Current Track: Blabb


\n Hey finally chapter four can be put on. I hope you like took me forever to figer out which way i should go with the story. In one of the upcomming chapters the time line will jump about five years so be ready for it!

\n _____________________________________________________________________________

\n Two days after the jump into hyperspace, Nate, Dan and Lliam received letters from the Admiral, each letter contained some info for them as well as new rank Pips, the three of them were promoted to corporal when they were accepted by command to join into Captain Rrahkarr's squad; which was a Special Forces unit, and were given training disks that would allow them to train in any two specialized fields they wanted in the holosuite on the training deck.

\n The only letter that was somewhat different was Nate's, back when they had taken tests Nate had scored exceptionally high in some psychic tests they had given where Lliam and Dan had the average score that most people got. He received an additional training disk labeled Telepath training along with a number to a Telepathic trainer that was assigned to him that he would have to call every so often.

\n They all had the basic training but now that they would be entering a Special Forces unit, they had to specialize in a few skills for there new positions. Dan decided he would become a demolitionist as well as be apart of the Heavy Infantry unit; he would learn how to use the larger and more powerful weapons to his advantage rather then use smaller firearms.

\n Nate decided to train in Light infantry; he would become better at smaller and more accurate firearms rather then use bulky weapons of Heavy Infantry, and also become the teams field Medic.

\n Lliam was always a great shot with rifles; just like his older brother, and decided to become a sharpshooter as his first choice. He has always loved watching the older power suits that people used so logically; to him of course, he wanted to be able to pilot such things. He chose Mech pilot...but since he had also chosen Sharpshooter the choice changed from a normal Mech pilot to a Light Mech pilot, he was confused at first but went along with it and then they all trained separately with most of there free time.

\n *************

\n Three days before the I.S.F. Darwin would exit hyperspace at E'zelah, Lliam, Nate and Dan got together in the coffee lounge to discuss what they had chosen to do.

\n "So I guess you two got letters as well; judging from the Corporal Pips on your collars." Lliam said when Nate and Dan came and sat next to him.

\n "Yeah we did...and I already choose what I'll be doing." Dan said.

\n "Oh and what's that?" Nate asked as he leaned back in his chair.

\n "Oh Heavy Infantry...and Demolitionist, I'm going to make big booms!" Dan said and laughed at the way he said it.

\n "You said that like a kit Dan." Nate said to him as he laughed.

\n "What did you choose Nate?" Lliam asked as he sipped a little bit of coffee.

\n "Well I choose to be Light Infantry and ah...a field medic." He said as his brother laughed.

\n "So you're going to shoot guys and heal guys huh?" Dan said, still laughing a little.

\n "Hey Dan we do need a medic you know." Rrahkarr said as he spooked them by coming out of nowhere, wearing a Special Forces jacket with E-1 one the shoulders and in large letters on the back ECHO.

\n "Afternoon Captain." Dan said as looked behind him.

\n "Afternoon to all of ya." He said and took the vacant seat.

\n "Well like I was saying, Light Infantry, Medic and..." He stopped speaking but in the other threes heads he continued "Telepath, it seems I'm really good at it too."

\n "What the hell? You're telepathic?" Dan said, surprised.

\n "I'm guessing I'm not the only one who heard that." Rrahkarr said as he looked at Lliam, Dan, and finally Nate who sat across from him.

\n "Yeah...I got an additional letter from the Admiral saying that the tests we took before we joined the military showed that I was...shall we say, gifted." Nate explained.

\n "But if you just started training how is it that, you can already speak to us in our heads?" Lliam asked.

\n "Like I said...I'm really good at it. The first few tests were actually quite easy for me, and every time I complete a test I'm to call a personal Telepathic trainer. He says if I'm really finishing these test this fast...I'd be a likely candidate for the P.T.T. (Psychic, Telekinetic and Telepathic) Corps." He told them.

\n "The P.T.T.C huh...if he said that then I'm glad registration takes a few years, you'll be a great asset to this team Nate." Rrahkarr said, surprised that this young fox could very well be a great Telepath and possible Telekinetic; considering most people who are telepaths usually are also telekinetic...not to mention they are about thirty or older.

