leads to another problem. From what she was told when they had secretly moved into Vaster town, she remembered that Frennak called all dragons “Strict and bias" only upholding their western laws and discluding any other species that were not them. This was especially true when she and Fennack were watching a night raid towards an unknown building at the edge of the city. Not only that, she had remembered that an unknown dragon and flew through the night skies pursuing some criminals or trespassers with the intent to kill or arrest them.


And now here she was. Undeceived in her decision of how to move forward in her life. How to pursue against the western dragon police that Frennak talked dirty about them. Suncea's face darkened and her mouth sagged as her wings flapped behind her, she formed a tight fist and gnash her fangs together. For without thinking she darted to the north, opposite of where the door was behind her, and quickly hopped out the window where her wings spread and catch the cold air below her, floating her in midair like a feather as she spared the midday skies flying straight towards the crime scene that was broadcasted yesterday by the chief of police.


She arrived quickly towards the site and tuck her wings close to her fur body before dive-bombing the closest rooftop that she could find. Thus hiding perfectly away from any views surrounding her as her eyes rose and glanced around looking for anyone that came about during her arrival and landing. To her luck, no one arrived. The entire crime site was vacant. She was in the clear. So faintly smiling to herself, she jumped down from the rooftop she was hiding upon and landed on solid grounds below. Where she would raise her body and fold her wings behind her as she turned her attention to the forest before her. However, something was wrong…


A distant fog rolled on by. It covered the forest's lower half. Within the fog was two strange but familiar figures as they lingered inside the fog, their figures perhaps turned to Suncea who stepped forward and split her mouth opened shouting at them


“Who are you two! Reveal yourselves from the cowardly fog that you hide yourselves in!"


And the figures obeyed her command, stepping out from the dense fog. They revealed themselves as wolves. However, to Suncea they were more than that. The fur of the wolves was black and thick that runs across the body and legs. The face most likely resembles a wolf's actual face; except scars are running across their cheeks. Dried blood seeps from the scars and runs down their faces. On their backs were a pair of black feathered wings that do not resemble blizeon's or even western dragons' wings at all.


Suncea gasped, her eyes widened. She took a step back, her tail hanging between her legs while her wings were spread out. Her mouth opened then closed before opening again. No words came out. She was silent as a mine. At the silence of Suncea, the 'Wolfdragons' laughed mostly to themselves at the sight of an actual Blizeon scared or fearful of a copycat and stepped forward out from the forest and the fog behind them. Drawing closer towards Suncea the female spoke directly to her


“You are all alone. Isolated from the rest of your species as they continued to become bias towards other 'dragons'"


“Who… who are you?" Suncea stuttered on the first word unable to come up with a follow-up word. The wolf dragon laughed again and rose its paw and slammed it against her chest; looking proud and beautiful she declared “I am Nivila; the guardian of Chaos and Order, and the current owner of the Balance realm."


“Why are you here?" Suncea questioned, getting onto all fours with her eyes pointing daggers at Nivila who smirked, nearly chuckling before replying “For resenting the Blizeon name." Then she explained, “For years; all stories that had been written. Long before the years of Chaos and Order; the blizeons were cast aside and long forgotten. We were the origins of the Emerald forest and the now forest behind us. To go back onto the early times before everything here was written, we have created the balance realm. Or as it is now called 'The origin world'. And you, Blizeon faker, is my first target to kill before the western and eastern dragons of the realm!" “Bliz...eon, faker?" Suncea replied, ignoring the rest of Nivila's sentence, and only heard about two words that she echoed out. Her eyes widened and she glanced to Nivila who only smirked gleefully. For she stepped forth from Freenak's line and held her paw out in front of her pointing directly at Suncea, “Indeed. You are the blizeon faker. We are the true ones and thus, we must-"


“But why are you doing this?" Suncea screamed, interrupting Nivila's sentence as she was held back. Her mouth closed shut; her eyes narrowed suddenly. Looking as if she was angered, irritated, or maybe both. She held her feelings back and forced herself to smile as her face brightened up, she replied to Suncea “Why am I doing this? I need to get the western dragons' thick skull that we are all equal. None of us should be diverse or bias towards another. That is why Chaos and Order must be destroyed. And how to do that is none of your concern cause, you see…" Nivila trailed with her mouth drooling over the rush of excitement that she was about to do. And as her eyes slowly returned to meet with Suncea, she shivered in turn. Suncea stepped back, her body shivering. Her wings constantly shuffle behind her as her tail flickered about anxiously. Her eyes met with Nivila, but their expression was opposite of one another. And with the silence looming over the two, Nivila thinks the time is now.


So quickly, Nivila rose to action. Suncea, noticing her opponent is making the first move, turned tail and ran. Her heart pounding in her chest as she fled the scene with a psychotic blizeon coming after her.


Suncea fled the street behind her and turned right as she reaches the end. She was panicked as anxiety rose deep within her stomach. The winds blew against her hot redder face cooling her down while her running feet continued taking her down the road. She could hear Nivila laughing behind her so confident that she wondered what she would do to her if Suncea was caught. Her head shook violently as the blood in her head swished back and forth. She was dizzy for a while but remained calm and continued running in hopes of putting in some distance between her and Nivila. But it proved useless.


