Current Track: Blabb

The first thing I can remember when coming to was a sharp pain in my head. The pain felt like it was trying to split my entire head in half with a knife. I wanted it to end, the pain of it. I gripped my head in my hands, hoping it will stop soon.

After a bit the pain subsided into a dull throbbing. I breathed easier knowing such pain was now gone.

It was then when I noticed a sound. A loud noise that surprised me. The sound of crashing waves. Waves, i don't remember-- right on cue, a strange cold liquid hits my feet. “Gah," I jump up to my feet in shock and open my eyes.

A bright, blinding light fills my eyes. Was it morning already? Wait, my bed doesn't face the window. As my eyes got used to the brightness, shapes started to become clearer. Before my eyes was the ocean, an expanse of blue water as far as the eyes can see.

I take a few steps back before falling and landing on my ass. My fall is cushioned by the hot sand warming up my butt.

“This makes no sense," I muttered, “ the ocean should be hours away from me, how am I here?"

I look down at my body and still see my pajamas on me. Was i taken in my asleep? Why was I taken? What's going on here and-. The sharp pain returned, making me clutch my head. After a minute or two the pain passed again and I calmed down a bit.

I try to think back to the last thing I can remember. I just got home from work. I didn't feel that well so I made something easy for dinner and went straight to bed. After that, everything's a blur.

I paid attention to what my body was telling me. It felt the heat from the sand, the smell of the ocean, the sounds of waves. “Okay," I say to myself, “this all feels too realistic to just be a dream." I quickly scan the area around me. The beach was completely void of anything. No ships, no buildings, no towels, nothing. It was like nothing was ever here. Behind me was some dense looking plant life, I could even consider it almost jungle-like.

Did someone just drop me off as a joke? No, it seems too far a joke and in poor taste. I grab a handful of sand and felt it escape my hand. Did someone kidnap me to use as a ransom? Doubt they would get much money for me if they did. Plus it seems counterintuitive to leave me on a beach instead of some basement or locked room. Is it some of the dark web kind of shit? Jesus Christ that is a terrifying thought. Dropped on a beach and hunted for sport like in those books i read in highschool.

I stood up and wiped the sand off my legs, “well standing around here will accomplish nothing. I might as well look around. Who knows, maybe I'll find someone with answers."

I hear something off in the direction of the jungle. A turn and see a figure among the trees. A large hulking figure slightly covered in the shadows. 

“Hey," I called out, pretty much ignoring whatever danger this person might obviously pose to me, “can you help me?"

I saw the figure turn to me and it was then I got a good look at his face. What I saw wasn't a human, but a bear.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit. My knees decided to buckle and I collapsed on the sand again. Goddamn it this is not the time to be dumbstruck. What was I supposed to do for bears again? I rack my head for an answer but my panic is making it hard to focus. Am I supposed to play dead? Climb a tree? Maybe if I swim out into the ocean it won't follow me.

The bear steps onto the beach. Without the shadows to obstruct it, it was clear it was not a normal bear. This black furred bear walked upright and had something similar to clothing on him. Its body was also more human shaped and he didn't look like he was struggling to make his way to me.

What terror I had was now replaced with curiosity as the bear strode up to me. The bear smiled, or at least I think it was a smile, and reached his massive hand towards me. “Why hello," he spoke in a husky voice, “and Welcome to Atmos"

_ _ _ _ _(childish)

My mind was sort of empty with the sight in front of me. What, what was I looking at? Standing over me was a bear-man thing. Wait, it might be rude to call him a thing in this situation cause it can clearly speak and think. He was wearing clothing but that didn't really cover much of his body. Then again when you are covered in black fur, clothing might be more optional. 

The bear just looked and me and tilted his head, “um hello? You alright there bud?"

Crap. “oh sorry, just um-"

“Never seen an Ursan before?"

“An Ursan, is that what you are?"

He laughed, “yeah, guess they don't have them where you are from."

“Where i'm, wiat where am i?" I stood up and put some distance between me and the bear, “d-did you take me here? Take me back right now!"

“Calm down there," the Ursan took a step forward but I took one back. He sighs, “guess you are a bit on edge since you just woke up. Let's start with names, I am Kamu. May I have your name?"

“Should you already have my name, kidnapper?"

“I didn't kidnap you, in fact I am in the same boat as you."

“How so?"

“Cause i just woke up here too one day."

“Wait really?"

Kamu just nodded, “about a month ago if you want me to be exact. Woke up on this very beach as well. Been living on this island ever since."

“AN ISLAND? I AM ON AN ISLAND?" when will the revelations train fucking stop? I curl up into a ball. “This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening."

“Um, kid, you-"

I bolted from the spot, “THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"

I ran. I ran across the shoreline in a mad dash towards somewhere. To the left, an all powerful ocean, as calm and peaceful as when I got here. To the right was a dense jungle that could easily consume me. I scanned both for anything really. A building, a ship, another island, something resembling some sort of life here. But no matter how much i ran, nothing came into view.

After running for who knows how long, I just collapse on the beach, out of breath and tired as hell. The reality of what that bear said slowly sank its way into my mind. I really was on an island in the middle of nowhere and i wasn't leaving anytime soon.

After a few minutes of listening to the waves, I heard someone gasping for air behind me, “s-slow down would ya." even without looking I could tell it was Kamu. “i-i didn't really expect you to run off like you did. Were you some sort of runner where you were from, I couldn't keep up with you?" 

I didn't respond to him. Maybe I was just tired from all the running or just the depressing reality just hit me so hard I was speechless. All I did was just stare at the ocean.

Kamu sat next to me and didn't say anything. I don't know how long we stayed like this in silence, staring at the big blue ocean that served as my bars to this cage in island shape.

Kamu started to speak again, “so feeling better after all that running?"

I was silent.

“I guess the reality is setting in for you then?"

Yeah no shit sherlock.

“You're probably thinking about leaving the island right? Need some help with that?"

He is probably asking to be nice, otherwise he would have left already.

“It shouldn't take too long to get a boat ready for you to leave. Maybe a week at least."

That certainly got my attention, “wait what?" I pushed myself out of the sand, “so i can just leave here whenever?"

Kamu just shrugged his shoulders, “well yeah, people come and go to the island all the time, it's not too difficult. Building, getting food and water. Should take about a week at least to get everything together."

“Why didn't you tell me that before?"

“Well i was about to, but you decided to run an impromptu marathon before i could say anything about it."

“That is...fair. Sorry for doing that."

“Not an issue," the bear got up and dusted the sand from his fur, “your experience is not to uncommon, so i could just wait until you calm down. If you really want to leave, you need to talk to the chief."

“Chief, there are more people here?"

“Too many to count," he paused, “you never really told me your name."

I stood up as well, “sorry, i am Isaac."

Kamu chuckled, “well then Isaac, i'll like to once again welcome you to the island of Atmos"

_ _ _ _ _ (anniversary of a disaster)

I follow Kamu into the jungle. Well I try anyway, the jungle floor is not good for bare feet. Every step I took felt like something new was poking at my feet. Gods wouldn't it have killed whoever brought me here to at least bring my shoes as well?

I was way behind Kamu when he called out to me, “hey Isaac you holding up alright? You're falling back an awful lot."

“Sorry," I yelled, “the jungle floor is not good for my feet it seems." My next step was painful as I stepped on something awfully thorny, “goddamn it." I pulled back my foot, but lost my balance and fell onto the ground. 

Kamu rushed over to my side and examined my foot, “crap, sorry. I didn't notice you weren't wearing shoes. I forget that human's feet are delicate." Kamu brushed off some debris off my foot with his finger, “I don't see any cuts or anything, but it's obvious you can't keep up with me."

“Then what are we supposed to do?"

“Easy, I'll carry you." Kamu turned his back to me, “come on hop aboard the Kamu train."

“Wait, are you sure? Wouldn't I be too heavy?"

He just laughs, “nonsense, you humans are light compared to Ursans. I can carry you to the village no problem."

“If you say so," I climb onto Kamu's broad back. He was definitely a big bear. I wrapped my arms around his neck, grabbing my elbows.  Once I was secure, Kamu stood up and, with his paws behind my legs, continued to walk. He wasn't struggling to carry me as he moved through the jungle.

After a few minutes, I see something in the distance. Someone crouches before something. Kamu noticed them as well, “huh, isn't that...hey Philip."

Philip, as Kamu called him, stood up. He was just as weird as Kamu, being some sort of dog person instead of another bear. He stood up, letting me get a better look. He looked like a scottish terrier, “oh Kamu," he said in a sort of accent, “didn't think i would see ya out here." he notices me, “who's the human?"

“I'm Issac," I said as I stretched out my hand to him to shake.

Philip eyes it funny before taking it into his hand, “still not used to human greetings."

I looked over to what Philip was crouched over, it looked like a stone monument for something. It had letters or carvings on it. “So what is that?"

The Scottish terrier looks at the monument, “it's a grave. For my family."

“Oh sorry, i didn't mean to-"

Philip held up his hand, “it's fine, I was just about done anyway. Just let me collect my things and i'll walk back with you." He starts to pick up some of the things he brought with him, which was a rag and a small bowl.

Kamu spoke up next, “so how did you lose them?" I pulled on his ear after that, “ow what?"

“It's fine. I don't mind telling you, but it was nice to be considerate." we started to walk, “it would have been five years ago since i lost them in a plane crash. Today should be the anniversary of when it happened."

“Should have?" I asked.

The dog just nods, “yeah, after it happened i lost track of the days. Sometime later, I ended up on the island and time really is hard to track here. Like you have seasons and day and night stuff, but not really a clock to be seen around here. You get used to it after a while but it's kind of hard to make plans and such. By the way, Kamu, why are you carrying Isaac?"

“I don't have any shoes and the jungle floor hurts my feet."

“Well you're in luck," Phillip smiled, “I happen to be the best cobbler in the village, I'll make sure you get some shoes when we arrive."

_ _ _ _ _ ( reunion)

As we approached the village, Kuma and Phillip started talking, “so how do you think Isaac will handle the village?" Phillip asked.

Kamu chuckled, “oh i think he is about to be shocked like all the other first timers to the island."

“What do you mean by that," I ask, “if they are all just like you two, I think I would be fine. Sure seeing anthro animals is a shock but it's nothing I can't get over."

“You say that but you will be surprised by what's on this island. This isn't your run of the mill mysterious island. Anyway we are about there, so try and keep your mouth closed."

“I'll be fine, you don't need to," I trail off as I see a couple of figures ahead of us. I didn't even need to get closer to tell what it was. It was a big green orc chatting with an anthro cat. They just give a short greeting as we pass them into the village.

The buildings I don't think were special. They looked like they did the job of being shelters, but I was more distracted by the people walking around. There were other anthro animal people, but they were not the only things in the village. Humans, orcs, trolls, fairies, elves, things I can only classify as aliens, and even goddamn robots were all acting like this was a normal everyday life for them. Hell this is everyday life for them and I was just here being dumbstrucked by it.

I hear Phillip laugh, “he's making the face. It never gets old whenever I see it."

Kamu laughed as well, “there there, Isaac, you're not the only one who responds the same. I was similarly dumbstruck when I first got here. Seeing so many things that you are not used to can get kind of overwhelming."

I didn't respond. Just stare at all the people around me.

Phillip spoke up again, “come one, we are close to my workshop."

