Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Rear Fret


“So, dark clouds ahead." I responded before turning my attention towards my pack. They looked at me in silence before nodding their heads, getting up onto their feet and started marching forth to the direction of where that clouds were heading. I blinked in rather surprise towards them before running up to them and catching up. We marched together as one unit, like a group of soldiers marching to their deaths or war. As we walked, my ears flickered and I gaze up towards the blue peaceful skies. Exhaling a breath with the following silence, I allowed my mind to wander about the various topics that were upon my mind.


However, most of them were already shattered when Horizoki had found something a short distance from where we were. He broke rank suddenly and ran towards it with such fast speed that he had just teleported over there. A harsh fast wind blew against our faces as we felt that. Only Haziyo complained about it however. As his mouth opened towards Horizoki, he turned to him and held the box in his paws. A wide grin submerged upon his face as he spoke back towards his friend, “Look at what I found!" “It is just a box." Haziyo commented, biting his lip while his eyes looked towards his wolf friend. He raised his paw and held the box against his head. Then he started doing various other things and tricks with the box while the rest of us watched him suddenly.


In case that no one knew. The box was small. Like really small. It looked as if it were a small christmas or birthday present. My guess on the former however. I winked, although no one glanced my way. With my awkwardness finally seducing afterwards, I breathed a sigh and kept tabs upon Horizoki who now sat upon the small box for no reason at all. I guess before that, he had started saying something to us. His audience. I never paid any attention what was it however. But looking at him now, I guess it is safe to say that the 'trick' failed to make us laugh. All we just did is just stare at him monotone and statue like that we looked like we were just dead on the inside however. Horizoki growled suddenly and lowered his paws towards the rear end of his body. He grabbed onto the box that he was stuck underneath and tried to pull it off. He had tried repeatedly, but yielded the same results however. I facepalmed. Haziyo and Huzizu just stared at him.


“Guys… help a wolf pack out please." Horizoki started, a frown and a whine followed after one another while Haziyo and Huzizu turned their heads over to me and I shook my head. “Get him out I guess." “Although he perhaps deserved it however." Huzizu commented, a dread of distaste left upon his tongue as Haziyo walked up towards Horizoki and grabbed onto his rear. “Get his front." “Or at least hold him tight." Haziyo ordered, his voice was not above the scream however. Huzizu stared onto Haziyo momentarily before shaking his head in response. He muttered something underneath his breath before he started walking up towards the front side of Horizoki. With paws upon Horizoki's body. Both wolves started pulling. “Heave! Heave! Heave!..." I heard Haziyo yell as my attention was towards the two of them. As the two wolves started screaming while they were pulling, they accidently slipped off from the sides of the wolf. Thus fell upon the grounds below them with Horizoki left standing. I walked up towards the group while Haziyo and Huzizu shift their attention to me. Silence was a pause beat away from lingering over us before it was shattered by Huzizu who muttered underneath his breath as he turned away,


“How are we going to get rid of this stupid box off his rear?" “I have not gotten the foggiest idea yet." I responded to him as my eyes kept tabs upon that small box upon his butt. “Although he does not look like a wolf at all with that box on him. He looks more like a turtle." Haziyo giggled causing me and Huzizu to roll our eyes at his comment. Horizoki frowned at Haziyo suddenly but said nothing else with the silence finally lingering over us. WIth his eyes shifted from one wolf to another, the rest of us have decided to steal a clock from a nearby village town. “The only question was where is it?" Huzizu remarked with his head turning over his shoulder, looking towards the south side from where we are. A another silence fell once again before Haziyo exclaimed suddenly. With his paws clapped and jumped into the air with excitement, he spoke loudly towards us “West. About a half mile away from where we are standing." “Do you not think that we had caused enough trouble for that village at all?" I questioned him, yet he shook his head with a smile upon his face before starting to sprint off.


The rest of us were shocked. So we decided to follow him down. Questions and worry filled our minds as we ponder about the destruction we had inflicted upon that particular village in the past few stories. As I had recalled; we had robbed the village of its food source, cause a mudslide that destroy half of the huts and something else. Although I do remember that burning a hut did came from the North with Vastertown and perhaps we were forbidden there for such stupidity acts however. While I allowed my mind to wander about the things and evil deeds we had done in the past, somehow in someway we had actually reached the targeted village. “How did we do that?" I questioned out loud yet no one answered me suddenly as their attention was towards the village in front of them. “Come on." Screamed Haziyo as he motioned his paw towards the rest of us, “I bet we will find a clock somewhere here." “Just check all of the huts then." I ordered yelling after them while they sprinted off, “All the huts are…" But before I could finish that sentence, everyone was already gone.