\n "Well then compared to that, what I'm learning doesn't even make the charts." Lliam said, being dramatic.

\n "I guess I should have gone last." Nate said with a smile.

\n "So what are you training in Lliam?" Dan asked.

\n Lliam let out a sigh and smiled "I'm trainin to be a Sharpshooter and a Mech pilot...but when I choose Mech pilot it changed it to Light Mech pilot for some reason."

\n "Ah, well I figured you'd choose Sharpshooter considering how much time we would hunt like that, Mech pilot wasn't an obvious one for me. To answer why it made you a Light Mech pilot, it's so you can also put your sharpshooting skills into it." Rrahkarr told him.

\n "Oh is that so? Do you know anymore about it?" Lliam asked, intrigued by what his brother said.

\n "Yeah there is. Being a L.M.P (Light Mech Pilot) allows Sharpshooters who also pilot Mechs to be able to Sharp shoot targets while in a L.M. (Light Mech). You can take out larger and faster targets that way, and also take out air born targets like fighters, transports and even drop ships, also while in a L.M. you can move faster then in just a Mech and a hell of a lot more silent as well." Rrahkarr explained to him just a group of people entered the coffee lounge all wearing the same jacket Rrahkarr had on only with the numbers on the shoulders were different.

\n In this group were three humans; one of which looked like he was still asleep, and one of which was Neal, and two furs. They all had the same jacket labeled Echo on the back. Rrahkarr noticed them looking at the group that just came in and smiled.

\n "Well I guess I should introduce you to the rest of Squad Echo." He said as he got up. "Come on follow me."

\n They got up and followed behind him as they walked over to the bar area. Rrahkarr signaled them to hold on and snuck up behind the human whom had fallen asleep at the bar. He put his muzzle right next to his ear and started saying, very lightly. "First Lieutenant O'Brian this is your wake up call" then yelled "GET YOUR ASS UP!" at which the human jumped out of his seat and landed on the floor on his ass.

\n "Bloody hell lad...did you have to yell so loud?" He said in a Scottish accent as he got up and started rubbing his butt. "That bloody hurts man. Well I'm up now, hey JJ can you pour me a bit coffee." He said then looked at Rrahkarr with an angry look.

\n "I swear I need to look around the room when I get up to make sure you're not in here." He said as he poked Rrahkarr in the middle of his chest.

\n "Sorry...I just needed you up so I could introduce to you the three new members of our team."

\n "Oh great FNGs what a blast this will be." He said as Rrahkarr motioned for them to come over.

\n "Hmm I recognize all but two of em." He said.

\n "You bloody idiot there's only three of them." The other human said to him in a loose British accent.

\n "Oh aye I know, but like I said I only recognize the little white one. It's the Captains little brother William." He said and laughed, then continued in a normal voice; dropping the Scottish one "Nice to meet you three I'm First Lieutenant James O'Brian.

\n "O'Brian I swear you could fool a real Scotsman." Neal said and laughed with him.

\n "I'm Corporal Nathaniel Barker." He said and was about to salute but was stopped.

\n "We don't salute in Echo unit, or Squad Echo or whatever you want to call it." James told him.

\n "Ok then...what would you like us to call you?" Nate asked.

\n "Just call us by our first names, it's what we all do." He told them.

\n "Well in that case call me Nate." Nate said as the others nodded.

\n "That was a great impression James, I'm Corporal Daniel Barker call me Dan." Dan told him.

\n "Thanks. Will do." He said.

\n "Well it seems you already know me, but I'm Corporal William Sutarra please call me Lliam." Lliam said, and once they all said there names everyone else said hello and introduced themselves.

\n First Lieutenant James M. O'Brian, Rrahkarr's right wingman is a human at the age of twenty seven that stands at six foot even, has red hair and brown eyes and a dark tan skin color. He has a lean muscular build and is an expert with guns and melee weapons; he is also a field engineer capable of repairing more then just basic systems and vehicles. James has a snappy attitude and is quite a trickster but is very serious when in a tight situation. On his jacket there is an E-2 on the shoulder.

