Current Track: Blabb
The Caravan moved slowly through the rain soaked landscape. The wide, unpaved road had a fine layer of mud on it as the rain poured down. The horse and the Reptilian mount that pulled the caravan were wearing large wax cotton coats to keep the rain off. A figure sat on the driver's box and held the reigns loosely. He was wrapped in a long oiled leather traveling coat, with a wide brimmed hat to keep the rain off. The small chimney that stuck out of the roof had ragged wisps of smoke coming out of it. Arzhi sighed and suppressed a shiver, he knew what he had to do, but he had not told Cadfael. Somehow he doubted that the half celestial would be thrilled at the thought of mass genocide. "That's just something he's gonna have to deal with..." he muttered. Meanwhile, in a very different and somewhat warmer place, the Devil sat and watched the slow progress of the caravan. To describe the Devil would be an impossible task, considering he could take whatever form he wanted. At the moment however, he was in the form of a rather well dressed gentleman with black hair and a widow's peak. He had considered himself fortunate that he had warded himself against the Gods some time ago, otherwise he would have been sucked into the prison dimension along with the other demons. To say the Devil was the king of the demons would be ridiculous. He was more than aware he wasn't powerful enough to call himself king. He was the most powerful demon singularly, but if the other greater demons ganged up on him, it would be over. However, he was the first demon, and therefore had the right to "lead" the other demons. There was a problem with being the only demon around however...there was no one to lead. There was hope though, and it was in the form of the young demon on the caravan he was watching. The Devil smiled to himself, he may not be allowed to directly interfere with mortals, but one, Arzhi was no mortal, and two, he wouldn't directly be interfering, more...directing. Back in the Mortal realm, it was hard to tell if it was getting dark or not, but after nine hours of non-stop traveling, Arzhi had decided to pull over and call it a day. He was busy erecting a shelter for Tochinoki and Cadfael's mare when Cadfael stuck his head out of a window. "You need any help with that?" he asked "I'm stronger than a I look like I need help?" Arzhi said scathingly "I was just asking! You know, ever since you transformed you've been acting really oddly." Cadfael said and withdrew into the caravan. ‘If only you knew...' Arzhi thought "You ever going to tell him what you have to do?" Tochi hissed "No...I don't think he'd understand. If I can keep it hidden, then maybe this friendship can go on." Arzhi replied, patting the saurians neck "If you say so! But I have a baaaad feeling about this." Arzhi sighed and went back inside the Caravan, taking off his coat, hat and specially designed shoes. He'd had to buy them for his new feet, and they were surprisingly comfortable. "You seem very preoccupied." Cadfael said, putting a pot on the table. "I am...I'm trying to think just how we'll get these magical artifacts." "Well that's why we're headed to Culaven isn't it?" "Yeah...that's the reason..." * Later that night, Arzhi lay next to Cadfael. He was wide awake and staring at the ceiling (Arzhi, not Cadfael). "Can't sleep?" Arzhi blinked and looked to his right. Sat in one of the small chairs was a figure dressed in a smart suit. He was human for the most part, with slick black hair and a widow's peak. "You're a demon." Arzhi said "How very astute of you." The man replied "All the demons are locked up, therefore you cannot be here, therefore I'm dreaming." "Oh yes, you're dreaming all right, but I happen to be creating the dream." Arzhi sat up and looked to his left, there was no sign of Cadfael "See? I'd normally appear in person but I need to lay low, the gods are out to get me." Arzhi swung his legs off the bed and looked at the demon. "Who are you?" The man spread his arms wide and smiled "Why, The Devil of course!" He said "The who?" The Devil lowered his arms and looked a little put out. "You know, the Devil, the lord of Lies, Lucifer the fallen angel, Satan, ruler of hell, Beelzebub lord of the flies, The Evil, the stealer of souls, the corruptor of men..." "Okay! Okay! I get it! You are the ruler of the demons, you somehow managed to keep under the Gods radar, what do you want from me?" "I don't want anything from you, I just want you to succeed in your quest." "So you don't think sacrificing thousands of souls is a bad thing?" "Arzhi...yes I know your name...I am a demon, your mother is a demon, we are all demons. No matter how you look at it, we are evil. For example, do you find anything wrong with killing a thousand people and sealing their souls in a magical amulet?" "No-oo...I don't think there's anything wrong with that." "What about murdering or manipulating someone to achieve your own goals?" "I have no problem with that either. What's your point?" "My point Arzhi, is that you are every bit a demon as your mother or I. My point