What came afterwards was a good scream of death that filled the void of silence looming over the tranquil village. As our species' name was called out, I heard something else at the same time which perhaps I could have guessed it was the three other wolves running out from the huts. I watched them exit from the huts in such quick pace that I had thought that they were cats. The wolves started running in aimless directions. Left, right and in random directions they go in hopes of ridding the good fellow citizens that were chasing them with a broom, a stick or something in between. 'I really was not sure what kind of weapon they were wielding anymore.' I thought with a sigh and closed my eyes shaking my head while opening them again and gaze out onto the village once again. I continued watching the wolves and citizens chasing one another for a few more minutes. Then came the silence. No citizen scream. Not even the wolves' running across the rocky vibration floor below them. But at the same time, the wolves were also missing.


Ears held back against the back of my head as thoughts were running across my mind. I pondered what had became of them. Though I assured that they were fine and dandy. Retaining no injuries or scratches for that matter as the citizens of the towns were not wielding any such long range weapons. I eased up and tried my best to relax, knowing that knowledge. But I could not help but wonder if they had such weapons at all. With that thought thrown to the back of my mind, I lowered my head and pinned my eyes upon the grounds below me. Watching and staring at the small pebbles and rocks that were in front of me while I waited in the silence as the ringing echoed my ears. Then seconds afterwards, I started hearing something in the distance and my head lifted itself while my eyes shot out towards the distance in front of me. I worry if the citizens had already killed them and were after me since of course I had started hearing some footsteps already.


Worryness and thoughts filled my mind. My body had ran cold while it was arched upward like a cat somehow. Ears hanging behind my head, I stepped back while my tail hanged between my legs. I had wanted to run. Escape from the potential danger that might come for me which perhaps would end in death if I lingered about. But I second guessed myself, hoping against hope that it would be the wolves out there awaiting for me. So I remained still against the entrance of the village or town and kept my eyes up front towards the horizon before me as I continue hearing that dreadful sounds of footsteps fast approaching me.


It was then, I started spotting some feet landing upon the grounds below them. Black fur was the first to see however, then the legs. I grinned from ear to ear with the warmth soon following me afterwards as I had recalled seeing the wolves are already alive and well. I started calling out towards them, one by one by their names. “Haziyo! Horizoki! Huzizu!" I yelled, perhaps howling too. The attention of the wolves turned their heads over to me. A bright smile entered their faces before starting up towards me. For once they caught up, I sat down and flicked an ear shifting my attention towards Horizoki before asking, “Do you still have that box somehow?" “Yeah unfortunately." “And surprisingly…" Muttered Huzuzi keeping his eyes upon Horizoki's rear. Haziyo shook his head with a laugh before raising his paw towards our eyes as he spoke, “Good thing I have a solution to this. Ta Da! A glue!" “That is just a stick…" I commented, pointing out the obvious. Yet Haziyo shook his head and held it to my face, “Glue Stick." “I guess you guys could not find a clock at all huh?" I questioned the other two who confirmed my accused with a shook of their heads. I exhaled and closed my eyes. Swatting away Haziyo afterwards before opening my eyes once again, I laid back and sat onto the ground before replying “I guess we can steal some eggs then." “Where would we get such a thing?" Haziyo tilted his head, questioning me. “Here. In this village. Heard there is a farmer nearby and close from where we are."


“Where is 'nearby' and how 'close' is he towards us?" Haziyo narrowed his eyes towards me, I shrugged and pointed westward. “Over there  I guess." “You sure?" A nod. “Alright lets go then." He commented before sprinting off into that direction, Huzizu and Horizoki turned to me with confusion and concern upon their faces. But I shook my head to assure to them I was not joking at all. Without hesitation or a second to waste, we had decided to follow Haziyo westward towards the farmhouse.


Upon arrival, we had noticed how the place was smaller than what we had suspected. And towards our luck, the eggs were still laying upon the grounds scattered everywhere. “A moment of gratitude!" I heard someone whispered underneath his breath which I hope it was Haziyo or Horizoki. But the two remained quiet as their eyes were eyeing upon the white eggs before them. “Quick." I heard Huzizu commented with a mutter growl as our eyes turned to him, “Someone find a long stick." “I could paw myself you-" Haziyo grinned with a hard red brush emerging upon his cheeks which I growled at him. “Not that kind of 'long stick' idiot!" “Oh…" He replied after a few seconds of silence, I face palmed and muttered something underneath my breath before nodding my head towards the rest of them. They nodded in response towards me and break apart. They all left me by the farmhouse while I turned my attention towards the eggs of the hen.


Despite my heart beating suddenly with what we are committing, I pondered about what the roosters were going to do with us. 'If… that is if there is any.' I thought but realizing that I was just talking to myself, I shook my head to rid that thought from my mind. I kept staring down onto the farm pen for a moment, watching and studying the hens as they move about onto their lives. I yawned having grew tired of watching them and wanted to sleep or something. But hearing loud rapid footsteps coming up from behind me, I guess that was out of the question. So I turned around and gaze upon the wolves in front of me. Huzizu was holding a long stick. So was Haziyo and Horizoki. I tilted my head towards them while stepping to the side which they all stepped forward and laid their sticks into one line. It stretched the length of the farm's side as Haziyo nodded with himself. With the sticks finally laid, he lowered his head upon the ground. Spitting out what seems to be orange sticky liquid coming out from his mouth. The remaining wolves, including myself, vomited at the disgusting trait and yet wondered if Haziyo was a bird during his past time.


