Christa's daughter Suri tried to wrestle with Christa's tail. When Suri grabbed the tuff of her tail, Christa looked back at her daughter and softly said, "Suri, leave mommy's tail alone please."
Suri let go of her tail and looked up at her, "Aw, but I'm bored!"
Christa said, "Then go play with your friends."
Suri whined, "But I want to play with you!"
Christa sighed, "I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood. Tell you what, you play with your friends right now then I'll play with you tonight, I promise."
Suri looked at her and then smiled, "Ok." Then she ran off to play with her friends.
Christa smiled as she ran off. Then she heard a voice behind her, "Christa." She turned around and saw Chad behind her.
Christa rolled her eyes, "What do you want Chad?"
Chad glared at her an accusing look in his eyes, "Have you seen Jade? Did you see her yesterday?"
Christa shook her head, "No. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her today either."
Chad still had that glare in his eyes, "I know you and her talk to each other a lot. So I know you're hiding something."
Christa glared right back at him, "I don't know what happened to her. And even if I did, she probably ran away just to get away from you. Knowing you that much, I wouldn't blame her."
Chad advanced toward her, "If I were you, I watch what I say. Or else otherwise, I'll have to do something about that daughter of yours."
Christa was getting a bit furious now and she said, "Threatening my child now, huh? You know my mate was a far better male than you are. And if you ever threaten my daughter ever again, my mate and myself will make you feel sorry."
Chad shot back, "And if you try anything with me, I'll make sure that Bron here exiles you and your child."
"You know you can't fool Bron forever. Sooner or later, the truth will come out about you. And if you think I'm like Jade, you're wrong. So screw off." Then Christa walked away.
Chad got angry after she walked away from him, and then he dug his claws deep into the ground in anger.
The next day after Robyn met Jade, Robyn came in the barracks and basically hung out with Jade when she's not busy ordering privates around.
Jade's pretty much enjoying her company. I got to say, I know Jade liked being with Shawna, Eileen, and Tabitha three years ago, but I think Robyn here would make a new addition to all the human female friends that she has made.
In fact I never really thought that Robyn would be this nice to Jade. I guess when she realizes Jade's not a predator she thought she was. Only Jade is a lot more friendly to humans. I can only imagine what would it be like if humans and lions coexist together. Weird thought, but when it comes to Jade and me, why not?
While Robyn was hanging with Jade, I went to the mess hall to get something to eat and also grab Jade something to eat as well. I was almost there when Dorland came around the corner of another barrack and blocked my way. I groaned, and I glared at him, "What?"
Dorland gasped and gave me a mock expression, "Casper, my bud. You're not interested in being my friend? Gee that's too bad."
I looked at him, "What do you want now? Did I ruin another day for you, because if I did well I'm proud of myself for doing it, you deserve it."
Dorland grinned, "So where are you running off to? You finally going to leave without saying goodbye? Aw, and I thought we were pals."
I glared at him, "We were never pals. Last time I checked, you're a bully here. And ever since I've been here, you've been bullying me. So how about leave me alone?"
I brushed past him when he suddenly said, "You know your sister's hot."
I stopped in my tracks, and without looking at him I asked, "Come again?"
"Your sister, she's hot. In fact I really wanted to bang her ever since I laid my eyes on her. I mean after all who wouldn't?"
I turned around and glared at him, "Do you realize what you're saying?"
He grinned at me, "Maybe, maybe not. Although before I went and banged her, I went inside your barracks and found your diary."
My eyes went wide. What? He went inside my barracks and found my journal? The journal that I wrote down three years ago? That son of a bitch.
Dorland went on, "And you want to know what I figured out? I figured out you must be some kind of freak. When I asked your hot sister that. She didn't say anything about it, but she did tell me you didn't have a lot of friends back then. Now why is that? Is it because you're some kind of freak? I could possibly agree, after all you look like one." Then he laughed at me.
I was pretty much fuming now. I angrily said, "Asshole, you weren't suppose to look through my journal."
Dorland said, "Why is it your diary? You know diaries are for girls, there buddy? No wonder you're a freak."
I said, "And if I were you, I stay away from my hot sister. Cause if you don't, I'll kick your ass."
Dorland sneered, "And how a weakling like you, are you suppose to do that?" Then he shoved me hard and I fell to the ground.
I looked up at him, he was over me, staring down at me. Before anything else could happen, a voice rang out, "Dorland!" Both of us looked and we saw Jason Rivers staring at Dorland with a glare.
Dorland modestly said, "Corporal Rivers! Buddy! How's everything?"
Jason crossed his arms, "Apparently things aren't going well for some people, what are you doing to Casper?"
Dorland raised his hands in defense, "I didn't do nothing, he fell over."
Jason narrowed his eyes at him, "I doubt it. Judging by your track record, I could see why I don't believe you. Corporal Potter told me about you picking on him. You like to pick on those who are unworthy than you, right? Well lets see if you can deal with someone WHO'S worthy." Jason walked toward him.
Dorland backed away from me, "Alright, alright. I'll go, but I'll say this to Casper." He looked down at me and said, "This isn't over you freak." Then Dorland turned around and walked away.