is, you won't have any problems with doing what you want to achieve your goals. But let me ask you one more thing...why did the Gods lock away the Demons in the first place? Do you know why Arzhi? Can you guess?" "I...I don't know..." "Fear." The Devil said, leaning forwards, is soulless eyes glittering "They fear our kind Arzhi...Keep that in mind. I suspect it'll come in use." Arzhi sat bolt upright in bed. Sunlight was streaming through the caravans small windows and there was a loud rattling sound. Arzhi got dressed and slipped on his shoes. He opened the door and saw the landscape moving slowly by. "Finally up?" Cadfael said when Arzhi clambered up next to him on the driver's box. "Gurf...What time is it?" Arzhi asked, rubbing his eyes. "Gone noon...probably about one or two. I didn't want to wake you though." "How thoughtful of how far do you reckon we are from Culaven?" "At this speed? Three days at least. On horseback, about a day and a half." "And on Tochi...even less..." Arzhi thought Later that night, Arzhi was strapping the saddle to Tochi. He strapped some supplies and slung his bow and quiver onto his back. He strapped his sword to his side and mounted up. He had left a letter on the table explaining...well...everything. He knew that Cadfael would try and stop him, but he would have to do it without Cadfael's help. He took one last look at the caravan, before Tochi set off, breaking into a trot, then a gallop, then a flat out sprint. Reptilian and Saurian mounts were capable of traveling at the speed of three horses at full gallop, for roughly three days before they needed a rest. Tochinoki was owned by a greater demon. He could run at these speeds forever. "I hope you know what you're doing!" Tochi called "Oh I do! I know very well what I'm doing! I just hope you don't have a problem with it!" "Problem?! I was bred as a war steed! Give me the word and I'll rend flesh from bone for you!" Tochi said with a hungry smile. "I think it's time we embraced our Demonhood, don't you!?" Tochinoki roared and picked up speed, his long strides eating up the ground. Arzhi wondered if this is what his mother wanted. She seemed almost pacifistic at home, yet she would never tell him what she had been doing when she went to "work". Even when she came home with blood on her claws she wouldn't tell him what was going on. But Arzhi knew now...he knew what she was really doing. Now Arzhi got his chance to show her what a good demon he could be. Out of the darkness rose a large shape, Arzhi slowed to see what it was. It turned out to be a village with a wooden palisade around it. It was probably a small coaching town where people could rest before making the final journey to the capital. Arzhi grinned and unsheathed his sword; the blade glinted in the moonlight. Meanwhile, in the Temple of Rodinos, The High priest sat in his office with the captain of the temple guard. "Are you sure my lord?" The large bear asked, shifting slightly in his crimson armour "It could just have been a nightmare." "Yes yes...I know that...but it was so vivid!" the priest said, waving his hand. He was a tall man with broad shoulders, and pale skin. His hair was white, what with him being in his late fifties. "He was a tall white demon, a snake anthropoid I think, with white scales and a purple mane...but it was his eyes! They...they were red, opaque! Like the colour of blood...he had no anything! Just red...he was in the temple...killing people, there was blood everywhere, flowing down the steps in a great river!" "Do you suppose it was a vision from the gods?" The captain asked "Most certainly...I think it was a vision of events to come..." He was interrupted by a loud banging on the door. "Enter." The high priest said A thin Cheetah anthropoid entered and knelt before the priest "High Priest Anyon! The king summons you immediately to the palace! The coaching village of Silvernest has been attacked and destroyed!" "What!?" Anyon said, sitting bolt upright in his chair "When? And how did we get notified so fast!" "The watchmen in the High Tower saw flashes coming from that direction, they said it was like lightning, but coming up from the ground! Then they said a great fire grew from the same direction, and the wind brought...brought..." "Brought what! Speak man!" The bear thundered "Ah! They said it brought the screams of the damned Captain Byrkita!" The Cheetah squeaked. Anyon got out of his chair and picked up his long robe. "Byrkita! Notify the Temple guard! I want everyone on full alert. I'm off to see the king, be ready for my return!" Anyon grabbed his ceremonial staff and headed out the door. As he descended the temple steps, his coach pulled up at the bottom of the large flight of stairs. Anyon clambered inside and sat down. "To the palace! And hurry!" A short time later, Anyon was seated in the Kings chamber, waiting for his majesty King Lorcan the third. A short time later, a tall black haired human with a large build and a black goatee, entered. He was surrounded by attendants who were trying to dress him. "Leave us!" he barked, and the attendants