Current Track: Blabb

\n I am sorry for how long I took to get this chapter out. RL just caught up with me and it decided to screw with me. The first being that i didn't like how the chapter was progressing and the second was that it put my computer out of commission for a bit. The only good that came out of it all was I got to rewirte the chapter and I decided to try writing it in first-person. Hopefully this is alitte easier to read and when you get to a line of these (^^^^^^^^^) I have changed from one character to another. So I would appreciate comments on what you thought of this chapter and on how I can improve my writing. Now on to the story.

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\n Rolling out of bed I turned and asked Sam, "What was that." Again not a few seconds after I asked him that another explosion went off. That one sounded like it was closer to where we were. "Come on we need to figure out what is happening out there," I said to Sam. We both got up and started getting dressed. I grabbed a pair of shorts and threw them on. I didn't even think about wearing any underwear cause I figured we would be back in a little while and be able to cuddle with each other some more. I grabbed a shirt on the way out of the room.

\n Sam and I both stepped out of the room into the hallway and we noticed that we weren't the only ones that came out of their rooms to see what was going on. Sam turned to the nearest person to us. He was wearing some pajama pants and a plain t-shirt. "Hey do you know what is going on out here?" Sam asked. The guy turned to us and he said, "I don't really know what is happening cause I just woke up to the explosions and came out here just now."

\n "Well, thank you for the help then." Sam said. The look on Sam's face said it all to me. He was disappointed that this guy didn't know what was happening. To comfort him somewhat I reached out and grabbed his hand, giving him the smile that I only give him. Looking down the hallway we could see that there was all kinds of people out and not all of them were fully dressed. "Sam I think we need to go and see what is going on and to see if there is anything that we can do to help, if something is wrong with the ship." I told Sam. Sam just looked at me with this look that said I was out of my mind for suggesting that, but I was determined to go and see what was going on. So I started to walk down the hallway towards the stairs when Sam grabbed my arm and stopped me. He just looked at me with sad eyes and he said,"We will both go, but only if you are safe."

\n "I will be you shouldn't have to worry that much, I know how to take care of myself and I also have you. So I know that I am going to be alright, okay." I said to Sam. "Yea, okay but promise me that nothing will happen okay." Sam said. "I promise, know can we go and see what is happening. " I asked. Sam just shook his head yes and on our way up the stairs we went. I didn't remember the stairs being so long, it was like we have been going for awhile, but I know it was only a few minutes. Not long into our ascent up the stairs another explosion happened somewhere on the ship and we were both knocked into the wall. Sam was the first one to stand up and he reached a hand down to help me back to my feet. I just couldn't help but smile as he did that cause I knew that this god before me was all mine and no one was going to take him away from me. As soon as I was back on my feet, we were running up the stairs so we could get to the deck before another explosion happened. As we got closer to the deck we ran into another crowd of people that looked like they were trying to get outside onto the deck itself. Me and Sam stopped holding hands as we got closer to the group and then all of a sudden there was an explosion at the front of the group and it sent everybody flying straight towards us. I didn't have enough time to grab Sam's hand as I was flung into the hallway on my right from the pressure of the blast itself.

\n I dragged myself up into a sitting position a few minutes after the blast was gone and I looked around me to see nothing but carnage. The people that were in front of us were blown in every direction. It looked like no one was serverly hurt, but all the walls that were around us were blown to pieces. Apparently it was an explosion of air that hit our group and all it did was knock a lot of people unconscious. I looked around for Sam and I couldn't see him and it was starting to worry me. Getting up of the ground I went in search of Sam and I couldn't find him. I don't know where he went, but this is not funny at all. I need him by my side so I can feel safe.

\n While I was walking through all the damage and unconscious people looking for Sam I stumbled to the ground. Looking around to see what I had stumbled over, I noticed that it was a person that I stumbled over and that they had a door laying on them. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was a dead person at my feet and I was really scared now. While I was looking at the dead person a shadow came over me and I slowly looked up. Standing over me was a Mygorthian feline that was completely covered in black. I couldn't really see what its coloration was on the fur or anything the only things that I could see was that he had a gun and it was pointing at me. I knew it was a male because I had some friends that were Mygorthian and all the women had breast just like the women of earth. So anyway the only other thing that I could see was his eyes. I would never forget those eyes. They were the color of pure silver and the had red flecks in them. As he raised the gun up to his shoulder, I broke down and started to cry cause I just knew that he was going to kill me. I wouldn't see Sam again and that just hurt so much. As I was staring at him crying my eyes out for the love that I wouldn't have anymore I heard from somewhere behind someone screamed. Nooooooooo. After I heard that everything went dark.

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\n As I came to everything was dark. Lifting my arms I realized that I was in a part of a hallway that just didn't have any lights on. I got up of the ground and started walking towards the end of the hall towards were I saw a glimmer of light. As I reached the end of the hall I noticed that the whole crowd that was in front of me was spread around the whole area. The walls were all destroyed and mangled. I also noticed that my Vayne wasn't anywhere near me and I was very worried about him. Not long after entering the carnage that the blast created I noticed that there was some movement at the front of the area. I was surprised to see a Mygorthian there and the weird thing about it was that whoever they were they were standing over someone. They had their gun pointed right at them and I was hoping that they wouldn't kill them.

\n As the light above them flicked I noticed the blond hair of the person that was cowering in fear. The hair was the same lengths as Vayne's and it was the some color as his. It didn't take me long to understand that some Mygothian ass had their gun pointed at my Vayne and I was very pissed. As soon as I saw that thing lift it gun to shot Vayne I got very angry. Running towards them I screamed at the top of my lungs to try and stop the sho from happening. Nooooooo, I screamed. But I was to late, I saw the flash of the muzzle as the gun went off. In a blind rage I ran even faster towards this cat that had shot my one and only love. Vayne just fell to the floor and watching that hurt so much cause know he was dead.

\n It apparently didn't take the cat long enough to realize that I was running towards it. So it raised its gun at me and took aim as I ran towards it. I saw the flash again as it pulled the trigger and it wasn't long after that, that I felt the bullet hit me in the chest. The pain was undescribable, but I wouldn't let that stop me. Even though I could feel the blood coming out of the wound, I still ran towards the cat so I could kill it with my own hands. As I got closer I saw it take aim again and as it pulled the trigger again everything went black.