The three of us enter a building. The inside does look like a workshop i think. There was tools and tables as well as someone at one of them, it was a familiar looking human, messing with a pair of shoes on a table.

“Oh Harry," Phillip called out to the human," we got another order to make some measurements for me."

The human looks away from the shoes he was working on. “Right away Master."

Kamu puts me in the chair as the human examines my feet.

The familiar looking human looks at me, “do you happen to know your shoe size off the top of your head?"

“Uh 11 and a half," I muttered

Kamu grabbed my shoulder and shook me a bit, “come on Isaac, time to get out of your stupor."

The familiar looking human eyes widen a bit, “Isaac? Isaac Evans?"

 Hearing my full name threw me out of my loop, “Huh? How do you know my full name?"

A smile appears on his face, “it's me, Harry WIlson. We were in highschool together."

The gears in my head turn as I do a mental search for his name. I then recall my best friend from high school and member of the club i was a part of, “wait, your Harry?"

A smile grew on Harry's face, “it certainly been awhile, Isaac."

_ _ _ _ _ (charismatic)

I was definitely thrown through a loop by what I was seeing. “Harry, I thought I would never see you again."

“So did I, guess life is full of surprises." he chuckles.

Kamu spoke up, “you know him Isaac?"

I nodded, “as he said, we went to highschool together. but before I graduated, I had to move away and we sort of fell out of touch afterwards."

“Well what are the odds of that happening? Think this is the first time I've seen this happened."

“What do you mean?"

“It's rare that islanders knew each other before arriving here." Phillip answered, “most of the people here hasn't met before arriving on the island. Granted, I don't know how true it is."

“Yes," a calm voice said, “meetings like these are rare in our fair Atmos." we all turn to see the source of the voice. By the entrance, we all see a man with blond hair wearing robes, “what a lovely day it is today gentleman."

Phillip, Harry, and Kamu each make a gesture and bow, “and a good day to you, Father."

“Father," I asked, “Is he like the leader of this place?"

The man gives me a warm smile, “I am not like a leader, I am the leader. I help make sure the islanders are happy with their lives here."

“I see." As I looked him over there was something different about him. Something about this Father stood out, even when compared to the other things I saw here. Is this what they call charismatic or something? “Oh this is actually convenient, there was something I wanted to talk to you about."

“I will help in any way I can, child."

“Well first off, I am Isaac, not a child. Second, I wanted to talk to you about leaving the island."

The Father simply nods, “I see. If you truly wish to leave Atmos, I will not stop you. However, you must ask yourself if that is what you truly wish."

“What do you mean? I do want to leave, I have things back home I need to do."

“But do you truly believe that? Does your heart truly want to return to the life you had before?"

“I uh, um." I was speechless by what this man was asking. Yes I did want to return to my life back home, but why am I hesitating saying it.

The Father put his hand on my shoulder, “it seems I have asked too much of you, Isaac. You do not know what you truly want. That is fine for now. Many who come to Atmos have the same feelings of not understanding what they truly want. Stay on the island a few days and think about what it is you want. If you still want to leave, then i will not stop you. But should you choose to stay, know that all of Atmos will welcome you with open arms."

I was stunned speechless by the Father's words. Only one speech and he already had me wrapped around his fingers. I looked at the others and all their eyes were on me, waiting on bated breath on how I would respond to the Father's words. After a minute, i muttered, “i'll think about it."

“That is all i ask." the Father removes his hand off of me and does a gester, “it was nice talking to you Isaac. Should you ever need me, i will be at the temple or around the village. Pray come to me if you need something." and with that, the Father left the workshop.

His departure left a change in the air. It was not anything bad, but the feeling something was missing now. That Father truly was charismatic.

_ _ _ _ _ (nemesis)

After the Father left, Phillip and Harry started to work on my shoes. As I was waiting on them Kamu started talking, “so you are going to be staying here a bit right?"

“Yeah," I answered, “the Father did ask me to observe island life before deciding if I wanted to stay or go, so I might as well humor him." I sigh, “since I am not leaving for now, I might try and find somewhere where I can sleep. I doubt there is a hotel I can stay at, even if I had the money to pay for it."

“Oh you don't need to worry about money here. We do trades and barter favors around here. As for a place to stay, most people are willing to let you borrow their houses for a bit if you do some work for them. That's how newcomers are welcomed on the island."

“Yep," Harry yelled while he does i don't know what to do with my shoe, “ Master let me stay at his place until my house was ready and all it took was being his apprentice."

Philip chuckled, “well you are always welcome to stay again if you ever feel lonely."

“I'm good Master, you are just too loud at night, I actually enjoy sleeping." Both Harry and Phillip laugh but neither one breaks their concentration on their work.

“Your dead, Malnary trash," a loud voice rang out from outside.

“You're nothing but Valcunar scum," another voice rang out. After that sounds of gasps and fighting could be heard outside.

“What was that?" I asked.

Kamu got up, “stay here," as he leaves I hear him call out the two people fighting.

I tried to follow but Harry rushed over and stopped me, “Wait Isaac, I really think you should let Kamu handle it."

“But what if he needs help?" I asked.

“Kamu is part of the peace corps, it is his job to get in the way of such disagreement. Plus he is a six foot something bear man, he can handle himself fine."

I reluctantly sat back down while keeping an ear out for what was happening outside. Lots of shouting and cursing going around. After about ten minutes of all that, the sounds started to quiet down.

Kamu walked in a bit after, noticeably a bit disheveled and looking obviously exhausted. “Fuck those two," Kamu sits in a chair and starts sighing.

“What was that about? What are Mainary and Valcunar?"

“from what the other orcs told me, they are two tribes that are at war with each other." Kamu sighs again and starts rubbing his face, “they are being taken to the Father right now. Hopefully they won't cause too much trouble down the line."

“Do fights like these happen often here?"

“They happen, yes. Seems like every day, two enemies find each other on the island and start causing trouble for everyone. Doesn't matter what they are, a fight just seems to break out like they have been sworn nemesis at birth. I swear it takes the life out of me. Hopley the Father can get them to be nice before they murder each other."

“Can the Father even help in this situation?"

“The Father just wants peace for all the people here on the island. Any bad blood those two had before needs to be put to an end as soon as they are discovered, otherwise we would have a civil war on our hands."

_ _ _ _ _ (wonder)

“Sorry to interrupt such a dreary topic," Harry said as he approached me, “but Isaac's shoes are ready." in Harry's hands were something that would definitely count as shoes at the very least, looking like something I might see in a museum or something.

“So these will protect my feet right?" I ask, doubting the quality of them.

“Yep, they are actually more comfortable than they look." Harry nudged my leg with his foot, which was wearing the same kind of shoes he was giving to me.

I sigh, “Well if they are my only optician at this point." I took the shoes from him and put them on my feet. They certainly fit my feet well enough. As I touched my toes, I realized that this shoe is actually pretty thick outside. “Yeah, this definitely feels like it would protect my feet while I am here." 

“That's good, if it didn't, Master will scold me again."

“I scold you because I know you can do better," Phillip said from his work station, “you might still be an apprentice, but you should have enough experience to not make the same mistakes multiple times."

“Sorry Master."

Kamu got up from his chair, “Now then, since you have shoes now, I think it's time to be on our way." He reached out his massive paw to me.

I eagerly take it and pull myself off the chair. I turn to Harry, “thanks for the shoes, Harry. Once I get some things figured out, I'll come back to see you again."

Harry just gave me a warm smile, “oh don't worry about that now. Just explore the island for now. We can hang out another time."

“Alright," I gave Harry a good hug and walked out of the workshop with Kamu. 

Kamu took my hand in his paw and smiled at me, “Well now Isaac, I think I should show you all the wanderers our little island has to offer.

As Kamu guides me to all the sights that this island has to offer me, it really just hits me how different this place is from where I lived. So many things are here that only existed in the media back home. It was like I had stepped into a story of my own. My own little adventure where anything can happen. Hours pass and the sun starts to set, Kamu has shown me all of the sites on the island. While it was all overwhelming, it was also quite fun too. 

I sit down on a bench to rest my legs, “phew, i am tired."

Kamu just laughs, “yeah, Atmos is pretty big, it's such a hassle to walk everywhere all day. But then again, it is a nice place to live."

“Yeah I bet so. That reminds me, I still need a place to sleep at night.`` I think for a moment, “Harry mentioned having his own place, so I can probably stay with him for a while."

“True," Kamu said, “but you can also stay with me, if you want."

I was a bit shocked by his forwardness, “are you sure? I am sure I can find somewhere to sleep if I ask around."

“No, it's not a problem or anything. I have a spare bed you can sleep on while you are here. Plus," he paused, “it would be nice to be living with someone again."

He slowly takes his hand into mine.

I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest at that moment. Has it really been that long since someone has been kind to me that I developed feelings for a bearman right off the bat? I reluctantly pull my hand away from Kamu, “s-so your house then. Lead the way, big guy."

“Oh sure," Kamu leads the way back through the village.

He is just being nice. That is all. That is all.

_ _ _ _ _ (childhood friend)

I followed Kamu back to his place. The buildings started to spread out a bit more as we walked ahead. Overhead, the sky progressively got darker as well. This place probably doesn't have things like electricity and stuff. It will definitely not be wise to be out after dark. “Hey, are we close to your place yet? I don't see well in the dark."

Kamu turned his head towards me, “not far now, it's just around the corner up ahead." As we turned the corner, Kamu pointed at a small building a bit away, “and that's my house, well, more a shack really but home is home."

As we entered the shack, some sort of light went one, illuminating the insides, catching me by surprise, “Wait, you do have electricity?"

Kamu just looks a bit lost, “maybe, it just seems to be one of Atmos' mysteries. Not just electricity, but gas and water as well." as he said that, he moved over to a sink and turned the knob. Water immediately came out of the faucet like it was a normal thing."

Now I was even more confused, “Wait, how is that possible, does that island have an underground reservoir or something?"

Kamu just shrugged, “again its a mystery of Atmos. When i tried to ask the Father about it, he just said that it was Atmos' will that we have these things."

“You mean the island itself is giving us water and electricity?"

“Pretty much, the other buildings are the same. As soon as they are finished being built, all those amenities are just there."

My mind was going in circles. First I ended up on a strange island, next I learned that the island has random kinds of people on it, mostly things that would be seen in fiction, and now that clean water and electricity are just there for people. It just doesn't make any sense. Nothing is really explained how these things work and what makes them work, they just work.

I needed to lie down. I see a couch and just flop on top of it without giving it much thought. I was just tired and wanted this day to end.

“So Isaac," Kamu said behind me as he opened and closed some things, “was Harry a childhood friend or something?"

“I wouldn't go that far," I answered, “we only met in highschool because we kept ending up in the same classes our first year. We hung out more when we both joined the same club but that lasted until I had to move away." I straightened myself up on the couch, “what about you, has anyone back home here on the island?"

Kamu's body stiffened when the question reached his ears, “n-no, i don't have anyone like that here i'm afraid."

“Really, not even a friend you want to bring to the island?"

Kamu paused, “yes and no. there is someone i would like to see again, but if he was here with me, he would have been miserable." I see Kamu open something up to the side of him and pull out some sort of fish, “anyway, i am going to start cooking dinner, so just relax now. I have some books you can read while you wait and the bathroom is behind that door."

I tried speaking to him while he was cooking, but Kamu was just ignoring me when I tried to talk to him. I don't really know if my question bothered him that much or that he just really focused on cooking so it might be wise to give him some space and just rest on the couch.

