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Mightyena Variations 3
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Another two varieties.
The Eevee crossover was not intentional but this result, looking more dominantly Eevee than expected for a POkemon with such a variable genome, also turned out to be the most friendly. It most resembles a fox but even within this type there's a lot of variation.
The next one is what you'd see on a metal cover or someone have who maybe wants to look like an evil boss but doesn't want a cat. Actually not taht vicious but they houldn't be left unattended either.
The Eevee crossover was not intentional but this result, looking more dominantly Eevee than expected for a POkemon with such a variable genome, also turned out to be the most friendly. It most resembles a fox but even within this type there's a lot of variation.
The next one is what you'd see on a metal cover or someone have who maybe wants to look like an evil boss but doesn't want a cat. Actually not taht vicious but they houldn't be left unattended either.
1 year ago
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