virtually melted away. He turned towards the high priest and bowed, before seating himself opposite the other human. "I'm hoping you've been informed of the situation." The King said. "Of course, and I already have an idea of what this threat is." "Already? That's impressive to say the least. But before that, I sent a scouting party to see what was going on. Silvernest is a days ride from here by horseback. Less if you take a saurian." "Which I'm assuming your scouts did?" "Oh yes, much faster than horses...not quite as durable but excellent for scouting missions and whatnot." "Yes yes...I know...You must listen to me though, it is important. The thing or things that attacked Silvernest...they are not human or anthropoid." Lorcan sat up and frowned "If not...then who? Who would have the audacity to attack us?" "Demons...or! if not demons, then some of their kind." "Are you suggesting that this attack was carried out by the...Demon-blessed?" "Exactly." "But Anyon, you of all people should know that they are just a myth!" "They are much more than a myth...The Everto Venator operates in this very city trying to discover them. They are experts at hiding in plain sight, and thus far we have only discovered five." "Only five? Hardly seems worth the effort." "A single Demon-blessed can kill five heavily armed men with it's bare hands. With a weapon they are even more dangerous." Lorcan looked worried. He sat back and rubbed his temple. " think that a group of these things are coming to the city? But if that's true, then they will try and gather as many supporters as possible!" "Indeed, this is my fear. I do not believe that there is a group coming to the city however." "No? Why not?" "We would have detected them ages ago. I believe there is only one. An Avatar." Lorcan looked confused for a moment, be fore getting up and going over to a book case. He ran his hand along a shelf before withdrawing a book on Demonology. "I believe this book was written by you?" the King said "Yes, during my younger days in the Everto Venator." The king flipped through the book before coming to rest on an entry "A Demonic Avatar" he read "Is a mortal that has gained the true favour of a demon. They are bestowed with enourmous power, and are virtually impossible to kill..." Lorcan stopped reading and looked at Anyon. "Yes..." Anyon said "We are in deep trouble." "What do you suggest?" Lorcan asked "Double the guard around the palace and the city. We do not know what it's goals or intentions are. Be ware of all albinos though. Avatars are usually albinos, we will have to station Inquisitors with the guards to check all people entering and leaving the city." "Very well, I will send the word." Meanwhile, Arzhi was withdrawing his sword from the corpse of the last scout. Their mounts were lined up behind Tochi, their saddles removed. It was nice to be finally building up a small force. Arzhi jumped back into Tochi's saddle and looked towards the city. He could see major activity on the walls. But, with any luck, Brian would have gotten his message and the Demon-blessed within the city would already be massing in the Temple square. He chuckled quietly to himself, he was having a great deal of fun...and this was only the first amulet. Anyon arrived back into the temple square, and was met by a large crowd. The coach pulled up to the steps, where the crowd was being held back by guards in crimson armour. Anyon got out the coach and stepped onto the torch lit courtyard. Byrkita came hurrying down the steps and ran up to Anyon. "These people...why are they here?" Anyon said, having to raise his voice above the noise of the crowd. "Someone in the palace must have been eavesdropping on your conversation! They are all here clamoring about Demons attacking and are trying to seek refuge in the temple." "No..." Anyon said and began ascending the steps "The Avatar must have sent men in to sow discord before his arrival...I will address these people in a mom...wait...Captain...what time is it?" "It must be almost the third hour of the morning, why sir?" "Oh no...Those people! Everyone should be either sleeping or in the taverns at this hour!" "Sir...does it seem awfully quiet to you?" Brykita said They both turned and looked down at the crowd. They had all turned and were looking towards the entrance of the courtyard. There was a gentle breeze that night, it began quietly at first, and then grew louder. It was the sounds of souls screaming in anguish. The only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the torches in the courtyard. Anyon suddenly felt very hot. It was like a lead weight was being pressed to his chest. There was a gentle thud, and a Saurian mount stepped into the square. It was flanked by six other saurians, three on each side. They had blood on their muzzles and claws. There was a figure seated on the back of the leading saurian. It was dressed in a long black coat with leather armour underneath. His head was bare, the mane of purple hair hanging down his neck glittered in the torchlight. He raised his head, and Anyon saw the creature from his