Day ???
"... Hey it's me again, miss me? It's Sunday and Emilia still hasn't come back to work. She was our most popular maid and she never knew. When customers realized she wasn't coming for a while. They stopped coming. Now only a few come by now. I know why she hasn't come to work. But I think it's time I asked her to come back. Even though it hadn't taken effect yet. But if she doesn't come back within the next three days. Money will start to go down the drain and she might be fired!" Kimberly thought to herself as she took off her maid outfit. Placing it neatly in a bag, putting it in the backpack that was in her locker.
"See you guys Tuesday!" Kimberly waved as she walked out of the break room and headed towards the exit of the building.
Sighing as she brought out her key and clicked a button for her car to unlock her doors. Kimberly opened the door and threw her backpack to the passenger and got her car started. She then waited a few minutes before driving to wait for the engine to warm up so she checked her phone. Going on Instagram and to the cafe's account.
Stirring Delight!
We love to serve our customers! With a variety of delightful meals on the menu for you to enjoy! We have a range of girls attending to your needs.
Our special is chocolate pancakes with a strawberry smoothie!
(Most popular) Emilia!
Our only dragon working at our cafe! Our toughest girl here, she will never call you master, or bow down to your will. She just does what she has to. Then wants you gone out of her sight.
(Update! She is taking a break due to a recent event. We hope you understand!)
She's a tsundere at our establishment. It may seem she doesn't want you around but of course, it's the opposite. She doesn't admit it but she's glad you're here.
Our lovable cutesy pie always puts on a smile to brighten our day. She's very excited to meet everyone and is very kind when you order.
Kimberly stopped reading the posts and then thought to herself. Putting her phone on the passenger seat then placed her hand on the wheel as she started to drive off the parking lot."Thea is annoying in the breakroom though. She never stops complaining about customers And I keep wondering how Emilia got so popular? Maybe because she's the only dragon? I always think about it. Even though I already know the answer. But it's still wild to me." She thought as she was stopped at a red light.
Kimberly looked at an apartment building that was on the next street. She took a deep breath and let one out. As soon as the street light turned green she headed towards the building. Parking at the parking lot of the building.
"I need to tell her in person. I don't want her ignoring me." Kimberly thought to herself as she locked her car and walked inside the building.
Kimberly remembered what apartment they're in. Walking to a room with the number 105 on the door. She just stood there and took a deep breath. And she raised her first to knock on the door until.
"Luka I'm sorry! I didn't mean to nip on your neck. I was asleep." Emilia said.
Kimberly heard through the door. It was confusing for her to hear. But she was intrigued so she decided to listen some more by getting a bit closer to the door.
"Look. Emilia. I'm not sleeping in your room anymore for a multitude of reasons. And why do you want me to be in your room so bad? I think two days was fine. Because I thought it helped you calm down." Luka explained.
"Oh, I get it now… I think." Kimberly thought to herself. As someone passed by weirdly looking at Kimberly.
"It does! I feel safer with you. And also you are very warm. I am sorry if I had done some things… in my sleep…" Emilia asserted, ashamed.
"Sorry but I think you'll do just fine. The first two days I slept just fine. But the past three days I've been losing sleep. I am starting to have bags under my eyes." Luka had an annoyed tone in his voice.
"Oh… I didn't realize it. I'm sorry…." Emilia said with a sad tone. She couldn't believe she was hurting him… again.
"Do you understand?" Luka asked.
"Yes…" Emilia answered.
"Thank you. Ok! Since that is now dealt with. My mom is coming over tomorrow. So I'm going to clean up with the new cleaning supplies we got." Luka seemed to be back to normal in an instant.
"This guy can get over things quickly! Ok, I think it's time for me to come in." Kimberly thought as she knocked on the door. "Emilia! It's me!" Kimberly exclaimed as she knocked.
"Huh? Uh… come in?" Emilia said confused.
"Thank you!" Kimberly let out as she opened the door.
Emilia was on the couch looking a bit down as Luka was at the kitchen table holding a cleaning spray. Emilia had her wings tucked in, leaning on one side of the couch.
"Emilia, you didn't lock the door?" Luka looked at Emilia with a disappointing look.
"I forgot…" Emilia answered, looking away from his gaze.
Luka looked away while doing an eye roll and began grabbing the cleaning supplies. Kimberly looked at him and felt a sense of tension.
"What happened? He seems very annoyed now." Kimberly asked.
"He just had a rough morning." Emilia then looked a bit down.
"And how do you know that hmm?" Kimberly gave a smile to Emilia.
"Oh! Uhhh… I… Why did you come?" Emilia tried to avoid answering. And it worked.
"I came to tell you to return to work as you seem to be better now." Kimberly smiled at Emilia.
Emilia could tell that she was serious. Kimberly's smile struck a bit of fear into Emilia.
"Ok, I'll come back… What day?" Emilia said, looking away from her.
"Wednesday." Kimberly answered. "And don't be scared, it's just been hard without you. So I'm just a bit stressed." Kimberly reassured Emilia.
"Oh. Ok." Emilia looked at her confused.
Kimberly then got a notification on her phone and she read it. She then sighed and put it away.
"I have to go to the store in a bit. I need to get some things." Kimberly said as she sat next to Emilia on the couch. "I have like a half an hour to chill here." Kimberly looked around and nodded in approval. "This place is clean," Kimberly commented.
"You should have seen it before I came." Luka said and Emilia got really embarrassed.
"Lukaaaa!" Emilia complained as looked at him. With an annoyed face.
Kimberly couldn't help but chuckle. Luka then grabbed out his phone and looked towards the girls.
"Ima start bumping music. Yall cool with that?" Luka asked as he waved his phone.
"Ok." Emilia said as she just chilled on the couch.
