Current Track: Blabb

Answer Everything: From Sources


My eyes were to the window, staring quietly at the white snowy yard we have outside. A breeze slapped the snow away from the window as it descends slowly to the grounds below. I sighed and flicked an ear in boring silence, wondering when excitement would show up. I continued staring outside before hearing a door open behind me that I forced myself to look back, getting up onto my feet and faced my friend and partner. Frennak. He and I were black regular wolves; disobeying an order from our realm and hiding out here in the Order.


Both me and Frennak are book smarts and a bit nerdy also since we have collections of books donning from Order and Chaos. We hid because our kind disliked books and reading about the history of other realms, which had led them to their deaths later on in life while we were alive. Even the dragons of this realm and the foxes of the Chaos realm did not know we live here. Presumingly they were concentrating on fighting against one another.


Frennak is more muscle than me. However, he is slower because of his muscle weight. His black fur was dense and thick that it was impossible to see his muscles hidden inside. His eyes had a red pupil and his voice was deep and more manly than any other wolf I was with. We are not dating one another, however, though I wished I could. Having fantasies of him being my mate was my number one dream. I was determined to not allow anyone else to take him from me


Speaking of which, I am Suncea. A female wolf with hopeless fantasy dreams. I am slim and thin, weak in strength but make up for it in speed. In dashes and full course runs, I am always in the top three no matter whom I faced. My fur is trimmed and stroked to make myself beautiful for other male wolves. Sometimes to my embarrassment, Freenak always lick my fur. Not because he had any affection to me as I had to him; but he always view me as a friend. I would blush red every time he does that for me.


And so, here we are at the library. The most important part of our secret hideout. Here is where we store all our books; ranging in history to the culture of the realms. Each book was written by an author. Some we could not name, others some we cannot pronounce the name, and others we did not care about anymore. Just as long as the context is interesting and good. The library itself was large, three green doors are sitting at the sides of the room. One north, two east, and west from where we were standing.


So we remained silent for a short period before Freenak shattered it speaking to me “Hey, want to go get coffee or something?” “Why coffee?” I replied to him as he shrugged raising his shoulders turning his back to me. Frowning, I said nothing and got up. I walked to his side, nodding silently chirping “Sure. But we cannot be seen by any of the inhabitants, you know” “Yes.” Finished Freenak as we started walking to the green door in front of us. Thus exiting from the door, we ended up upon the main room.


The main room was also big. Perhaps bigger than the library room. A set of red stairs sits at the center of the room; ascending to the skies above us where the rooftops’ details were a bit hard to see sadly. There were two statues adjacent to the stairs, a blizeon, and a dragon. The dragon looked scared; its mouth widened. Its hand upon the rail and his feet rising steps. Ascending to the skies. The dragon’s scale and underbelly are very hard to detail due to all the shining gold littered onto it. The same goes for the blizeon.


“Where shall we go get coffee?” I asked wanting to continue the conversation. “Here.” Freenak started as he walked to the stairs; stopping at the blizeon statue and opened its mouth. Two cups came from it as Freenak grabbed both; handing me one of them. As we rose the cups to our mouths preparing to drink the contents inside, we heard something shattering. Snapping back into reality, we raced straight into the library room again and opened the door. What we found inside had shocked us as we were surprised by the results of our break-in. All the books were scattered on the floor; the majority of them had their spines bent and broken. All of the books had mud paws on their surfaces. Freenak growled, his paws glowed white and painful as I stood there. Unable to even speak.


As I heard Freenak muttered something underneath his breath, I turned to him exclaiming “The Order inhabitants will expose us if we go out there at daylight. Stay and wait for evening at least.” “No!” Freenak refuses, grabbing my chest with his paw as he lightly pushed me to the side “Whoever it is will die today… by my claws.” “But we cannot just go out there and kill. Remember Freenak!” I protested getting in his way again as he went to grab me by the chest “ “We are in the order realm! Here the dragons of the force can easily catch us and put us in jail. Do you want that?” I asked him. 


“Fine. We leave tonight.” Freenak sighed and walked up to the mess of books, grabbing some of them and putting them where they belong “But you are helping me clean up their filthy mess.” “Yessir!” I exclaimed joining him.


We had finished cleaning. Exhausted breathes emerged from our mouths as we stood upon the grounds; our backs aching whining about exercising too much. But neither of us cared. I shifted my eyes to him, Frennak done the same and we remained silent until my mouth cracked and gave him a widen smirk. Frennak just nodded and turned around heading for the door behind us as I followed him behind. Ending up upon the main room, we started for the left side of the large room where large pairs of doors await for us. To the sides of the door were black-colored outfits, we would be using these underneath the cover of the night and upon the eyesights of the inhabitants of the realm, we had jumped into.