dreams. Its face split into a horrific grin. He was holding a sword by his side; it dripped with blood, leaving a red trail on the floor. When Anyon looked at the sword he felt as if he had been punched in the gut. He could tell that the sword contained the trapped souls of those the wielder had slain. There was a whooshing noise and one of the temple guards let fly with his spear. It flew through the air, directly on target. Suddenly, a Tiger anthropoid jumped into the air and caught it. She back slipped and landed gracefully in a crouch. When she straightened, here eyes glowed a deathly green, and large black feathered wings had sprouted from her back. "Oopsie...I think you might want this back!" she aid with a smile and hurled it back through the air. It shot through the air much faster than it had done before. It struck the guard who had thrown it in the chest, and buried it's head into the marble tiles of the court yard. Anyon looked down at the dying soldier, and then back at the crowd. He realized that they had all grown a various assortment of wings, horns, teeth, tails, claws, and some, had grown in size. "GUARDS!!!" Anyon screamed "KILL THEM ALL!" Arzhi shouted. The hoard of Demon-blessed roared and charged forwards, obliterating the temple guard and charging up the steps. Anyon found himself picked bodily up, as Brykita ran for the temple, the massive wooden doors slamming behind them. "Send a messenger to the King!" Anyon ordered when he was set down "Get as many people out as you can!" Arzhi rode forwards until he reached the foot of the steps. He dismounted and began to ascend. The Demon-blessed gathered on the steps stood aside as he climbed. They had stopped the assault when the doors to the temple slammed shut, and where in the process of breaking them down or swarming over the temple front. All the activity stopped when Arzhi paused briefly. He looked at the Tigress who had caught the spear. "You, what is your name?" he said. "Cerdwin...but I'd let you call me anything you want..." she said, licking her lips. " are my second. I will require five more, your task is to see who shines above the rest in the coming fight." Arzhi said "Do you hear that!?" he said, raising his voice "Impress her, and impress me, and you will have a place by my side!" There was a huge cheer, and Arzhi broke into a run up the steps. He raised his sword high, and brought it smashing down against the temple doors. There was a noise like a gong, and a huge golden shield sprang up over the doors. Arzhi grinned and pushed against them harder. Several large Demon-blessed joined him, hammering on the shield with fists, claws, and weapons. A loud splintering sound announced the failure of the gate. A large crack appeared in the golden shield, and Arzhi withdrew his blade, only to ram it, point first into the crack. He twisted with both hands and the golden shield shattered. Inside, all of the Temple guards were lined up. They could here the sounds coming from outside. The Temple shook when the shield went down, and soon the gates were shaking with the force of the blows raining down on it. The gate seemed about to break, when all the noise stopped. The temple guards looked at each other nervously. Brykita stood at the front of his troops, a great-sword clutched in his gauntleted fist. "Do not be deceived men! The Reinforcements would not have arrived yet." He said. Suddenly, the doors shattered into man sized splinters. The guards dove to the floor to avoid getting impaled by the lethal shards. As they struggled to their feet, they saw, framed in the door way, a tall figure with his sword raised. A dark glow was slowly fading from the blade. "Die." He said The demonic hoard charged, Arzhi at the head. The Temple Guards braced for the oncoming charge. The two forces collided so hard, mortal bodies were shattered and demonic bodies buckled. But, unlike the mortals, the demons stood back up, and resumed the charge. Brykita swung his huge sword around in great double handed swings, cutting limbs from bodies. Claws gouged deep grooves in his armour, he tried to keep the tide of demons away from him, but a massive Minotaur grabbed him by the arm when he swung for it. The demon laughed and tore Brykita's arm from it's socket. The creature proceeded to beat Brykita to death with his own arm. "Thanks for the sword!" The Minotaur laughed, prizing it from Brykita's dead fingers. The Temple was filled with the sounds of carnage as guards and priests were slaughtered like animals. The white walls and floors of the temples were stained red with gore. Arzhi lead the charge through the temple, his sword slicing through flesh and masonry alike. He could feel his sword pulsing with the souls it was absorbing. Every soul that was released from a dying person was drawn into the blade. The hoard of demons spread out through the huge temple like ants, destroying and looting its treasures. Arzhi drove the remaining Temple guard before him, cutting them down as they fled. Soon, they were inside the inner sanctum. A huge ivory and gold statue of Rodinos sat on a vast marble