\n Second Lieutenant Albert T. Winston, Rrahkarr's left wingman is a Siberian tiger with nearly white on white stripes, has platinum colored hair but is so short it looks like he doesn't even have hair, and blue eyes. Twenty nine years old, six foot ten inch's tall with a highly buff, muscular build. He's the jack of all trades sort when it comes to piloting vehicles. He doesn't talk much but when he does, the others in the team always listen to what he has to say; he is always correct in his opinions and guesses about what to do in a tight situation. He has an E-3 on his jacket shoulder.

\n Chief Warrant Officer 4 Tina C. La Fey is a Lioness with shiny golden fur, blond medium length hair; usually tied in a pony tail, and crystal blue eyes. She is twenty six years old and has a lean athletic build. She is the team's communications expert; she hacks into enemy communication networks and downloads data on to her portable computer to display enemy positions and movements. She is playful and energetic, people think she's too talkative but when it comes down to it...she's the most silent of the whole team. E-4 is labeled on her jackets shoulder.

\n Chief Warrant Officer 2 Chris T. Wolff is a twenty eight year old human who has mastered the ancient art of warfare as well as ancient weapons; swords, axes, spears, old solid round guns, and the like. He is also the team's expert Mech suit pilot; or mech pilot, and has even installed a sword to fight with on his mech along with his guns and missiles that are attached to it. He is Five foot nine inch's tall and has a light skin color, has platinum colored hair and green eyes. He has a lean build and is very athletic. His personality is similar to Albert's but he talks a little bit more, he and Albert have been friends since the first grade and will always back him up. He has E-5 labeled on his jackets shoulder.

\n Once the introductions had been made Neal; who had E-6 on his shoulder, handed Lliam, Nate and Dan jackets similar to there's only with small differences.

\n Lliam's jacket had E-7 on it, Dan's had E-8 and Nate's had E-9 on it. The numbers didn't have anything to do with rank otherwise they would have all been E-7, the numbers only dealt with there codenames. They were now part of Echo, and the only part of there codenames that would be shared would be Echo and that's where the numbers came in. Lliam's codename was now Echo Seven, Dan's was Echo Eight and Nate's, Echo Nine.

\n "Hang on a sec...Neal I didn't know that you were apart of this team." Nate said.

\n "I didn't tell you...hmm I yeah I remember now I didn't get to tell you because Lliam decided to play that song on the piano that night." Neal said and laughed.

\n "Hmm did you just say that Lliam played that song that we all heard over the PA speakers?" Tina asked.

\n "Yeah, William here is the composer of that song." He said as Lliam laid his ears back, a blush clearly evident through his fur.

\n "That song was beautiful...who's it for?" Tina asked.

\n "'s not really for was a lullaby my mom sung to me when I was little. I just turned it into a piano piece." Lliam told her.

\n "A lullaby huh?" Chris said.

\n "Well I think it's beautiful just like you and your gorgeous fur!" Tina said and started petting Lliam who had a troubled look on his face as the lioness started petting him nearly everywhere.

\n "Easy Tina! You're freakin him out." Chris said and laughed.

\n "Sorry, I guess I got carried away." She said to Lliam then stuck out her tongue at Chris who got up and tried to grab it before she pulled it back in but was unsuccessful.

\n "One of these days, you know I'm going to grab that tongue of yours. Then what are you goin to do?" Chris said as he sat back down.

\n "Who knows?" She said and shrugged.

\n "Hey you think you could show Lliam here a few pointers on mech piloting?" Rrahkarr asked.

\n "Yeah I could, but why?" He said as he leaned back against the bar.

\n "Well one, he's going to become a L.M.P and two you can help him by your choice or I could pull rank and make you." Rrahkarr said with a grin.

\n "Hmm point taken...yeah I'll show a few." He said then got up "Yo Lliam follow me to the hanger bay. I want to get you familiar with the basic mech controls that normal mech's and L.M's share."

