Jumping slightly in his seat, Roy opened his eyes and sat up. He felt his face and chest as he looked around himself. He was awake. Back in the plane where he had fallen asleep. Looking out the window, Roy instantly knew he was where he needed to be. Dragons dropping off multiple fae nearby confirmed to him that they made it safely to England. He was surprised to have slept through the entire 12 hours, however he'd chalk it up to the swords keeping him from waking. "Oh, seems like you're finally awake. Do all Nightmares sleep that long?" Came a voice from behind Roy. Turning, he saw the same woman from when he boarded the plane. Clearly she looked the same as then, though her hair was a bit more messy. She was standing in the aisle reaching for her bag. "...'S just a me thing. Mum said I was a regular sleeping beauty." He replied to her statement as he stood. Deciding to help, he very effortlessly grabbed both of their bags from the overhead compartment. " Thanks for that. Now I feel even shorter." She joked a bit, gratefully taking her bag from Roy. He didn't offer much in reaction to her though. He had his mind in other places, merely waving his hand in response to her as he made his way from the plane. She didn't seem all that broken up about it though. "...Be seeing you, nightmare…"
Roy made his way out of the airport and onto the streets of London. Many people liked to gaze at him as they passed by, though Roy didn't seem to care all too much. He knew that Cryptid type monsters weren't common in Europe. So he expected this to an extent. “So what is your plan now, squire?" Caliber spoke to Roy. "Hm? Well ya said our next stop is France. So we'll be goin' there. Got a plan for that since I ain't droppin' a penny on a train ticket." Roy answered with very little hesitation. He began to walk off towards the nearest phone booth before anything though. "This is a telephone, is it not? What are you going to do?" Vertigo chimed in softly as Roy entered and closed the booth. "Aye I'm callin' a mate back in the states. Figure if anyone can help me out right now it'd be him." Roy responded as he began to dial up who he needed. "Come again? You mustn't tell others of us! They could be targeted by the Sins if found to know our location." Caliber protested, which didn't seem to dissuade Roy in any way. "This ain't just anyone. It's my best mate. He's smart as they come and nice too. His blood is worth bottlin'. I want some answers about you two and I think he can get them. Can you two tell me where you came from? When did you come here? Why are you tied to this Sin of Man business,huh? Can ya tell me a straight answer to any of that?" Roy drilled the two fast about those questions. Questions left unanswered, as both blades fell silent. "Yeah, I thought not. Look I'm not trying to be a date to you both. But I'm not trying to risk my arse on this with letting someone know. Or without some more info. So just tuck in and let me do my thing." Roy uttered as he dialed for his friend. He truly wasn't upset with the swords, he just wanted some real answers. Not the vague ones given to him much earlier.
Riiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiing. Roy sat listening to the phone ring as he waited for someone to pick up. Leaning inside the phone booth, he seemed rather annoyed at the wait. "Come on, pick up ya shit… I know you're not that damn busy." He said to himself, his finger slowly tapping on the phone. The sound of someone picking up quickly made him perk up however. "Hello, this is Johnathan speaking. May I ask who is calling?" Came the voice on the other end. Clearly another male, his voice was much lighter than Roy's and noticeably more cheery as well. "Oi John, the hell took ya so long to pick up!? Ya got a bloke over there?" Roy half joked at the other man on the phone. A fit of laughter came from the other end, joined by Roy's own not far behind. "Roy! It's good to hear from you. Sadly no guys over right now, but hey maybe later. Haha, damn man how are ya? Haven't heard from you since you were in….ummm?" Johnathan began to ramble, much to Roy's enjoyment. " Was when I was in Connecticut. Ya know back during your finals?" Roy helped his friend out without so much as a second thought. "Yeah, Yeah! Connecticut. That's right. Ya know, Ink is still mad you didn't visit while you were there right? He wanted to see you." Johnathan casually stated. Rolling his eyes, Roy chuckled a bit before responding. "I wasn't even in the same area. He'll be all apples. I'll bring him something from France." An almost deafening silence followed that statement. Roy could feel Johnathan's unamused face from across the sea. " 'Right before ya start, no I'm not askin ya for money like in a year ago. Plus I'm not in France yet. Still in Britain." Roy said in a somewhat guilty tone. "Roy, what are you doing in Europe? I know drifting is your thing but all the way over there?" Johnathan grumbled through the phone. Clearly, he was not having any of Roy's antics. " What are you doing in Britain Roy? And why'd ya call? Clearly you wanted something more than to catch up, yes?" Johnathan began to speak a bit more properly than before. Roy groaned,"John, come on mate. Don't start with the voice." A soft chuckle came from the other end. "Voice? I haven't the slightest clue what you are getting at." Johnathan retorted. "The fucking prim and proper customer service soundin voice. Ya fucking bastard. " Roy snapped back. "Ah! Language Roy! That's no way for a Dream to talk." Johnathan teased. Roy huffed a bit at the sound of his nickname. "I will kick those cornrows out of your damn head. '' Roy grumbled. Another fit of laughter came from the other end of the phone. "Sorry sorry. Seriously though, what are you doing in Europe and why'd ya call? I'm not against it, but it is a bit out of your usual call schedule." Johnathan said, as things began to shift to the more important matters at hand.