throne. Stood at the base of the statue was Anyon. "Leave us!" Arzhi said, and the other Demon-blessed turned and left, there were still rooms to loot, and people the slaughter. " come to destroy us all." Anyon said as Arzhi approached "Not everyone, no...just everyone in this temple...that should be enough." "What are you planning? Do intend to summon a greater demon?" "No...they are all locked away." Arzhi said, stopping within striking distance of the high priest "I merely mean to release them." " require souls to do this. I see...that is the reason for this carnage." " don't see. You could never see!" Arzhi shouted "It is because of your unjust and unfair gods that my mother...are locked away! Why?! I'll tell you why! They feared us! Feared our power. They thought we were growing too strong, so they locked my family away! But I will let them out...I will let all of them out, and then balance will be restored!!" With that, Arzhi thrust his sword forwards. Anyon span to avoid the blade, which buried itself up to the hilt in the statue, the human swung his staff around and smacked Arzhi across the face with it. Arzhi recoiled away from his sword, clutching his face. There was a red mark across it, which quickly faded. "Lucky shot, priest." He said "I have your sword, leave and you might escape, stay, and you will face divine judgment!" Anyon said and grasped the hilt of Arzhi's sword. A horrendous shrieking filled the room. Anyon snatched his hand away, and found himself pinned against the statues foot by Arzhi. "T...that sword...." "Is filled with anguished souls...I know." Arzhi said with a grin "And with every passing moment, it gathers more." Arzhi grabbed Anyon by the front of his robes and hurled him through the air. Anyon crashed to the ground and felt several ribs crack. Arzhi gripped the hilt of his sword and wrenched it from the statues base. He reached into his coat and pulled out a golden ankh. He placed the Ankh on his swords blade. "We have enough...who'd have thought this temple would contain almost a thousand souls?" He said as the amulet started to glow. The sword began to vibrate violently, as souls were sucked from it, into the talisman. The blue crystal began to glow brightly. It shone, brighter and brighter, until it vanished suddenly. Arzhi picked up the amulet and looked at it. It pulsed silently in his hand, the blue gem glittering. "There are four more you know. I will find them, and pour souls into them until they are full. I will then release the demons, and I shall be reunited with my mother and mate!" "Then...I will...stop you!" Anyon shouted, and grabbed his staff. He struggled to his feet, the tip of his staff began to glow. "Go ahead and try! I will strike you down, and add your soul to my collection!" "Fine..." Anyon said and slammed his staff against the ground. A jet of golden light shot from the tip and struck Arzhi straight between the eyes. Arzhi staggered backwards clutching his face. "Behold the light of Rodinos!" Anyon boomed A black crescent suddenly split the jet of light and shot towards Anyon. The destructive spell split Anyon's staff like a twig. "Behold the light of your inevitable destruction!" Arzhi said, his face had been burnt by the holy light, but it was quickly regenerating. The doors to the hall burst open and the Cerdwin burst in. "The king's guards are here and so is the Everto Venator!" she said Arzhi growled and sheathed his sword. "This is not over!" He yelled at Anyon, before fleeing the hall. Anyon slumped to the ground clutching his broken ribs. He did not know who that demon was, but he was powerful, strangely so. Arzhi was making good his escape however; Cerdwin and the large Minotaur that had killed Brykita were now making their way to the walls of the city. Arzhi was astride Tochi, and Cerdwin was riding one of the other. The Minotaur didn't ride, he was too big. He was able to keep up surprisingly well on foot though. They had almost reached the north gate when a hail of arrows rained down on them. The Minotaur was killed almost instantly in the attack. It seemed the archers wanted to take down the larger opponent first. Arzhi looked behind him and saw familiar banners following them. The Everto Venator was after him...again. Not only that, he had a strange feeling welling up inside him. He shrugged it off and continued out of the city. He and Cerdwin fled down the road, the Everto Venator in hot pursuit. The Advantage Arzhi and his companion had, was that the Everto Venator rode on horseback, and they were soon outrunning the knights. The only problem was, they were in open plains, and there were no mountains or woods to hide in. Arzhi gripped his bow and pulled it from it's sheath on his back. It glowed and changed into a short, powerful riding bow. Arzhi turned in his saddle and fired three arrows in rapid succession. They shot towards their targets, and three knights fell, the enchanted arrows boring holes though their armour. Arzhi loosed two more arrows and two more knights fell. But there were still five knights chasing them. Arzhi gritted his teeth