\n "Ok thanks!" Lliam said and hurried after him.

\n ***************

\n The day that the I.S.F. Darwin would arrive at E'zelah, everyone was tense; not knowing what to expect once they dropped out of hyperspace. Admiral Keeton had all active duty officers and flight squadrons on standby and on level four alert, shields on standby as well as weapon systems in case the enemy had fleet ships in orbit.

\n Echo was in the hanger bay awaiting orders for launch. Rrahkarr, James, and Albert would be providing escort in there Z-34 experimental fighters (Codenamed the Hellions) for a few of the drop ships that would launch as soon as the Darwin dropped from hyperspace. Lliam, Nate, Dan, and Neal were on one drop ship with another four people while Tina and Chris and a few other people were on another.

\n Each person had on a power suit that would not only enhance there natural abilities, but would also serve as protection from solid round and energy round weapons. The suits were also very flexible and would not hamper their movements, would stop them from bleeding out, and would also blend in with the environment around them. They each had large knives in the front and machetes on the back along with holsters for there weapons.

\n In drop ship number two, Lliam was a little nervous; that he admitted. This would be his first real engagement against the I.F.H.W. forces, all of which were highly trained and deadly accurate; unlike the Humanitists forces that had captured the civilian ship a while back.

\n "Attention all personnel, this is Admiral Keeton. We're about to exit hyperspace in two minuets. All hands prepare for battle." The Admiral said over the ships PA system and Comm system.

\n Lliam took a deep breath after hearing the announcement. He looked at his hands and saw that they were shaking.

\n "Hey Lliam take it easy. Don't worry I won't let you get hurt." Neal said after looking at Lliam "Rrahkarr would hang me by my toes if anything happened to you."

\n "Yeah...he probably would." Lliam said with a chuckle as he sighed "This is my first real engagement Neal. I'm...I'm kinda scared."

\n "I was too my first time. But I'm still here and that was five years ago when I was twenty two." He said to him.

\n "I guess your right." Lliam said then put his head back against the head rest of the seat he was in.

\n Everyone felt the ship exit hyperspace and after what seemed like an eternity, the ship was hit by a phase attack from an enemy ship. Just as the ship got hit fighters launched to attack the enemy and some to escort drop ships as they launched and headed for the surface.

\n SSM's (Ship to ship missiles) were fired at the Darwin but destroyed as they hit the Darwin's shields. The Darwin returned fire from its Phase cannons and its own SSM's as it tried to minimize fire that was directed at the drop ships that were heading towards the surface of the planet.

\n The drop ships had just got through the first part of the planets atmosphere when they started receiving fire from the surface. Several drop ships were destroyed as they made there way down; there shields did nothing to stop the stronger long range AAPC (Anti-Air Phase Cannon) fire.

\n While the ship was being fired at Neal started howling at the world below as the ship managed to evade the AAPC fire. Nate and Dan thought he had gone crazy but he then just laughed at there looks.

\n "This kinda stuff gets the adrenalin flowin!" he yelled then continued to howl.

\n "Your nuts you know that!" One of the other solders in the ship yelled at him.

\n "Who cares?!" Neal answered him and laughed again.

\n Lliam paid little attention to what they said; he was just concentrating on holding onto his seat.

\n Once they got to close the enemy started using AAP (Anti-Air Phase) guns and even SAM's, another few drop ships were destroyed when they got hit but the others continued; not expecting this amount of resistance.

\n Inside drop ship number two; that was still intact, everyone was holding fast onto there seats. Nate had brought out an old Celtic cross that was previously hidden around his neck and started praying as the others closed there eyes and prayed as well. The turbulence stopped and they thought they had made it to the landing point but suddenly this ship shook as it started moving in unnatural ways.

\n Their drop ship had been hit by a SAM but luckily it hadn't been a direct hit, but it was going down. The pilots tried to get the controls to respond but the entire control panel was dead. It seems the I.F.H.W. had changed the missiles from just high explosive warheads to E.M.P. warheads laced with high explosive. If the explosion didn't destroy the ship, it would be rendered inoperable and would crash.