_ _ _ _ _ (abandoned village)

After a few minutes, Kamu served up the fish, “alright come and get it."

I get up from the couch and move to the table, “that's great. I was feeling a bit hungry. The smell was driving me wild." The table was already set when I sat down to eat. I take my first bite into the fish. It was cooked to perfection as the flavor filled my mouth, “mm this is good."

“I know right." Kamu said while more or less inhaling his food, “I was worried since I never heard of the fish before, but it was the only kind they had at the end of the day."

“What was its name?"

“They called it a Bass, I think."

“I heard of them, but I don't think I've ever eaten one before." I continue to eat while keeping an eye on Kamu and having a pleasant conversation with him.

It seems like he has gotten over my question about his friend. While I am still curious by what he meant by 'he would be miserable here'. Everyone here looks happy, or at least content with living on this island, so why would someone be miserable?

After Kamu literally licks his plate clean, he gets up, “alright, guess it is time for my after dinner ritual, you want in Isaac?"

“Well what is it?"

“Star gazing," Kamu answers, “every time i finish dinner, i always go look at the stars. They are quite a sight after a meal."

“Do we have to go far to see them?"

“Just outside the door, I even have a bench around back where we can sit down and look at them." Kamu takes his plate and puts it in the sink, “you can come join me when you are done." he heads out the door after saying that. Well, kind of like skipping really.

After finishing my meal and cleaning up after myself, I walk outside too. The air in the village certainly changes when the sun goes down. It was so quiet and dark that I could have sworn that this place might have been abandoned if I didn't know better. None of the other buildings have lights on, not even the one I just left. Kamu said he was behind the house right?

I kept my hand on the side of the house and walked around it. I was completely blind out here. After stumbling for half a minute, I got to the otherside of the house and I think I saw Kamu ahead of me sitting on something. “Kamu, that you?"

I see the figure move a bit, “yeah it's me," Kamu said, “come sit down, the stars are nice tonight." 

I make my way and sit down with Kamu. I turned my gaze skyward and was taken aback with what I saw. Growing up when I did, I never really saw many stars. Things like light pollution always made the night sky seem more bland or empty. The skys here were completely different. Stars as far as the eye can see covered the sky in a beautiful tapestry of lights. No space in the sky was empty or devoid of anything. It was so full and vivid. It was like I was being sucked in.

“Beautiful ain't it?"

Kamu's voice brought me back to reality but my gaze was still to the sky, “huh? Yeah it is."

“It's one of the things I like about living here. Just looking at all the stars in the sky after a long day, it's just so relaxing. Some nights I will just lose track of time and just stare at the stars for hours."

I turn to Kamu, “Whoa, I don't think I can last that long. Just thinking that alone causes my neck to ache." Now that I was thinking about it, my neck was aching. I must have looked at the stars much longer than I thought I did. I swung my head to the side to try and loosen up the muscles in my neck.

Kamu chuckled," yeah, i think it's around time to get to bed anyway."

“Really, it still feels kind of early to go to bed."

“You can stay up if you want, but I actually need to get up in the morning for work and I prefer to do it, not sleep deprived." I followed Kamu back inside the house. This time however the lights didn't turn on when we entered. Guess even the house agrees that it is time for bed. Kamu goes and lays on the bed, the frames creaking with the bear's weight moving onto it. He grabs one of the pillows and tosses it to me, “here, will definitely be more comfortable than using your arm."

I catch the pillow and lower it, and myself, onto the couch. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but it will do for now.

“Sorry," Kamu said, “once I am finished with work tomorrow, I'll take you out so we can get some things for you. Some pillows, a blanket, definitely some new clothes and such."

“That's fine, I should be thanking you for everything you have done for me so far." As I lay on my back and look at the ceiling, my eyes slowly start to get heavy. Tomorrow is definitely going to be a big day.

_ _ _ _ _ (going out to eat)

I slowly started to come out of the void of sleep, being aware of my surroundings. The feeling of the sun on my back and the softness of the pillow, the quiet muttering of someone at the edge of my hearing. I slowly open my eyes as I slowly get up. My body is usually quick to wake up in the morning.

It took me a moment to recognize my surroundings. Oh right, this isn't my place. 

I see Kamu standing at the sink and muttering to himself. Whatever he was thinking about, he didn't notice me awake.

“Morning," I said while stretching my arms over my head.

Kuma turned to me, giving a slight smile, “oh morning, did i wake you up?"

“Nah, just woke up now," I walked over to him, “so what's for breakfast?"

Kamu's eyes shifted off to the side, “Yeah about that, we have no food."

“No food? What did you forget to go shopping or something?"

Kamu gives a slight chuckle, “pretty much. I meant to go yesterday but then you came into my life."

“Oof, I'm sorry." I was with him all day, so it is my fault that he didn't go shopping. “So what do we do about breakfast?"

“Well, I know a place we can go for breakfast. It's on the way to work, so I can head straight there right after. Plus, it's early enough that it shouldn't be too crowded.'' 

After doing some morning routines, we went off to this place Kamu was talking about. The island and village just seem so quiet in the morning. People were few and far between and they just looked like they just woken up as well. As we enter the heart of the village, Kamu stops in front of a building, “this is the place."

I look at the building. It was a fairly simple exterior, looking not out of place as a restaurant. The windows had various plants along the side. I noticed the sign outside the store, “Auicbora?"

“Yep, it's supposed to be a 'place of rest' where the owner is from. It gives good food, so I usually eat here when I get the chance." Kamu walks through the door with me following after.

The inside is something I would describe as Cafe-like. Various tables and chairs filled the room. The place was empty except for a single handsome green orc at the bar in the back reading a book, wearing something like a waiter's uniform with an apron covering the front of him. The orc notices we entered and closes his book, giving us a warm smile, “Welcome," he turns to Kamu, “Hello Teddy Bear, I usually see you later in the day."

“Yeah, I didn't have enough to make breakfast at home, so here I am." Kamu sits at one of the tables, “so can you give me two of the morning specials please?"

The orc smiles, “coming right up, Teddy Bear." the orc turns to me, still giving off that welcoming smile, “and what might you be ordering then?"

“Huh? Didn't he just order for me?" I asked.

“Oh Kamu can eat enough for two people so i just assumed they were for him. But anyway, two breakfast specials coming up." with that the orc goes off to the side, which i assume is where the kitchen is.

I take the seat across from Kamu, “so who's the orc?"

“His name is Rogith, he's the owner of this place and a real good cook." Kamu answered, “I usually come here whenever I don't have food or am not in the mood to cook."

“Are you pretty close to him? He called you Teddy Bear."

“Oh that," he starts to rub the back of his head, “he heard someone call me a Teddy Bear once and been calling me that ever since. It annoyed me at first, but now I am just kind of used to it."

“Aw, hate the nickname Teddy Bear?"

“I don't hate it, I just prefer to be called by my actual name. Plus I think the first guy who said that meant it as an insult."

After a few minutes of back and forth, Rogith comes out of the kitchen carrying two plates. He places the two plates before us. On them were eggs, bacon, grets, and toast. It definitely looked and smelled good. “Now then," Rogith said with a flair, “two breakfast specials for the two early birds."

“Thank you for the meal," I said as I took a fork and started eating. I took a bit of the egg and ate it. A pleasant taste fills my mouth, “Mmm, so good."

“I aim to please," the orc said, “by the way, you are new on the island right?"

I was shocked by his question, “how do you know that?"

Rogith smiled and pats my head, “I heard that our bear here was playing host for a human who arrived here yesterday, so I just decided to take a lucky guess. The name Rogith by the way, I think I overheard people calling you 'eye sack' or something."

“It's Isaac actually, the first time I heard it like 'eye sack' though."

Kamu groned, “please don't talk about body parts while eating, i'll lose my appetite."

“Oops, sorry Teddy Bear, that was a bit rude of me."

I look over to Kamu and see that his plate has been mostly cleaned off, “geez how do you eat so fast? Are you afraid it would run off somewhere if you're not looking?"

Kamu just stuffed his food in his face and swallowed, “no, but the captain did want me there first thing in the morning and I would rather not be late." Kamu takes the last bit of his food and crames it into his mouth. “Anyway, i need to head there now. Thanks for the food Rogith." as he gets up to leave, he turns to me, “why not look around the shops once they are open and find what you want, just mention you just arrived and they will surly help you. Anyway see you later bye." he rushes out the door like the devil was after him or something.

“And he's gone," I said as I took another bite of my breakfast. Only then did I realize something, “oh shit i don't have any money."

The orc just laughed, “oh ya don't need to worry about money here an Atmos. Just enjoy yourself and eat your fill."

“Wait what? But what do I pay you with then?"

“Oh there are more ways to pay then with money, if you just keep me company while my regulars and other workers show up, that would be payment enough."

_ _ _ _ _(bottle episode)

“Are you sure that is okay?" I ask, “once I find some work and make some money, I can pay you back." or take it from Kamu, whatever happens first.

Rogith just smiled and pats my head again, “don't worry about it, money is not an object on Atmos. Though if you truly feel like you owe me something, just stay with me until Lucas comes back and your bill will be paid in full."

“And Lucas is?"

“Oh right you're new. Lucas is my worker. I have him out on an errand right now and don't know when he will be back and it is boring around here without someone to talk to."

“Well if that is all it takes then sure." It was the least I could do for him and he is kind enough. I take a couple of more bites of my food, “So what do you mean by money not being a thing on Atmos?"

“Very literal, there is nothing here that would count as 'money' on the island. No gold or silver or whatever you used as money back home. The Father considers things like money a 'tool of misery' and forbids anything like that to be used."

I was flabbergasted to say the least. It was hard to imagine that money is not a thing here considering how things were like back home. “"But wait, how do you pay for food and stuff?"

“Well for ingredients for the restaurant, those are given to me by the Farm. if i need things like clothes and stuff, most places give it to me for a warm meal or something."

I took a moment to process what was being told. The thing about the non existent economy was getting to me, but I was equally curious about money being a 'tool of misery' bit, but it might be better to ask the man directly instead of the orc. So I load up my next question, “Hold on, if you aren't making any money off this and you don't need to buy supplies, why are you running a cafe then?"

Rogith laughs, “simple, because I want to. I always wanted a place like this before I arrived on the island and setting it up was pretty easy too. One thing you will learn very quickly on Atmos is that island life is pretty dull if you don't have anything to do. There are two kinds of people who work on the island: it is done because the person enjoys it, or its a job that needs to be done so someone has to do it. I'm sure once you stay on the island for a few days, you'll get bored of doing nothing all day and either become someone's worker, apprentice, or even join the Entertainment Guild?"

“What was the last one?"

“The Entertainment Guild is what it says on the tin, as humans say. They are basically the people who make things like books, plays, music, and all the entertainment on the island. You'll probably see them around the island doing stuff like making performances or showing off their latest creations. Anyone can join them if they are decent and creative enough to produce work."

“So they must be good then?"

I can hear the air be sucked through Rogith's teeth, “it varies to be honest. Some are good and know how to do it well. For others it is obvious that they need haven't a clue what they are doing, but that can be said of any medium really."

I hear the door to the cafe open. A human male, around the same age of me walked in, “sorry i am late," he said showing off a bag, “I was able to get the rags you wanted."

_ _ _ _ _(Exploration)

“Ah, welcome back, Lucas," the orc approaches the human and gives him a big hug, which the human returns.

