Current Track: Blabb
Venturing: Showerline

Ever had childhood crushes during your childhood life? Confessed your feelings towards them and wait for their response to you? Well… I had one. Remembered what I said that I and Yang had some crazy times when we were living inside our homes? Fake marriage and wedding were one of those things, however. When we were dressed in white suits and gowns. Walking down the kitchen aisle, waving and laughing amongst ourselves as if it was some kind of game. Which to us, it was. I think it had something to do with ‘House’. Or a prelude to the game. Then when we stopped adjacent to the kitchen table, we would turn to face one another and hold each other's claws. Her claws were warm and so were mine as our eyes met and smile pictured from our faces. One of the monks would just step in front of us and opened a red book with yellow golden letters written upon it. There would be some words before he turned to us as we looked to him. Thus exchanging vows and words to one another ending everything off with those two cliche words. I am sure you know what I am talking about.

As I reminisce to the memory upon my head, I heard angry shouts emerging to my ears and I snapped back into reality before resuming my current activities. Ah yes. The first exciting day on the job as a police officer. Directing traffic. Yay. With my heavy arms pointing the way where these pedestrians would go into, I slowly drift off in my mind. Returning to that forever old memory from long ago. I sighed and my heart pounded against my chest as I wonder if she would return the same feelings like me. But with the recent knowledge interfering with the past, I often concluded that she was always busy with her official police work. With that in mind, I gave another sigh and shook my head while I continued with the recent activities.

After a recent long day that fell directly into the evening hours, I turned my head and glanced around my surroundings. Realizing that the streets I was sitting on were empty and clear of any annoyance, I lowered my claws and shook my head. My entire body was aching, tiredness rests upon my pained feet and heavy arms that it felt restful and eased whenever I lowered them onto my sides. Now comes the hard part. Having to return to the station to check out. How had I dreaded to come to this whenever I finished my first job. Natty and Yang had always said that it was great exercised. But I had never seen it that way. For me, it was painful to even walk after standing in one spot for so long that I almost looked like a statue for birds to poop on and be laughed at!

But sucking it up. I leaned my body forward as I dragged my feet over to the side. Entering onto the sidewalk, I raised my tired eyes and scanned around hoping to find a seat or something for me to rest on. There were white tables; above the tables were red-orange umbrellas that reflect the sunset’s rays behind me. Three or four tables sit before me. Standing next to a white building store that had recently closed. To my left were palm trees; the brown oval shape was hidden among the leaves. It raises a question as I turned my attention to the view behind me. Hoping not that it was some kind of beach. It was not. But a huge sandbox. Thousands of sandcastles were scattered everywhere and range from small castles to huge ones that almost blocked the sun! I was startled to see them; that unknowingly my eyes were widened. Someone giggled in response and I turned over to whoever it was.

A dragoness was standing there a few feet from where I was standing. Her eyes were closed for a short time before opening them. Revealing a hazel gaze that had hit against my own. I remained silent as she spoke. It was something about the sandcastle competition that had happened recently while I was doing my job. At around three and ended at six. So it was a three-hour event after all. As I nodded to her and trying my best to ignore her words while still looking for a seat, I groaned unknowingly and somehow that stopped her. She turned away and walked off away from me. I swore that she had worn an angry face. But I shook it off and walked forth to one of the closest seats that I could find and sat down. Resting my feet and legs as long I could. 

Well into the nighttime hours. The stars shone above me, twinkling as the huge moon hanged over above. I sat onto one of the chairs. Leaning forward and placed my head against my crossed claws, staring over onto the other side of the sidewalk. I remained silent. Listening to the ringing that echoed into my ears and I took a sigh; while recent memories flew by me. A timeline on how I ended up as a traffic director. Huffing in silence, interrupting my mind as my ears perked up and hearing something in the distance. I raised my head away from my arms and looked; spotting Natty walking by. She was looking over to the left. Staring down onto the sands castles that struck her with awe. I continued watching her until she looked over onto where she was walking into. Smiling after she had noticed me and started her waving, I responded with a wave of my own and she stopped. Grabbing a seat while her claws were folded, she asked me “What is on your mind recently, Ling? Was it about the childhood crush I kept teasing you about?” “How… How did you know that?” I asked, shocked by her deduction as she giggled to herself and unfurled her claws before responding to me with a wink, “It was easy. Your face was easier to read. Turns out Yang was right after all.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, curious. Tilting my head to one side as emphases while she directly explained what she had meant. As I listened, I could hear my heart thumping in my chest that I forcefully raised myself. Slamming my claws against the glass tables underneath me, my face was red that I had started stammering. Natty smirked in response and raised herself also before responding to me. “You should get going, Ling and get checked out. Yang is waiting.” “B...But I do not know what… Or how to speak-” I explained, through rapid words as steams emerged from my ears. But Natty interrupted me with a laugh and threw her claws forward. Pushing me into the opposite direction as I slumped forward with a gasp. Finally, I caught myself and I turned over to her and she motioned me. For without hesitation, I started walking away leaving her to her cases.

Returning home. I shoved the key into the hole and turned it to the side hearing a click. Pushing the door, it opened on its own and allowed me to enter inside. A short hallway stood before me leading into the kitchen up ahead. The great smell of food hit me like a bat that I often find myself drifted away into an endless dream. Pondering what was on the menu, I hurried head into the kitchen where Yang was waiting for me. She had everything set up on the brown table. A bowl was in front of me. Inside of it was a large chicken. A spoon was put inside the bowl too. Underneath all was a red napkin. I stepped forward and pulled back the chair. Slumping down onto it, I picked up the spoon and grabbed a bit of soup raising it onto my mouth which I took a sip. Yang watched me without me noticing and parted her lips as she responded; “How was it?” “Great,” I answered and we left it at that. Except…

Just about halfway through our dinner, I perked my ears and suddenly raised my head facing her. Staring at her for a few seconds, I responded to the shattered silence around us. “Did you tell Natty all that?” “Tell what?” She asked me, pressing me to answer her. I gave her my answer. “All of the teasing. How to push my buttons; make me bl-” “Well yeah.” Yang giggled interrupting again as she crackled a smile, “Gosh dang, Ling. You are so easy to predict sometimes.” I chuckled afterward adding in, “Well of course. You knew me since we were hatchlings. Remember that first day?” “Oh stop it…” She trailed playfully. I grinned and went right to dinner. However, before I could even touch my spoon. A sudden thought emerged from my mind and unknowingly I blurted it out loud without me knowing or even catching what I was saying to her.



A hesitant pause while I gulped down any nervousness that dripped from my throat. My lips parted again and spoke, “How would you like… to go on a date sometime?” “Why a date, Ling?” She asked me. Her eyes widened in surprise as if she was not expecting it at all. I blushed in response and shifted my head away glancing over to the window on my right as I pondered what else to say. “Has Natty set you up for this? That teasing dragoness… back onto her old bullying ways.” I heard Yang remarked, laughing it off as I nodded in hesitated and awkwardness while we finished dinner.

I was hesitant as I gulped down weird butterflies that were tickling against my throat. Raising myself to my feet and pushing back the chair behind me, I started heading straight out of the kitchen. Worryness, Anxiousness and fear bit against my neck as I tried to clear my mind out of it.