\n "SHIT!" The main pilot cursed.

\n "Where going down, hold on to something." The Co-pilot yelled back to everyone.

\n The ship hit hard when it made contact with the dense jungle, it slid and bounced a couple times along the way, but finally came to a halt as it slid onto the beginning of an open field.

\n **********

\n Back in the sky Rrahkarr had just taken out a couple of fighters before orders came in to disable enemy ships that were attacking the Darwin.

\n "Roger that Darwin, were on our way." Rrahkarr said as Albert, James, and himself headed back into space.

\n "Darwin this is Echo two please specify which target you want destroyed." James said when three enemy ships appeared on there IFF's.

\n "Roger that Echo, sending coordinates now." The person on the bridge of the Darwin said, and a moment later the destroyer class ship that was preparing to fire on the Darwin was targeted on their HUD.

\n "Thanks Darwin, Echo preparing for attack!" Rrahkarr said as they went in on an attack approach.

\n SSM's were launched at them but they evaded them and continued until fierce fire started coming from there short range AAPC's.

\n "Crap...Echo One I've been hit, pulling out." James said as he pulled out of the incoming fire.

\n "Roger that Echo Two, Echo Three, form up behind me and follow my approach vector." Rrahkarr said as Albert formed up with him.

\n Albert was just as good as Rrahkarr and managed to follow him right up to the enemy ship. They then started taking out the starboard side SSM launchers and AAPC's; reducing the fire that was directed at the Darwin.

\n "Echo Three, we need to do more damage. We need to locate the enemies shield generator." Rrahkarr said as a few enemy fighters came up from behind them.

\n "Echo One, we have bogeys at our six." Albert said.

\n "Roger that I see them, split" Rrahkarr said as they both split off in different directions.

\n They out easily outmaneuvered the enemy fighters and took them out before Albert located the shield generator. He then launched a few torpedoes at it; destroying it and damaging the ship at the same time.

\n "Echo One this is Echo Three, shield generator destroyed. Accruing new target"

\n "Roger Echo Three, I'm going to go for the engines, you go for the bridge." Rrahkarr ordered him as they did a pincer attack on the ship. Albert took out the bridge in one shot while Rrahkarr destroyed the engines; casing a catastrophic power overload that destroyed the aft end of the ship.

\n "Damn! Good thing we got clear of that." Rrahkarr said.

\n "Echo One come in this is Echo Two."

\n "Echo One here what's the problem Echo Two?"

\n "Sir...the drop ship that had most of Echo Squad in it was shot down, but the Darwin in picking up life signs inside the ship."

\n ************

\n Lliam opened his eyes and noticed two dead solders next to him. They were from the other team he noticed and when he tried to move he couldn't. He was still strapped in but that wasn't what was stopping him. A piece of the ship was sticking through his right arm; stopping him from moving it.

\n He noticed he couldn't feel the pain and that's when he noticed the device strapped to his shoulder. It was a pain blocker and it was set at maximum power. Just then someone put there hand on his other shoulder, getting his attention.

\n "You're up? Good, I needed you up before we did this." Nate said as he went back to the open door of the drop ship "Hey he's up, can I get some help here?"

\n Neal, Dan, and two more people who were from the other unit all came in. Nate and Dan using there weight held down Lliam as Neal and the other two grabbed onto the piece of metal that was in Lliam's arm and on the count of three started pulling it out.

\n Even with the pain blocker, Lliam could still feel a lot of what was going on and screamed in pain as the chunk of metal was pulled out of his arm. He grinded his teeth as they pulled and let out one more scream as the piece of metal slid free of his arm.

\n Nate was right on him the second it came out with a small device that he placed over the wound. It first sprayed some sort of disinfectant into his wound then started closing and healing it as well as reattaching the nerves and other damage in his arm. When the wound was as closed as it would get a gel like substance was placed over that part of his arm that acted like a second layer of skin.

\n "I bet you're happy I decided to become a field medic huh?" Nate said as he removed the device.

\n "I never complained in the first place." Lliam said; his voice a little shaky.

