Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Snicker's Ice


“We are late! We need to get to that meeting spot in the cavern right now." I spoke, my scream echoed throughout the entire darkened cavern as my eyes widened in response. The other two wolves with me, turned their heads towards me and blinked. Their ears flickered in silence before yawning out with their mouths, smacking it several times and get up onto their feet. But it was Horizoki who spoke towards me with chine behind his voice, “Not to worry Hunter! With my magic, we can get there in no time." “Do not use nay magic, Horizoki!" I heard Huzizu screamed out just as his paws waved in a strange circular motion. A bright glow emerged surrounding the dark cavern and we disappeared from the face of the cavern.


Reappear upon the bridge, I stared onto Horizoki as Huzizu scowled at him. I swear, he looked like he was poised to kill him at one point. I had guessed he never liked magic all that much anyway. As I shrugged and shook my head, turned around before walking in the opposite direction while I shouted for the other wolves to follow me. Only Haziyo responded and started walking behind me. I heard some whispers behind me, I guessed it was from Huzizu and Horizoki having a conversation about something. But I would never know however. Ignoring the words spoke by Huzizu, I turned my attention towards our surroundings. In hope we knew where we were going however. “Hey! Three starting 'w'!" Hayziyo responded to me with me looking onto him in confusement. But I shook my head and continued.


By now, Horizoki and Huzizu had finished their conversation with one another. Both were walking behind us. Huzizu looked frustrated about something while Horizoki stared at his paws momentarily. All was silent between the four of us which gave me some time to enjoy it at most. Speaking of which, I never describe about our surroundings! We were in the forest. Golden leaves shuffled about as they float upon the midair winds blowing leftward towards the red grounds below us. Mushrooms were in every corner, adjacent with the cluster of trees standing about. Although the place was empty and peaceful with the winds blowing along our fur gently along, I exhaled a sigh. 'I could get used to this.' I thought in my head, a small smile emerged across my face as I stared out towards the horizon.


Yet that tranquility was shortly interrupted by someone already singing. Horrible if I may asked. As the three of us tightened our muscles, closed our eyes and flinched back, Huzizu turned his attention towards his left and noticed Haziyo already starting to sing. His voice was like a broken bird or something along of those lines. I never knew what broken birds sing like anyway. I guess it was just an analogy. Regardless, third of the way through the bridge, Haziyo started singing confidently to the point that his voice took over the silence of the entire forest. I had noticed birds flying away. Land animals leaping, running away from our sights. Even human talk were complaining too even though I could only hear whispers from them since they were far away from where we are. As I turned to Huzizu with pleading eyes inside my face, he rolled his eyes and growled to himself angrily as he backed off and playfully tug against the furcoat of Haziyo. He stopped temporarily to speak towards him “Come to get my autograph?" “What autograph? With your horrible singing, no." He responded with a huff, his eyes narrowing at him.


“Why not? The animals of the forest love my voice anyway." Haziyo spoke proudly, his snout was hanged towards the skies above. But no clouds were hanging out with the sun. I looked up towards the sky noticing the weather was clear, warm and sunny just as Huzizu grumbled angrily at him “No one likes your singing anyway. The land animals had fled, the birds flew away. Even the voices below were complaining about the voice." “That just mean everyone loves it!" “Are you delusional?" He shot back at him with surprise spread across his face, “What does the term mean?" Haziyo questioned, tilting his head towards the side as Huzizu growled at him. “Alright that is it." He muttered. A few seconds into the silences later and both me and Horizoki heard something hit against another. We stopped and turned our heads towards the source of the sounds. Already spotting that Huzizu and Haziyo already rolling down the hillside towards the level ground floor below us. I was surprise but pleased with his efforts. Although sad, I exhaled and motioned Horizoki who nodded slightly towards me. Though he frowned, we leaped towards the side of the bridge and slide down the hill towards level ground where Huzizu and Haziyo were waiting for us in turn.


“Took you guys long enough to get here." Huzizu muttered glancing at us in turn as I and Horizoki nodded in response, smiling faintly at him while Huzizu exhaled and got up onto his feet. Nudging his head towards the side, he spoke to me “Also Haziyo is in the waters somehow." “How did he get into the waters?" Horizoki questioned, a small smile emerged from his face as Huzizu shrugged and continued walking, “I do not know. Ask him instead of me." “There are no waters around the bridge, if I recall." I spurted out gazing at the two wolves in front of me as Huzizu turned to me and blinked. Then silence came between the three of us while we heard something screaming in the background which we guessed to be Haziyo. We turned our attention towards the scream. Spotting Haziyo already running across the water surface, running for his life. “What was he running from?" Horizoki asked, tilting his head to one side while neither of us said anything back towards him. We just kept watching him for a moment until he reaches the edge of the water lake. Stopped. We ran over towards the edge of the lakewaters to regroup with him. As Huzizu spoke out towards him with a smirk upon his face, “How was the water ride?" “Was great." Huzizu responded, a small chuckle escaped his rapid breathing as he huffed, closing his eyes and hanging his head. I rolled my eyes and spoke towards the other two, “Guess we got to transport him somehow." “With what?" Horizoki asked again, shifting his attention towards me while I looked around.


