Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Trivial Things

It was a dreadful morning. Why did I say dreadful? Well, it was because of the dragoness never shutting up during the workweek. Every day, they always complain about work. Their daily written reports that they had to give to Ling. The patrols outside of our office. They always complain about other dragons not using their signal or cutting others. It was infuriating to hear them speak that I had decided to open my mouth. Luckily, it was not an insult towards them as most of the officers were whenever they were sick and tire of listening to the same coworker's talk and complain all the time. But hey. Hopefully, this will shut them up.

So here am I. In front of the Police office building where I am staring down through the pair of large glass doors in front of me. I took a sigh, exhaling my breath after before heading right in. A brush of gusty warm air fell onto the top of my head as I split the two doors from one another and walked inside. Through the doors, I ended up upon a hallway where a short walk away I could reach upon the main office of where we officers worked at. Oh yeah. Let me tell you about the hallway that I am in since we never explained ever what was the interior of the building itself. The hallway was short that it was only a couple of steps towards the main door up ahead. A drinking fountain was next to the door also; sadly it was 'out of order' indefinitely. I think it was because a series of officers had decided to drink from the fountain and spilled water all over the flooring where the door laid. Resulting in many slips and injuries that it was already too much.

Before reaching the door, there were two pairs of doors. Both on either side of me. The second pair, closest to the office door was the bathroom. To my left was the boys. The other side had girls. Although both too were also out of order too. From what I heard upon entering into the building, rumors about the toilets overflowing and aliens popping out of nowhere trying to grab anyone that tries to stands in front of them and pulled them in. You know… the funny part was; the aliens only dwell in the boy's bathroom never in the girls. Sometimes, I wonder why. Disregarding the thought in mind, the first pair of doors was where we at. But there was only one door. Surprisingly, am I right? Well anyway, the door was to my right actually and it leads downstairs into the basement below. Darkness is down there. No light switches or anything. To my knowledge, many of the officers hated going downstairs because of the stumpy steps that they kept on hearing whenever they are down there. For me, it was funny to hear them say that.

Wow. I just spent three paragroups talking nonsensed. Well, right into the story we go. So I walked forward. Passing by the two pairs of doors that were on either side of me and grabbed hold onto the last door in front. I pulled its knob and the door opened allowing me passageway as I exited out from the hallway and entered into the office room where Xenon was walking. We bumped into one another and papers flew everywhere. It was like Christmas came once again. Just as I was about to apologize to the old dragon. He waved it off and smiled, reassuring that it was his fault in the end and walked on by me. Left me alone in my thoughts, I shook my head and resumed walking again heading forth towards a smaller room in the office building. Then I pulled out my wallet and grabbed a silvery-white card. Taking it out from its slot, I raised my eyes towards the black check-in and out device that Natty had installed two days since our last debut. And swiped it through the slot. The device then beeps; acknowledging me that I was present in the building and allowed me to go as I exited from the room and back to my office table.

And from there was when I started hearing both girls complained in the morning. Both Natty and Yang. I cracked a smile, chuckling just as I sat down onto my chair. Parting my lips as I say just as I had rehearsed through the bathroom at dawn before. “You gals sound like hatchlings whenever you did not want to do your schoolwork when we were young." “School work?" Spoke an answered voice which I presumed was Natty at the time. Silence came afterward then came some groaning as something smack against the tabletop. “Do not remind me about that Ling," Yan shouted at me. I smiled answering back, “Why not? It had sounded as if you were angry or disappointed when forgetting those assignments that were very easy-" But a book throw in my direction had cut me off. I had to slide my chair to one side to avoid getting hit by it as I cracked a smile, chuckling to myself before returning my attention to my own table.

Making fun of Ling and Natty whenever they were complaining about their forgotten 'school' work was always a blessing for me to do. Both dragoness, when they were hatchlings, were always active and cheerful. Happy and carefree of whatever happens around them. It was always fun to watch them fight one another too. Especially at school lunches. Since the times had changed. But not their personality. They were always the most active dragoness I had met. I was glad too honestly. But back to the table that I had in front of me. There was a computer that was blank. A keyboard below it. To my left side was a set of pencils and pens. On the opposite were a paper clip and an eraser. Sometimes, I had forgotten why I had needed both of these and I oftentimes had to discard them into the trash or give them to someone else like Xenon for example. So I grabbed the two and pulled back my chair, but something had stopped me. Onto the wall, hidden away from my blind spots was a white large note. I blinked curiously as to what it was and ripped the paper from the wall.

Unfolding it, I was expecting some kind of late papers. Luckily it was not. With a breath of relief, I turned my attention to the words written and smiled faintly. This was not just any regular paper, however. It was a date and to my surprise, it was from her. Yang. I was honestly blown away by how she asked me personally and only on paper. I was about to ask her about the dating thing too at a later part of the day. With having read this, my heart started pounding against my chest. I held the note to my body before throwing it onto the table behind me and remembered what I was doing. So quickly, picking myself up from the chair a second time. I headed out from my corner and looked for Xenon who was not too far away from where I was standing.

Stopping next to him, I coughed. He turned to me in response. But I did not say anything for I was startled by a bag of cough drops that he had in his claws. As he smiled swiftly to me, I looked at him in response as an annoyance and sighed shaking my head before speaking to him. “Here." I started, without any explanation for my actions and handed him the paper clip and eraser that I had on my table. All he did was stare as I was handing him these things and left it at that. I turned around and walked away, but Xenon had to stop me to ask about something and that was when I froze. “Why are you giving me this stuff?" “I thought you like to collect them, Xenon," I responded, he nodded agreeing with me. But then frowned handing it back. “I had already too much of them." “How? I thought you never had enough." I questioned him. But all he did was shrugged at me, crackling a smile as his eyes were raised to the ceiling above us. He shrugged. I growled at him. But he was not done at all.


“What do you want now?" I asked, crossing my arms looking at him. Xenon started giggling. “We know about the note that Natty gave to you. Asking about a date." I was shocked that my mouth was hanging opened. I looked at him, my eyes were opened. “H… How did you know that?" He grinned back. Uh oh. I pondered to myself as the heat started burning behind my neck. Silence filled our ears. But I was curious and interested in wanting to know as I watched him in the moments after I had spoken, he answered. “Cause I have written it. For both of you!" “Is this a prank?" I asked him, raising an eye upward as I looked to him. That shocking curious experience that I had momentarily had turned into concern. I was not angry, however. I knew it was all for fun and games… Wait a second. Do I know? I shook my head giving confusion for Xenon as his head was tilted to one side and he said, “It is not a prank, Ling. I figure you two needed to be together. Since of course. You two were living together in one household like siblings." “That was twenty years ago," I argued. But he just laughed afterward, “Anyway. You and Yang will go on a date. Have fun." “Wait for a second," I shouted immediately after him but he fled afterward leaving me alone.

A lot of thoughts emerged upon my mind. Questions started swirling around my head as I had received a headache. I growled angrily to myself. 'Why oh why did I set myself up for this?' I asked mentally, through grounding fangs while I turned around and headed normally to my corner. But before I could, I heard Yang scream out something. I was preoccupied with my thoughts to know what she was trying to say. To my knowledge, it probably had something to do with the paper that I had received and asked Xenon about minutes later. I sighed, there was no point in dwelling in it either. I thought to myself and headed back sitting onto the chair preparing myself to do stuff as my thoughts swirled around me pondering about the date set up for this evening.