\n He then moved his arm and started to slowly flex it and make a fist with his hand. Satisfied he then undid the straps that still held him to the seat and slowly got up.

\n "I guess we're the only survivors?" Lliam asked.

\n "Yeah those two are dead and so are the pilots." Neal said then looked at the other two who were from the other team, one a coyote the other a human. "State your rank, name, and unit."

\n "I'm Lance Corporal Tommy Dar, of Bravo Team." The coyote said.

\n "Lance Corporal Vincent Fox, Bravo team" The human said.

\n "Ok you two, you're going to be joining with Echo Squad for this mission or until we reach the original LZ." Neal said to them as they nodded.

\n Lance Corporal Tommy V. Dar is a Coyote that stands at Five foot four inch's with gray fur and short light brown hair, and Hazel eyes and a more athletic build; he's also twenty three years old. He is a Computer Specialist (Hacker) and is Light Infantry.

\n Lance Corporal Vincent L. Fox is a twenty five year old human that stands at Five foot eleven inch's tall, has dark orange hair and blue eyes and has a lean muscular build. He's a demolitionist, and is in the Heavy Infantry unit. He is also a strategist and has used them before to get out of sticky situations.

\n "Since I'm the highest ranking person here I'm taking over command until we get to the LZ is that under stood!" Neal ordered.

\n "Yes Sir!" Everyone said.

\n "Good, Nate can Lliam move?" Neal asked.

\n "Yes Sergeant he can, that gel I put on his arm will act like another layer of skin and allow him to do everything normally." Nate replied.

\n "Good, now lets see where we are." Neal said as they all started to leave the ship.

\n Lliam was the last one out and what greeted him was a wide open field surrounded by a dense, overflowing jungle; what a spot to be in during a war. Just then a few more drop ships flew overhead to the west of there location.

\n "Hmm it seems like that's the way we need to go sir." Tommy said.

\n "Yeah you're right, let me try to get a hold of the Darwin." Neal said as he went back into the ship for a few seconds before returning with a portable comm device "Lets see if this things still works."

\n He fumbled around with it but it didn't work, the E.M.P from that SAM shorted it out as well. He sighed then looked back over to them.

\n "It's dead. I guess we follow the ships." Neal said then stood up and started off in the direction the drop ships were headed "Come on, lets go!" He ordered.

\n They all pulled out there machetes and started to cut thought the dense jungle foliage. It was about thirty minuets later they heard sounds of one of the enemies' long range AAPC's going off and a trail that made its way through the jungle towards it.

\n "Hmm who wants a little payback on what gave us a hard a ride down here?" Neal asked as everyone got an evil grin on their faces.

\n "Not just for the ride down but payback on our fallen comrades!" Vincent said.

\n "That suits me just fine." Neal said as they all silently headed towards the AAPC.

\n **********

\n Back on the Darwin, Rrahkarr and Albert had just landed after helping take out the other to ships that tried to escape. Rrahkarr just got out of his fighter when James ran up to him.

\n "Sir, the Darwin's computers analyzed the life signs from the drop ship that crashed and concluded that the only ones who died were the pilots and two members of Bravo Team." James told him.

\n Rrahkarr got a relieved look on his face and let out a sigh before he asked "Can you get in contact with them?"

\n "No sir, there comms are dead."

\n "Do you know where there are?"

\n "Yes, they were heading towards the LZ but started heading towards one of the ground based AAPC's that was close to them." He said as Rrahkarr started to head off.

\n "Thanks James, get Albert ready were about to go down as well." He said as he headed towards the bridge to get clearance to go down.

\n **********

\n Echo was heading towards the AAPC; following along the sides of a trail they found, it was nighttime when they came upon a small outpost that was at the base of the AAPC.

\n "I count...six enemies." Vincent said.

\n "Yeah and I bet there are more inside that building." Dan said.

\n "Who bets that their not expecting an attack?" Neal said as he looked at the guards.

\n Lliam was thinking of a way to distract the enemy and destroy the AAPC at the same time when an idea hit him "Hey Dan, you're training to be a demolitionist right? Do you have any bombs with you?" Lliam asked

\n "Unfortunately no." He answered then looked down a little depressed that he didn't have any.

