Roight...Apparantly the second and first parts of this series (Humans suck.) were too slow and not descriptive enough. here is the third (but by no means last) part of it which I hope is to your liking.
All those who have played Killzone might recognise some similaritys between this story and the game, this is purely coincidental (or not, but do you care? 'cos I don't)
Insert Legal blarty here>................................................................................
this story has some pretty bad swear words in it, not all are in british
Jasper walked on-to the bridge pulling his combat vest over his head, followed by a grumbleing Darion who was rubbing sleep out of his eyes. They were both damp still after the hurried shower and Darion was wringing water out of his tail.
'What have we got?' Asked Jasper
Click turned to a console and pressed a flashing button, the picture of an angry mouse appeared.
'Captain Jasper!' It shouted in a russian accent 'You better get you and your men down to the debreifing room as soon as you get back for your next mission! Oh and the human you rescued will be operating as part of your squad from now on, no arguments. General Uri out.'
There was silence and then...
'Fuck. It's bad enough having to look at this humans face, but all day?' said Sanchez
'Those of us wuth even remotely developed minds rise ubove the frailtys of the flesh, and cope with it.' replied Alias
'Your licky you hold some vital shit in your head 'else I'd rip it right of and shove it up your...'
'Sanchez! Enough!' Said Quill
'I never gave you premission to use D.N.A bombs! So why did you use them!?' The squad was in the Debrief/brief room, alias had been led off to a room some where and Jasper was staring straight ahead being circled by the small general.
'We were entering a potentially hazardos zone sir.'
'Of course you were! it was rescue mission! But I did not give you orders to use unotherized weaponry!' The mouse glared at Jaspers impassive face and sat down at the desk infront of the squad.
'Now then, the minister of defense was on the coms to me earlier with a special mission for "Your best men, not that squad of anthros who destroy everything going in for an objective and coming out.".'
The squad winced at this, they had been dubbed the "Demolishion Dudes" by every other special forces squad in the base.
'However you are my best men...' Click cleared her throat 'And women.'
'Whats the mission sir?' asked Jasper
'Well it's classified, the only one in your squad who will know anything about it is Alias. It's on a need to know bases, and he can only tell you certain things and certain points in your mission. I have also been instructed to allow you access to the armoury, you have been authorized to take whatever you need.' General uri looked around Jasper at Sanchez who was grinning like a maniac. He sighed
'dissmissed' he said.
when the squad had gone he put his head into his hands,massaging his ears. His skink attendant came up to him with a cup of tea.
'Everything alright sir?' she asked
'No, I have just sent the "Dmolishion Dudes" on a covert mission with unlimeted access to the armoury.'
'That gunship of theirs is going to be so heavy with weapons it won't be able to take off.'
They met up with Alias in the armoury and together they walked into the hangar that was filled from wall to wall with weapon racks and ammo boxes.
Did you see Sanchez with that trolly?' asked Quill as they made their way to the special forces section. Sanchez had bounded off to the heavy weapons isle with a large hover trolly with an insane grin on his face.
'Yeah.' said Click
they stopped and looked at the weapons.
'All these suck, lets go to the new section.' said Jasper, and they followed him to the special forces section that housed all the new weapons.
'This is more like it.' he said.
They ended up leaving with a variety of shiney new weapons, Quill had picked the XF90 a rail gun in sniper form, capable of sending the titanium shells it carried through seven heavy tanks without losingvelocity. Alias had opted for the new SMG with shotgun attachment and improved shell capacity. Darion had gone for the RPF60 a grenade launcher that had a six chamber load capacity. He also chose D.N.A bombs and depleted uranium shells aswell as the standared grenades. Jasper chose the "Light Lance", an assault rifle that fired ion bursts in short blasts, fully automatic or a single beam of light that could turn solid steel into butter, he also opted for an assortment of knives and grenades, Click had opted for a J19 a small silenced machine gun with semi auto and incedeary shells. The squad decided that their new weapons would not be enough so they grabbed two trollys and filled them with more knives, grenades ammo boxes and medical kits. Aftre a moments deliberation Click ran off with another trolly and came back wearing body armour and the trolly filled to the brim with armour and shield generators. They all went to the prep room to suit up, male and female changing rooms were not used by Anthros since they had no objection to being seen by others, they were all surprised when Alias did not object and stripped off himself to put his armour on.
'Dosen't this bother you?' asked Quill when she saw this
'No. Should it?'
'Well it's just that...'
'Hey guys!' interuppted Sanchez bounding into the room with his trolly filled with Rockets, grenades, ammo boxes and, balanced on top was the Hellcannon, a gun so big it looked like it should be mounted on a tank. Around the central barrel were two tubes, one for the rockets the other for the grenades. It had a long ammo belt with blue shells in it.
'Fucking hell Ammo!' Exclaimed Darion
Sanchez just grinned and grabbed the biggest set of armour. When they had finished they still had a trolly and a halfs worth of ammo medi packs and ammo boxes.
After some jealos loks from fellow special forces soldiers they borded their gunship and took off.
'Ok Alias where we headed?' asked Click
'The other side of the planet.'
'You mean America?'
'Ok course laid in switching to auto pilot.' She followed Alias into the mess/briefing room where the rest of the squad were waiting.
