Current Track: Blabb

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Heya! My name's Max, I'm agender and you can use they/them or my neo pronouns ky/kyer to refer to me. I'm 30 years old and married, and I'm making my way in the world as a furry artist.

You can find more examples of my work here -->

Follow me on BlueSky!


I've been drawing for over 20 years, and there's still things I could improve on, so constructive criticism is appreciated! I use Paint Tool Sai with no special brushes downloaded, and I'm not particularly interested in changing that. Everything it has works just fine for me :]

My terms are as follows:

I have the right to decline providing my service to any one for any
reason. My work is not to be reposted anywhere without my permission,
except by the commissioner. My work is absolutely not to be used as a
non-fungible token or anything cryptocurrency related, violation of this
term will result in legal action. I do not consent to my work being put
in an AI algorithm. If this particular term is broken, the offender
will pay twice the amount of the commissioned work. Refunds are
non-negotiable once I have reached the point in the commission that
colors have been applied. At this time, I am not able to provide refunds under any circumstances. This may change in the future.
I cannot take rushed commissions, I'll finish the piece when I finish
it, I'm sorry if that's an inconvenience, but I will not risk burnout.
Thank you for understanding.

Things I will draw:

- Cutesy solo/partner art

- Action scenes

- Illustrations


- Kink/fetish art

- Non-consensual art*

Things I will NOT draw:

- Scat/vomit

- Zoophilia

- CP

- NFTs

If this list is not clear enough, please don't be afraid to ask if I am
comfortable drawing what you're looking for. I'm a pretty open minded

*I will only draw noncon art if I can speak with both parties, and they
both explicitly consent to the material. I am not going to take your
word for someone else's.

Telegram Stickers

Telegram stickers can be either head shot expressions, or waist-up
gestures, and are flat colored. Stickers sold in a pack of 10 are
subject to a 10% discount. If a pack of more than 10 is desired, after
the 10% discount, each additional sticker is 50% off. NSFW stickers are

Stickers: $10/e

10 Pack: $90

15 Pack: $115

20 Pack: $140

Keep in mind, the more stickers you order, the longer your order will
take to complete, as I will likely have other projects I need to work
on! Rest assured, you will receive each sticker as they are completed.


Comes with colors

Headshot: $10

Waist-up: $15

Full Body: $20

Add Clothes for +$10

Add a Character for +50% (up to 4 characters in one image, price negotiation needed for 5+ characters)

No Background Option

Line Art

Head shot: $15

Waist-up: $20

Full body: $30

Add Clothes for +$10

Add Effects* (colored) for +$10

Add Shading for +$20

Add Background for +$25

Add a Character for +50% (up to 4 characters in one image, price negotiation needed for 5+ characters)

*Effects; lightning, fire, smoke, etc.

If you would like to color a lined piece on your own, I'm okay with
that! Just let me know, so I can include a .psd file with the .png.

Flat Colors

Head shot: $25

Waist-up: $35

Full body: $45

Add Clothes for +$15

Add Effects* for +$15

Add Shading for +$25

Full Render for +$50 (shading and highlights, better fur/hair texture)

Add Background for +$40

Add a Character for +50% (up to 4 characters in one image, price negotiation needed for 5+ characters)

*Effects; lightning, fire, smoke, etc.

Reference Sheets

Sketch Pages (colors included): $15-$20/sketch

Simple Reference (Front full body, 2 expressions/accessories): $75

Advanced Reference (Front full body, shoulders to behind back view, 2 expressions/accessories): $100

Complex Reference (Front and back full body, 3 expressions/accessories): $130

Expressions and Accessories are interchangeable.

Expressions such as: happy, shocked, mischievous, etc.

Accessories such as: clothes, weapons, armor, jewelry, etc.


Comics are a bit more complex than most commissions
and pages are priced on a case by case basis. Panel number per page is
negotiable within reason, starting with 3 panels. No extra charge for
NSFW or kink related content. Please refer to my TOS to check if I will or won't draw your desired content.