\n "I'm a demolitionist and I have a few, what's your plan?" Vincent asked.

\n "Yes do tell." Neal said as he made sure there wasn't an enemy coming.

\n "Well we're not sure how many enemies are here right. I was thinking that we cause a distraction to get the guards that are out here to move away from the tower then plant some bombs on that building and the AAPC tower." Lliam said to them.

\n Neal thought for a second before he said "Not bad...we should use a couple people to distract them then the rest of us besides Dan and Vincent, need to be ready to fire on them once you two" then stopped as he pointed at Dan and Vincent before continuing "Blow this place to hell."

\n Tommy and Nate decided to be the distraction and Neal and Lliam would be the lookouts while Dan and Vincent would place the bombs. Tommy and Nate started to yell out towards the enemy while behind cover; changing where they yelled from every so often.

\n The guards that were outside quickly responded to this and left their stations, allowing Dan and Vincent to sneak in and place the bombs on key locations that would bring the buildings down. They even noticed an enemy power substation and decided to plant bombs on that too, by the time they ran out of bombs, the main building, the AAPC tower, and the power substation would blow sky high once they detonated the bombs.

\n They were almost out of the camp when shots were fired off from Neal and Lliam, towards the guards that were almost on top of Nate and Tommy. This made some more solders come out of the building and spot Dan and Vincent, they were fired upon instantly and managed to get to cover yet still to close to blow the bombs.

\n "Crap this is still too close." Vincent said as phase beams went over there heads.

\n "Well then I guess the question is how do you want to die? By the enemy or by your profession?" Dan said with a smile, which they both laughed at.

\n "What makes you think I want to die here?" Vincent said as he grabbed a plasma grenade and through it over the boulder they were hiding behind.

\n The moment it blew they were off running towards the others. Phase beams started to fly by them but from the front; Neal, Tommy, Nate and Lliam were firing at the enemy that was behind them allowing them to get to safety.

\n "I think it time we blow em!" Dan said as they ran.

\n "Alright, here goes nothing." Vincent said as he pulled the detonator out and pushed the button.

\n Nothing happened

\n "What the hell? Didn't you set them up right?" Dan yelled.

\n "Yeah I did." Vincent said as they flew behind cover where the others were firing from and looked back.

\n Suddenly, all the bombs went off at once creating a huge explosion. The enemy building and the AAPC tower along with the substation were all destroyed in a huge ball of fire. The enemy solders were also killed by the explosion and debris that was launched from the buildings and ground after the explosion.

\n The explosion didn't stop there, more secondary explosions started going off in the building. It turned out that that this outpost was actually a miniature weapons depot and held lots of ammo and explosives. The resulting explosion was so huge it could be seen from miles away.

\n ***********

\n Rrahkarr, Albert and James had just exited a drop ship that made it to the LZ when they all heard a huge explosion. They all looked to the east of their position and saw about seven miles away, a huge ball of red flaming light, lighting up the night sky.

\n "What the hell is going on over there?" James asked as a few other solders stopped to look at what was going on.

\n "Hey solder do we have any forces over there?" Rrahkarr asked a passing solder.

\n "No sir...none of our forces should be over there...that's I.F.H.W. forces territory." The solder replied.

\n "Ok thanks, carry on." Rrahkarr said as the solder went on his way "I wonder if that's our boys doing?"

\n "Could be...that's were their drop ship crashed. I just hope there weren't caught in the explosion." James said as they watched the flames die down as smoke started rise; clearly seen in the moon light from the planets twin full moons.

\n Just then Tina and Chris ran up to them and stopped as they saw the remnants of the explosion dieing down.

\n "What was that?" Chris asked as he steeped up beside Rrahkarr.

\n "That may have been the rest of our team." He replied.

\n "They're all the way over there? But that's enemy territory." Tina said.

\n Rrahkarr let out a sigh and looked down "I know...and just like moths to a flame, the enemy's...going to be all over them soon."