"Alright, so I need your help with something. You'll like this, I know it." Roy started. "Sounds like you're giving me a business proposal. Alright let's hear it then." Johnathan replied. " 'Right, so I know you're studying World history. Specifically like the more magical side of things yeah?" Roy asked, with a quick "Mhm?" of affirmation from the other end. "Ya think you could look into the Sacred Swords and Sins of Man? I really want more information on them." Roy questioned. "The Sacred Swords and Sins of Man? I mean I could but why? Most historians don't even believe they exist. Since no one has found those things ever, and all we have are old documents from Arthurian times about them. It's basically a myth." Johnathan explained, seemingly rather confused at his friend's request. "Well I got news for ya, mate. I kinda have two of'em. Turns out I'm their wielder or whatever the hell." Roy very nonchalantly said. Silence followed that statement. Deafening silence. "Um mate? Johnathan? Ya alright?" Roy tried calling for his friend. "...Roy, are you being serious? There's no way. You'd have the biggest historical, mystical, and scientific discoveries in the past MILLENNIA in your possession. You have to be lying." Johnathan sounded absolutely beside himself. He wanted to believe his friend. His best friend. But the declaration seemed ludicrous to him. Roy left a sigh and softly whispered Vertigo's name. Sword in hand, he focused hard using her power to pinpoint Johnathan's location. "John, look out your window." Roy said gently. "Why do you want me to-" Johnathan began before being stunned to silence by the sight he saw. He was currently in their home state of Washington, and on a tree outside of his dorm window was a message plain as day forming in other worldly vines. "Believe me now?" He was shocked. To the point of soft laughing. Roy wasn't joking around.
"Oi, Oi John calm down. I know it's a lot to take in. Just hear me out." Roy tried to reach his now rather hysterical friend. Taking a few breaths, Johnathan regained his composure enough to listen. " Ya good? Alright. Ya can't tell anyone about this. Not a soul. But I do need ya to look into them for me. Maybe you can find somethin' I don't know." Roy explained very simply. "I mean, I can do that for sure, but why not ask those swords for answers? Can't you like, I don't know, talk to them or something? Or do they not have voices and stuff?" Johnathan questioned. While he had no issues helping out his monstrous friend, he didn't quite get why he needed it. "They can talk but they've got gaps in their knowledge. Ain't exactly the most reliable source of information. I'm banking you'll find somethin' they won't know." Roy answered. "What else could I find that the ancient ultra powerful swords don't know? Seems like a stretch to me man." Johnathan sounded less than convinced. To him, the whole situation seemed far too outlandish. "Come on John, please? Ya know I wouldn't call outside our schedule unless I needed it. I need this." Roy pleaded. "I swear ya won't be in any danger or nothin'. Just look into it ya know? Give it a glance and when I call again just fill me in. 'Bout as passive as ya can be." He continued. Johnathan was silent as he listened and thought. He knew if Roy was pretty much begging, the Nightmare wouldn't stop till he said yes. Sighing, Johnathan responded, "Alright fine. But you owe me ya big bunny rabbit." Roy pumped his fist in the air slightly. Information network secured! "Aye thanks, mate. Whatever ya want in return isn't nearly enough. But I'll do whatever." Roy responded happily. Johnathan couldn't help but smile hearing his best friend be so cheery. "Alright alright. Well I gotta get some rest. Wrap my head around this. You said you'll call me right?" Johnathan asked. "Aye. I don't know when but I will. Remember don't feel rushed or anything on my end. Just do your thing, yeah?" Roy leaned over the phone as he spoke, his voice becoming a great deal more gentle. The last thing he wanted was for Johnathan to overwork or overstress himself on his behalf. "I won't. You keep worrying about me and you'll lose your whole tough guy status." Johnathan chuckled. A huff came from Roy as a response. He was always gonna be the tough guy. "Heh. Alright Roy. I'll talk to you when I talk to you. Love ya, bro." Johnathan said, his voice happy but very clearly tired. "Yeah, alright. You get some sleep. Love ya too, mate." Roy responded, before gently hanging up the phone.