“Welcome back," I said as I finished off my food.

The human looked at me slightly embarrassed and stepped away from the orc, “oh sorry, i didn't know we had someone here."

Rogith just laughs and pulls him back into the hug, “It's fine. As I told you, I don't mind showing you some orc love in front of customers."

Both Lucas' and mine's faces turn red from embarrassment. I feel like I just heard something that should have been private.

“Si-sir please cut that out," Lucas stuttered as he broke free from the hug, “a-anyway i will go put these away now." Lucas rushed past us and made for the back room.

The orc just laughs again, “man, it's just so easy to rile you humans up like that."

“I mean, what you just said can embarrass anyone," I said.

“Nah, it's just you humans are a bit more reserved when it comes to receiving affection. Everytime a new human shows up on the island, it's like you've never received affection from another man before."

“Well yeah, it's just how things work back home. Men don't do that with each other."

“Where you are from maybe, but here on Atmos, men give each other affection all the time. I won't last a day here if I don't hug someone at least once."

“I see," I muttered as I was thinking about what was being said. “I guess it wouldn't be so bad to receive affection like that."

Rogith just smirked, “well then if you're that interested, why not let me give you an old Atmos greeting then?"

“And what is that?"

The orc swings his arms open, “why it's just a good hug is all. Nothing lewd or anything."

I breathe a little easier, “oh is that all?" Honestly, I was afraid it was something worse.

“Come on, you don't need to sound disappointed or anything. I'm not going to force you if that isn't your thing but most people do cheer up with a little orc love in their day."

I weighed my options. I didn't really know what to do. I have never been asked for a hug before, especially from an orc. But things like this are normal for Atmos right? I think back on the Father's words about observing island life. If this is what island life is like then it would be rude to refuse then. “Uh sure, I wouldn't mind some orc love before I go." I stood up from my seat and walked over to the orc. I awkwardly put my arms around his chest and hugged him.

Rogith wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tight. It felt really nice.

Behind us I hear Lucas come out of the kitchen, “Boss I put the-oh."

Once i heard Lucas i immediately break out of the hug, “i-i'm sorry, it sort of just-"

“Sorry sir," he said, “anyway, can you bring those plates back here, we should clean them before more people show up."

“Yeah yeah," Rogith pats my back, “anyway, more people might be coming soon so i guess this is where we say goodbye," the orc picks up the two plates, “if you are ever in the need of more orc love, you know where to find me."

_ _ _ _ _ (neighbor)

As I walk out of the cafe and into the streets, I start to talk to myself, “okay so what to do now? I can probably start getting some things for myself since I will be staying here." I started to walk in a random direction, “okay, so Kamu said i need pillows, blankets, clothes, and possible food. Problem is that I don't know where to find that stuff." all around me, people started to move around and start going to work, “I can probably ask for directions but asking a stranger is kind of difficult," an idea hit me, “I know Harry and Phillip might help me."

I walk through the village to the shoe shop. I managed to find the place after wondering a bit for a while. I enter and see both Harry and Phillip at their work stations doing stuff with shoes. Phillip was the first to notice me, “welcome back, Isaac, having issues with the shoes already?"

I shook my head, “no, the shoes are fine. I came here for a different issue. I need to get some things for myself but I don't really know where everything is."

“And I take it Kamu is busy right now because he is not with you right now?"

“Maybe, he was in a rush but didn't tell me what the reason was."

“He must be at weekly training or something," Harry said as he put down his tools, “I heard the Peace Corps members have to do a training exercise once a week and the captain is strict with attending them."

“Do you know how long they last?"

Phillip shook his head, “Not a clue. Could take a few hours to the whole day."

“I see," I thought for a moment, “so do you know where I can get some stuff then?"

“We do but we have some orders that need to be made and neither one of us can leave the workshop for long. Sorry Isaac."

I heard a voice behind me as someone entered. I turn and see what looks like some sort of green scaled anthro dragon walked in, “hey Phillip, i was wondering if you can," he pauses and looks at me, “ah, didn't expect to see you here."

Phillip approaches the canine, “you know him, Lewis?"

“We just live in the same neighbourhood, that's all. I saw him with Kamu last night and just this morning." the dragon turns to me and sticks out his clawed hand at me, “I am Lewis Pendragon, pleased to meet you."

I take his clawed hand into my own, “Isaac Evans."

Lewis turned back to Phillip, “so about what i am here the sole of my shoe is starting to wear down and i was thinking of replacing it."

“That should be simple to do, it wouldn't take more than a few minutes. Just hand me the shoes and do it." Lewis takes a seat and hands his shoes over to Phillip, who then takes them over to his workbench and examine them, “you won't kidding about them wearing out, you clearly can see a print in them."

“Sorry, been going all over the island this past month for story ideas, so that probably did it."

“Nothing to be ashamed about, can make you a sole that can last longer now that I can see where it is worn out the most." Phillip removes the soles from the shoes and moves into the back room.

“Hey Lewis," Harry spoke up, “is it alright if we ask you to do something?"

Lewis leans back in the chair, “well I can always listen at least. What do you need?"

“See Isaac just got here the other day and doesn't know where he can get the things he needs so I was wondering if you can help him with that."

Lewis turns to me for a sec and turns back to Harry, “let me think on it for a bit."

_ _ _ _ _ (best friend)

A few minutes later, Phillip comes back holding the shoes, “alright i replaced the soles, they are thicker this time so they will last longer."

Lewis takes the shoes and puts them on. He stomps his foot a couple times, “these are definitely thicker than the last pair." he started to squeeze the toes through the shoe. “Feels like it is a smaller size now."

“Did I make them too thick?" Phillip asks, “I can fix that if I did."

Lewis shackles his head, “nah its fine, if these last me a little longer then the others then i am fine with a little squeeze. Besides, I need to get some things before the morning ends." Lewis turns to me, “Anyway, Issac, I can show you where some things are, but you will have to help me in return. Thanks again for the shoes Phillip."

Lewis and I leave the workshop. “So where are we heading first?"

“The grocers to start with getting the food, I have most of what I need at home but I noticed I was low on rice. After that I will have to swing by the tailor to pick up some clothes I tore and finally to the market to get some paper and writing tools. Shouldn't take too long really but before that," Lewis pulls out a notebook and a pencil from his pocket, “tell me about the world you come from."

“Excuse me?"

“Where you came from. What were the people like, the government, everything you can think of off the top of your head really."

“Well there is really not much to say," I say, trying to dodge the question, “i am sure you heard it plenty of times already from the other humans already here."

“Actually in terms of content, human backgrounds tend to vary a lot." Lewis looks around a bit and points at a robot talking with a goblin, “tell me do you know what those things are?"

“You mean the robot or the goblin?"

“The fact you can identify them both tells me much," he scribbles it down, “now what else can you tell me about your world."

“I'd rather not say, I don't really have good thoughts about it."

“If you say so," Lewis sighs, not hiding the disappointment in his voice, “so what about something more cheerful, like friendship. You must have had someone you were close to."

“Yeah when I was a child, once I grew up he stopped talking to me one day. Granted we moved away from each other but he didn't respond to my emails and messages out of the blue. Maybe he just got tired of me and decided to ghost me."

“Ghost you?" Lewis asked puzzlingly, “Are you saying he died?"

“What no, to ghost someone means to cut all contact with them for no reason. No text, no email ,no in person meeting, nothing. You just stop talking to each other. This happens for no reason or explanation."

“I see, I am sure that is a bad friend to have. I am sorry that happened to you."

“Its fine, it's been a year since Araki stopped talking to me and I have gotten over it."

Lewis looked stunned, “Araki Futsuo?"

“Huh, yeah how did you know?" it took me a second to realize, “wait Araki is on this island too?"

Lewis nodded, “yes, if we are talking about the same person that is."

“Take me to him."

“Excuse me?"

“Take me to Araki," I demanded, “I need to see him now. You know where he is now right. Take me to him."

“Well i am planning on seeing him later today-"

“Make that now."

“Alright alright. Follow me and i will take you to him."

_ _ _ _ _(earthquake)

As Lewis took me to see Araki, I was a mix of emotions. Giddy to finally see my friend after he cut all contact with me a year ago. Upset that he did that to me. Relief to know that he is okay. But so confused that he did that in the first place. 

Lewis takes me to what seems like a neighbourhood similar to the one I was in last night, “I don't know if Kamu told you this," Lewis suddenly started, “but this is one of the residential districts we have on the island."

“Districts, you mean there are more than one?"

“Yeah, we are in the North living district now. For the record, Kamu, you, and I live in the East district. There is also the West district. As you can probably guess, the name is dependent on which direction they are from the square."

“So is there any difference between the districts or something?" 

Lewis shrugs, “not much difference really besides location. I heard when most people just arrived on the island, they usually do deliveries until they can find something else to do. Its one of those things that is not really explained well to newcomers, so i thought i would give you a heads up." 

We continued into the North district for a while. When Lewis said there wasn't much of a difference, he really meant it. The buildings look the same as the other districts. All the buildings I saw were of a similar size, but each was with a distinct style to them. It was like this in the East district as well.

Lewis sticks out his hand to stop me and points to a blue building, “we're here. That house right over there is where Araki lives." I tried to take a step forward but Lewis stopped me, “first off i want you to promise you will not get upset until you give him a chance to explain himself."

I nod and we move forward. As we get closer, I feel my heart about to explode in my chest. Was I angry, upset, or excited to meet my friend after a whole year? The second Araki opens the door, I will find out.

Lewis knocks on the door, “Aki, you in there?" he called out.

A voice within the house responded, “huh, Lu is that you? Is it important? I am in the middle of something right now."

Lewis turns to me and I just give him a nod, “yeah it's important, it's someone you really need to meet."

There was a moment of silence before he responded, “alright, be out in a minute." After a minute the door opens and a man appears behind it, dressed in casual clothing with messy black hair and glasses. He looked just as I remembered him. This was without a doubt Araki that cut off communication. He began to speak, “I have a deadline coming up and," he pauses when he sees me, “Issac? Isaac is that you?"

I put my arms around him and hold him tight as I sob into his shoulder. I missed him so much. I didn't have the words to describe how I was feeling right now. He hugs me back and we both have a good cry for about five minutes.

After we had a good cry about it, Araki let go, “do you want to come in for a sec, we have some catching up to do."

“I will love too," I say, completely ignoring the dragon behind me.

We all entered the house. It was similar to Kamu's house, as it was a mix of both bedroom and kitchen, but it was a bit more spacious. At the other end of the wall looked like an artist drawing desk. All around it were papers thrown about. “Sorry about the mess, I really wasn't expecting people to drop by soon."

“It's fine," I say, still ignoring the dragon looking frustrated, “I have seen worse." We sat down and I had to start with the most obvious question, “Araki, what happened a year ago? One day you just dropped all communications with me for no reason."

Araki looked shocked but not all that surprised, “I guess it had been that long since I got here. I'm sorry I couldn't contact you but this island doesn't really have an internet or anything. Do you know how my family is by the way?"

I shake my head, “I tried talking to them once you stopped talking to me, but they never responded to my calls or emails. At some point they just blocked me and I haven't talked to them since."

“I can't really blame them," Araki sighs, “to them, I just up and disappeared one day visiting relatives."

“So how did you end up here?"

“Wish I could tell you. My memory of how I got here is a jumbled mess. The last thing i can remember before I got here is an earthquake hitting my grandparents house."

