Current Track: Blabb
Chester’s heart would have been beating out of his chest, if he still had one. The Dry Bone was running as fast as his skeleton legs could take him. He had to find a place to hide, and fast. He knew it was a bad idea to try to steal candy from the Koopalings. It just looked so good, though. Now Bowser, himself was after him, though. His legs about to collapse, Chester found a small hole in the castle wall to hide in, far too small for Bowser to get into. Chester was a genius. He had outsmarted the great Bowser. He was just about to sneak back out when the entire wall was blown up in front of him. The last thing he saw was a giant reptilian hand reaching towards him.

Chester slowly began to wake up. The last thing he remembered was being grabbed by Bowser. Looking around, he realized he was surrounded by bars. At first he thought he had to be in the dungeon, until he realized the bars were made of wood and he was laying on a soft cushion. A dungeon wouldn’t have either of those. Upon further inspection, the rest of the room looked like some kind of overgrown nursery. As weird as all of this was, however, the crinkling he heard when he stood up took the cake. Looking down, he realized the crinkling was coming from the diaper that had appeared around his waist!

Before Chester had a chance to truly process what was going on, the door to the nursery opened and in walked Bowser.

“Looks like my little thief is awake.”, the koopa chuckled. “I hope you like your new poofy underwear. They will help you fit in nicely with the other baddies I have caught trying to steal from my kids.”

Chester simply cowered in front of Bowser. Unable to make sense out of what the king meant. He expected to be in a dungeon somewhere or even worse for stealing from the koopalings. Before Chester could think too much about it, however, he was lifted from the crib by Bowser and carried out the door. Not too much further down the hallway was another door. Upon entering, Chester couldn’t believe what he saw. Three other baddies all clad in diapers and playing with toys in a large playroom.

Chester was sat down on his diapered rump by Bowser. “Welcome to your new home, baby. Have fun filling your pampers with the other drooling brats.” And with that, Bowser walked out of the room.

The other baddies in the room took this opportunity to investigate their new playmate. One was a goomba, another was a green koopa troopa, and lastly a hammer bro. All three were sporting yellowed diapers while the hammer bro’s was obviously messy. They all gurgled and babbled as they inspected Chester. Noticeably confused and uneasy, Chester shooed them away and went to a corner of the room to think.

Chester found a mat in the corner of the room and had a seat, cringing at the crinkle that emitted from his diaper. He couldn’t believe his predicament. Why was Bowser doing this? So many questions running through his mind, he failed to notice the odd scent running through the room, invading his mind. He did, however, begin to notice how much fun the other baddies were having. Maybe he could join just for a little bit.

Little did the baddies know, Bowser was watching from a secluded room via hidden cameras, laughing his shell off. His baby gas was working perfectly. In a few days, Chester would be just like the rest of the pamper packing baddies. He just needed some extra pushes.

Back in the playroom, Chester had lost track of time. He had managed to create a full track for his carts and was having a race with them. Certainly not something the other dumb baddies could have accomplished. He was feeling a great sense of pride when he noticed the door opening. In walked Bowser and a handful of troopas dressed as maids. The troopa maids scooped up the other baddies and carried them to the changing table, while Bowser made his way to Chester.

“I see my newest baby is making himself at home.”, Bowser chuckled while squishing the dry bone’s diaper with his claw. “You’re awful wet for having a name like “Dry Bone”, though.”

Chester’s eyes widened. He had noticed a warming sensation earlier, but he just assumed he had sat on a heating vent or something. Did he really wet his diaper and not notice? He was so lost in his thoughts, he was surprised when Bowser scooped him up and began carrying him to a changing table.

“Don’t look so surprised, baby bones. Using diapers is what babies do, and soon enough, you will be just like those other dumb dumbs.”, the koopa cackled, as he changed Chester into a dry diaper. “But you are coming along rather slowly compared to the others. Daddy Bowser thinks you could use a little push.”

With that, Bowser picked Chester up again and left the playroom, heading back to the nursery. Walking by a window, Chester could tell it was getting dark outside. Once in the nursery, Bower laid The dry bones down his crib and strapped his arms and legs down.

“You may not like this now, baby bones, but by morning, I doubt you mind too much.” Bowser chided.

Once Chester was strapped in, Bowser affixed a visor to the dry bones’s eyes and set up a feeder into his mouth that was connected to a milk feeding tube. Lastly, headphones were placed over where Chester’s ear sockets were located.

Once this was all complete, Bowser hit what appeared to be an on switch. Chester was bombarded with colorful images and docile music from the visor and headphones, and a sweet, milky substance started dripping into his mouth. Chester wanted to get away, but he couldn’t help but begin to feel calm and relaxed. Bowser couldn’t help but laugh as he left the room. He couldn’t wait to see Chester’s progress in the morning.

Morning came and Chester’s eyes slowly opened. He couldn’t remember anything from the night before. He did remember, however getting to play with the race karts in the playroom. He excitedly stood up and looked over the bars of his crib, his diaper sloshing as he did. He hadn’t remembered using it, but he didn’t care. He was just ready to go play.