Exiting the phone booth, Roy instantly began walking towards the train station. "I still do not believe it was wise to speak to your friend about our dealings." Caliber protested still to Roy's actions. "You still on that,mate? Look this'll work out. Do ya both trust me?" Roy replied. "W-well of course. If we didn't, you couldn't even use us." Vertigo quickly responded. Roy approached the train station and took a diversion, heading down towards the water. Looking around, he waited in the shadows for the next train. "And I trust you both too. So just keep trustin' me, and this'll all work out. Promise my bud won't get us or himself in trouble. It'll all be apples." Roy whispered to keep attention away from his position. The two blades fell silent for the moment. They could not deny what Roy said. If they were to succeed in their journey, they had no room for doubt or mistrust. They had to trust each other. "...You are right. We mustn't doubt you. Or at the least, we should trust you as you trust us to guide you. Our bond becomes your strength after all." Caliber spoke, as Roy continued to wait for the train. "Aye, I hear ya. I'll be honest, not completely sold that I'm the monster for the job. But I'll stick with ya both through this." Roy stood up straight as he spoke, looking up towards the train tracks. It would be leaving soon. "Mhm. I can't speak for everyone. B-but I believe you're the best person to do this. Truly." Vertigo chimed in. Roy couldn't help but chuckle happily at that. Despite his own doubts, he truly did feel like the two swords cared for him. Whether that be because they need him to complete their goals or not he didn't mind. Looking up, he could see the train beginning to leave the station. Exhaling softly he whispered, "Vertigo", summoning the blade to his hand. His voice seemed to shift slightly when he did, becoming almost like a gentle spring breeze. Eyeing the train, he summoned a long vine to attach itself to the cargo hold of the train. Cutting it from the ground, Roy held the vine as he was pulled along by the train. Step one of his joy ride was complete. On to step two, Roy put Vertigo away and quickly began climbing the vine. Taking a breath, an eerie energy engulfed the area he occupied. Silence fell around the Nightmare as he climbed. Roy wasn't one to use his natural abilities as a Nightmare often but he knew on the journey going forward they would likely be very helpful. So he canceled out the noise surrounding him, and kept to the shadow of the train to avoid notice from anyone aboard. After a few labor intensive moments, he finally made it to the cargo cart and climbed inside. With another breath, he brought sound back to his surroundings and laid in a well hidden part of the cart. "Well I must say that was quite clever indeed. Seems you have a knack for very...out there ideas hm?" Caliber commented. "Caliber. Mate. Shut the hell up. " Roy grumbled as he began to relax. The train ride would bring him to Europe proper in some time, so Roy figured it best to sleep and get more training done. Before falling asleep though, he took the vine he had and wrapped it around his arm. "Oi Vertigo. Can ya tighten this when the train stops?" Roy questioned. "Um yeah. That should not be a problem." She quickly responded. "Grand. 'Night then." Taking his bag, Roy held it as he drifted off. His journey was now fully ready to take off.
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