Current Track: Blabb

and Ice – Reforged -

Cederwyn Whitefurr

August, 2019

Rights Reserved.

Sir Kathis woke the next
morning, in his bedding, then as he groggily crawled out of bed,
dressed in his simple nightclothes, the stumbled and sat down heavily
on a nearby stool and rubbed at his head.

"Good morning,"
Jessica whispered, as she chopped up something on a crude cutting
board then dumped it into the cauldron that bubbled over a low fire.

forgive me my lady, I did not realise I was so weary from my lengthy
travels!" He grunted, as he stumbled over and splashed some
water over his face from the bucket.

"Indeed, I had
worried you were taken with some virulent pox, so deep did you
sleep!" Come Jessica's quite reply, but a smile curled the edges
of her lips, unseen to the human.

Jessica added some dark
coloured meat to the cauldron, then began stirring it with an iron
ladle before sniffing it and nodding to herself, satisfied.

"Sir Knight, there's
a fresh pot of Chamomile tea on the table, if you wish of some."

Sir Kathis stumbled over
there, shaking his head and sat heavily, bracing his head in one palm
as he shook his head wearily. "This isn't like me, I should be
alert and awake and..."

Jessica come over, then
poured him some tea, placing it before him as she dug through her
meagre pantry for some salt and other herbs.

"Maybe it's just
that you feel at peace - " Jessica suggested, as she took a bowl
over to the stew and pinched some salt, dribbling it into the strew.
"From what you have told me, you have been on the road and
riving roughly for many months..."

'That must be it – Sir
Kathis muttered.

"Maybe so - "
Jessica answered simply, setting her bowl aside and continuing to
stare down at the stew as if divining some great wisdom from its
bubbling depths.

"Will you not join
me for a morning cup of tea?" Sir Kathis asked, as he rose then
walked over to her, before placing a hand lightly on her left

Jessica involuntarily
flinched beneath him before she gripped the iron ladle hard enough so
that her finger bones creaked in protest.

"My lady?" Sir
Kathis asked, as he slowly turned her to look at her.

Jessica's resolve
shattered, then she dropped the ladle into the stew, clutching him in
a crushing embrace as her self control shattered like crystal and she
started wailing inconsolably.

"I'm a freak!"
She wept bitterly, her voice choked by her sobs. "Neither human
nor animal – unwelcome by the humans who would drive me out and
kill me for what I am! I can not find solace or respite even here in
the deepest of the dark woods!"

"I - " Sir
Kathis began, as he pulled back, placing one hand on her hip, and the
other he used to gently lift her muzzle, until she was looking into
his eyes. "do not think you a beast my lady. You're beautiful,
a Noble-born, of class and distinction, despite what was done to you
and yours..."

"Forgive me Sir
Knight, but I can smell a lie a mile off - " Jessica shook her
head softly, then began to turn away.

"Forgive me
for saying so my lady, but you are sorely mistaken. Look into my
eyes, for they say the eyes are the window to the soul. I know your
kind have heightened senses that we humans lack, much to our chagrin.
Please, do this one thing for me – you will see my heart is pure,
that I speak from the heart and its words are but truth!"

into his eyes, Jessica's eyes widened and her ears flattened, as her
nostrils flared as she bent her head a little closer and smelt his

my words brave Knight, I spoke out of malice and ill-intent, I am sad
that I ..."

eyes widened even further, as she gasped and stepped back from him, a
paw flying to her muzzle as she smelt the underlying scent of his
body. She had been oblivious to the growing smell of his arousal,
until it hit her like a gauntlet clad fist to the nostrils.

Kathis, noting this change in her, blushed to the roots of his head,
before he spun about and stormed from her cottage, ashamed and
feeling horrified he had allowed himself to become sexually aroused
so easily.

he left, his masculine scent still permeating the air, Jessica turned
around and rested her forehead against the fireplace's stone mantle,
gripping the timber shelf with one paw as she panted and shuddered
helplessly, her own arousal flaring within her.


spent an hour and a half wandering near her cottage, searching for
his destrier – to no avail.

curse you, you stupid, impudent stallion!" Sir Kathis raged, as
he turned back to the cottage.

stood outside, tying her heavily patch-worked apron around her waist,
as she looked up at him.

Knight? Is there something wrong..." Gazing around, she looked
concerned. "Wherefore is your proud and noble destrier?"

stallion," Sir Kathis grunted. "Probably wandered off into
the woods somewhere, I'm sure he'll turn up again sometime or
another! My Lady, forgive my...unbecoming nature and I humbly beg
your forgiveness. I know not of what come over me!"

is...natural, Sir Kathis, I am not offended, but please, come inside
– there may be dangers lurking in the woods that neither of us are
currently prepared to face!"

she took him by the arm and led him back inside, sitting him down as
she straddled his thighs, resting her forearms over his shoulders as
she gazed into his eyes.

Lady!" He stammered.

please..." Jasmine whispered, as she lightly licked his
forehead. "Here, alone, in my cottage – there is no need for
such formality! I am not a Noble Born, you are not a brave and
virtuous knight!"

know not of what you ask... It...would not be... right!"

do.., and it is... " Jessica murmured, as she pressed her furred
lips against his fur-less ones, then began kissing him deeply and

lost his self-control, and his fumbling fingers splayed out over her
thin night gown as he groped at her furred breasts. Jessica broke
the kiss, then leaned back, her spine crackling from neck to hips, as
she sighed in longing and pleasure – feeling the firming length
strain against his garments between her thighs.

he almost stumbled over his sword belt, which he angrily kicked the
scabbard away. He grunted as he lifted her off her hooves, gripping
her under the furred thighs.

squealed in breathless pleasure and surprise, as she slid her paws
around his neck and her long, coltish legs folded over themselves
behind his back as she was held in his arms.

grunted, the scent was one almost like a rutting stag – the musk
strong and powerful, the urge undeniable and the pleasures that were
to come, Jasmine knew, would be most pleasurable.

strode purposefully across the room, nibbling and kissing at her
throat and shoved open her bedroom door, that creaked closed as she
began tearing at his nightgown with her fingers – the lustful
emotions and scent driving away her own control...


employed her magicks in new and subtle ways – for he was a virgin,
she knew that – so their first lovemaking would be a frustrating
and frenetic affair. Using only the smallest of magicks, she ensured
their lovemaking would be lengthy, pleasurable and memorable for them


never..." He grunted, as he slid his leggings down his thighs,
his desperation visible as Jasmine's eyes widened.

know..." She smiled, then licked his cheek. "Let me teach


Lying near his bedding
where he'd kicked it, Sir Kathis' sword was partially slid from its
ornate scabbard. Brilliant runes burned a bright cerulean on the
etched blade and the edge itself likewise shone with eldritch blue

If Sir Kathis had been
aware - he would have realised what this cerulean flame meant for
he'd seen it a dozen times before, The magicks of the enchanted
sword only glowed and burned like this, when it was in the close
proximity of its sworn enemy – the ones for whom it was made to

Be Continued.