and grabbed five arrows at once. The bow lengthened slightly to accommodate the arrows. He strung them all at once, and let fly. The arrows arced through the air, and the five remaining knights were flung from their saddles almost simultaneously. Arzhi turned back in his saddle and the arrows he had fired rematerialized back in his quiver. "That's a neat trick!" Cerdwin called as they rode "So where to now, Oh mighty leader?!" "We can't target anymore large cities! It would be too dangerous! We'll have to attack isolated villages and temples!" "What about the other Demon-blessed back in Culaven?!" "They will be with our masters by now! Though they have had their mortal bodies destroyed, they souls will head straight to hell!" "But how can they be reunited with our masters if our masters are sealed away!?" "They will stay safe in hell until I free our brethren...until then...we ride!" * A caravan rolled into the city, where it was stopped by heavily armoured guards and a priest. The driver was apprehended when they saw his face, covered in golden tattoos not to dissimilar from the white demon that had attacked the temple. The priest began a purifying ritual, but stopped when he realized it was having no effect. "What are you?" the older man asked "My name is Cadfael. I am an avatar of the Celestials." The priest's eyes widened "You must come quickly to the temple!" he said "there has been a terrible attack upon us!" Cadfael felt his stomach drop. He began following the guards and the priest at speed through the curfew emptied streets. They arrived shortly at the Temple courtyard. What greeted Cadfael when they arrived was a sight of horror. Hundreds of figures covered in white sheets where lined up in the courtyard, priests over them, preparing them for burial. On the other side of the courtyard, a huge pyre burnt, various demonic forms were being tossed onto it. A magus was directing the smoke and odor of burning flesh straight up, so as not to desecrate the dead. Cadfael jumped down from his caravan and took off his traveling robe, revealing the white clothes he wore underneath. He was led up the steps of the temple. He looked at the huge rend in the marble terrace that led up to the ravaged doors. He recognized this destruction. He walked through the ravaged archway and into the main hall. Many people were injured; the priests and doctors were spread thinly over the sheer number of wounded. More healers seemed to be filtering in as the military scoured the city in search for anyone with medical experience. "My lord!" the priest said as they approached an elderly human with a bandaged hand, and a man in a golden breastplate and regal robes. "This man came through the gates! A blessing from the gods!" "What do you mean? Who is he?" The regal looking man said "I am Cadfael, avatar of the Celestial ones." Cadfael said A while later, after Cadfael had been introduced to the man in the Regal robes as King Lorcan the third, and the elderly man as High Priest Anyon. Cadfael knelt by Anyon, healing the Priests injured hand and ribs. "This wound was caused by touching an artifact of almost pure evil." Cadfael said "I have never actually seen an injury like this." "There is a first time for everything." Anyon said, flexing his hand has the golden glow around Cadfael's faded. "Although...never have I seen a more gifted healer. We could use your services with the wounded here." "My services are at your disposal, but tell me, please, who did this? And why so many wounded?" "The Demon-blessed residing in the city rose up and attacked us. We thought the attack was only localized here...but it seems they began to ransack the city. They were also lead by a powerful white demon...I am lucky to be alive at this moment." "Then it is as I feared..." Cadfael muttered "What? Do you know this creature?!" Anyon gasped "Possibly...I shall tell you more, but not here or now. There are to many ears, and to many wounded. My services are more pressingly required." "Of course, the seriously wounded are this way, follow me." Anyon said, getting up and heading off towards the far side of the great hall. * Arzhi and Cerdwin had stopped for the night by an abandoned border fort, after realizing they were no longer being pursued. The Fort had been abandoned long ago as the countries borders had expanded, but most of its walls were intact, which meant shelter from the elements. They decided to take turns on watch, Cerdwin volunteered to go first. She stood atop a ruined watchtower while Arzhi slept below. He rolled over in his sleep and began to dream... He was standing on a wide dark plane, with nothing but black grass stretching as far as the eye could see. There were black mountains in the distance, and a black sea miles in the opposite direction. The sky was also black, with no stars Nor moon to light it. Yet there was light, though not visible. Arzhi looked around and saw a tall, darkly robed figure standing on a black Tor, its back to Arzhi. Arzhi walked over to this Tor and called out to the figure. "Hello! You up there!" The figure stayed motionless. Arzhi