“Wait, what was this about an earthquake?"

“That is all I can remember. I was in the living room with them when everything started to shake. Things were falling down, the house started to creak. It was a terror to be in. the last thing i can clearly remember is trying to get outside the house. Next thing i knew, i was on the beach being woken up by a tanuki."

“So you don't remember anything?"

“That goes for everyone here on the island," Lewis piped up, “everyone here on the island has no memory of ever arriving. All they remember of something happening and boom, they wake up face full of sand"

_ _ _ _ _(cestreal event)

I was taken back by what i was told, “wait no one remembers how they got onto the island?"

Araki and Lewis both nod.

“But doesn't that bother you though? Like at all?"

Araki spoke first, “it did, considering that I was pretty inland then suddenly found myself on an island with things i never seen before was definitely shocking."

“You can say that," Lewis said, heading into the kitchen, “I still remember when Goh brought you to us, you looked like you were in a daze the entire time. You didn't really speak much and everyone was concerned enough that we had to leave you with the Father for a few days." He picks up an apple and fits the entire thing in his mouth like he was some sort of snake.

“Can you blame me," Araki fired back, “Besides, I'm sure Issac reacted similarly when he saw the village."

“Yeah it was a surprise," I say, “I was half convinced I was dreaming at first, since the last thing I remember is going to bed at night."

“So you were taken in your sleep and you didn't wake up once, that's kind of shocking."

Lewis swallows the apple, “what do you mean, Aki?"

“Well, the Isaac I remember was a very light sleeper. Couldn't wake up in the middle of the night during sleepovers without somehow waking him up as well."

I was perplexed by that, “huh? What do you mean? I don't remember being a light sleeper."

“Well we were pretty young, so I might be remembering wrong or maybe you just learned to tune out the world when you sleep."

“Maybe so," I paused and thought for a moment. Was I a light sleeper as a kid? Pretty sure that they set off a fire alarm by my head once since I wouldn't wake up as a joke.

Lewis suddenly rushes to the windows, “what on earth?" he mutters before going out to a dark night.

Wait, night? Its too early for the sun to set. Araki and I followed Lewis outside and noticed something particular. There was something odd about it. It was both dark and not dark at the same time. Like something was just blocking out the sun instead of turning off the light. “Wait, is this a solar eclipse?"

“Looks like it," Lewis said, his head pointed straight at the sun.

Immediately I started to panic, “Wait, you can't look at an eclipse, Lewis. you'll damage your eyes." 

I reached out to grab his head but he looked away by himself. “You don't need to worry, dragon eyes funcion a bit differently from human ones. I am fine looking at it for a few seconds. Still, it's weird that an eclipse happens now at all times."

“I mean, sure they don't happen often but what is so surprising about it now?"

“Well we knew an eclipse was coming, but the date is wrong," Araki answered, “but the Father said it wouldn't happen for a couple more days. It's unusual for him to be wrong about that."

“Well maybe he just made a miscalculation or something, nobody's perfect."

Both Araki and Lewis had a horrified look on their face before calming down, “but the Father has never been wrong about this kind of thing before." Lewis said, “I mean, he predicted the weather and all sorts of stuff all the time and he has been right every time. It is strange that this is the thing he gets wrong."

“But is it so weird to get things wrong from time to time. I didn't see anything that could be counted as an observatory and someone can't be right all the time. I am sure the Father makes mistakes from time to time." Both Araki and Lewis had a more stunned look on their faces now, like I just stepped on some sort of landmine. Maybe I said something I shouldn't have.

“Anyway," Lewis said, “I am going to check on the village."

“Huh? What for?"

“Honestly I don't know. Could just be my nerves getting to me but I feel like something bad is about to happen."

“Something bad, it's just an early eclipse, it's not like there will be a riot or something."

“Look just," he took a breath, “stay here with Aki until I get back alright."

“Um, why, I know-"


I jumped back from the yelling. I really wasn't expecting to be yelled at just because I was asking some question.

“Look, let's just do what he says," Araki said while putting his hand on my shoulder, “Once he gets like this, it's better to just do what he says."

I looked at Lewis again. He just seems so upset for some reason. Did the Father being wrong about the eclipse really upset him this much? I should probably do what Araki says then. “Alright, alright, i'll stay here until you get back."

Lewis seemed a bit relieved to have heard that, “thanks, i promise i won't be long" he starts to remove his shirt, showing off two scallie wings on his back, “i'll check the village and be right back, don't go anywhere." He crouches down to the ground before leaping up high and the sky and flying off to the direction of the village square.

_ _ _ _ _(basement)

Araki and I went back into his house. In my mind a question was gnawing on the back of my head, “hey Araki, why did you and Lewis get upset with the idea of the Father making a mistake?"

“Did I really seem that upset with you?" He asked while heading to the kitchen.

“You did. It was like I insulted you."

Araki started to pull a pan out of the cabinets and fill it with water, “I guess maybe that idea was uncomfortable. The Father is really a big deal around here. Some people here consider the Father a god even." he places it on the burner and turns it on, “honestly it's kind of scary."

“Yeah." I think back to Lewis how upset he looked because of the eclipse. No, maybe upset wasn't the right word. It was more like he was scared. But why would he be scared about someone being wrong about the eclipse? Does this Father have that much power over people here? I kind of break away from that thought. I'd rather not think about that. “So Araki, what are you making?"

“Tea," he answered.

“Tea? Since when did you drink tea? You always had something carbonated in your hands."

“Well the island doesn't have sodas sadly. Just water, juice, coffee, tea, and alcohol." he sighs, “you kind of get used to it but that alone almost made me take a boat and sail out of here. Honestly if the Father didn't convince me to stay, I would probably be back home now."

“To be honest, same. But what was that about the Father convincing you?"

“It happened on the first day, i was being overwhelmed by everything and wanted to leave right away but the Father spoke to me and told me to give island life a chance"

“Same with me and what he said didn't sound like it was his first time saying it." 

“Probably, he is the leader of the Atmos and all, its probably custom that he be the one to greet people who arrived."

“Maybe so." i lean back in the chair trying to think what to talk about. “So how long do you think Lewis will be gone for?"

“Not too long i imagine, he flies pretty fast, so he should be back soon. Need to go somewhere?"

“Well since i just got here literally yesterday, I was thinking about getting some things, like pillows and blankets. Maybe some clothes if I can."

Araki puts a tea bag in the pot, “well I don't think you are my size, but I do have some spare towels, blankets and other stuff you can use."


“Yeah, they're in the basement." Araki walks over to a corner of the house and opens up a trap door and climbs inside.

I follow him down into his basement. Well, what I saw was basically a storage space more than a basement. Wall to wall was filled with clothes, furniture, boxes, and other things thrown about, “okay so why do you have a basement and why do you have so much stuff?"

Araki laughs, “hey i didn't install it, the last guy that lived here did. Used this space to make his own moonshine or something. Plus everyone got me something when I moved in but i didn't have space for it upstairs, so its down here." Araki started to go through some boxes, “I was sure they were here somewhere.

I started to go though some boxes as well.

“Still, did the Dormitory run out of blankets and stuff?"

“Dormitory, what's that?" I ask.

“Huh, that's the place you are staying right? Everyone who just arrives usually stays at the dorms until they can get a place of their own. Wait if you are not staying at the dorms, where did you sleep last night."

“Oh Kamu is letting sleep at his place for now."

Araki stopped, “Isaac, do you know what that means?"

“Uh, he is a good friend and willing to help."

Araki paused, “Isaac, you might not know this but on Atmos, asking someone to live with you is the same as being in a relationship with them."

“Wait what? Come on be real with me. Two guys living together doesen't mean they are a couple."

“On this island, two guys living with each other means they are a couple. Why me and my boyfriend were talking about it the other day."

A bluescreen appeared in my head as i just muttered, “what?"

_ _ _ _ _(personal sacrifice)

We stared at each other for a while, neither one of us talking. After realizing what he said, Araki spoke up first, “oh shit i didn't mean to say that."

“Y-you have a boyfriend," I say while trying not to mentally crash again. In my head, the image i had of my friend was slowly forming cracks, “since when were you gay?"

“I-Isaac, I know this is upsetting but--"

“I'm not upset just surprised," I said, trying real hard to keep my cool, "you just never seemed lie you were gay. All the people you dated before were girls and, yeah. I know you weren't the best boyfriend to them but, how?"

“Honestly I don't know myself," Araki turns his back to me and opens another box, “hell, maybe I was just always gay and only acted hetoro."

“But the girlfriend? All those comments about how you were attracted to them. What about those?"

I see Araki's shoulders slump, “I just don't know myself. Sure I made those comments but I couldn't tell you if I was being real or not. Everyone else was saying them so I thought I had to say them too."

“And the girlfriends?"

“Isaac you know most of them came up to me right? I wasn't the one to ask them out. I mostly played the motions of being a boyfriend until they grew tired of me not being the ideal man and left."

“But why date them in the first place then for you really didn't have any interest in them?"

“Because I was expected to date them. I had to do so many things I didn't want to because I was expected to be a good boyfriend. I had to spend money on dates and gifts. Had to give up time for them while I would literally rather do anything else. I had to sacrifice so many things just to maintain something that just made me miserable. But things are different here. Now I want to be in a relationship with someone and choose someone by my own will. I like going on dates and spending time with him since he brings much to my life. The Moments I spend with him don't feel wasted but magical." he turns to me to give a weak smile, “sorry, guess i must sound lovesick to you." he turns back to the boxes.

More cracks filled my head as the image I had of Araki slowly crumbled away, “But why a guy?" I ask, “Surely there are some girls that would have been interested in you."

Araki paused again, “Isaac, did you really not notice it?"

“Notice what?"

He sighs and turns to me, “Isaac, I love you man, but you are probably one of the least observant people I know if I have to explain something like this to you." He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks at me, “Atmos is filled entirely with men, Isaac. There isn't a single female here."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No girls on Atmos, it was too unbelievable to be true, “come on Araki, quit pulling my leg. There is no way that's true."

“It's true. Surely you noticed."

“I did not. I was just trying to get used to all the new things I just didn't notice. I mean, when you see something you have never seen before, you don't immediately start questioning gender."

Araki lets go of my shoulder, “well you are right about that. It took me a few days to notice that as well and someone else had to tell me too so i might not be one to talk," he laughs and continues to go through the boxes.

I started to feel anxious. Not to the knowledge of there being no girls on the island, but my proper lack of a response to it. When Araki told me that, while I didn't immediately believe him, I never actually worried about it. I didn't feel sick or shocked or anything. I just felt like it was no big deal for me, like it was just sort of inconvenient thing and not something that would be possibly the worst thing you would want to hear as a man. Did coming to Atmos change me in some way? And if it did, what about Araki and everyone else? Did they get changed by some unseen force on the island?

“Ah hah, found you," Araki pulled out some blankets, “alright I think this should help for now." he starts to fold it up and hands it to me. “Here you go. One blanket, slightly used."

I take the blanket, “are you sure i can have this?"

“Its fine, really. Now to just find some pillows."

_ _ _ _ _(plaza)

After a few more minutes of searching, Araki was able to find the pillows. “Here they are. They're a little flat but should work well enough at least." he hands the pillows to me.

“Thanks again," I say as I take the pillows, my hands getting a little bit full, “do you have some sort of bag i can use to carry all this?"

