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When I saw the various counters on my notices page this morning I honestly cried in joy. The praise and support of each and every one of you guys drives me to feel better about myself and more confident in my work. Your honored patience, attention, and insight drives me to become a better writer and artist for myself and for all of you.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all.
Image drawn with pencil on paper and then inked and colored in Procreate for iPad. Hope you guys enjoy it! Please let me know if you have any thoughts, as my style is still quite amorphous at the moment.
And yes, the paws are blocky! Sorry! I was trained to do broader figure drawing in school so I'm still teaching myself things like hands in my free time. But don't worry, I'll get it eventually! :3
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all.
Image drawn with pencil on paper and then inked and colored in Procreate for iPad. Hope you guys enjoy it! Please let me know if you have any thoughts, as my style is still quite amorphous at the moment.
And yes, the paws are blocky! Sorry! I was trained to do broader figure drawing in school so I'm still teaching myself things like hands in my free time. But don't worry, I'll get it eventually! :3
11 years ago
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