Current Track: Blabb

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My name's Loupgaros or Greenhoof, been in the fandom for about 20 years at least. Nearing that greymuzzle stage, heh. (It's okay, I can make that joke.)

I'm an artist and hobbyist writer. Themes that are often explored are introspective and socially conscious, with a particular preference for working-class protagonists and certainly an attempt to be aware of issues outsie of my own wheel house. Historical fiction in an alternative timeline is definitely my speed, but I like to dabble in fantasy, sci-fi, stream of consciousness etc. 

As for art, my themes there are as varied as my inspirations! I can draw to music, to particular songs, then draw something outrageous and silly the next. Sometimes it's even NSFW. (That'll be tagged, don't worry!) 

I have various 'sonas and remade my personal one a good few times, but the current incarnation is a wildcat-coyote hybrid, who encapsulates my trans-masc identity at this present time.

Sometimes I'm an orange bird with the fashion sense of the Doctors of the classic era.