Nivila was gaining upon her by the second and Suncea never knew how or why! But as she turned her head over her shoulder Just as she turned the next corner at the end of the road, Suncea's eyes went wide and she was surprised for a short moment. Nivila was flying above the grounds, her wings flapped rapidly as she closed in on Suncea who was quickly losing her breath and gradually slowing down. Suncea panicked again and her face darkened, her mind rapidly ran through some scenarios and ideas that she could do. But looking around at the reality before her; there is not much.


However, one particular thought lingered in her mind sparking a debate and argument within her mind. Her left wanted to use common sense and put aside Freenak's bias towards the western dragons and ask for their help. Opposing that was her right who declared to continue fleeing and fight on. But Suncea knew what would happen if she applied her right brain's logic and was left with the other. Her legs ache and burned, pains start shooting up her calf that she was jolted by it and gnashes her fangs together. She could allow her wings to take flight and both she and Nivila would be on equal ground…


Her head shook, Suncea knew that is not possible as she remembered well she cannot fight. Suncea was confined inside the library for the rest of her young life. Bringing and taking books, reading them, and even selling them to other dragons who often talk behind their backs. Suncea had hated that ever since; and developed a grudge against them all thanks to Freenak… But were they all bad? She wondered that question herself as her thoughts delved her deeper within herself and she unknowingly slowed down. Her face lightened up, her eyes rose to the skies above. Her wings spread unknowingly just as Nivila rushed down at her with fearing speeds with the intent to kill her on the spot.


Suncea would be no more afterward. And just a forgotten memory within the history of Chaos and Order. But would that be it for her story? Her history? Her friendship with the forgotten Freenak? No. It will not be.


Just as Nivila closed in onto Suncea and her claws lashed out poising to kill the fake Blizeon as Nivila had declared Suncea to be. Something came out. A deep cut emerged from the body of Nivila as she shrieked in pain and hovered while leaning heavily on one side. Her eyes narrowed at her. Sending daggers to Suncea. But she knew it was not her. Even Suncea was surprised by the attack that her heart leaped in excitement yet she held her breath. Her thoughts rapidly filled up her brain that she wondered if it was a coincidence or not. But blinking her eyes and gaining movement for her own body, she realized it was real.


Suncea was alive and well. She was not killed at all by the claws of Nivila. But now she wondered about the interference? Who had came to save her from Nivila? And only one came to mind. As Suncea rose her eyes towards the horizon, she spotted a western dragon a short distance before her. It was white scales and silver underbelly. Her wings were about eight inches span maybe more when they were spread out. Her horns were curved back. A blue-uniformed dragon came to her rescue. Suncea was saved!


Nivila had realized that reinforcements had arrived and growl in disgust before fleeing the scene. Luckily she never had to go far for the forest was behind her. Her chase with Suncea was a short and easy one. That blizeon should have been killed. And she was angry that she could not produce a kill Against Suncea. As she draws in the retreat, the officer flies after her. And quickly before she even knew it, knocks her to the ground as a tone for arrest.


Suncea screamed in delight and stepped over to the silver dragoness with the intent to hug her tightly. But stopped short when she realized the officer was holding Nivila hostage. A quiet atmosphere washed over them as Suncea and the dragoness stared down onto one another. That delight and excitement had turned to fear once again as her mouth sealed tightly and she was unable to say anything. But the dragoness laughed with a smile planted on her face as she gave Suncea a huge grin on her face before asking her “What's your name?"


“Suncea. Second Blizeon of Order." Suncea replied without hesitation or stutter as she confidently says her name; she studied the dragoness' expression for any signs of hate or dislike as proven by Freenak. But to her surprise, only a neutral expression appeared before her. Suncea whimpered and leaned her head back as her ears flattened onto her sides. Looking worryingly anxious with the officer, she stepped away and put in some distance between herself and her while listening to the soundless surrounding her. Luckily they only stood silent for a few seconds before the officer spoke out to her


“The name's Yang. The primary chief officer of Order."


“So why are you here then, officer Yang? Questioned Suncea and her eyes darted to meet Nivila's eyes who growled and evaded her.


“Just came by to see if our perpetrator had decided to show its rear ugly head," Yang answered her, and a nod following through as the hand shook violently and there were screams that followed. “You dolts! It is not me! I am the guardian of both Order and Chaos, you cannot arrest a guardian! I owned you both!" Yang turned to scowl the wolfdragon who paused her movements and engaged in a staring contest with her enemy. The two contenders went for a while until Yang nodded slowly at her and opened her mouth, allowing her words to trail off as she spoke directly to her


“Sure you are." Yang started and rose her free claw towards her forehead, saluting Suncea before she flees the scene with Nivila in her arms. For as the two left behind the other Blizeon, Suncea was unsure what to do now as her thoughts reflected onto the engagement between Nivila and Yang. But something else had also started eating away at her that she could not put away at all. And that thought was direct to her thanks to the thought of her partner, Freenak. Where ever he is right now…


With nothing else to do, Suncea exhaled through her nose and closed her eyes. Spreading her wings, she jumped into the air as she flapping. This ascending into the air where she flew in the direction of where the two were going. Suncea needs to think for herself from now on and not anyone else...