Araki nods as he goes to another box and pulls out a large grey reusable bag, “Bags like this are common on Atmos, very eco friendly. They last a fair bit and even come in designs." We started putting the stuff away into the bag.

One that was done, we headed back upstairs to have some of the tea that was made. Outside, the eclipse ended and it was bright outside. I wonder how often eclipses happen here on the island? Maybe the Father will know if I ask. I take a moment to get my thoughts together. Wait, why did I think that? Guess my thoughts of Atmos changing people are starting to hold water.

Araki handed me a glass, steam was rising from atop the black liquid, “here you go."

“Thanks," I take a sip and immediately burn my tongue, “ack."

He laughs, “Careful it's hot.".

“A bit late don't you think." We sat down and I wanted to know something, “So this boyfriend of yours, who is he?"

“You mean Goh?"

“If that is his name then yes."

“Oh okay let me think where to start. Well for one he is the tanuki who first found me when I showed up. He works as an actor and stage hand working under Lewis currently.Oh and he also has powers to create illusions, which he uses during productions. He has been on this island for about, maybe 5 years i think he said. He's kind and supportive, if a bit goofy at times. He was the one that helped me get back into drawing and join the ETG."


“Oh that is just shorthand for 'entertainment guild'. It's a mouthful to say so most people shorten it to the ETG for convenience."

“So you are drawing again. I remember you had to stop because of college and stuff."

Araki kind of made a face, “yeah, that. Once I got used to living here, I started drawing again. I started with some simple things at first, but then started to make my own manga, if you can call it that here."

“That's amazing," I say, “do you have any copies around here?"

“Sure, i keep them around for references. Let me get you the first one," Aaraki goes by his desk and starts searching through the books for his manga.

Having a boyfriend, drawing his own manga. This island really did change him. He never talked like this before. Now the question, if that change was for the better? He did seem happy when he was talking about both his boyfriend and manga.

Outside I hear what sounds like flapping and a voice, “hey Isaac, are you still here?" It was Lewis.

“Yeah I am here."

Lewis walks in, still shirtless but in a much calmer state than when he left, “good, you're still here."

“How are things in town?" Araki asked.

“Not great if I can be honest. The sudden eclipse seemed to have startled some people and they decided to start fighting in the plaza."

I was beyond shocked,“Wait what?" I asked, “But why? Did getting the date wrong for one eclipse really set off this much violence."

“No, I don't think the eclipse has anything to do with it." Lewis sniffs the air, “mind if i fix myself some tea first?"

“Help yourself, you know where the glasses are." Araki said.

“Thanks," Lewis goes into the kitchen, pulls out a glass and gets himself some tea, “I really don't know the full story, but it seems like some people couldn't let go of some old grudges and decided to use the confusion of the eclipse to settle old feuds. Fighting is breaking out in the village as we speak." he starts to down the tea, “Honestly haven't seen them act like this before. The peace corps are doing what they can to maintain order, but it might take awhile."

I start to think about the people I met today, Harry, Phillip, Rogith, and Lucas. If they are still in the village then they are in danger. I want to go check on them but if it's as violent as Lewis is saying, I wouldn't stand a chance. Damn it, what do I do?

Lewis finished off his glass and set it down, “while I was out there I ran into Kamu. he was looking for you Isaac. Worried sick about you."

“He is?"

“Yeah, he is. Once he learned I knew where you were, he wanted me to make sure that you get home safely. So come on, I need to get you back home so I can look for my crew."

“But wait, how do I get back if the village is fighting?"

“Each residential district is connected with its own plaza. We will cut through the plaza connecting the North and East district. As far as I can tell, it hasn't reached the residential districts yet, but who knows when that will change." Lewis grabs my arm, “come on we need to go right now."

“W-wait you don't need to pull, just give me a minute." I shook from his grip and head towards Araki, “it was nice seeing you again. I promise to come back another day." I grab the bag and give Araki a quick hug, before being rushed out of the door again.

The neighbourhood seems to be quiet, few people here and there but they don't seem particularly odd or anything. Just seemed like it was just another day to them. Maybe they didn't know about the fights in the village, or maybe they didn't care. It was probably for the best.

We continued until we entered what I can assume was the plaza. It definitely looked like a plaza at least. Around the outer edges were some stalls and benches. Everyone here seemed pretty chill about it. Lewis turns to me, “once you cut through here, just turn right a couple times and you should be in the area where Kamu lives."

“Okay, thanks" I said, scanning the crowds in the plaza.

“You can definitely make it back from here, so be sure to head straight home and stay there." before i can say anything, Lewis was back in the air, leaving me alone. Onlookers watched as the dragon flew away to the village with amazement and awe.

As i scan the crowd once again to be sure, i conformet what Araki was telling me.

Atmos really is inhabited by just men.

_ _ _ _ _ (grand opening)

I looked over the crowd as I moved through the plaza. No matter where I looked, it was obvious every person here was male, that couldn't be argued. It was almost impressive by the way. Back home, both men and women were seen everywhere so it feels odd to only just see males here. Sill, why only are men here? Not only that, but there are no children running around either. Everyone I can see from here is most definitely an adult. This can't be a coincidence. It almost feels deliberate in a way.

“In a manner of speaking, it is quite deliberate, young man." a voice whispered in my ear. I jump away and turn to see the owner. What I see is a gray colored rat man standing beside me. “I didn't mean to startle you young man. But a troubled face makes a good customer, yes yes."

I stepped away and glared at the rat man, “first of all, who the hell are you and why are you whispering in my ear?"

“Oh dear, oh my, it seemed I stepped on tails yet again." the rat chuckled, his face not losing that shifty look at all. He gave a slight bow and continued “I am a humble new fortune teller of this island, you may refer to me as Rosante, though you may call me Rose should you like."

“And the whispering? You didn't answer that."

“A habit of an old life. One whispers to avoid unwanted ears, yes?" Rosante claps his hands together, “Now then young man, what can I help you find?"

I am genuinely confused by this man, “excuse me?"

“As I said, I am a humble fortune teller now. In fact, today is the grand opening of my little stall here. But like all new things, few are willing to try. So I decided to make fate happen." the rat points at me, “you, young man, shall be the first to receive my revelation."

I just stared at the rat man, giving my blankest look I could muster. Is this guy serious?

Rosante chuckles, “oh I am quite serious, young man."

“Wait what?" Did he read my thoughts or something?

“I did, young man. Or would you prefer me using your actual name, Isaac Evans."

I was getting annoyed but this rat man, “okay you need to fucking stop right now."

Rosante chuckled, “oh my, did I step on your tail again? Do forgive me but you are so easy to read. Now about my services--"

“You can take your service and cram it for all I care." I turned to leave but the rat grabbed my wrist, “the hell?"

“Now now, Isaac, do you really want to leave when I have the answer to your little question?"

“And what question is that?"

The grin on the ratman's face just got wider as he said, “you are wondering why Atmos is populated entirely with men, yes?"

“What how did," I pause, “oh right mind reading." with my other hand, I try to pry Rosante's fingers off my wrist, “thanks but no thanks, I can't find that out for myself."

“You can find the answer yes, but the question is, do you have the patience to seek it out? Many have tried to find out the secrets of Atmos before surrendering to the lifestyle of the island. I myself was once one of those that have tried to unravel the secrets of this island."

“Okay so why are you telling me this?"

“Simple, because I want a simple answer. Do you wish to learn all the secrets of Atmos or do you simply want to live within Atmos as one of its own? If you want to know the secrets, know that there will be no better ally than I."

“And what if I don't want to know the secrets? Just live on the island in peace?"

“Then we will be strangers, nothing more or less." Rosante lets go of my wrist. “But if you do choose to live on this island, here is some advice. 'Nothing grows without being tended to in some way'. This will be key to living in Atmos." With that, Rosante turns his back to me and walks away, most likely off somewhere going to confuse, and very much annoy, another man.

_ _ _ _ _(Do the ends justify the means?)

After my weird encounter with a shifty, mind reading rat man, I finally leave the plaza. While I am trying not to, Rosante's words keep bothering me. From what he was implying, this island is more than it seems to be. Others have tried to unravel its mystery before giving up and just living on the island. Did something happen to them to change their mind? Or were the mysteries just too difficult to solve that they just gave up?

The street starts looking familiar as I walk though the neighbourhood. Before long I found myself back at Kamu's house. I enter and see that the house is empty. Guess he would still be out. I set the bag down and sit on the couch. It hasn't even been a full day and this place feels more like home then home ever did. Maybe it was another thing Atmos was doing to me. 

I look around the place. It didn't look particularly messy, but I wouldn't call it clean either. Maybe disorganized would be a good word. With nothing better to do, I get started with some cleaning. The place was really in need of some sort of cleaning while I was doing it. It was like it hadn't been cleaned after it was built. Maybe his work prevents him from cleaning it often enough or something.

After some time passes, the door opens and an obviously exhausted bear walks in.

“Welcome back," I said cheerfully.

Kamu looked at me with a dazed look in his eyes and said nothing when he walked up and wrapped his arms around me.


“Just please," he said, his voice trembling, “just let me have this for a moment."

“Sure," I tried to return the hug by wrapping my arms around his larger frame. 

After a few minutes of hugging, Kamu lets go of me, “thanks, today has been shit."

“I can imagine. I have been told about the fighting in the village."

Kamu winces as he goes over to his bed, “yeah, that was a mess to deal with but," he paused, “during all the fighting, some people got killed."

My heart sank, “what? How can that be?"

“I DON"T FUCKING KNOW!" Kamu screamed, “it just happened alright. Someone died and I couldn't do anything." Kamu collapses on the ground, “WHY? WHY DIDN"T I NOTICE HIM SOONER?" Kamu pounds his fists into the ground letting out a blood curdling roar, then hurdling into a ball and starting sobbing.

I look on with worry. I am out of my depth here. I don't know what to do. I want to help but I don't want to make it worse by saying or doing the wrong thing. What should I do?

The door to outside and a bullman walks in. He immediately notices Kamu sobbing on the floor. The bullman motions me to follow him outside. When I got outside, he closed the door quietly and started speaking, “I take it you are Isaac right?" 

“Yes," I said, “but how do you know my name?"

“Kamu told me a human has just started to live with him this morning and you are at his house, wasn't too hard a guess." the bullman's ears flick around, “my name is Percy, i work together with Kamu in the Peace corps."

“I see, so what are you doing here? Kamu is not in the best shape right now."

“I can see that, though I really can't blame him." Percy looks through the window, while it was hard to see, anyone can still see the vague shape of Kamu on the ground.

“Kamu mentioned something about a murder happaning during the fights."

Percy sighs. “Yeah. During the fighting, someone was killed. Someone close to Kuma."

“Oh shit," I said, now understanding Kamu's outburst, “what about the Killer? Is he still out there?"

“The murderer is being held at base for a moment, but preparations are being made to set him out to sea. It will either happen tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on how things work out with the others. For all we know, he might not even get shipped out alone."

“I can understand the killer getting kicked off of the island, but are the other people who started the fights also being kicked too?"

“I can't say for certain but most likely. Some of the people in the fight have caused trouble before and were told to change their behavior or face the consequences. Granted, some are claiming self defense, so the Peace corps are now having to figure out who started what and how innocent people are."

“That sounds rough."

“It is." Percy sighs, “But that is just how things are runned on Atmos. If people are upsetting the peace of the island like which happened today, they are kicked off the island. No if, and, or buts."