Yet with neither of us brining the subject at all, we watched as Haziyo grabbed upon one end of the stick and hoisted it into the air. However, it never went as planned. Remember that orange sticky liquid I mention not too long ago? Well it never worked. Cause the remaining three long sticks were hoisted up into the air. Far from our point of view and suddenly disappeared. All four of us watched as the three long sticks were gone in an instant. Then realizing that they were gone; Huzizu growled threateningly at Haziyo while Horizoki whined and howled which brought bad news for us. I tempted to silenced Horizoki with a paw shut upon his jaws. But it was already too late. The sound was already heard and in response came a farmer with a shot gun. “Run." I muttered while Huzizu and Haziyo stopped their growls and fights, running off into one direction. Haziyo ran off too and I followed behind. Making quick work on our escape Southward until we were out from the village and back upon Emerald Forest where we belong too.


“That was close…" Muttered a breathless Haziyo,


“You idiot! Why did you howl just then!" Huzizu growled at Horizoki who held his ears back and frowned. I glared at Huzizu for a moment while Haziyo just stared at them momentarily then pulled his head looking at elsewhere. “It just came naturally for him!" I argued, “You would too if something precious had been lost from your paws or jaw!" I added, the wolf in front of me turned his attention from Horizoki. We met at eye level. Yet our silence was the only one argument with one another. As we stared, our ears flickered. We started growling rather low and threateningly. However the session was stopped when Haziyo spoke out loud towards the two of us, “Anyone knows where did Horizoki went?" “That idiot was just here was he not?" Huzizu commented with a yell while his attention was turned towards Haziyo. He nodded afterwards. I sighed and shook my head, muttering something underneath my breath before nudging the two other wolves and spoke, “Split up. Find him. He is still within the forest ground. He cannot get too far off from the forest grid." “Fine." snarled Huzizu as he and Haziyo fled in different directions.


After a while, I found myself remaining upon the grounds. My head was tilted to the side before shifting attention towards elsewhere. My heart pounding in my chest while I raised my head to the skies above me, watching as the white puffy clouds moved on by. A breath escaped from my lips as my ears flicker in turn. WIth thoughts pondering about the whereabouts of Horizoki, I shook my head and got up onto my feet. But before I could turn around and head to a direction as to where I believe he was, my ears turned to the source behind me. I froze and turned my head, gazing at Huzizu and Haziyo. Both of which were stopping to breath after heavy yards of running about. “Found him?" “n… no. He is impossible to find." Haziyo admitted, a frown emerged upon his lips while I nodded back towards him, “He sure is however." I smiled in response, but turned my head back and spoke “Follow me. If he is not found South. Then I bet you he is somewhere by the large lake. Trying to remove the box just by soaking it." “Well…" Commented Huzizu, “That is smart of him. But how long will that last before-" “Not long enough however." I interrupted Huzizu and he nodded before becoming silent afterwards. We ran northward to a direction where I hoped to find him.


Did not take long for us to spot him and of course in the same spot as to where we had left him. A smile brighten upon my face while Huzizu and Haziyo stared upon Horizoki for a moment. Then shifting their attentions towards me, they said nothing. I nudged them forth towards him. They complied and walked towards the edges of the lake before dipping their toes in. Exclaiming how cold it was, they jumped out which startled Horizoki as his eyes turned towards them. I laughed, on the other paw. A grumble escaped from Huzizu as his tail swished hard from side to side. Heat and redness covered his face as his ear twitched annoyingly. Yet the two stepped into the lake again and laid back. “Alright. Looks like everyone is in. Shall I set the lake warmer this time?" Two yips and Horizoki growling threateningly and worried for me was all I needed to know for me to return to the dial at one edge of the lake. I laid my paws up towards it and grabbed onto the dail. With a tight grip upon it, I then turned the dial over a few causing the lake to become warmer for a few degrees. I kept turning it. Inch by inch and as much as I could despite Horizoki whining and complaining at me about something. Guess it might be the dail.


Thus, the dail popped from its handle. Hit me against my chin which caused me to knock back a few. I laid upon the ground, stunned while my eyes were laid upon the blue skies above me. I heard screaming, howling and something else while the three wolves immediately jumped from the lake. I heard running and lowered my eyes gazing at the familiar faces staring back onto me. “You are such an idiot." “A smartass idiot." I recorrected Huzizu who slowly smirked at me. I exhaled a breath and darted my eyes over to Horizoki, questioning him about the box. He shook his head and yip happily acknowledging that the box was already dampered and disappeared. Gone towards the bottom of the lake where perhaps it would disappear forever. Another breath escaped as I relaxed a bit, held my eyes up to the horizon skies again while the other wolves laughed suddenly. I smiled in rather surprise in response towards them while the day was hanging over noon.