Current Track: Blabb

After, the two of you lie there in the clearing.  You’re still panting with the effort, and so are they, that heavy fur still strangely soft against your back.  Curling down a bit and snuggling up against the werewolf behind, you inhale the smell of musk and sex that’s still pervading the forest around you, and try to relax.

It’s not really working.

“Second thoughts?,” the low rumble comes from behind you.  (In this universe, you’re bad at hiding it when you’re nervous.)

“No!  No, not like that,” you say.  “It’s just…”

“I’d understand,” the werewolf says, still in that whisper that drives all the right shivers up your spine.  “This moved really fast.”

“I’m never going to meet someone like you again,” you say.  It’s hard to get the thought right, not so they’ll understand.  (In this universe, you aren’t always good at expressing yourself.)

“Aww, that’s…”

“No!  I mean, what if we don’t like each other?  What if this is the only time in my whole life I get to be with a werewolf and it’s just, like, not a great personality match?”

Behind you, the heaving werewolf chest bends, and you feel hot breath tickle your ear.  From just inches away, you hear the voice.  It sounds… amused?  “Afraid that we don’t watch the same shows out here in the forest?”

“I’m not your only shot, though.  I could hook you up.  I know other furries, they’d also be super excited to meet you.”  Even as you say it, it sounds weird.  You can almost hear the werewolf blink behind you.

“Are you seriously gaming out how to be maximally nice when I dump you?  Even though we only just met?”  The furry chest is shaking with suppressed laughter.

(In this universe, that is apparently what you are doing.)


“We had a great time.  And for what it’s worth, you’re being very cute right now.”  You feel the heavy, muscular arm pull you in to a tight hug.  “That’s enough for me.  At least until morning.”

A sudden thought strikes you.  “What happens in the morning?”

“Sleep, usually.  We’re nocturnal.  You’ll see after you change.”

You hear a record scratch in your brain.  “I’m changing?

(In this universe, you can’t quite keep the alarm out of your voice.)

“You don’t have to.  I can stop it.  It’s just, you said you were a furry, so I figured…”

“So I have to decide right now?”  You think you can already feel the prickle of fur growing up your fingertips.  It might be your imagination.

“Well, in the next couple of hours I guess.”  The werewolf huffs behind you.

“Okay,” you say.  “I’ll think about it.”  The soft fur is warm against your skin.  The trees rise high all around the two of you as you lie together in the grass clearing.

In this universe, you already know your answer.