Speeding quickly to the doors; we snatched the black outfits adjacent to us. And Frennak grabbed the knob, tilting it to one side, and pushed it opened. The door whined and opened as a cold breeze washed over us. Tickling our fur, we shivered before glancing at one another as Frennak whispered our objective. “Afternoon there was a break-in and one of our books was stolen. It’s our job to find the culprit and take it back. All the while avoiding inhabitants and the police, we do not want them concerned over what we are doing…”


“And the problem that we are just hijacking their realm too,” I added despite a glare from Frennak. I just smiled in response, saying nothing else in advance. I allowed Frennak to reveal his plan to me. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. I take it that his heart was rapidly beating because of the anxiety and rush and thrill; all coursing through his veins like race cars on a speedway. Before I could say something assuring, Frennak already started.


“I will stay by the north side of the city. Scouting for our enemy from the grounds. Think you can take the south side for me?” I nodded, a faint smile emerged from the corner of my mouth as I gave a nod towards my male friend who took no notice and turned his back to him, he fled quickly before disappearing at the corner. Left to myself, I too turned around and ran down the silver road heading southward where I was assigned to. As my own heart pounding my chest echoing my ears with the same thrill and rush coursing my body; I could not help but smirk confidently as I slowly realized the odds are against us. But that was what makes our life interesting.


I reached the first intersection point; far away from the building where we had started. Two traffic lights were upon the silver bars. Both had turned red. The white pavement was dotted between two corners of the intersection. Four buildings stretched themselves from the corners towards the horizon where it became fuzzy and hard to see beyond it. I was alone and isolated which was good for me at least. Yet my heart still would not slow down as the fear crept up my back making my fur stand up. Slowly I rose my eyes to the traffic lights before turning the corner suddenly. Not caring or having the patience to even wait for green. And that was my first mistake.


A sudden flash of white light emerged upon the corner of my eye giving me a dazed and dizzy spell that causes my eyes to see two visions instead of one. The buildings all tilted to one side then to the other like a seesaw on a playground. The pavement was also tilting and wobbling also. I felt like throwing up, however I held it in. My face turned from regular gray to green in a matter of minutes. Still, I kept moving, breaking off into a run seconds later. My mind spits thoughts against the side of my head, pondering as to what that flash was. 


“Was it to make me dizzy?” I pondered slowly gaining control over my double visions as they returned to one. I could see the road again. The buildings to my side. Yet my surroundings were silent which made me nervous but excitedly anxious. I have yet to wonder if the inhabitants have caught me already… “and so easily too!” I growled quietly to myself as my footsteps continued. Advancing through the road. Thus ending up upon the other side; here I stopped before shifting my eyes to the sides. Finding no one there but my fears awaiting for me. At that apex, I felt nervous and shaking. I clenched my fangs together to keep myself from getting exposed as I picked a direction and stick with it.


The roads were short and right to the point. A couple of them were heading straight into those intersections which I grudgingly hate so much. Nonetheless, get it over with already. As I fell victim to another flash of white, I spotted someone of black shades before me and I wonder if that was the one. But my brain remained soggy and lazy that I cannot identify who it was and the figure caught me. A Yelp sound escaped from its lips, which entered my ears as I ran after him. Determined to chase him down for that book he stole. He was fast; but not as fast as me. And in seconds, together with that dizziness I have, I tackled him. Only it was just myself.


My visions merged into one again. My head started pounding that I moaned unintentionally “My brain hurts…” I howled whining perhaps to no one surrounding me. With no one coming, I lay onto the road and rose my eyes high to the black skies. The road was cold to my touch that I often find myself freezing or jolting, my fangs clattered too when the cold touch had reached there. But I remained lying until I heard footsteps. My ears suddenly picked up and hopped to my feet. Rapidly turning about, I was surprised to see Frennak standing there. He looked concerned or worried. But his face tells me otherwise


Embarrassed. I turned my head away from him; gazing at a part of a house or the road beneath my feet as we kept silent. However, that was short life when Frennak  spoke “I know where our culprit is…” “where?” I asked, excitedly that unaware to myself I bounced like a kangaroo. Frennak said nothing for a few seconds before answering me, “Located at one of the tallest buildings of this realm. However…” he looked away frowning “It is swarming with police officers.”


“Crap,” I muttered underneath my breath as Frennak grabbed my paw tightly, dragging me to the precise location. 


So there we were upon the dead entrance of the police headquarters building. It was huge and almost reaching the skies above it was probably bigger than the surrounding buildings combined. As I gulped swallowing saliva down my throat, we walked forward in Union where we grabbed the doors and pulled back. They were opened and I gasped in response as Frennak pushed me in and close the door behind us.