Not long after Chester stood up, the door opened and Bowser walked in. Chester wasn’t frightened at all like he was the day before. In fact, he was excited to see the king of the koopas, a large grin forming on his face as Bowser was approached. Chester was so excited, ge began to suck excitedly on his thumb, not noticing that there was something wrong with an adult doing that.

Bowser smiled down at the dry bones. “Well it looks like my little thief is feeling better today. And look at this soaked diaper.”, Bowser said as he lifted Chester up. Chester couldn’t help but giggle behind his thumb.

Bowser quickly got to work on Chester’s soaked diaper. For the life of him, Chester couldn’t imagine why he was so scared of Bowser before. He was just like a big daddy, not some scary monster. He couldn’t explain it, but he really enjoyed the feeling of the new diaper too, and the smell of powder was soothing to him. Why did he mind this so much yesterday?

Before he could ponder the question too much, Bowser finished up and carried him out of the nursery and down the hall. This time, to a kitchen.

“Our little dumb bone is ready for his special breakfast.”, Bowser chuckled, setting Chester down into a high chair.

Chester ignored the name he was called, only being able to focus on how much he loved Bowser, for some reason. Soon, a bowl of mush and a bottle was placed in front of him. He hadn’t noticed how hungry he was until he saw the food. He messily dug into the mush with his hands, shoving it into his mouth. Once done, he picked up the bottle and began noisily suckling. He didn’t even notice the odd taste that all of it contained.

“Such a messy little eater. Almost as if you don’t remember basic motor skills.”, Bowser chided, wiping Chester’s mouth before picking him up and carrying him to the playroom.

Once in the playroom, Chester was sat down with the other babified baddies. “Have fun, dumb dumbs.”, laughed Bowser as he exited the room.

Chester wasn’t interested in what Bowser had said. He just wanted to get to his kart racers. Taking a few unsure steps, he decided crawling was the easier option. Finally making his way across the room, he began pushing his karts while making motoring noises with his mouth. This got the other baddies’ attention and they decided to go see how their new playmate was doing.

The goomba was sporting a well used, messy diaper, but Chester didn’t seem to notice like he did the day before. Something about the state of the baddie’s diaper seemed normal. Even his was getting warmer in the front, so who was he to judge someone else’s diaper? Chester offered the other baddies their own karts so they could all play together. He couldn’t believe he didn’t want to play with them yesterday. They were so much fun to hang out with.

Some amount of time passed and the baby baddies were still enjoying pushing their karts around the room making motor noises when a sharp cramp hit Chester’s tummy. Chester began to get anxious. He knew what the cramp meant, but he was having so much fun. Afterall, he wasn’t THAT big of a baby. Wait, was he really a baby at all? Has he always been like this? Chester began to question where he was at and what he was doing. Losing focus on his stomach, some small toots started escaping into his diaper. Before he was able to stop what was happening, his body raised into a squatting position and he began filling his diaper. It felt like it was never ending, but the more that came out, the more blissful his mind became. It was like all of his worries, questions, and fears were flowing into the diaper with his mess. Once the last was out, Chester lost his balance and fell onto his full diapered rump with a loud *SQUELSH*. This snapped him out of his stupor, but not knowing what else to do, he began to cry.

Hearing the crying, one of the troopa maids entered the room and scooped Chester up, placing a pacifier in the process. Chester began to instinctively suckle as he was laid on the changing table. There was still a small voice in the back of his head telling him something was wrong, but everything just felt so right.

After his change, Chester was placed back on the floor to continue playing. Throughout the rest of the day, he went through several bottles of milk and several more diaper changes until it was bedtime. Bowser, however, still wasn’t completely satisfied. Chester just hadn’t quit given in like the other baddies. Perhaps one more push.

After Bowser had put Chester into his nighttime diaper and laid him in his crib, he pulled out the visor and headphones from the night before.
“This should be the last night we need these, dumb bones.”, Bowser chuckled, as he put the visor and headphones on Chester and exited the room. Chester simply inserted his thumb into his mouth and drifted off to sleep to the pretty colors and soothing sounds.

The next morning came and Bowser entered to find that the visor and headphones had done their job. The Chester that had existed two days prior was no more. Even the Chester that existed the previous day was a faint memory. What laid in the crib in front of Bowser was a dry bone with no memory of ever being an adult.

Chester laid on his back gurgling behind his thumb, drool coating his mouth, not knowing how to form sentences if he wanted to. All he could manage was “Dada”.

Bowser picked Chester up, the dry bone’s diaper sagging from the weight of his nighttime pee and mess. “Let’s get you changed so you can go play with the other dumb dumbs. Maybe I will even get you a new playmate today.”, Bowser laughed. Chester couldn’t understand a word his new daddy was saying. He just giggled and drooled knowing he was going to have another fun day of play.