began to climb the Tor, soon arriving at the top. He could see the figure clearly now. It was unusually tall and slender. It was clad in a floor length black robe with a golden vine design around the bottom. It had its hands folded across its chest, so that Arzhi could not see them. He could see the back of the figures head though. It was green and scaly, with intricate dark emerald tattoos running down its back. Disappointment....such a funny word... it said, its voice clearly male, and slightly out of synch with itself...almost like two people talking at the same time. "What? Who are you?" Arzhi asked The King of All Nights Dreaming he said "What? I've never heard of you." Arzhi said No...but I have heard of you...there is very little I do not know "Uh huh...where is this place? Am I dreaming?" In answer to your second question: No...this is not a for your first...this is the transitional plain...the place souls go before they are judged "Really?" Arzhi said, looking past the figure to where he was staring. The plain beyond the Tor was awash with figures, shimmering with different colours. The King turned and looked down at Arzhi. He was obviously a snake, but with smooth features and no visible ear holes or nostrils. He had pronounced cheek bones and glowing pupil-less purple eyes. He had a long tail under his robe which bore the same tattoos as the back of his head. Arzhi suspected that they ran down the length of his back. "Why am I here? I assume it was you that brought me?" Oh yes...I brought you have been tricked "What?..." Arzhi said, disbelief creeping into his voice Oh the Lord of Lies no see...your Mother would never do such a thing as you have done...see the red clouds Arzhi, not sure if this was a question or not, nodded They are a void...that is where souls are supposed to be...there are exactly one thousand of them...the same one thousand you have sealed away in the amulet...this is upsetting the balance between life and have been tricked into doing this "What? No I haven't! I am an Avatar! I do this for my mother!" do it for Satan...your mother is a member of a divine species that is neither Demon nor God...they are...depending on which religion you follow...the Neutral Ones...they are neither good nor evil...they control all the necessary functions of mortals gods and demons....I am such...indeed the most powerful...your Mother would never do such a thing...she would find another way... "But she was locked away with the other demons! How can she be Neutral?!" Arzhi asked, beginning to sound desperate. What he previously thought was right, was no beginning to crumble. I do not know....although I do intend to find out....I must also attempt to mend the unbalance you have caused...wake up is your watch... "Wait! Who are you really! What do you..." "...Do!" Arzhi blinked and looked around. Cerdwin was standing over him looking confused. "You were muttering in yer sleep." She said "Yeah...yes...I do that sometimes..." Arzhi said and got up. He picked up his bow and sword and climbed up the tower as Cerdwin stoked the fire and curled up beside it. It was refreshingly cool up in the tower. Arzhi could see out across the Yethbolg plain and the tiny yellow dot that was the capital city. The plain at night looked very much like the black plain he had visited in his...Dream? Vision? He didn't know which. He sat down on a crumbling wall and gazed out across the plain. What if this King person was right? What if the Devil had lied to him? The Lord of Lies...that named must have been earned somehow. Then something dawned on him. His mother had never come home with blood on her claws...and she had certainly never mentioned the Devil. Yslien had a habit of referring back to scenarios involving her and old acquaintances. Arzhi jumped to his feet, a realization had just dawned on him. If the other Neutral Ones were still free, then why had Yslien been imprisoned? Maybe it was the Devil? Maybe he had imprisoned her? "But why would Quetzalcoatl send a letter if..." Arzhi mumbled, and then stopped. What if Quetzalcoatl hadn't sent a letter? What if it was some kind of plan to get Yslien out of the way? But why? Why would anyone wish to do this? What could be gained? Arzhi sat down and took out the Amulet. It felt oddly warm and pulsed slightly. Arzhi was suddenly overcome by a wave of nausea and dropped the amulet. His head was suddenly filled with screaming and he dropped to his knees, clutching his head. He grabbed a rock and smashed it down on the amulet in desperation. The gem shattered and the screaming stopped. A small haze of red mist rose around the amulet and then was gone. Arzhi got to his feet and shook his head. He had been tricked...tricked into murdering a thousand innocent people...but why? Arzhi sat back down, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. Why? The King of All Nights Dreaming stood on the plain and watched the red mist form souls. So he destroyed the amulet...he realized it was evil...but now he must discover the purpose behind this design...and maybe to the release of Yslien as well....