Current Track: Blabb
"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." - van Gogh

Galen L.K., a writer, a coyote, and a science nerd, in no particular order. I've been in the fandom for quite some time. More recently, I've been trying to give back a little bit, find some of my own ways to contribute to our little community, and hopefully learn some exciting new ways to express myself along the way.

You'll see a mix of SFW and NSFW content, ranging from microfiction to long-form serials. This space will be something of a curio cabinet, with a wide variety of little tidbits, but a few specific themes have a way of sneaking their way in to most of my work. One of them is gay male romance; I find myself often writing about established couples who meet the challenges of their world together as a family. I'm also fascinated by the boundaries and edges of the furry experience, and so my stories often feature transformations, transitions, emergences, and other forms of first contact between furry and nonfurry realities. Thirdly, my subject matter can get a bit dark at times, and even my comedy work can pick up a few sharp edges. I'll do my best to keep things tagged and labeled with appropriate content warnings!

Feel free to drop me a line at any of my socials below, which I'll do my best to keep current. And thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time to read my work. I hope I've used your time well.


Profile Pic by the talented OrinOxide