"Go right ahead. I wonder what your music taste is like." Kimberly said with a smile and Luka went right ahead and played his music.
It started playing Nirvana. And Kimberly nodded in approval.
"Nice." Kimberly complimented his taste and it made Luka smile.
Emilia sat there listening to the music. Watching Luka clean very closely. Something that she's been doing lately. Emilia has been very observant of Luka lately. On how he moves, how he acts, on what he likes. Kimberly noticed her just staring and asked.
"Watcha… watcha looking at?" Kimberly asked.
Emilia jumped and looked at her and tried to explain. "I-I was just watching him clean."
"You are down bad." Kimberly nodded her head left to right with a look of disapproval.
"What?" Emilia didn't quite hear what Kimberly said.
"I think we should go out together right now. A little trip to the store and then back to my place to hang out." Kimberly proposed.
Emilia looked at her quite confused. As Luka cleaned stains off the counters.
"Why?" Emilia asked
"Cause I want to hang out with you? And also he seems to be in the zone and I don't wanna bother him." Kimberly said as she stood up. "So wanna hang out?'
Emilia looked at Luka again thinking about it. Maybe it would be good to leave him alone. She's been causing him stress so she decided it would be best to go out for a bit.
"Ok. I'll go. So how long are we gonna hang out?" Emilia asked.
Kimberly thought about it, crossing her arms. And just hummed.
"Let's sayyyy. An hour and a half? Two hours? I'll drive you back if you want or you can fly home. Your choice." Kimberly said as she got another notification on her phone. She looked at it and put her phone back in her pocket. "So let's go!" Kimberly exclaimed as she hummed to the music as she walked to the door.
Emilia looked at Luka who seemed to be cleaning and seemed to not care about her leaving. So Emilia got off the couch carefully to make sure not to stumble off and then headed to the door with Kimberly. Emilia looked back and opened her mouth, seeming like she was going to say something but. No words came out. She just looked back as Kimberly opened the door.
"See you later Emilia." Luka said as he gave a little wave.
Emilia was surprised but she gave a response. "See you later." Emilia then followed.
Emilia closed the door with her claw. After a few minutes or so. Luka sighed and he paused the music on his phone. Looking around in the kitchen. He seemed to have done a good job. Luka walked to the couch and sat down. Sighing some more and covering his face with his hands.
"I didn't want to lie to her. And myself." Luka thought to himself as he stared at the fridge and stood up.
Meanwhile in Kimberly's car. Emilia barely fit on the back seat so to make room Kimberly had to pull both front seats up just for Emilia to fit. They were at a red light and Kimberly was just humming.
"So… What is up with you and Luka? He's cool and all. But he just seemed out of it." Kimberly asked while looking at the rearview mirror that was pointed at Emilia.
"I know… I think it's because of me." Emilia paused and took a deep breath. "I know he will get over it. He even got over me hitting him on the head.." Emilia said as she gave a bit of a down look.
"And he didn't press charges? And why would you?" Kimberly asked as the light turned green and she began to drive again.
"I-It was an accident. It was something over stupid. I hate thinking about it. I was stupid a-and naive! But… He understood. It made me realize some things about myself. Because of him, I became someone better. Well, that's what I think anyway. And he keeps doing things for me. And I don't know how to repay him." Emilia said as she looked at herself.
Kimberly stayed silent for a few minutes and thought of a response. "I see… Emilia. How much does he mean to you?"
"He means a lot." Emilia answered.
"Do you love him?" Kimberly asked. But it wasn't like when she asked at the cafe. She was genuine about her question.
Emilia thought about it for a second. "How could I not…" Emilia blushed and buried her head into the car seat embarrassed.
"So. How are you gonna get him to like you?" Kimberly asked as she stopped at a red light.
"What do you mean?" Emilia brought her head up looking at her.
"I mean. Do you want him to feel the same way about you?" Kimberly rephrased looking at Emilia.
"I-... I don't think that would ever happen. I don't know if he even likes dragons… like that…" Emilia just didn't think it would ever happen, especially after what happened during his first day.
"Ok. There are two things I see. One! He's either not looking for a relationship because A guy like him would already have a girlfriend by now. Two! He's more of the personality type, which is reasonable." Kimberly explained as she turned back to the road and the light turned green as she turned. And began driving again.
What Kimberly said made Emilia think. At that time when Luka told her she was a person to chill with. It made her blush again making Emilia believe the answer was two.
"Well. Maybe I do have a chance." Emilia said and the thought made her happy.
"Ok. Think of something that will make you… appeal to him more." Kimberly suggested.
Emilia thought about it and actually came up with something. "His mom is coming tomorrow. Maybe if I can impress her. He will like me more."
"That's one way." Kimberly said as she started to park at a parking lot.
Emilia looked out the window. "Oh my god. It's the Vallarta that I and Luka went to!" "
"Oh good! So you know this place." Kimberly said as she was searching through her bag.
"Yeah, Luka brought me here like four days ago." Emilia explained as she started to undo her belt.
"Hey! You,-" Kimberly was cut off by Emilia.
"Yeah. Watch out for the car next to me." Emilia said she slowly opened the door after undoing her seat belts.
"Well. Nevermind. You seem to be a pro." Kimberly joked as she also got out of the car.
"Well, it's thanks to-" Before Emilia could finish her sentence, Kimberly finished the rest.
"Luka. I kinda figured. I think we're done talking about him. Let's have some girl time!" Kimberly exclaimed happily as she started to hum and Emilia smiled with Kimberly's enthusiasm.
Meanwhile back at Emilia's and Luka's apartment. Luka opened a Mickey bottle and drank some. Placing it at the table next to two other Mickey's.
End of chapter 7...
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