The edge of the waterlake did not provide much for us. Nothing we can use to transport our wolf friend. Everywhere we see was nothing. Pure emptiness it seems with only the leaves rustling upon the grounds piling up. We hear silence. Our ears flopped upon our skulls before Horizoki responded later, “ I heard something." “What?" Huzizu replied, glancing over to Horizoki who smiled brightly and spoke towards us, “It sounded like a rumble through the hard rough ground." “You mean vibrations upon the ground" I corrected him, “That too." Horizoki smiled to me nodding, I rolled my eyes and sighed but paid no attention to him while stretching out my ears and listening to the sounds of vibrations around us. “I hear it too. It came from the West." “West?" Huzizu started, turning his head over to where I was pointing to. “Its nearby." “Shall we raid it?" I questioned, “Only if I call shotgun." Horizoki responded with a smirk despite Huzizu rolled his eyes at him, he nudged his head and walked. “Come. Guess we got to plan this very quickly." I nodded while following him. Horizoki followed us too with Haziyo in tow behind us.


A short distance later and we have already spotted a road. A bronze road that cut through the fields of leafs and trees. It was rough and hard, just as Horizoki had said after all. 'Maybe he is not clumsy with his senese after all.' I thought turning my attention towards the left and raised my paw into the air motioning Horizoki and Huzizu to stepped up towards my line as they turned their heads over to the left, gazing at an far away object just emerging from the horizon. “There it is." I muttered without hesitation for a smile emerged from my face, “That is our ticket out of the woods?" Horizoki questioned again for what seems to be the third time after all, “Not really." I answered him, shaking my head. “That is our transportation for Hayizo." “But he is not unconscious…" Horizoki started, shifting his gaze towards Haziyo who was lying onto the ground, staring at us with those pleading eyes. “Not yet he will not." Trailed Huzizu with a smirk as he muttered loudly to himself. Both me and Horizoki turned to hin angrily and he shut his trap momentarily and gaze away, growling.


As our 'transporter' approached us, we gathered around amongst ourselves. Muttering and talking out our little plan for the time being before we take up our positions and poised to attack the 'transporter'. Thus moments as it had approached, neither of us make a move until Haziyo who leaped into the air with a humorous smile upon his face. Landed himself upon the top of the 'transporter' and grinned. The owner of it was shocked beyond belief that he froze there. Standing still with widened eyes staring upon the backside of the wolf. 'Idiot.' I muttered shaking my head as Horizoki and Huzizu jumped afterwards. Horizoki targeted the frozen two legged creature who was dressed all in white. He was knocked onto the ground, dirting his uniform with dust floating in midair. Meanwhile, Huzizu leaped onto the 'transporter' and signaled me. I nodded in response and jumped onto my feet. Walking calmly towards the white bar of the transporter, grabbed onto the bar and ran. The three of us fled from the sights of the two legged creature as Horizoki ran after us. We were in a good lead perhaps as we watched the creature lay upon the ground slowly disappeared from our sights.


Huzizu and I celebrated while Haizyo sticked his tongue. Feeling the harsh winds blowing against our faces while we kept our attention toward where we were going. Then leaped upon the top of our little transported with my four feet sitting upon the surface of it. We grinned in response upon the silence settled before us as we watched where the transported was taking us to. However, it was only a short while before we hit something underneath our wheels. Causing the entire thing to flipped over and tossed us a few distance away from the transporter. Hitting the ground hard with dust flying everywhere, we growled and groaned to ourselves while Haizyo jumped onto his feet and smiled happily, “Again!" He responded like a little cub ready to go on some coaster or something. After Haizyo was me and Huzizu who jumped onto our feets and shook off any shivers or fear from our fur before we gathered up amongst ourselves and waited. In the distance, we heard Horizoki screaming at us. We turned towards him and I waved him off as he responded with his own before reuniting with us afterwards.


With all four gathered, Huzizu wondered about where we should go and what was the current time. As neither of us had any watch to begin with, we frowned and shrugged afterwards before I turned my sights towards the horizon and spoke out while pointing ahead. “Guys look! There are fields of caves here!" “Guess we are close after all, huh?" Huzizu started, a small smile emerged from his face. “Alright great." Horizoku smirked, “Then lets split up and go into the caves until we find the right one." “Who made you leader?" I questioned him sternly as he reeled his head back and frowned, “You did." He muttered pointing to me. But none of us followed up as we walked together as a unit towards the fields of caves.