We remained silent. Our eyes shifted to the surroundings around us as we listened to the quiet exposure. I fidgeted and frowned, my body vibrated. Feeling a paw upon my shoulder, I turned my head to him noticing a smile upon his face. I nodded in response, still maintaining that anxiety rushing through my body as we placed a foot forward. The room we were in was medium-sized. Four opened doors; in pairs of two were cast to the sides. Lights flickered within them. It was starting more into horror as we walked to one of the closets opened doors we could get to before planting our feet, looking inward into the door. Inside, we quickly noticed that the halls were wide and straight. The walls were white and clean as if someone had cleaned them every day. No doors were between the opened holes of the halls, but that was what we had assumed.


Feeling a paw upon my back, I was suddenly pushed forward and entered into the said hallway. I gasped in response, turned my head as my feet automatically stepped forward in heavy steps. Loud enough for anyone with large ears to hear easily and warned the inhabitants of a sudden invasion. I growled and scowled at him, but he remained smirking as the edges of his mouth curved upward. I said nothing to him. But turned my head to the horizon again and took a deep breath. Swallowing the fears resting upon my chest, I walked calmly down the remaining steps of the halls. My ears stretched outward from my head, listening to the flickering of lights above me as the footsteps echoed bouncing from wall to wall. I walked towards the other end of the halls where I stopped and glanced behind me.


Frennak was gone. I was surprised to see the wolf disappeared just like that. Now that I realized I was alone, I felt my body vibrated and shivered as my fangs clattered I stepped one more time out from the entrance in front of me. Exiting out from the halls as I stared into the room before me. Another large room it seems. Empty as it was. A pair of a staircase rising from the ground towards the ceiling above was in front of me. But nothing else was there of interest. As I ignored my empty surroundings with a bored grunting sound, I walked to the stairs and grabbed onto the railing to my side. Cold to my touch, I hoisted myself to the first of many steps and rose through them reaching the first-half point. I continued ignoring the slight breath of air in my throat as I made a u-turn and held myself to another set of stairs.


I ran through it without any problems reaching the next half point again in record time. I smiled only faintly, yet my heart pounded in my chest as thoughts in my mind began to emerge from my brain. Pondering about “the catch.” At the thought of it, I found myself shivering and jolting in coldness as if a breeze of cold air had washed over me. My eyes close shut tightly. Opening seconds after to see the next set of stairs. I climbed them. My pattern repeated itself several times as I went through many staircases and steps and gripping upon the railing on my right. Until I was far up from the ground floor was when my ears had picked up upon something. A low growl. Instantly, I froze and all the warmth from my body depleted and was whisked away into nothingness. As I slowly rose my head upward, half expecting something to be there along the way, I heard a growl which turned into a snarl. A howl came afterward before a set of running footsteps rushed up the steps.


I did not know what to expect. I could not even look behind me in fear of what the creature was. For all I could do was run, run the remaining steps above in hopes of finding a door or something there to hide me away. The adrenaline course through my veins as my bones crackled underneath the intense exercise I am giving it. Rushing to the next staircase, I kept my focus ahead and to the horizon. Not caring where I was or how far apart were we or how close I was towards the exit above. All I care about was escaping and that was what I intended to do. The end was near. I could see a black door above me as I reached the last set of stairs. Quickly, I ran up them all the while keeping my eyes to the door. I closed in onto the door, grabbed the handle, and pushed down. A click then the door opened which allowed me inside, I entered without hesitation.


A small room. Pitch dark was my surroundings, making it hard to see what was there. As my pupils grew within my eyes allowing me to see in the darkness surrounding me, I gasped with a breath of surprise to see what was there. Another creature was there. It had looked to be a pink fox. His back was to me. On his head was a brown cowboy hat. He was not armed with a gun or any other weapon. But was he safe? I would not know for sure. I crept forward, adverting my eyes towards the sides of my surroundings where I saw silver large tables. White computers were on top of them. None of them seemed to work sadly as their cables were hanging off the side. All of them still and nonmoving as I slowly turned my attention towards the fox ahead. I crept forward and closed in onto him. Never minding the creepiness. Until I was upon arm’s length was when I stopped and reached out for him. I never knew what was I thinking when I did so. Just a reflexive action, I guess.


As I reached for him, the fox suddenly disappeared and startled me. Jolting me back into the reality of my surroundings, I snapped my attention back towards what was ahead of me. There, I spotted a black rock gem. I grabbed it. Never knowing what I would be doing with it as I looked on with confusion before departing from the room.