“Doesn't that strike you as a bit harsh or strict?"

Percy's face turned depressed, “it's a means to an end here on Atmos. Ours, the Peace corps, job it to the protectors and the law of this island. We are supposed to preserve the peace of the island though whatever means are deemed necessary, even if it means we have to use people as an example to enforce order."

“But can you really justify it?"

“It's a job that needs to be done, no matter what. Anyone who desterbes the peace of Atmos cannot stay on the island."

“I see." I think back to Rosante's words. Are people that try to solve the island mysteries treated the same way? If I try to solve the mysteries of Atmos, will I be forced to leave? Is that why so many people gave up before? Is that why Rosante approached me back at the plaza, because I just got here and that threat might not work on me? But the people here have been so kind and amazing to me. I don't want to leave.

“Isaac, hey Isaac."

Percy's voice shocked me back to reality, “oh sorry, did you say something?"

“No, but you had a concerned look on your face."

“Oh sorry. I was thinking about how to help Kamu."

“I see." he pauses and snaps his fingers, “why not make his favorite food?"

“Y-you sure that will help?"

Percy nods, “it will be a start at least. Be something that will cheer him up and help him regain his former mood."

“I can see that but the thing is, I don't know his favorite food, plus we don't have any food here at the house."

“You don't need to worry about either of those things. I happen to know what Kamu likes to eat and where to get it. The only problem is that I would rather not have Kamu out of my line of sight for now." Percy looks at me, “which is why, you are going to go get it for me."

“What, me? But I don't know my way around here or what to get."

“Which is why I will be telling you what to get and where to get it. If you are worried about your safety, just know that the peace corps will be doing patrols throughout the village for the entire day, so at the very least, no more fights will break out."

“But still-"

“Look, I have been through similar stuff myself. I know what it is like to lose someone close to you. It is because I know that I feel like I cannot leave Kamu alone like he is now. Unless you know how he feels, there is a good chance that something you say or do will make things worse for him. Can you honestly say you know how to help Kamu right now?"

“I-i," I thought for a moment. “To be honest, no. I have been in a similar situation as this before. I tried to comfort someone who recently lost a relative and in the end only made things worse. But still, I want to help him as much as I can."

“Which is why I want you to get the food while I stay here with Kamu. By the time you get back, we'll have a hearty meal and he should be closer to being the same Kamu you met yesterday."

I look through the window, Kamu has moved from the floor into his bed, his back turned to us. I turn to Percy, “for his sake, I hope you are right."

_ _ _ _ _ (hiking)

I exit the store, my bag full of the items that Percy told me to get. The strap of the bag dug into my skin with the added weight of all the stuff. Salmon, cooking oil, and some vegetables. It Might have taken me much longer than I liked to find the store but I was able to get everything on the list. 

Few people walked the streets right now, each of their faces both tense and gloomy. It is a much different atmosphere than yesterday. With what happened earlier today, I don't blame people for staying away from the village for a while.

As I walked the streets, the buildings around me started to feel familiar. As I continued to walk, I noticed the sign, Auicbora. I paused as I stared at the sign. I should at least check up on them.

I enter the cafe and see a lone human wiping down the tables. He straight up and smiles, “welcome," he said, “I'm sorry but we are closed right now, so maybe come back," he pauses examining my face, “oh you were here earlier weren't you?"

“Yeah I was," I scanned the cafe, seeing that it was deserted except for Lucas here. “Is business slow right now?"

Lucas loses that smile he had, “if by 'slow' you mean 'dead'. Ever since the fight happened, people haven't been stopping by. Any other day and this place would have been packed for the lunch rush."

“Well look on the bright side, today you don't have to deal with a lunch rush today."

“Maybe, but Boss doesn't really like it all that much. If he isn't cooking something, he gets antsy and then starts acting up."

“Acting up how?"

Lucas just shrugged, “oh you know, making crude jokes, offering patrons some of his 'orc love', that sort of thing."

“I literally did not know that Lucas. I only got here yesterday."

Lucas looked a bit puzzled, “huh? How do you know my name?"

“Your Boss told me. I'm Isaac by the way. Speaking of, where is Rogith?"

“In the kitchen making lunch. With business being this slow, he decided he will just close until the evening and take me hiking."

“Oh that's nice of him. The weather outside is fine for that kind of stuff."

“Yeah, though hiking might not be the only thing on the Boss' mind." his face goes a bit red, “i can already tell i will be on the receiving end of some 'orc love' while we are on the trail."

“Orc love?"

“W-well you know." he stutters, his face going a bit more red.

Just then Rogith exits the kitchen, “hey Lucas, just finish with the meal." He notices me, “Isaac, how are you buddy."

“I'm doing alright. Lucas told me you are going hiking later."

The orcs chuckle, “yeah 'hiking'." he chuckles again, “still, it's nice to see that you are okay Isaac. Things were pretty bad for a bit."

“Yeah, I heard about the fighting that happened. Did it happen far from here?"

Rogith shakes his head, “nope, just the next street over where it started. Spread over here not long after as we had people ducking in to get away from the fighting. Honestly it sounded like the whole village was in on it."

“That definitely sounds scary," I say, “so do you know why the fighting started?"

“I was in the kitchen when the fighting started," the orc turns to Lucas, “do you know anything, Lucas?"

Lucas shakes his head, “not much. By the time I realized something was happening, the fighting had already gotten started. Not even the people that were hiding had a clue what was going on."

“I see. Guess I was asking for a bit much,"I adjust the strap. Once I did, I suddenly remembered what I was doing. “Well i have to go now, enjoy the hike you two." I leave the cafe and start walking back home until I see a certain human passing by me, “Harry, you're alright."

“Isaac," Harry exclaimed as he rushed over to me, “you're alive?"

“I guess you were worried I was caught up in the fight as well. What about Phillip, is he okay too?"

“Yeah, Master and I are fine. The fighting never reached the area the workshop is in so we didn't notice anything until it was already over."

“That's good," I breathed a little easier knowing they were safe while it went down, “anyway, I have to run. Don't want the food to spoil. Ciao," and with that I ran all the way back to the east residential district.

_ _ _ _ _(This can't be the end)

I continued to walk through the neighbourhood, I started to pick up the feel of the neighbors. The tense air that was in the village started to make its way into the living district. The faces of the people I passed seemed tense and shaken. Conversations I pick up are usually about the fight, the eclipse, or even the murder that happened today. It was a pretty eventful day for everyone involved it seems. It makes me wonder what everyday is like that everything that happens just rattled everyone on the island. Seeing them like this, I wondered how long it would take before things go back to how they were yesterday. This can't be the end of Atmos, can it?

I entered Kamu's home, “I'm back," I announced as I put the bag on the table.

“Welcome back," Percy said, putting aside a book, “took you awhile to get everything, something happened?"

“Yeah, I didn't really know my way around," I looked over to Kamu. he had his back turned to me, but I could see that he was reading some sort of book. 

“You don't need to worry about him," Percy said going through the bag, “He should be through the worst of it now. Well mostly."

Kamu lets out a groan, “you know I can speak for myself. I'm not some cub."

“I am aware, just soothing Isaac's anxieties is all." Percy starts emptying out the ingredients onto the table. Once they were all on the table, he turned to me, “so, any idea how to cook salmon?"

I turned to him, “huh? You don't know?"

“Nope, completely vegan, which is why I asked for the vegetables. Was really hoping you knew what to do."

“Uh, kind of hard to do when you didn't tell me the name of the dish."

“Oh right, we are making pan-fried salmon."

“Okay, got it." I say as I look over the ingredients, “how do I start?" Percy and I just stared at each other with dumbfounded looks on our faces. Well this plan is not going well.

Kamu grumbles as he gets from the bed, “how do neither one of you know how to pan fry a fish? This is like one of the most basic recipes in cooking."

“Sorry," I said as I backed away from the table and the bear. “I really didn't cook much back home."

Kamu sighs as he pulls out a pot and a pan, “it's fine. Hopefully, I can teach you a thing or two while you are living here." 


Kamu starts putting the cooking oil in the pan, “It's fine, I'd rather be cooking anyway."

_ _ _ _ _(an old flame)

I watch as Kamu cooks the salmon. I was determined to learn how to cook it properly so I can do it next time. The smell and sounds of cooked fish slowly filled the air of this modest house.

“You know you don't have to watch so intently," Kamu said as he started flipping the salmon, “it really is a simple dish that anybody can do."

“You really don't know how much of a disaster I was at cooking back home." I say, keeping an eye on the fish, “hell, most of my diet consists of whatever I can cook in a microwave."

Kamu chuckled, “no microwave here sadly, granted I haven't seen anything here that actually needs a microwave. Funny how island life really has a way of making people learn how to cook. Seems like nobody has ever cooked before coming to this island."

“Even you?"

Kamu laughed, “nah I was one of the lucky ones that knew how to cook properly before arriving. Hell, even Johnny didn't know how to cook even when," Kamu trailed off and lost the smile he had a moment ago. It looked like Kamu was trying to fight the urge to cry as well.


“Sorry," he said wiping his eyes, “just give me a sec." I reached over and rubbed Kamu's back. That might have been the wrong choice as tears came out of him. “Johnny? Johnny why?"

Percy rushes over and pulls Kamu into a hug, “shhh, shh, it's okay it's okay. Just breathe, in and out. In and out." Percy leads Kamu to his couch and sits him down.

I didn't want to make matters worse so I turned my attention to cooking fish. I wanted to make sure that it didn't burn and make this whole meal pointless. Johnny must have been the guy that was murdered today with how Kamu is acting. He must have really been close to him to have this much of an effect on Kamu.

After a few minutes of crying, Kamu calls out in a tired voice, “the fish should be cooked enough. Just serve it up already."

I turn off the burner and put the fish on the plates. As Kamu said, they looked cooked enough at least. As I placed the food on the table, I asked, “So what do you want to drink?"

WIthout saying a word, Kamu opens up the refrigerator and pulls out some dark colored bottle. Without getting a glass, he opens it and starts to drink out of the bottle directly as he sits at the table.

“I'll just have some water," Percy said as he fixed himself a salad from the vegetables we brought, “Also, Kamu you can have my fish if you want, I don't plan on eating it."

Kamu takes one of the fishes and puts it on his own plate.

As we ate our food, no one dared speak. An awkward silence filled the house. Part of me wanted to ask about Johnny. Know what kind of person he was to Kamu and such. But seeing how Kamu is, it might have been better to keep quiet until later.

Kamu finished his two fish first. As he puts his plate in the sick, “Percy, can you do me a favor? Tell Isaac about Johnny for me."

Percy and I just stare at the bear. “Are you certain?" Percy asked.

“Yeah, I could tell Isaac wants to know. Just do it outside so I can't hear you talk, please." As he said that, Kamu walked over to his bed and crawled under the covers.

After we ate, Percy took me outside. The sky was slowly getting darker but the sun hasn't quite set just yet. The bull spoke first, “I suppose I should tell you about Johnny then."

“Are you sure that's alright,'' I ask.

Percy just sighs, “I might as well since I doubt Kamu will be in a better state soon and might be better if you avoid his toes. Now where to start," the bull scratched the base of his horns, “well for starters, Johnny, or just John, was a human and had been on this island for maybe three years, I think, and was Kamu's lover."

“His lover," I shouted before covering my mouth, “sorry. So they were a couple?"