They ranged from small to large. The surfaces of the caves were pure darkness. But I guess that was determined anyway. As we split up to take each of the caverns, we stopped in front of us and raised our ears out from our skulls. Quietly, we listened to whomever had inhabited the caverns. And when we cannot, we just entered in. I was literally surprise when we got snakes hissing at us. Capturing our bodies and meeting our eyes in hopes of hypnotizing. Then the bears roaring causing a large vibration to rumbled through the walls of the cavern. And rocks crumbling from the ceiling above us, hitting against the upside of the bear's head who promptly fell upon the grounds with a loud tud. Afterwhich came the salamanders ambushing us by leaping onto our faces and covering our eyes. We had a 'grand' old time there since we were all screaming and knocking onto one another or against the wall. With Horizoki or Haziyo grabbing sticks that were found upon the grounds beneath us and attempting to hit our faces with it to rid the salmenders that were attached onto our faces. But since it is them, they instead hit our faces instead of the salmenders. Resulting in me and Huzizu bruised up with red thin marks settled upon our faces. They laughed. Horizoki and Haziyo frowned and whimpered; their ears resting up upon their skulls as Huzizu grabbed a stick and started chasing them with it.


After the rowdy skit, we ended up upon the forest grounds. Panting, bruised and a bit tired. I looked up onto the skies above us. Quickly noticing that the moon was hanging above us with the stars already twinkling about. I figured that the meeting was already too late. I exhaled and sat upon the grounds hanging my head while lowering my eyes. No one said anything for the quietness entered our ears and loomed over our heads. The tranquility had came back. But I was not the one to enjoy it however as I was a bit disappointed. However, I heard some walking behind me and turned to my side spotting Huzizu who already had his head resting against the bottom of my chin. I blinked at him in surprise, unaware of his soft side as Horizoki and Hayziko both barked at me. Their smiles spread across their warm faces as i reflected onto them, nodding just as Huzizu stepped back and spoke “So. What is this mission that they were talking about? Disregarding the mission at hand, by the way." “It was an invitation of somesort. We were to head to a particular cave by sunset. Seeing as the night had came, we were already too late." I started and sat down upon the grounds again, barking at this.


“Disregarding it all. The invitation had did say something about two famous realms emerging with one another. However, by the likes of it. Someone else is threatening to split the realms apart. A golden ring is our target which is worn by a former wolf of a wolf pack months ago whom, according to the invitation, disappeared years ago." “So we are to find a former wolf huh? Who used to belong to a wolf pack? How do we find such a one?" Huzizu responded, his eyes narrowing staring at me which I shrugged in response towards him, “I have no idea. This wolf could be anyone. Heck, it could be one of the wolves from that particular wolf pack." “Or someone from that wolfpack leading us astray." Muttered Horizoki as the rest of us nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Way to many variables and not enough answers." I responded, gazing my attention towards the cavern behind us. “But still, since we did not make it into the meeting spot. Should we just-" “No." Huzizu cut me off, which surprised me as I turned to him in respond. He smiled afterwards and stepped back, shaking his head. “We made it this far through the journey. Lets finish it at once." “Alright." I nodded then turned my attention towards the note again I held in my paw as everyone else gathered around me to stare at it too.


A small rectangular paper was in my paw. Words were written onto it. It was more organized than Haziyo's bedroom however. I chuckled at that analogy before settling for a cough when Haziyo and Horizoki stared my way. Ignoring them, everyone turned their attention towards the bottom of the note. But it was Huzizu who pointed it out for me. Saying, “Hey. So we are talking about the merged realm happening soon right?" I nodded to him, wondering where he was going with this. As a small grin emerged from his face, he responded to the short silence between us saying “Well. I happened to know the inhabitants of the two realms. Since of course they are famous in their respective realms for what they are doing of course. We should be able to find that wolf with the golden ring however easily with them involve into our-" “I do not think that would be necessary." We heard a foreign voice and our attention was turned to the source of that voice. Gazing down onto a trio of wolves, we were surprise that they had snuck up on us like that. “On me!" I growled, as the three wolves gathered tightly to my side. I stepped forth towards them, closing in the distance between us as our eyes fixed upon one another.


But the wolf immediately spoke to us without hesitation, “So you are the ones who receive the invitation?" “You guys are the ones who sent it?" I immediately spoke with surprise upon my voice, the wolf nodded in respond before stretching out her paw towards us and spoke, “My name is Ruaija. These are my partners: Rozini and Atrix." “Weird names." Horizoki commented. “Much like ours however…" Huzizu muttered underneath his breath rolling his eyes as he kept stare onto us. “Anyway…" Ruaija started, “Our friend had settled into the abyss realm and took up the leadership role replacing the dark dragon who was defeated at Moon." A short pause before she blurted, “She had killed our queen." “Now we are unsure of where she was lurking. But we are certain of where she will be attacking." “The merged realms, if I recall correctly." I started and Ruaija smiled brightly nodding, “Yeah that." “When do we start?" Haziyo questioned, yawning “We start upon the morning. I cannot tell all the information that we have planned already here in the opened space. Enemies lurked about." “Sure sure…" Huzizu muttered again despite the kick in the flank by me as he stared at me in silence, shutting up seconds afterwards. Within the following silence, we walked further through the fields of caves talking and holding conversations about our daily lives, the problems we would face in the future and the confrontation of their friend. Whomever she was…