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Mouth Interface for Fursuitrs (and other possibilities)
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This is a project I have been working on for a LONG time. It's a interface that sits in the roof of your mouth and will enable to you control things just by pressing your tongue against one of the pads. It also had a joystick build in too.
Parts come in at under $100 depending on supplier.
I'm showing it here because I need help funding my projects so I have registered myself on Patreon.
I am still currently working out the rewards system but it will be a full blow by blow description of how the item is made plus any code or techniques that I am using.
Understand - I'm not wanting to make a profit from this. Anyone will be free to use my idea's and improve of them once they have been released after a timely interval so my watchers and patreons can benefit first. There may even be custom parts like printed circuit boards or assemblies to contributers as well.
But all funds will go towards purchase of parts to push forward the technologies.
Looking forward to hearing from you..
Parts come in at under $100 depending on supplier.
I'm showing it here because I need help funding my projects so I have registered myself on Patreon.
I am still currently working out the rewards system but it will be a full blow by blow description of how the item is made plus any code or techniques that I am using.
Understand - I'm not wanting to make a profit from this. Anyone will be free to use my idea's and improve of them once they have been released after a timely interval so my watchers and patreons can benefit first. There may even be custom parts like printed circuit boards or assemblies to contributers as well.
But all funds will go towards purchase of parts to push forward the technologies.
Looking forward to hearing from you..
8 years ago
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