Current Track: Blabb

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Aurora Selima

Hello there. Thank you for checking out my profile. As you can see, my name is Aurora Selima and I am a White Tigress. I am 5'6 and 180 lbs. I am the only last White Tigress in my family. When I was little, my parents left me to defend on my own. I had to figure out how to survive. I hunted for my food when I needed it and only built my shelter when I had to. I never stayed in one place for a long time. If you are going to address me in a whisper, please address me with the right name. Aurora is my first name, not Selima which is in fact my last name. Thanks.

Pic is not mine. I will taking it off if the owner says so.

Name: Aurora Selima

Age: 29
Bust size: 40B
Clothes: Short shorts and always a tank top.
Eyes: Green
Fur color: White with black stripes

That's all i have right now. I'll update when i can.

If you want to get ahold of me outside of SF, here is my Skype: Aurora Selim
Feel free to add me on there if you have it and want to.