Jason bent down and picked me up off the ground, "You ok?"
I nodded, while brushing the dirt off of me, "Yeah, I'm fine."
Jason sighed, "I'm sorry about Dorland, he's a piece of work."
I shook my head, "You don't have to be sorry. He's not the first asshole I deal with on a regular basis."
Jason said, "Still I wish we could court martial him already. He's a troublemaker, he won't make it to deployment when he's done with training if he keeps this up."
I asked Jason, "I wonder why he does it? You know, pick on people. I wonder what's with him?"
Jason shrugged, "Who knows. I don't know what he was raised on when he was little, who cares?"
I shrugged as well, "Yeah, who cares."
Jason looked at me and said, "Well I was glad I've found you anyways, can you do Captain Michael a favor?"
I was surprised by his question, I asked, "What kind of favor?"
"Nothing much, Captain Michael wants you to meet him at the old world war 2 hangar outside the base."
My eyes went wide, "A world war 2 hangar? I didn't know there were any to begin with here."
Jason said, "Well not a lot happened in Tanzania years ago. But there were some world war hangars here in south of Africa. But not a lot, so yeah there's one outside the base. That hangar holds spare trucks and several Meals Ready to Eat packages there as well. So when we have a new package from the states and when it arrives there, we drive one of our trucks there and we pick up what we need. That hangar is for spare stuff."
I nodded, "So let me guess. You want me to go with Captain Michael to the hangar and help him load up some stuff in one of your trucks?"
Jason nodded, "Yep that's it."
I smiled and nodded, "Sure I'll do it. Gives me something to do anyway."
Jason smiled, "Great! I'll go inform the Captain right away." Then he went to Captain Michael.
Not very long after Jason went to talk to Nick, I went with him outside the base to the old world war 2 hangar. It looks big, like those old world war 2 planes were being hold here. But apparently not anymore, since the war has been over for years and now these marines use this place for extra storage. Like extra vehicles and extra food and tools. The hangar wasn't really far away actually, like a two minute walk from the base.
The inside the hangar looked bigger inside than the outside. I've never seen a place like it. My grandfather did tell me about these kind of hangars, but I never thought I would be in one.
I was helping Nick loading up some boxes of food to take back to the base, and god they were heavy! Heavier than I could imagine.
We already loaded up several boxes when me and Nick decided to take a break. We went outside in the front of the hangar to take a break.
While I was relaxing Nick said, "I want to thank you for helping me out on this. The marines in training were busy doing their training and I didn't have anyone with me for today."
I smiled at him, "No problem."
Nick sighed and he said, "Can I tell you something Casper?"
I looked at him, "Well we're alone, so I guess yeah."
Nick looked out at the savannah, "I was about your age when I came here to Africa. Here in Tanzania."
I said, "Really?"
He nodded, "Yeah I did, when I was seventeen years old. My parents like to travel a lot. One day when I was out from school I came here to be with my family. For about a month. It's a beautiful place, and it still is."
I told him, "Well I'll tell you the truth, this isn't my first trip to Africa either. About three years ago actually."
Nick nodded, "Yeah I know, your aunt Tabitha told me about it. She said you were happy here and you missed it and that's why you came back here. But I guess the resort not booking you into your rooms didn't help out at all."
I laughed, "If you're wondering if I like this place, I do. I don't mind staying at a marines base."
Nick giggled, "That's good. But to me sometimes it's kinda frustrating when you're busy all the time and you don't get to enjoy the sights." Nick looked out at the savannah again and he had a sad look on his face.
I gave him a concerned look, "You okay?"
He nodded, "Yeah kid, I was just...Thinking about someone."
He shook his head, "Nothing. Just an old friend of mine."
I smiled at him, "Oh really? Who?"
He looked at me and smiled, "An old friend who lived here in this area. You see...When I came here with my family, one day I went walking in the savannah. I was enjoying the sights, hell I was being a kid, never really bothered me where I was going.
He sighed, "That day when I was walking, I met her. My friend. You see she was unfriendly to me at first, didn't trust me at all since I wasn't from around here. But one day I helped her out with one thing and she actually started to trust me. Ever since then we were pretty close. We did everything together. We went walking together, we went swimming together, we went eating together."
I laughed, "Wow, sounds like you were really close."
Nick giggled, "Yeah sometimes I wondered if we were more than friends, but I never went that far with her. We were pretty much friends, nothing more."
I looked down at the ground and asked, "Is that why you came back here to Africa? To find her?"
He shook his head, "I don't really see how's that possible."
I tilted my head, "What do you mean? I think there's still time. I mean after it is possible."
Nick said, "Actually...She died, before I left Africa to go back home."
My eyes went wide then to sad, "I'm sorry....I didn't know."
He waved me off, "No, it's ok. You didn't know. After all how could you have known, right?"
I nodded, "Right."
Nick smiled at me, "So what about you? Why did you come back here?"
I giggled, "Well....I guess like you, I have a friend living in Africa as well."
He smiled, "Really?"