“Both a yes and no. Johnny had multiple lovers all over the island, Kamu just being one of them. Johnny would spend a day with each lover before moving onto the next, kind of like going through a cycle."

“And people here are okay with it?"

“Yeah, some relationships on Atmos are like that. Most just pick one guy and be monogamous, but some function similar to Johnny in a way. He was very upfront about it so most of his lovers knew what to expect."

“And Kamu was okay with it?"

“Well he never complained about it in any way. He just enjoyed Johnny's company whenever they had time for it. All and all, they both were happy with the arrangement." 

“I see." Since Johnny was his lover, no wonder Kamu was broken up about it the way he is. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Kamu hated the murderer. I freeze, “Wait, I just realized something." I looked directly into Percy's eyes, “why are you here with us?"

Percy sighs, a look of surrender  on his face, “I guess I did make things a bit obvious didn't I."

“So you admit to having some motive for staying by Kamu."

Percy chuckled, “I wouldn't call it a motive and more like orders from the commander."


“I am supposed to always be in eye sight of Kamu until ordered to do otherwise. No ifs, and, or buts."

“But why," I ask, “ Kamu is with the Peace corps. Why would they have a member of there own watching him?"

“Because the commander feels like if no one is watching him, Kamu will kill Johnny's murderer."

_ _ _ _ _(indecisive)

“Hold on, what do you mean that Kamu might kill the murderer?" I ask, not believing a word Percy was saying.

“As i said, the Commander thinks that if left to his own devices, Kamu will attempt to kill the murderer with his own hands. That is why, until the murderer is off the island, Kamu will have to be supervised and not allowed at HQ."

“So under house arrest?"

“In a sense. At some point I will be relieved of my duty and it will be someone else's job to watch him." Percy looks off into the distance of the village, “or maybe it's happening now."

I followed Percy's gaze and  saw some sort of bird man flying towards us. The bird lands in front of the house and looks at Percy, “I have news from HQ. The murderer has been sent out to sea, so you don't need to watch Kamu anymore."

“I see," Percy said, “is that all?"

“No, I also have a message for Kamu as well. Is he inside now?"

“Yes," Percy opens the door and lets everyone in.

Kamu was still in his bed, not moving since we went outside, the birdman stepped forward, “Kamu, I have a message for you from the commander."

Kamu huffed as he turned to face the birdman, not a pleasant look on his face, “so what is it? I am trying to sleep now."

“The Commander is letting you come back to HQ, starting tomorrow."

“So the guy is gone then?" Kamu huffed, “alright, i'll come in tomorrow and--"

“There is more," the birdman interrupted, “ the commander wishes you to go through counseling before returning to service. Father is already making time for you tomorrow morning at his earliest." 

“Fine," Kamu huffed as he turned away from the birdman.

The birdman leaves the house and takes off into the air in short order.

As I watched the birdman fly away I said, “So Kamu is going to be okay right?"

Percy looked at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, “I don't know. You can't really brush off something like this so easily. This is something that is going to take serious time and effort to pull Kamu out of the funk he is going through. We each have to play a part in it."

“Then what am I supposed to do then?" I ask.

“I don't know. Whatever you can at the moment." Percy answered. “For now just keep an eye on him and let me know if anything changes. I am just a few houses away from here."

“How many is a few?"

“Seven, anyway. I need to head back to HQ first and give a report. Just do what you can at the moment." Percy then walks off back into the direction of the village.

I go back into the house. In my head I started to wonder what I can do to actually help Kamu through this instead of just being here just waiting stuff to happen. What can I really do in this situation?

_ _ _ _ _(will they/won't they)

As I look though the house, my eyes immediately go to the kitchen. We have just eaten and the table and dishes should be cleaned immediately. I grabbed a cloth and started to wipe down the table. “So Kamu," I said, “once it gets darker, do you want to go look at the stars again?"

Kamu didn't respond, but I was certain that he heard me. I took his silence as a no and just continued with the cleaning.

By the time I was done, it was already dark outside. The stars should be out now. I am sure they would be nice to look at. I turn to the bear in the bed. On my first night here, he showed me the stars in the sky and I was starstruck. To see him like this is heartbreaking. It's understandable, sure, but to just have no way to help is frustrating. Maybe I should just go to bed and just see what tomorrow brings.

As I set up the pillows and blankets, Kamu spoke, “Hey Isaac, can I ask for a favor?

I stopped what I was doing and turned to the bear, “sure, anything."

Kamu was silent for a bit before continuing, “do you mind sleeping in my bed with me tonight?"

I was certainly surprised by that request. I mean, this is my second night here. I really didn't think I would be getting into someone's bed that quickly. “I mean I can, but can I ask why?"

“I just need intimacy right now." he said, “if you don't want to, then just forget it."

“No no, it's fine. Just give me a sec." I put down the pillows and moved to the opposite end of the bed and crawled under the sheets with Kamu.

Once I was under the sheets, Kamu wrapped me in his bear arms and pulled me close to him. We laid there in silence for a few minutes before he spoke, “Johnny was supposed to come over tonight."

“He was?"

“Yeah," Kamu rests his head on top of mine, “After work, I was to bring him home and tomorrow we would have done whatever we wanted since I asked for tomorrow off. I was really looking forward to you two meeting each other."

“Hey Kamu, what kind of person was he?"

“He was...amazing. He was the kind of guy who would be the life at any party. Fun, easy-go-lucky, excitable. It didn't take him long to make his way into my life and make himself comfortable. As a lover, he was tender and patient with me despite my lack of experience with these things. Whenever he spent time with me, it felt like a whole new experience I have never done before."

“I see." I wrapped my arms around the bear, “did it ever bother you he had more than just you?"

“No. By the time I was his lover, I already knew what I was in for. The others enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed theirs." Kamu laughs, “who would have thought my first serious boyfriend would be like that." Kamu holds me closer, his voice now trembling, “I miss him already. I will never see Johnny again for as long as I live and I miss him already."

I stayed silent.

Kamu started sobbing," Why? Why is my last memory of him as a corpse? Why?"

I didn't say anything. I doubt anything that I could say would have improved Kamu's mood anyway. The only thing I can do is just be there for him until I can fill the spot Johnny has left in his heart.

_ _ _ _ _(Romance)

The new morning sunlight was the first to wake me from my slumber. I tossed and turned to go back to sleep, but I was already aware and awake of the world around me. “I don't want to get up," I muttered as I attempted to dive face first into Kamu's chest, only to be met with the mattress. Wait, mattress? I lift my head up and see that Kamu is not on the bed anymore. In fact, I don't see him anywhere here.

Just as I was wondering where my bear had gone, The front door to the house opens and walks in Kamu carrying bags of food. He greeted me with a warm smile and a cheerful tone, “oh morning Isaac."

“Morning," I said while getting up from the bed, “did you swing by the store?"

“Yep," Kamu puts the bags on the table, “went out early to get the best stuff before it is gone. Granted I can only carry so much myself, but this should last us awhile."

“Sorry. If I woke up sooner, I could have helped you bring more stuff back."

“It's fine," Kamu said as he started putting the food away, “besides, I wanted to have some time to think about stuff."

“I see," I notice him pulling out eggs from the bag and come up with an idea, “why not let me make breakfast today?"

“You sure? I thought you were a disaster in the kitchen."

“Hey, even I can cook an egg no problem. I'm not that hopeless." I laugh and grab the eggs and some meat. “Just give me a minute and you will have a delicious omelette with your name on it."

“Well if you say so." Kamu starts putting away the other food while I cook. 

While I was cooking, I was stealing glances at Kamu. For all appearances, it seems like Kamu is back to how I first met him, kind and sweet. Still, knowing what I do, it might just be possible the bear himself is just pretending all is fine to not worry me, which is just making me worry more. Hopefully once he sees the Father, Kamu really would start feeling better.

After a few minutes of cooking, I finished making two separate omelets. “Kamu," I say, holding up the plates of food, “ready for breakfast?"

“In a minute," Kamu said before putting away his book. As he takes his first bite of the omlet, a smile forms on his face, “this is good. Not bad from someone who said he was a disaster in the kitchen."

I laugh, “even a disaster like me can cook eggs. It's not like it is too hard to do it."

“Says a guy that didn't know how to pan cook a fish last night."

“Hey, fish are hard to get back home. It's not my fault I don't know how to cook it."

“Bah excuses. In this house we eat fish and no man living here isn't going to not know how to cook them the way I like it." We both laugh. Kamu might have needed it more then me but it was nice to laugh along with someone.

“So anyway, what kind of books do you read anyway?"

Kamu got a puzzled look on his face, “what brought this up?"

“Just curiosity mostly. You do have some books laying around and all i did see you read a couple times."

“Well it can't be helped. We don't have things like TV or internet here, so we have to fall back on the good ole book to pass time around here. You can find a good mix of stuff here on the island to read."

“I see, but you didn't answer my question though."

“Oh right. Well um, promise you won't laugh."

“Huh? Why would I laugh?"

Kamu looked a bit more flustered, “well the books here. See, most of them are romance novels."

“Oh that's nice," I say as I take some bites of my omelet.

Kamu looked confused by my reaction, or rather, my lack of a reaction. “Huh? You are okay with me liking romance novels?"

“Why not," I shrugged, “plenty of guys out there who enjoy romance novels. And since you have more than one, there is clearly a market for those kinds of books here on Atmos."

“Oh good. I was worried you would laugh." Kamu started to relax a bit, “honesty back home my friends always made fun of me just because I like this stuff. They would always give me a single ticket whenever a new movie comes out and such."

“That's nice of them but I don't get how that is counting as making fun of."

“They always do it at the same movie theater. Every time I went to see it, I had to pretend I was waiting for someone or got stood up and couldn't exchange the ticket so I had to watch it by myself. I might have used the stood up part too many times because I remember one manager trying to set me up because he thought I just had bad luck with women."

“That is embarrassing." 

We continue to eat our food in peace. Just after we both have taken our last bite, a knock can be heard from the door. Kamu goes up to open it and we see the Father on the otherside smiling at us, “Hello Kamu," the Father said before turning to me, “why hello to you too, Isaac."

“Good morning, Father." Kamu said as he made a gesture towards the Father. I tried to mimic the gesture in turn as well.

The Father notices my attempt and smiles, “it seems that you are getting used to life on Atmos already."

“Yes," I say as I clean up, “it is a great place, even with what happened yesterday."

The Father's smile fades away when I say that, “yes, truly a tragedy. Yesterday was truly a dark day for our home of Atmos. However, time marches forward even if we wish for it to stop." the Father turns to Kamu, “my son, what you are feeling right now I wouldn't wish on anyone. My only wish is to help you deal with this pain in any way I can. That is why i am here today, to ease the suffering in your heart and show you the joys of life again."

Kamu bows, “thank you Father."

“So do you usually make house calls when you have to counsel someone, Father?" I ask.

“Yes," the Father responded, “for things like counseling, I prefer to go to people's houses, where they will be more comfortable opening up to me. Now then, before we begin the counseling, there is something we need to discuss, Isaac."

“With me?"

“Yes, for one, I prefer to keep these sessions private for one-"

“You don't need to tell me the rest," I interrupted getting my shoes on, “it's the same thing back home as well. I can find something to do for a few hours while you talk."

“Thank you for understanding." I turn to leave, “before you go Isaac," the Father said, “be sure to pick up a rain coat while you are gone, it is supposed to rain later today."