Current Track: Blabb



Coulter DarckClaw

To My Brothers, those under their care, and to those who
would do them harm,

The world we live in a closer to legend than some want to admit.
The following is an account of the origins of the kind under our care, as well
as our origins. It is as historically accurate as I could gather. When the
Twelve and their kin left us, they took much of their history with them. So
much of this story has been left to myth and legend for centuries. Those whose
eyes gaze upon these pages must understand that much of this was left to
conjecture and assumptions.

Pardon inaccuracies that will likely occur and understand
that they cannot be helped. We know that much of this did occur due to the artifacts
still under our control. As well as sporadic records that were kept at the time.

Please pay attention, for it is from the past that we can
divine the future.