Current Track: Blabb

I went walking by the harbor
As the day went down to dark.
I went searching through my sorrows
For a place to rest my heart.

Will the circle be unbroken
By and by? By and by?
Is a better home awaiting
In the sky, Lord, in the sky?

There are loved ones in my memory
I can call now only 'ones.'
There are places long behind me
That were home once. Gone and done.

Will the circle be unbroken?
How should I know? How should I?
But a better home awaits me
With the Sky Lord, in the sky.

I remember, words of comfort
That were truer than you guessed.
How the poor may yet blessed
In the islands of the blest.

I remember from the hymnals,
Though you thought I lost my place.
Yet I've seen, and can confirm there
Is a more amazing grace.

I remember every last word
That you ever taught to me.
Face to face I saw it clearly
And the truth has set me free.

Will the circle be unbroken?
Turns out that was up to you.
While your eyes were fixed on heaven
What on earth, on earth, did you?

There are other worlds than this one.
There are deeper deaths to die.
There are better lives awaiting
On the other other side.

If the circle, it is broken,
Then so be it. Then goodbye.
I will seek a better circle
By and by. By and by.