I nodded, "Yeah her name's Jade. You see how I met her....It was three years ago, I was driving in the savannah and in all honesty...I almost ran her over."
He giggled, "Really?"
I laughed, "Hey if you're going to call me a bad driver. I'm not usually. You see I was listening to JoDee Messina on the stereo and I was really feeling alive while I was driving. I don't know, I guess since I've lived in Miami, you feel crowded, but when I'm driving in Africa, I don't feel crowded. I guess that's why I was alive."
He asked, "You felt alive in Africa?"
I nodded, "Yeah I did, anyways I almost hit Jade and when I stopped the car I went to her to make sure she was ok. We were standing near a pond and a crocodile was trying to get her. But she was lucky I saw it before it did get to her."
His eyes went wide, "A croc!? Man kiddo you're really lucky you and your friend didn't get eaten."
I nodded, "Yeah and I'm glad we didn't. Soon after that we slowly became friends. But lets just say her father didn't approve of me hanging with his daughter."
He gave me a confused look, "Why?"
I answered, "Because I was different than Jade is. But that didn't stop me from being there for her. But I think what really forged our friendship was...We both felt alone. You see I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, but what happened with her, it was a different story."
Nick asked me, "Why was it a different story?"
I sighed, "Well...Her aunt was always there for her, but then it turned out she never really loved Jade at all. And that's not the worst part. The worst part is....Her aunt murdered her mother and her sister and lets just say she has been so alone ever since. And you know....If it wasn't for me. I don't know how she would feel."
He asked, "Did you ever find Jade? When you came back here after three years?"
I smiled and nodded, "Yeah. She's still here."
He had a happy look on his face, "Good!"
I giggled, "You would have liked her. She's really nice."
He said, "Nah, I don't need anymore friends. I think my daughter does. She could use another one here."
I asked, "Did you ever tell Amber about your friend?"
Nick nodded, "Yeah, and of course, I wish she was still alive up to this day. But I can't. You know...I guess the reason why I came back here is...I didn't want her memory to be forgotten. I know she's watching over me right now, and I don't want to forget her."
I smiled at him, "She seems special to you."
He closed his eyes, "She was."
I close my eyes as well. I don't want to think about what would happen to Jade. If she...Died. I don't know what I would feel. I don't think I could ever let her go.
Nick then said, "Well Casper, I can tell you this. I really am glad you've met my daughter."
I frowned, "Why?"
"Because she seems to feel close, when she's with you. But I think she's starting to like you."
I laughed, "Well we don't know each other that much, so..."
Nick shook his head, "Casper, you're a nice kid, and she thinks it's good enough for her."
I was thinking about Shawna and then I said, "Can I tell you the truth Nick?" Nick nodded and then I said, "I used to have a girlfriend, her name's Shawna. You see me and her met in Africa three years ago and we went out. But it turned out we lived in separate states and we couldn't handle the long distance relationship, so me and her broke up and....I don't know, maybe I still think about her."
Nick put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Casper....When my wife left me, I didn't know how I've felt. But then I realized I didn't dwell on why she left me, I moved on and I've been single ever since. My point is, don't dwell on why she left you and go on with your life. If you like my daughter, then at least try to talk to her. Who knows, you two might hit it off."
I smiled and then I said, "I'll think about it. But I don't know if I could make that dive again."
He giggled and rubbed my shoulder, "Just think about it. Trust me, I'm not the overprotective type."
I laughed, "Okay, then."
Nick got up on his feet, "Well break time's over. Time to get the loading over with."
I got up on my feet as well, and playfully saluted, "Aye, Aye, Captain!"
Nick laughed so hard and slugged me on the shoulder, "You know, you're okay kid."
I giggled, "Thanks."
Nick was about to go inside the hangar when a question popped into my mind, "Hey Nick."
Nick turned around and said, "Yes?"
I asked, "Your friend, years ago. What was her name? You never told me."
He smiled and answered, "Amara."
My eyes went wide, Amara? Why does that name sound familiar?
Nick went inside the hangar and said, "You ready to load up or what?"
I hollered, "Yeah lets do it." I was still standing outside, still thinking about the answer he gave me.
That name I think it's Jade's mothers name. Amara. Amara. Yeah, it is that name.
I don't think it's possible, but why am I getting a feeling that it's Amara that was friends with Nick years ago?
Karone did say that she died, and Nick told me that his friend died as well. But could it be the same Amara?
I didn't dwell on it anymore. That's ridiculous, I doubt Nick can talk to lions. There's no way.
Could it?
Me and Nick came back to the base about an hour later, and we unloaded a bunch of heavy boxes. Man what a job!
After we were done I said goodbye to Nick, since it was getting to the late afternoon. We were outside the base together for hours.
I was on my way back to the barracks, couldn't wait to tell Jade about the world war 2 hangar. I know she wouldn't know what it is, but hey she would be interested anyways.
I was at the front door of the barracks when I saw a note stuck to the door.
I frowned. That's strange, who would leave me a note? I pulled the note off the door and I read it, it only said.
I know what you are.
Now my mind was racing. What? I lowered my hand with the note still in my hand.
Who did this? Who?
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