'Ok Alias whats the brief?' said Jasper when they entered.
'Right...I have gathered information about a human space station called, rather cliche I must admit, "The Death Star".' the squad snorted
'Now then as you all know what the death star is, this one is tha same only not strong enough to destroy a planet and not nearly as big, However, it proves to be a huge threat to the anthros and their chances of winning this war.'
'Why can't we just blow it outta the sky?'
'Because, Sanchez, your goverment wants it captured for use against the humans.'
'Heh, anthros have only been around for three years and the humans already have a space station to wipe us all out with.' Said Quill
'I've only been an Anthro for a year.' said Jasper
'How old are you anyway?'
Alias cleared his throat. 'Our destination his the shuttle port situated in the rocky mountains. It is the only way to get to the station and it will be heavily guarded.' Noting the grins on all the Squads faces he sighed. 'Not that it will be a problem.'
'We are now approching the rockys.'
'Whats our ETA?'
'Well with avoiding sensors and things, I'd say about a day.'
'A day!?'
'It would take at least three on foot.'
'Hmmm, well just make it as quick as poss...'
the gunship was shaken by a massive explosion.
'Shit! We are under fire repeat under fire...'
The second missile slammed into the ship with an ear splitting crunch.
'Were going down! Brace for impact!'
Jasper awoke in a pine forest with Darion looking over him, concern in his eyes.
'Are you allright?' he asked
'Yeah, yeah I'm fine, whats our status?'
Well we'r all alright and all our equipment got out unscathed, Click is upset about her gunship though.'
She'll get over it.' Jasper walked over to the group salvaging stuff from the wreckage.
'Yo! Claws!' called Quill and chucked him his rifle, Jasper leaned into the one of the trollys and grabbed his ammo box, taking out the enrgy pods and fastening them in the loops on his belt, then he grabbed some harnesses and strapped them on. Then he clipped as many knives grenades and things he could think of onto the harnesses, he even took two pistols and shoved them into the holsters on his legs. The rest of the squad had done pretty much the same exept for Quill and Darion, Quill had her rifle and it's ammo witha long hunting knife and Darion had his ammo and medi kits, click had recovered her J19 and had clipped some grenades to her belt along with her ammo.
'All set?' asked jasper they answered the affirmative
'Then lets get the hell outta here.'
After leaveing the woods they had crashed in the Squad emerged on a small hill.
'Click where the hell are we?'
'Well according to my readings we are north west of our target, it'll take us three days on foot two and a half in our morphic forms but then we can't carry our gear.'
'Any other options.'
'We commandeer some transport from the humans, there is a base not far from here thats bound to be heavly guarded, but it should have some transport.' Said Alias
'How do you know this shit?' Said Sanchez
'I'm a spy. It's my job.'
'I think your just fulla bullshit.'
'Sanchez, Alias, play nice. We head for the base any questio...'
'Fuck! Humans!'
'Take cover!'
Bullets whizzed over head and thudded into the hill side. The Squad jumped behind the tor on top of the hill.
'I diddn't expect to find us so fast!'
'Allright people listen up! Space yourselvs four foot apart on different levels of this tor then on my signal open fire.'
Quill climbed to the top of the tor lowering the two legs on the barrel of her rifle, Sanchez found a hole in the bottom of the tor and pulled out his tripod that he rested the Hellcannon on Jasper, Darion, Click and Alias lined up on the lowest part of the tor between two pillars of rock that created a shape like a U.
'FIRE!' roared Jasper, and blue light erupted from the hill top, blowing holes in the slowly advancing humans, Jasper rammed his gun to burst and blasted a hole through a human. The beam of purple light announced the fireing of Quills Sniper/rail rifle, dropping humans left right and center, a blossom of green gas exploded in one rank of humans causing their flesh to melt and run, leaving only bleached skeletons, Alias picked them off one by one with his plasma shells and Click sent a stream of laser shots into one nocking him off his feet. But all these were nothing to the mayhem Sanchez caused, a deafaning roar split the air as the Hellcannon spewed blue plasma death out of the barrel.
'Prepare to die mother fuckers!' he yelled as human after human dropped with massive holes in them. Quill, ontop of the tor sighted down her scope
'I see you baby.' she said and squeezed the trigger. Three humans dropped as the titanium shell was propelled by electro magnetic forces straight through them and blew down several trees.
'Come on then you pink bastards!' yelled Click sneding another stream of shots at a human, watching in satisfaction as they hit, sending a spray of blood high into the air. She Squeed as a bullet hit her in the shoulder, but not penatrating the armour she wore.
'Thats gonna bruise.' thought Darion as he saw this sending another D.N.A bomb straight into the humans, making even more melt. alias said nothing and simply blasted more humans down each one with a fatal shot. Jasper found that he liked the burst setting more than full auto and was sending lance after lance of searing blue light into the humans scorching flesh and splitting armour.
After about five minutes of furious fighting, the humans lay dead amongst the smoking pock marked terrain.
'Fucking hell!' exclaimed Darion 'Did we do that?'
'Yes I belive we did.'
'Allright lets get going, we need to get to that shuttle port!'
They moved out leave ing only a desolate wasteland Where the hill had been, they had now enterd the Killzone.
((tell me what ya think))
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Into the Killzone
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19 years ago
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