Current Track: Blabb

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This is where the description goes, right?

I go by various can just call me AstroSecant. There's no real story behind that; I just liked how it sounded. I'm a bit on the odd side, according to those who know me. I'm okay with this. Please excuse the overuse of exclamation points when we chat. That's just kind of a thing I do.

I'm something of a writer by hobby. While I write stories with both tame and adult content, there will primarily be adult content here. I'm sure many of you will have no problem with that. There are certain thematic elements that will appear frequently, elements which I find most appealing to my personal tastes, though I hope that others find them appealing as well. However, I have little control over my muse, so you can get anything from typical to serious to silly to just plain bizarre. Don't worry, I'm perfectly stable...well, as much as anyone can be these days. And in the end, I only hope for you to be satisfied, no matter what happens.

My mind is a category 11 hurricane of ideas. 90% of the ideas I think up will probably never actually be written, whether because I don't feel I can do the story justice or because I don't know what to do with it, or simply because I don't have the time. Of the 10% that have a chance, there's still a lot of competition for my attention, and the end result is that I become a terrifically slow writer. I get around this with backlog, having plenty of stories finished ahead of time so that I keep up with posting even if I'm literally working on a hundred different projects.

The best way to get something in particular written by me is by commissioning me. is my new commissions information page, it should have most of what you need but you are free to ask questions. Please feel free to contact me at any time, but I cannot guarantee I'll take your idea, only that I'll consider it.

I also run occasional polls to get feedback on what people want to see more of. I don't currently have a sequel poll running, but eventually I'll open up another one.

Feel free to contact me, if you so desire; I'm open for RP, or just to chat, whatever your preference is.
My Telegram account is, predictably, AstroSecant.
If Telegram isn't your thing but Discord is, you can add me at Astro Secant#8822.